The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Frank OWEN, of Maple Forest, received a telegram, stating that his father, who lived in Genesee County, was dead. He took the first train so as to be in time to attend the funeral. (19 Dec 1889)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-LOVELL'S LOCALS - Thursday morning Geo. F. OWEN, received a telegram stating that his mother was dead. (28 May 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-G. F. OWEN is enjoying a visit of his brother of Lapeer. (29 Apr 1909)- GEO. F. OWENS
HAD BEEN RESIDENT OF CRAWFORD COUNTY 45 YEARS.Saturday, during the night, George F. OWENS, pioneer resident and estimable citizen of Crawford county, passed away at his home, after a lingering illness, due indirectly to the infirmities of old age, he having almost reached his 75 mark. For several months he has been too feeble to leave his home. He was given every comfort during his illness and last week when his condition became serious his children who reside away were called here and were with their father when he passed away.
The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at Danebod hall, and was conducted by Grayling F. & A. M., of which the deceased was a member. Rev. J. Herman BAUGHN of the Michelson Memorial church delivered an impressive sermon, and the remains were laid to rst in Elmwood cemetery.
George Frank OWEN was born in Atlas, Genesee county, Michigan, April 3rd 1848, and came to Crawford county 45 years ago, locating in Lovells, where he purchased considerable land and engaged in farming. He took an active interest in civic affairs of the county and especially of Lovells township, and served as sheriff of Crawford county for two terms, between the years 1900 and 1904.
He was married at the age of 28 years to Ella DONAHUE to whom were born eight children, five of whom survive. Several years ago Mr. OWEN retired from his labors and came to Grayling to reside. He was a very fine old gentleman and always bore a sterling character, and was held in deep affection by the members of his family.
Besides his wife, three sons and two daughters survive, Ray, Glenn and Charles of Detroit, Mrs. L. WERNER of Bay City and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT of this city. In attendance at the funeral other than those above mentioned were a sister, Mrs. F. BUZZELL and husband of Flint and a brother Charles OWEN and wife of Ortonville. (16 Oct 1924)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED - Feb. 17 the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. HARRIS. (14 Feb 1907)-Roy HARRIS an employee of the Dowel Pin Factory had the misfortune to have two fingers of his left hand amputated by a "puncher." (5 Dec 1907)
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, September 29, 1910
While driving home last Saturday evening, Peter AEBLI, foreman of the Avalanche together with his daughter Mrs. Henry BORCHERS and Roy HARRIS upon reaching the bridge drove off, it being dark so that they could not see, turning the buggy over and completely wrecking it. No one received any very prainful bruises and Peter landed safely on his feet. (28 Sep 1933)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, July 14, 1910
BORN - to Mr. and Mrs. Roy HARRIS, Sunday, July 19th, an 8-pound daughter. All well. (13 Jul 1933)- Roy HARRIS has left the employ of the Dowel company and is driving the ice wagon for J. J. NIEDERER. His family moved out to the country. (30 May 1935)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED - Feb. 17 the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. HARRIS. (14 Feb 1907)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, July 14, 1910
BORN - to Mr. and Mrs. Roy HARRIS, Sunday, July 19th, an 8-pound daughter. All well. (13 Jul 1933)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, Feb. 18, 1913
Mrs. Roy HARRIS was taken to Mercy Hospital Tuesday, for treatment. (13 Feb 1936)- The members of the class who look forward to graduation are.....Annabelle HARRIS. (plus 30 others) (21 May 1931)
The members of the class are as follows:
Annabelle HARRIS, daughter of Mrs. Nettie DAVIS. (11 Jun 1931)-Mrs. Henry BORCHERS, and her sister Mrs. Nettie DAVIS and the latter's daughter Miss Annabelle HARRIS spent a few days visiting friends in Saginaw last week. Miss Annabelle is one of the operators at the local telephone exchange. (20 Aug 1931)
-Word was received Turesday morning by relatives of the sudden death of Fred AEBLI Sr., age 44 at his home in Bay City from a heart attack. Deceased was a son of the late Peter AEBLI and lived here for many years. His wife was formerly Eva SanCartier by whom he is survived, together with three children, Fred Jr., Beatrice and Eleanor. He was a brother of Mrs. henry BORCHERS, Mrs. Nettie HARRIS of Grayling and John, who resides in Canada. The funeral is being held this afternoon in Bay City and several relatives from Grayling are planning on attending. (18 May 1933)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry BORCHERS, Mrs. Nettie HARRIS, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest BORCHERS, Mr. and Mrs. Emil NIEDERER and Mrs. Frank MUHR attended the funeral of Fred AEBLI in Bay City last Thursday. (25 May 1933)
-With a jack knife and a piece of white pine, Mrs. Nettie HARRIS carved the likeness of the old and much beloved picture "The End of the Trail," which is on display in the window of the Grayling Jewelry Shoppe. Mr. MILLS intends taking it to the World's Fair exposition at Chicago and put it on display. It is a very clever piece of work. Her sister Mrs. Henry BORCHERS also does a lot of jack knife carving, making animals of all kinds, which are very pretty. (13 Jul 1933)
"Carves with a Jack Knife" is the caption of an article appearing in the Detroit Free Press Sunday, telling about the genius of Mrs. Nettie HARRIS as a wood carver. The article reads as follows:
Minitures of Deer Show Woman's Unique Genius
Ever since she was a little girl, Mrs. Nettie HARRIS, of Grayling, has carved things. in the old days, when she lived on a farm, the fence posts and rails showed evidence of her work. Today, nothing makes her happier than to be busy with a pocket knife on a block of soft wood, shaping it and making it live.
Last summer, she saw a wild deer in the woods near Grayling. Carefully she observed its manner; the alert ears, the long slender legs, the white tail, the questioning eyes. Then she went home and carved a deer out of white pine, wood which once grew in thick forests about Grayling.
Mrs. HARRIS works without models. First she outlines the work on the woodblock with a pencil, then carves patiently with the picket-knife. Every little detail is fashioned from memory. The finished work is not smoothed, but the final artistic knife-cuts are left, to show that the work is done entirely by hand.
The collection of deer now includes does and fawns and bucks in various poses. Some of them stand all alert, as if disturbed by a hunter, others are grazing or licking saltblocks, while still others are pictured on the run, as if escaping from danger.
She has tried carving other wild animals also, but she says she likes carving deer best. She likes their graceful poses, their beautiful proportions, their wild appearance. She carves because she likes to do so, and as the little figures come to life, each knife-stroke betrays genius-untrained but genuine. (21 Dec 1933)-Mrs. Nettie HARRIS and daughter Annabelle and Mrs. Henry BORCHERS spent Wednesday in Saginaw and Flint visiting relatives. (13 Sep 1934)
-Milton BEAUCHANT, a woodcarver of Lapeer, arrived Tuesday to be the guest of Mrs. Nettie HARRIS for a few days. (6 Dec 1934)
-Mrs. Nettie HARRIS and Mrs. Warren STEPHEN and daughter, Joanne, have moved from the Henry BORCHERS residence to the house formerly occupied by the George LUTZ family. (23 May 1934)
-Have you noticed the wood carvings, which are on display in some of our local business places? They are the work of Mrs. Nettie HARRIS, and are worthy of much praise. (18 Nov 1937)
-Mrs. Nettie HARRIS underwent an emergency operation at Mercy Hospital Sunday morning. She is reported as getting along nicely. (20 Jan 1938)
-Mrs. Nettie HARRIS, who underwent an operation at Mercy Hospital a couple of weeks ago, is recovering nicely and will soon be able to leave the hospital. (3 Feb 1938)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. Peter ABLI, of Grove, has a fine barn 20x28 nearly finished. (3 Nov 1881)-Mr. Peter ABLE, who has been for ten months at work at the "art preservative" on the Free Press at Cincinnati, has returned to his home in Grove, where he will give his attention to agriculture. (1 Jun 1882)
-A first-class Springfield breech-loading rifle, good as new, and a good silver hunting-case watch to trade for a cow. Inquire at this office, or of P. AEBLI, sec. 34, t27 n, 2 w. (17 Aug 1882).
-Mr. Peter AEBLI has gone to Cincinnati to take a case in a printing office for a few months, the place which he occupied last winter. After this season he hopes to be able to remain on his homestead and give his entire time to agricultural pursuits. (11 Sep 1882).
-P. ABLEI, of Grove, has returned from Cincinnati and will remain with us. He gives a graphic description of the great flood in that city. ( 13 Mar 1884).
-A CARD - Grove, April 14, 1884.
To Mr. Peter AEBLI:
We, the undersigned citizens of Grove township, do hereby tender you our heartfelt sympathy in this your hour of trouble and affliction, and that you still enjoy our trust and confidence, and it is the wish and desire of the people of this township that you prosecute the person that has caused you this trouble to the full extent of the law.
Thomas LOUND, John LEECE, Chas. A. INGERSON, Geo. FAUBLE, H. SCHREIBER, S. R. SMITH, Fritz HUESLI, L. A. SMITH, John MORGAN, H. FELTHOUSER, Elmer FAUBLE, C. DALSA, L. STEVENS, S. C. KNIGHT. (17 Apr 1884).-Peter AEBLI - appointed Health Officer of Township of Grove. (1 May 1884)
-Mr. Peter AEBLI of Grove Township is assisting us in the office, and on Mondayh brought in samples of Wheat, Oats and Millet raised on his farm. they are second to none seen by us this season, and prove conclusively that fine grain can be grown in Grove, and tha he can farm as well as set type. (28 Aug 1884).
-Peter AEBLI, Blaine Township's Supervisor, purchased a Wheel Spring Harrow, on last Monday, Peter is a Printer as well as a farmer, and knows a good thing when he sees it. A few more of the same sort left. (27 Aug 1885)
-Peter AEBLI, of Blaine, sheared 48 1/2 pounds of wool from four sheep. The wool from one buck weighed 22 pounds. Sheep will certainly pay in Crawford county. (14 Jun 1888)
-Peter AEBLI and F. F. HOESLI, of Blaine, were to town last Tuesday. Lots of rain in Blaine. (9 Aug 1888)
-Peter AEBLI, of Blaine, is acting as supervisor of that township in the absence of Mr. BRADFORD. (11 Oct 1888)
-Peter AEBLI and Fred HOESLI, of Blaine, were in town last Friday, and made us a call. (21 Feb 1889)
-Peter AEBLI, of Blaine - raised sheep. (9 May 1889)
-Mrs. Peter AEBLI improved so much last week, that she was able to be taken home on Saturday. (19 Sep 1889)
-Peter AEBLI, of Blaine, was in town last Saturday. He reports that the health of his wife is not improving much, if any. (26 Sep 1889.
-Born, Wednesday, Jan 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. P. AEBLI, a son. (23 Jan 1890)
-P. AEBLI is taking care of over 20 lambs. They will be worth some money this summer. (20 Mar 1890)
-P. AEBLI, of Blaine township, is putting down a new tubular well and Frank OWENS is recting a windmill for him. Peter is bound to get to the front. (17 Apr 1890)
-Peter AEBLI has been appointed Census Enumerator for the town of Blaine. Good appointment. (29 May 1890)
-Married - At the residence of the groom, at Appenzell, Mr. J. J. NEIDERER and Miss Molly AEBLI. Justice LIGHTNER officiated. (5 Feb 1891)
-Supervisor AEBLI, of Blaine, has kindly come in to help the Avalanche office through with a big press of work. Being a first class printer, he is a handy man to have in the county - for us. (16 Apr 1891)
-P. AEBLIE, of Blaine, took home a new light steel trimmed Buckeye mower, Saturday. His hay is short from the drouth, but yet a fair crop. (23 Jul 1891)
-P. AEBLI, of Blaine ha sold to H. T. SHAFFER, of Center Plains thirty lambs which we predict will be the nucleus of a fine flock. Mr. AEBLI began two years ago with 30 and has 54 left and, sold 8 last season. (26 Nov 1891)
-P. AEBLI, of Blaine, came in and helped us through a big press of work, the past week. (14 Apr 1892)
-P. AEBLI, of Blaine, has his flock increased this season with thirty four lambs, as fine as one need wish. (9 Jun 1892)
-Peter AEBLI, of Blaine, was in town Monday. (29 Sep 1892)
-Peter AEBLI, of Blaine, was in town Monday. (6 Oct 1892)
-Peter AEBLI, of Blaine, was in town Monday. (13 Oct 1892)
-P. AEBLI, town treasurer of Blaine, was in town last Monday, looking after taxes. (18 Jan 1894)
-P. AEBLI, of Blaine, was in town last Saturday, and purchased a horse of Geo. COMER, to take the place of a mule he was about to lose by death. (1 Feb 1894)
-In Blaine Township Fred F. HOESLI was elected Clerk, and Peter AEBLI, Treasurer. (5 Apr 1894)
-P. AEBLI, of Blaine, set out over 50 fruit trees this spring, besides making other improvements. (17 May 1894)
-Peter AEBLI, of Blaine had the misfortune to lose the last one of his team of Mules, one day last week. He had owned him over 13 years. (16 May 1895)
-P. AEBLI and John NEIDERER cut about twenty acres of meadows for two tons of hay, and the fire got in and burned over their marsh land upon which they depended for keeping their stock next winter. (25 Jul 1895)
-Mr. P. AEBLI will have charge of the AVALANCHE mechanical and job department while Mr. HANSON is absent. Bring on your orders. (1 Oct 1995)
-P. AEBLI, an ax and a clothes line formed the old combination this week, and a perpendicular buttonhole over his nose, two inches long and reaching the skull, is the result. Painful but not serious. (19 Nov 1896)
-P. AEBLI, superintendent of the poor, was in Frederic, last Friday, looking after the indigent who are under the care of the County Physician. (5 Aug 1897)
-P. AEBLI received a letter from J. C. H. FRANTZ, of Crestview, Tennessee, announcing the death of his son, Henry. He died of typhoid fever, and the funeral was held last Friday. This is a sad blow to the family, and they have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. (16 Sep 1897)
-P. AEBLI and family went to Blaine township for a visit with the family of Supervisor HOESLI, and to spend Christmas near their old home. they report having a pleasant time in spite of the rough weather. (30 Dec 1897)
-Mrs. John J. NIEDERER and children came down from Maple Forest, Sunday, to celebrate the 4th with Grandpa AEBLI, and visit with Mrs. AEBLI, who was stricken with paralysis of the left side, last Friday. While her condition is serious, the symptoms are favorable, and her recovery is looked for. (6 Jul 1899)
-P. AEBLI is enjoying a visit from his daughter, Mrs. J. NIEDERER, and children, of Maple, Forest. (26 Oct 1899)
-P. AEBLI received the sad new from Switzerland of the death of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Regula HOESLI, aged 81 years. The old lady was the last one of the family. Her husband and children preceeding her in death. (3 May 1906)
-BORN - Monday, June 22d, to P. AEBLI, Supt. Crawford Avalanche, a daughter, aged about 17 years. Father and daughter both doing well. (25 Jun 1908)
-Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Fred AEBLI, Sunday Nov. 29th., a son. Grandpa "Peter" is all right and fatter than ever.
-Monday evening while the trusty foreman of this office, Mr. Peter AEBLI, was at home milking the family cow and doing up the customary chores the cry of fire smote upon his ear, and making a bee line for the house found his kitchen in a blaze. By the aid of his daughters and a few pailfuls of water the fire was gotten under control. In his mad haste to subdue the fire and save his home Peter stood upon the family table already spread for supper and tried to climb into the attic, but Peter's weight of character proved too burdensome for the table and gigantic for the hole, and in his frantic efforts to do the ascension act the table and its substantial contents were "pied" on the floor along with the manly form of Peter, and augmented the loss. His Tutonic dander was now up, and laying aside his dignity one of the girls was boosted up and the devouring element stayed. And thus by the coolness of his judgment and quick action his home was saved with a loss not exceeding $25.00. (3 Mar 1910)
-Peter AEBLIE is out for nomination for Judge of Probate and is the first candidate in the county to file his petition. (13 Jun 1912)
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, February 11, 1915
Peter AEBLI is still a patient in Mercy Hospital, where he is recuperating from a badly broken leg, which was caused by a rolling log some time in December. (10 Feb 1938)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, September 29, 1910
While driving home last Saturday evening, Peter AEBLI, foreman of the Avalanche together with his daughter Mrs. Henry BORCHERS and Roy HARRIS upon reaching the bridge drove off, it being dark so that ehy could not see, turning the buggy over and completely wrecking it. No one received any very prainful bruises and Peter landed safely on his feet. (28 Sep 1933)- Peter AEBLI: Old Time Grayling Printer, Passed Away.
Had Long Been A Well-Known Resident of Crawford County.
Monday came the news of the passing away of an old and well known resident of Crawford county, Peter AEBLI. Death occured at the State hospital in Traverse City Monday forenoon at 11:00 o'clock. Mr. AEBLI with failing health, his mind and memory weakened and at his request entered the State hospital for treatment in August a year ago. Before that time he had suffered attacks of paralysis while making his home with his daughter, mrs. Henry BORCHERS.
Peter AEBLI was born in Galrious, Switzerland, November 7, 1849, and died at Traverse City, October 25, 1920 having almost reached his 71st birthday. Mr. AEBLI remained in his home country, Switzerland, during his boyhood, and when he came to America settled in Cincinnati. Afterwards he went to Jackson, Mich., where he made his home for about a year, and then came to Crawford county in 1881. He was united in marriage to Miss Amelia HOESLI and to them eight children were born. Mrs. AEBLI passed away about 22 years ago.
On coming to this country he took up a farm in Sigsbee township and farmed until the year 1895, when with his family he moved into the county seat, Grayling. Here he took up his old trade as printer, being employed on the Avalanche by Dr. O. PALMER, who was then the publisher. He followed this work until the spring of 1913, when his health began to fail him and he then made his home with a daughter. For a number of years he served on the board of Superintendents of the Poor. He was a thoroughly respected citizen and a friend of all who knew him.
The remains of the old gentleman were brought to Grayling Tuesday and taken to the home of his son-in-law, John J. NIEDERER, and the funeral services were held this afternoon at the Michelson Memorial church at 2 o'clock Rev. C. E. DOTY officiating. Interment was at Elmwood cemetery.
The following children survive the deceased: Mrs. Henry BVORCHERS and Mrs. Jeanette HARRIS of this city; Fred AEBLI of Bay City and John AEBLI of Windsor, Ontario. John AEBLI and Mr. and Mrs. Fred AEBLI came to Grayling the fore part of the week to be in attendance at the funeral. (28 Oct 1920)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Peter AEBLI is improving and will be taken home as soon as the physician pronounces her able to stand the journey. (12 Sep 1889)-Mrs. Peter AEBLI improved so much last week, that she was able to be taken home on Saturday. (19 Sep 1889)
-Peter AEBLI, of Blaine, was in town last Saturday. He reports that the health of his wife is not improving much, if any. (26 Sep 1889)
-Mrs. John J. NIEDERER and children came down from Maple Forest, Sunday, to celebrate the 4th with Grandpa AEBLI, and visit with Mrs. AEBLI, who was stricken with paralysis of the left side, last Friday. While her condition is serious, the symptoms are favorable, and her recovery is looked for. (6 Jul 1899)
-DIED - Sunday, July 9th, of Paralysis, Mrs. Amalia, wife of P. AEBLI. She leaves her husband and five children to mourn the loss of a devoted wife and mother. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. G. L. GUICHARD, at the family residence, and the large attendance of friends and former neighbors attest the esteem in which she had been held. (13 Jul 1899)
For the repeated and long continued kindness of neighbors and friends during the long illness of our wife and mother, and for the sympathy dexpressed at the final obsequies, we desire to publicly express our most sincere thanks.
P. AEBLI, and Children. (13 Jul 1899)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-P. AEBLI received a letter from J. C. H. FRANTZ, of Crestview, Tennessee, announcing the death of his son, Henry. He died of typhoid fever, and the funeral was held last Friday. This is a sad blow to the family, and they have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. (16 Sep 1897)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Robert STOLIKER, of Ferndale, and Norman BUDD, of Detroit, were guests at the WARD home over the week end. (9 Jul 1936)-James Robert STOLIKER and Howard BREWSTER, of Ferndale, are guests this week of Dave WARD. (30 Jul 1936)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. E. ALGER, of Genesee County, and a carpenter by trade, has moved among us, having rented the dwelling house owned by Mrs. Addie CURRAN. (12 May 1881)-Mr. Edward ALGER has taken the contract to build a fine residence for Mr. Rasmus HANSON on lots owned by him just north of Henry MANTZ's. (22 Dec 1881)
-To Mr. E. ALGER belongs the honor of erecting the first picket fence in the city. (4 May 1882)
-We noticed Mr. E. ALGER and another gentleman whom we did not know driving into town Monday evening with three deer. (5 Oct 1882).
-Messrs. WAKELEY and ALGER returned from their hunting on the Manistee on Monday. They brought in twelve fine deer, a bear and a wolf, and report a pleasant time. (7 Dec 1882).
-B. J. WAKELEY and E. ALGER returned Monday from a 10-day trip down the river. They report a nice catch and heaps of fun. (13 Sep 1883).
-Mr. E. ALGER came into the city yesterday with a big load of venison and returned to camp to-day with a load of supplies. (22 Nov 1883).
-The ALGER brothers, who have been hunting in Oscoda county since last fall, have returned and report a heap of fun and fair success. Their dried venison is superb. (28 Feb 1884).
-The ALGER Bro's have gone down the river with traps. (27 Mar 1884).
-Three of the finest river boats ever built in Grayling, have just been completed by the ALGER Bros., and J. W. JORDAN. They are daisys. (5 Jun 1884)
-A party consisting of E. ALGER and wife, W. ALGER and wife, J. W. JORDAN, Mrs. P. KELLY and two daughters, started down the river yesterday for a pleasure trip. (12 Jul 1884)
-W. ALGER and brothers returned on Monday from a hunt of 2 weeks, and brought with them 8 deer and a bear, besides several coon, mink &c.. When they get after game, it has to come in. (20 Nov 1884).
-E. ALGER, Del. SWADER, and two gents from Ohio, returned on Tuesday from their hunting trip. They brought in three fine deer. (22 Oct 1885)
-E. ALGER returned from his Oscoda farm (?) the first of the month, bringing with him the carcasses of a number of his sheep. He knew we were hungry and we are in receipt of a fine quarter of mutton. (16 Dec 1886)
-Our thanks are due Andrew LOVE and E. ALGER, for fine messes of fish. (12 May 1887)
-A pension has been granted Mr. Edward ALGER of Grayling. Long delayed, but still acceptable. (12 May 1887)
-Edwin ALGER received his back pension last week, amounting to over $700.00. (26 May 1887)
-Mrs. E. ALGER went to Howell last Thursday, on a visit to friends in that section. (16 Jun 1887)
-E. AUGUR and family returned from their visit to friends at Howell, last Monday. (18 Aug 1887)
-E. ALGER is building a neat house on the bank of the river close to his residence. (1 Sep 1887)
-O. PALMER's barn looks very much like a new one. A big improvement. the ALGER brothers did the carpenter work. (29 Sep 1887)
-W. AUGUR and brother left for a hunt in Oscoda county, last Monday. (10 Nov 1887)
-W. ALGER and brother returned from a two weeks' hunt last Thursday. they brought in several deer as triumphs of their skill. (1 Dec 1887)
-Mrs. M. ALGER, of Fentonville, Mich., is visiting her sons, W. and E. ALGER. She is nearly 80 years of age and as active as many half her age. (2 Feb 1888)
-The Messrs. ALGER returned from their hunting expedition last Friday. (6 Dec 1888)
-The pension of E. ALGER has been increased. (13 Dec 1888)
-E. ALGER breought in a pickerel minnow from Portage Lake, Tuesday which weighed 16 1/4 pounds. (28 Mar 1889)
-W. and E. ALGER returned last Thursday from Chubb Lake, where they had been trapping and fishing for over a week. They were very successful. (25 Apr 1889)
-Mr. FLINT, of Chicago, with a party of friends, have been at the old camp on the AuSable for the past month. They came out last Monday, after one of the most enjoyable times ever had. Their boating was done by R. BABBITT Jr., Walter BABBITT, E. ALGER and H. STEPHENS. (15 Aug 1889)
-E. AUGER has had the large deer that tackled him in the woods, after he had wounded it, mounted as a memento. Ros. News. (26 Dec 1889)
-E. AUGER has had the large deer that tackled him in the woods, after he had wounded it, mounted a a memento. Ros. News. (26 Dec 1889)
-At a regular encampment of Marvin Post, No. 240, Grand Army of the Republic, held last Saturday evening, the 13th inst., the following officers were elected:
Commander, - W. S. CHALKER
Sen. Vice Com. - A. C. WILCOX
Jun. Vice Com. - R. McELROY
Quartermaster. - E. AUGUR
Chaplain. - W. WOODBURN
Surgeon. - O. PALMER
Officer of the Day. - O. J. BELL
Del. to Dept. Encamp't - L. St. JOHN
Alternate. - D. S. WALDRON (18 Dec 1890)-We are ready to testify that E. ALGER catches as fine fish in Portage Lake as was ever prepared for our table, and he knows we are fond of fish. (19 Mar 1891)
-Edwin ALGER has been appointed Deputy Sheriff. (22 Oct 1891)
-E. ALGER was elected Quartermaster by Marvin Post, No. 240, G.A.R., at the last regular encampment. (17 Dec 1891)
-E. ALGER returned from his hunting trip last Friday. He ---- saved his powder. (1 Dec 1892)
-E. ALGER and family spent Christmas with his brother of Lewiston. (29 Dec 1892)
-E. ALGER shot a large wild cat last Saturday, in the chicken coop of Mr. Joseph BURTON, while regaling itself on chicken. (9 Feb 1893)
-H. B. WILLIAMS and E. ALGER returned on Monday from a hunt after a bear. They found the track. (26 Apr 1894)
-Ed ALGER went down the river Tuesday morning, as escort for a party of fishermen. (4 May 1894)
-E. ALGER and a nephew, were the guests of W. ALGER and wife, of Lewiston, last week. (13 Dec 1894)
-Washington ALGER's mother and his brother's wife, Mrs. Ed ALGER, both of Grayling, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. ALGER. - Lewiston Journal. (19 Jul 1894)
-Grayling's pet otter, the property of E. ALGER, was shot through a mistake, by A. J. ROSE, last Saturday morning. Young chickens and eggs will be more secure now, as it devoured both. (2 Aug 1894)
-E. ALGER intends to get pay for his pet otter if there is any law that will cover the case. Small potatoes. (16 Aug 1894)
-E. Alger and a nephew, were the guests of W. ALGER and wife, of Lewiston, last week. (13 Dec 1894)
-Mrs. ALGER, mother of W. and E. ALGER, returned from Lewiston, last Friday. (14 Nov 1895)
-E. ALGER is building some river boats that are dandies. (23 Apr 1896)
-Ed ALGER and W. BRINK, started down the river, Saturday afternoon, after venison. (19 Nov 1896)
-Mrs. Maria SMITH, of Milford, is stopping with Mrs. E. ALGER, and would like to secure house work in a small family. (3 Dec 1896)
-Edward ALGER, of Grayling, was called here, Sunday, on account of the serious illness of his mother. - Lewiston Enterprise. (4 May 1899)
-Washington ALGER and his mother drove down from Lewiston Monday, for a visit with his brother Ed. "Wash" has changed his ebon beard to a light silver gray. (24 May 1900)
-W. ALGER, of Lewiston, was the guest of his brother Edwin, last week, and had time to meet many of his old friends here. (7 Nov 1901)
-Ed. ALGER has brought in a sample of timothy from his meadow on new land that will average four feet high above the cut, and will yield probably 2 1/2 tons to the acre. Pretty fair for this "worthless country." (20 Jul 1905)
-Ed ALGER took his usual care of his horse "Lottie" Sunday evening, and Monday morning she was lying dead in her stall. She had not been sick at all, and here was no evidence of her having struggled with pain. She has been a noble animal for many years, and "Ed" justly mourns. (8 Nov 1906)
-SLEEPY HOLLOW HAPPENINGS - Edwin ALGER was a caller in our burg one day last week. He brought a much needed time piece to our school house. (15 Nov 1906)
-It is reported that the home of E. ALGER, South of the river, came near going up in smoke last Sunday. Fire caught in the kitchen roof but was fought and put down by a bucket brigade and no alarm turned in. (9 May 1907)
-DIED - At the home of her son Washington ALGER, at Lewiston, Thursday, January 30, Marilla ALGER, aged 97 years. She leaves three sons Edwin D. ALGER of this place, Lewis Alger and Deolos of Oakland County, and Washington of Lewiston. The funeral was held at Lewiston Sunday and the body buried at that place. Her death came peacefully and painless, and without sickness. The failing from age. (6 Feb 1908)
-The forest fires raging all around Grayling, destroyed the dwelling of Paul LABRACH with all its contents, leaving the family destitute. Ed. ALGER, one of his neighbors, lost his barn, harness and some tools. (10 Sep 1908)
-E. ALGER was driving in his carriage last Tuesday evening, when his horse ran away and threw him out, fracturing his arm and giving a general brusing. On account of his advanced age and weakened condition it is considered dangerous. (22 Oct 1908)
Strayed-October 22, 1908, a five year old light bay mare, white strip in face, branded on left shoulder "J. H. E." and on left jaw S. Finder will please notify, E. ALGER, Grayling, Mich. (29 Oct 1908)-E. ALGER came up from Bay City Saturday, where he with his wife have gone to spend the winter, to shake with old friends here, and visit his brother at Lewiston. (8 Dec 1910)
-MAPLE FOREST NEWS - Charles ALGER was at Houghton Lake resorting for a couple of weeks. On his way home he spent two days in Grayling.
Charles ALGER landed a 14-pound pickeral last Wednesday and two smaller ones, while Albert VALLAD caught one 7-pound fish. All were caught in one hour. (27 Aug 1914) NOTE: Who is Charles ALGER?-Edwin D. ALGER of Bay City, 85 years of age, died at his home Monday afternoon, where funeral services were held yesterday forenoon, and the body brought here for burial in Elmwood Cemetery. The deceased will be well remembered here by our older citizens as he was a resident here for nearly twenty-five years, until incapacitated by age. He served in Co., E. 26th Michigan infantry from '62 to '65, and was a pensioner for injury and disability contacted in the service. A good soldier and worthy citizen has gone to his reward. (22 Oct 1914)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. E. ALGER went to Howell last Thursday, on a visit to friends in that section. (18 Jun 1887)-Mrs. Maria SMITH, of Milford, is stopping with Mrs. E. ALGER, and would like to secure house work in a small family. (3 Dec 1896)
-DIED - At her home in this village, Friday, Nov, 23rd, Betsy ALGER, aged 69 years. The deceased was the wife of Edwin D. ALGER, and they were among the earliest settlers of this village. Besides her husband, she leaves a daughter, Mrs. E. PURCHASE, and her grand daughter, Mrs. Harry WARD to mourn her loss. She has been a great sufferer for several months, though but few of her friends knew of her critical condition, until her death. The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church, Sunday P.M., and her body laid at rest in Elmwood cemetery. (29 Nov 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. Will ROUTIER, of Saginaw was the guest of E. PURCHASE and famly last Sunday. (21 Nov 1889)
-Mrs. Will ROUTIER, formerly Miss Jennie PURCHASE, of Zilwankee, is making her father a visit. She is accompanied by a young heir. (9 Jul 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss. Jennie PURCHASE who has been seriously ill for some time, is gradually recovering. (18 Sep 1884)-Miss Jennie PURCHASE has returned from her visit to Saginaw, and is completely recovered from her protracted illness. (13 Nov 1884)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE won the prize at the skating rink, on last Friday evening - making the best time by six or eight seconds. (5 Mar 1885)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE returned on Tuesday night from her extended visit to friends at Saginaw. (25 Feb 1886)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE is visiting friends in Saginaw. (8 Jul 1886)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE, of Grayling, was in town several days visiting friends. She paid us a sweet call. - Otsego Co. Herald. (2 Sep 1886)
-Fred CONGDON and Wallace DOORE of GAylord, were in Grayling last week, the guests of Miss Jennie PURCHASE. (23 Sep 1886)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE returned last week from a visit of a month to friend's in Saginaw. (19 May 1887)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE of Grayling, Sundayed in Gaylord with our worthy postmistress. - Otsego Co. Herald. (7 Jul 1887)
-Mr. and Mrs. METCALF, of Jackson, and Miss Eva PURCHASE, of East Saginaw, are the guests of Mr. and Miss Jennie PURCHASE, this week. (14 Jul 1887)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE and friends spent the most of last week at Portage Lake, fishing and boating. They report having a good time. (21 Jul 1887)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE returned from her extended visit to friends in Bay City and Saginaw, last week. (8 Sep 1887)
-Miss Jenny PURCHASE returned from Saginaw, where she has been attending school since last Fall, Monday evening. (31 May 1888)
-Mr. Will ROUTIER, of Saginaw was the guest of E. PURCHASE and family last Sunday. (21 Nov 1889)
-Married at the residence of E. PURCHASE Esq. in this village, Monday Jan. 20, Miss Jennie PURCHASE, and Mr. W. A. ROUTIER, of Saginaw, Wm. WOODBURN, J.P., officiating. The happy couple took the noontrain for their new home in Saginaw where Jennie will be followed by the best wishes of hosts of friends. (23 Jan 1890)
-Mrs. Will ROUTIER, formerly Miss Jennie PURCHASE, of Zilwankee, is making her father a visit. She is accompanied by a young heir. (9 Jul 1891)
-Mrs. Emma PURCHASE accompanied her sister from Zilwankee, on her visit to their father. (9 Jul 1891)
-Mrs. Jennie ROTIER, (nee PURCHASE) of Saginaw, has been visiting with relatives and friends in Grayling for the past two weeks. (10 Sep 1896)
-PURCHASE, Saginaw. - The funeral of the late Erastus PURCHASE was held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. William A. CRANE, Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. Rev. Mr. COOKE of the Free Methodist Church, officiated. W. J. McCRON rendered the hymns "Nearer My God to Thee" and "Jesus Lover of my Soul." Many of the neighbors who had known Mr. PURCHASE during the many years he lived in Tittabawassee township attended the services. The interment was in Oakwood cemetery. The pall bearers were: W. E. CRANE, Dr. B. F. A. CRANE and Ambrose CRANE, nephews of the deceased, William ROTIER (ROUTIER) of Battle Creek, son-in-law, Floyd A. CRANE, grand nephew, and Judge Riley L. CRANE. Erastus PURCHASE was born in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, June 20, 1838. He was the youngest of seven sons. The family came to Tittabawassee in 1854. In 1865 he was united in marriage with Miss Melissa SOPER, who died in 1893. In 1896 he was united in marriage with Mrs. KELLEY, who survives him. To the first union four children were born, three daughters and one son, one daughters, Ada WATZ, died in 1885, and the son, Alonzo, died in 1900. Miss Emma PURCHASE and Mrs. Jennie PURCHASE-ROUTIER survive him. (15 Aug 1907)
-The wedding of James W. HARTWICK and Mrs. Jennie ROUTIER, at Detroit yesterday was largely attended by the local members of the MICHELSON and HANSON families. A number of them left here Monday, and others leaving Tuesday. Mr. HARTWICK is a son of the late J. W. HARTWICK, who was one of the first citizens of Grayling. He started a hotel on the south side and later ran a hotel where the Burton house now stands. Mrs. ROUTIER will be remembered here as Jennie PURCHASE, daughter of Erastus PURCHASE, a former game warden of this place. The Avalanche is glad to join with their friends here in wishing them the greatest happiness. (3 Apr 1913)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Glenn ROUTIER of the U.S. Navy arrived in the city Friday morning for a visit with his brother Ralph and also his many Grayling friends. Ralph is in the Marine Corps and located at Paris Island, South Carolina, and was here on a visit to his wife. His time was up to leave Friday night so his visit with his brother Glen was necessarily very brief. Glen returned to his post of duty yesterday. (19 Sep 1918)-During the past week Mr. and Mrs. J. W. HARWICK of Detroit, who are spending the season at Lake Margrethe, had as their guest their sons, Ensign Glenn ROUTIER, U.S.N. and Corp. ROUTIER of the Marine Corps of Paris Island, S.C. Ensign ROUTIER was on one vessel when it was torpedoed and sunk, off the Irish coast, and had some interesting things to tell about the navy and what it is doing. (26 Sep 1918)
-Mrs. Glen ROUTIER of Detroit gave a luncheon in honor of Miss Edna CHRISTENSON of Minneapolis, at her cottage at Higgins Lake, Saturay noon. (6 Sep 1923)
-Mr. and Mrs. Glen ROUTIER of Detroit are occupying the OLSON cottage at Lake Margrethe. (14 Aug 1924)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-M. S. HARTWICK and sons, James and Eddie, returned Monday from a week's "catch" down the Au Sable. (13 Sep 1883)-James HARTWICK started for Florida last Monday in search of health. He has lived here from early boyhood, his father being the first settler in Grayling. He has hosts of friends who wish him every success and hope for his return. He will join D. LONDON and family for his first stopping place and his friends here are promised letters through the AVALANCHE. (15 Dec 1887)
-Wm. HARWICK, of Shiawassee county was called here by the serious illness of his father, who fortunately is sufficiently recovered, so that Wm. and M. S. could enjoy the reunion together. (21 Aug 1890)
-James HARTWICK dropped down from his homestead in Emmett county, Monday, looking as though roughing it agreed with his constitution. (26 Feb 1891)
-James HARTWICK returned from Florida, Saturday morning, feeling strong and well. He came by way of West Point, where he visited his brother Edward, who is reported in fine condition physically, and well up in his classes. 5 May 1892)
-James W. HARTWICK struck town last Friday, genial as ever, and warmly welcomed by his many friends. With M. HANSON he took a run down the river to see if they could recognize their old fishing grounds. We could not help but contrast in our mind the stalwart man of today with a bare-footed kid we saw in the village school here, one of three pupils who were in attendance back in the '70s, this same "Jim." He and his brother were the two first boys in Grayling. He has been in Washington and Alaska most of the time for several years past, but that climate does not suit him, and he is now located in Jackson, manufacturing cement block machinery. It is reported that he has struck prosperity, which is pleasant news here. (1 Jun 1905)
Michael S. HARTWICK, whose death was noticed last week, was born in Oakland County, Michigan, January, 22d 1841, and died at Jackson, April 5, 1909, having almost reached the alloted three score and ten years.
His boyhood was spent in Ingham County, near Mason, Mich., where he was married to Miss Jennie A. O'BEAR, and to them was born two sons, J. W. HARTWICK and E. E. HARTWICK, now of Jackson, Mich., and one daughter, Nellie, now Mrs. W. J. PRATT, of Addison, Mich., all of whom survive him.
His wife died in this village in 1886, but he retained his home here until 1900, when he removed to Jackson, to be near his children, then at Mason and Jackson. In 1871, Mr. HARTWICK came on an exploring trip north from Bay City, following the proposed line of the Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw R. R., now the M. C. line, which was ironed as far as Standish. After a careful consideration of the future promise of this section, he selected the present sight of Grayling for his future home, and came there with a load of lumber in advance of the civil engineers for the R. R., to make a place of shelter for them, and here, just across the present track, between the power-house and barn of the Salling, Hanson Co., with the aid of two companions, he built the first house here, from logs, the first of which lay as it fell from the stump, and which house was the first hotel, for here he cared for R. R. crews and passengers who came after the iron reached here. He had been before after his wife and two infant boys who came in a covered wagon. It was also the first store and Post Office, of which he cared for both. Since then he has built three hotels here, which have since been destroyed by fire, and built the first school house, a small one about where the R. R. roundhouse now stands.
He was chairman of the first board of supervisors of this county, and we believe had been supervisor previous to that time, while, this county was attached to Kalkaska. He has filled all of the more important offices of the township, and was ever considered among our most progressive and influental citizens, always holding close personal acquaintance with nearly every family in the county, to many of whom his generous heart and open hand had responded quickly in their times of need.
When the history of Crawford county shall be fully written, the name of Michael S. HARTWICK will be prominent in its opening chapters.
The final service was held at the M. E. Church, conducted by the Pastor Rev. V. J. HUFTON, assisted by Rev. J. Humphrey FLEMING, of the Presbyterian church, who preached the funeral sermon. A wreath of flowers covered the casket, and many of our citizens looked for the last time on the face of their friend, ere he was borne to his final resting place, by the side of his wife in Elmwood Cemetery. "He Rests in Peace." (15 Apr 1909)-The wedding of James W. HARTWICK and Mrs. Jennie ROUTIER, at Detroit yesterday was largely attended by the local members of the MICHELSON and HANSON families. A number of them left here Monday, and others leaving Tuesday. Mr. HARTWICK is a son of the late J. W. HARTWICK, who was one of the first citizens of Grayling. He started a hotel on the south side and later ran a hotel where the Burton house now stands. Mrs. ROUTIER will be remembered here as Jennie PURCHASE, daughter of Erastus PURCHASE, a former game warden of this place. The Avalanche is glad to join with their friends here in wishing them the greatest happiness. (3 Apr 1913)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss. Jennie PURCHASE who has been seriously ill for some time, is gradually recovering. (18 Sep 1884)-Miss Jennie PURCHASE has returned from her visit to Saginaw, and is completely recovered from her protracted illness. (13 Nov 1884)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE won the prize at the skating rink, on last Friday evening - making the best time by six or eight seconds. (5 Mar 1885)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE returned on Tuesday night from her extended visit to friends at Saginaw. (25 Feb 1886)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE is visiting friends in Saginaw. (8 Jul 1886)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE, of Grayling, was in town several days visiting friends. She paid us a sweet call. - Otsego Co. Herald. (2 Sep 1886)
-Fred CONGDON and Wallace DOORE of GAylord, were in Grayling last week, the guests of Miss Jennie PURCHASE. (23 Sep 1886)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE returned last week from a visit of a month to friend's in Saginaw. (19 May 1887)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE of Grayling, Sundayed in Gaylord with our worthy postmistress. - Otsego Co. Herald. (7 Jul 1887)
-Mr. and Mrs. METCALF, of Jackson, and Miss Eva PURCHASE, of East Saginaw, are the guests of Mr. and Miss Jennie PURCHASE, this week. (14 Jul 1887)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE and friends spent the most of last week at Portage Lake, fishing and boating. They report having a good time. (21 Jul 1887)
-Miss Jennie PURCHASE returned from her extended visit to friends in Bay City and Saginaw, last week. (8 Sep 1887)
-Miss Jenny PURCHASE returned from Saginaw, where she has been attending school since last Fall, Monday evening. (31 May 1888)
-Mr. Will ROUTIER, of Saginaw was the guest of E. PURCHASE and family last Sunday. (21 Nov 1889)
-Married at the residence of E. PURCHASE Esq. in this village, Monday Jan. 20, Miss Jennie PURCHASE, and Mr. W. A. ROUTIER, of Saginaw, Wm. WOODBURN, J.P., officiating. The happy couple took the noontrain for their new home in Saginaw where Jennie will be followed by the best wishes of hosts of friends. (23 Jan 1890)
-Mrs. Will ROUTIER, formerly Miss Jennie PURCHASE, of Zilwankee, is making her father a visit. She is accompanied by a young heir. (9 Jul 1891)
-Mrs. Emma PURCHASE accompanied her sister from Zilwankee, on her visit to their father. (9 Jul 1891)
-Mrs. Jennie ROTIER, (nee PURCHASE) of Saginaw, has been visiting with relatives and friends in Grayling for the past two weeks. (10 Sep 1896)
-PURCHASE, Saginaw. - The funeral of the late Erastus PURCHASE was held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. William A. CRANE, Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. Rev. Mr. COOKE of the Free Methodist Church, officiated. W. J. McCRON rendered the hymns "Nearer My God to Thee" and "Jesus Lover of my Soul." Many of the neighbors who had known Mr. PURCHASE during the many years he lived in Tittabawassee township attended the services. The interment was in Oakwood cemetery. The pall bearers were: W. E. CRANE, Dr. B. F. A. CRANE and Ambrose CRANE, nephews of the deceased, William ROTIER (ROUTIER) of Battle Creek, son-in-law, Floyd A. CRANE, grand nephew, and Judge Riley L. CRANE. Erastus PURCHASE was born in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, June 20, 1838. He was the youngest of seven sons. The family came to Tittabawassee in 1854. In 1865 he was united in marriage with Miss Melissa SOPER, who died in 1893. In 1896 he was united in marriage with Mrs. KELLEY, who survives him. To the first union four children were born, three daughters and one son, one daughters, Ada WATZ, died in 1885, and the son, Alonzo, died in 1900. Miss Emma PURCHASE and Mrs. Jennie PURCHASE-ROUTIER survive him. (15 Aug 1907)
-The wedding of James W. HARTWICK and Mrs. Jennie ROUTIER, at Detroit yesterday was largely attended by the local members of the MICHELSON and HANSON families. A number of them left here Monday, and others leaving Tuesday. Mr. HARTWICK is a son of the late J. W. HARTWICK, who was one of the first citizens of Grayling. He started a hotel on the south side and later ran a hotel where the Burton house now stands. Mrs. ROUTIER will be remembered here as Jennie PURCHASE, daughter of Erastus PURCHASE, a former game warden of this place. The Avalanche is glad to join with their friends here in wishing them the greatest happiness. (3 Apr 1913)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Will ROUTIER, formerly Miss Jennie PURCHASE, of Zilwankee, is making her father a visit. She is accompanied by a young heir. (9 Jul 1891)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, Feb. 18, 1913.
Mrs. Henry BAUMAN and daughters Helen and Grace, accompanied Miss Margrethe HANSON left Saturay to spend a few days in Saginaw. (13 Feb 1936)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, Dec. 18, 1913
Miss Helen BAUMAN left this afternoon for Bay City, where she will be joined by her sister Miss Margrethe, who is attending the Lasell seminary, in Boston, and is coming home for the holidays. (17 Dec, 1936)-LOVELLS - Ralph PONTIER (ROUTIER?) of Detroit spent Monday with his grandmother, Mrs. Geo. OWENS. He was accompanied by Miss Helen BAUMAN of Grayling. (14 Sep 1916)
-Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit has been spending the past week in Grayling and Lovells, the guest of relatives and friends. (14 Sep 1916)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN have announced the engagement of their daughter Miss Helen Louise, to Ralph E. ROUTIER, son of Mrs. J. W. HARTWICK, of Detroit. Miss Helen graduated this month from the LaSalle Seminary, of Auburndale, Mass. (28 Jun 1917)
-Ralph E. ROUTIER of Detroit is a guest at the H. A. BAUMAN home. (30 Aug 1917)
-Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit is in the city visiting friends. (8 Nov 1917)
- ROUTIER-BAUMAN Wedding Last Evening.
Wedding Bells chimed again at the Danish-Lutheran Church, Wednesday evening, when Helen Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN, became the bride of Mr. Ralph Emerson ROUTIER of Detroit. The very atmosphere of informality, which prevailed in all the appointments, being altogether delightful and making the marriage a most memoriable one.
The pretty little ediface was beautifully adorned with Southern smylax. In front of the altar were four tall baskets which burst into bloom with large white chrysanthemums and pink roses. These formed an aisle and made a pretty settling for the wedding party.
While the guests were being seated, beautiful melodies were played on the harp by Miss Arna Hartwell JONES of Bay City.
At eight o'clock Mrs. Oscar W. HANSON took her place at the piano and began playing Mendellsohn's wedding march. At the same time, Rev. William H. SKENTELBURY of Portland, Mich., followed by the groom and the best man. Mr. Clifford J. HINKLEY of detroit took their places at the altar. Then from the back of the church came the ushers, Mr. Fritz HENKEL and Mr. Glen ROUTIER, brother of the groom of Detroit, Mr. T. W. HANSON and Mr. Holger HANSON. Then followed the ribbon stretchers, Virginia HANSON, Mary Esther SCHUMANN, Ella HANSON and Margrethe HANSON, looking like four rosebuds as they took their places at each of the four baskets. Following these came Junior HANSON looking like a little prince in his black velvet suit and carrying a basket of roses in which snuggled the wedding ring. Next came the bridesmaids, Miss Grace BAUMAN, Miss Lucille HANSON and Miss Hilda JAKCSON of Flint, making a most attractive group in their blue mull frocks, smart brown lace and velvet toques and carrying shepherd's crooks tied in pink tulle and ribbon. Miss Margrethe BAUMAN attended her sister as maid of honor and as she followed she looked charming in shell pink crepe and satin with large picture hat of toupe satin and carrying a large bouquet of pink roses. Then came the bride leaning on the arm of her father. She was most lovely in her gown of white net over satin, of Lucille fashion with train and trimmed with princess lace. She wore a lace coronation, which held her tulle veil in place. She was met at the altar by the groom where the Rev. SKENTELBURY performed a most impressive ceremony, and these two young people entered into holy wed lock. During the ceremony, Miss JONES played very softly upon the harp.
At the reception which followed at Danebod hall, there was again a note of simplicity in the decorations - a bower of Southern smylax estending out about three feet from the side of the wall was the principal decoration, together with large baskets of pink and white chrysanthemums. In the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. BAUMAN parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. James HARWICK parents of the groom and the wedding party. During the reception delicious punch was served. Later in the evening an elaborate wedding supper was served by Mrs. MOSIER and a corps of helpers from Bay City.
At the reception the guests were invited to go to the social club rooms, where dancing would be enjoyed until time for the night train, Clark's orchestra furnishing the music.
Mrs. ROUTIER was born in Grayling, where her happy and friendly manner won her hosts of friends. She graduated from the Grayling High School, also from Lasell Seminary of Auburndale, Mass. Mr. ROUTIER is a member of the firm of WILKINSON, ROUTIER and HINKLEY, Attorneys of Detroit. His legal practice has called him before the Supreme court of Michigan. He has visited Grayling often and by his clean, interesting nature has firmly established a strong friendship among us. Mr. and Mrs. ROUTIER are starting out in wedded life with a bright and happy future before them, and that it may exceed their fondest hopes will be the wish of their many friends.
They left on a wedding trip to New York and from there will travel by ocean steamer to New Orleans, and go to Gulf Port, Chattanooga, and other cities. They intend to return to Detroit about January 1st, where they will make their home.
Among the guests from out of town were: Misses Marion and Hilda JACKSON of Flint; Mr. John JEFFERS, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd CRANE, Mr. and Mrs. Bliss WELLS all of Saginaw; Mr. and Mrs. James W. HARWICK, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. MICHELSON, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. GRAHAM, Mrs. Frank MICHELSON, Messrs WILKINSON, Glen ROUTIER and Clifford HINKLEY all of Detroit, Mrs. Sarah MICHELSON of Bay City; Miss Gertrude BUETTNER of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. T. E. DOUGLASS of Lovells; Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm RAAE, Johannesburg; Thomas WOODFIELD of Jackson, and Rev. William H. SKENTELBURY of Portland, Mich. (6 Dec 1917)-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER have returned from a delightful wedding trip, visiting New York and going by boat to New Orleans, Gulfport and other cities. They are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN and family before taking up their home in Detroit. (27 Dec 1917)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit spent Easter with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, and family. (4 Apr 1918)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER of Detroit are visiting at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (23 May 1918)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, where she will remain until Mr. ROUTIER returns from the front. (27 Jun 1918)
-Miss Anne WALTON, who is enjoying a three weeks' vacation here, has been the guest of honor at a couple of dinner parties. Last Wednesday evening Mrs. Helen ROUTIER entertained with a dinner at Lake Margrethe, and Sunday evening Miss Margaret JOSEPH was hostess at a similar affair. These were informal functions and just the classmates of Miss WALTON were present. (29 Aug 1918)
-Ralph ROUTIER arrived in Grayling from Paris Island, South Carolina, where he is located with the Marine Corps, to spend a few days with his wife, who is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. Mr. ROUTIER will return to his company Friday. (12 Sep 1918)
-Glenn ROUTIER of the U.S. Navy arrived in the city Friday morning for a visit with his brother Ralph and also his many Grayling friends. Ralph is in the Marine Corps and located at Paris Island, South Carolina, and was here on a visit to his wife. His time was up to leave Friday night so his visit with his brother Glen was necessarily very brief. Glen returned to his post of duty yesterday. (19 Sep 1918)
-During the past week Mr. and Mrs. J. W. HARWICK of Detroit, who are spending the season at Lake Margrethe, had as their guest their sons, Engisn Glenn ROUTIER, U.S.N. and Corp. ROUTIER of the Marine Corps of Paris Island, S.C. Ensign ROUTIER was on one vessel when it was torpedoed and sunk, off the Irish coast, and had some interesting things to tell about the navy and what it is doing. (26 Sep 1918)
-Mr. and Mrs. RAlph E. ROUTIER arrived in the city Monday from South Carolina, where the former has been serving in the U.S. Marines. They are the guests of Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and will remain for about ten days. Mrs. ROUTIER has been spending the past couple of months at Beaufort, S. C., so as to be near her husband. The latter however has been discharged from service. (6 Feb 1919)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER left Saturday for Detroit after having been the guests at the H. A. BAUMAN home for a couple of weeks. (20 Feb 1919)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER of Detroit is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN over Easter. Mr. ROUTIER will join his wife here later. (17 Apr 1919)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER of Detroit is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (21 Aug 1919)
-R. E. ROUTIER of Detroit, is visiting his wife at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, for a couple of weeks. (11 Sep 1919)
-Mr. and Mrs. RAlph E. ROUTIER, returned Tuesday to their home in Detroit after a several weeks' visit with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. Miss Grace BAUMAN accompanied them to Detroit for a short stay. (25 Sep 1919)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER of Detroit announce the birth of a son on Friday, November 28. Mrs. ROUTIER before her marriage was Miss Helen BAUMAN. (4 Dec 1919)
-Ralph E. ROUTIER and James K. NICHOLS of Detroit announce the formation of the law firm ROUTIER and NICHOLS. The former young man is favorably known to Grayling people and is extended wishes for success. (8 Jan 1920)
-Mrs. James W. HARTWICK and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER entertained at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday at the Detroit Boat Club, in honor of Mrs. Olaf MICHELSON, who, with Mr. MICHELSON, is leaving for her summer home in Northern Michigan. Spring flowers formed the decorations. - Detroit News, June 3. (10 Jun 1920)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and little son of Detroit arrived Monday and are guests of her parents, mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (17 Jun 1920)
-Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit arrived in Grayling the latter part of the week to spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. ROUTIER and little son have been here the past number of weeks the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (8 Jul 1920)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and little son are guests over the holidays of Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. Miss Margaret BAUMAN of Detroit and Miss Grace, who is attending the Knox school in Cooperstown, New York, also came home to enjoy the Xmas festal season at the parental home. (30 Dec 1920)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son RAlph HANSON of Detroit arrived Thursday and are guests of Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN for a few weeks. Later they will come to spend the summer at Lake Margrethe. Miss Margrethe BAUMAN, who has been in Detroit for several days accompanied them. (2 Jun 1921)
-Mrs. R. E. ROUTIER and little son Ralph Hanson arrived from Detroit Saturday to be the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. They expect to be here for the remainder of the summer. (4 Aug 1921)
-Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit joined his family here Saturday to spend a few weeks at Lake Margrethe. (18 Aug 1921)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER, who is spending the summer at Lake Margrethe is in Detroit for a few days. (15 Sep 1921)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER, and son Ralph Hanson, returned to their home in Detroit, Tuesday after spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (6 Oct 1921)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN have as guests in their home over Christmas and New Years, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph HANSON of Detroit and and Mr. Elmer SCHIEGEL of Chicago. Also Miss Grace BAUMAN, who is attending the Semple school in New York City is home during the holiday vacation, and Miss Margaret BAUMAN has returned from a visit in Detroit and other points. (29 Dec 1921)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph Hanson, arrived the fore part of the week and are guests of Mrs. ROUTIER's parrents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (1 Jun 1922)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN left Saturday to be in attendance at the 5th annual Alumni meeting of her class at Lasell Seminary, Auburndale, Mass. (8 Jun 1922)
-Miss Grace BAUMAN, who has been attending the Semple School in New York City the past school year, arrived home Tuesday for the summer vacation. Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER, who had been in the East, returned with her. (22 Jun 1922)
-Ralph Routier of Detroit was in Grayling over Sunday visiting his family, who are spending the summer here. (10 Aug 1922)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph Hanson returned Saturday to their home in Detroit after spending the most of the summer guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, at the latter's summer home at Lake Margrethe. (21 Sep 1922)
-Miss Grace BAUMAN is home from the Semple School in New York City, to spend the holidays the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph Hanson of Detroit are also guests at the BAUMAN home for the Holiday Season. (28 Dec 1922)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss BAUMAN entertained Wednesday afternoon with a delightful Bridge party to compliment Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER of Detroit, who is a guest in the BAUMAN home. Mrs. Esbern HANSON and Mrs. R. H. GILLETT won prizes. (4 Jan 1923)
-Mr. and Mrs. R. E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are guests at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (31 May 1923)
-A party of friends, comprised of Mrs. Oscar HANSON, Miss BAUMAN, Miss CHRISTENSON, Mrs. Esbern HANSON and Ralph ROUTIER left Wednesday by auto for Potoskey. (6 Sep 1923)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Tuesday for Detroit to be with her grandson, little Ralph ROUTIER, on his birthday. (29 Nov 1923)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit are spending Christmas with Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (27 Dec 1923)
-Saturday evening the ladies and gentlemen of the Bridge club were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles TROMBLE and Mr. and Mrs. Marius HANSON at dinner at Shoppenagon Inn. The vases in the center of the small tables, upon which the dinner was served were filled with poinsettias while lighted candles had been placed on each side of the vases. The guests went immediately following the dinner to the home of Mr. and Mrs. HANSON where Bridge was enjoyed. Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Holger HANSON held the highest scores. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. WESCOTT and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit and Miss DOTY of Grand Rapids were guests. (3 Jan 1924)
-Ralph E. ROUTIER, who served in the Marines during the World war, and a prominent Detroit attorney, has been selected by Maj. Charles S. MOTT, Michigan civilian aide to Secretary of War John W. WEEKS, as chairman in charge of the Military Training camps association in Wayne County. This position has been held by Lt. Col. Phelps NEWBERRY for the last two years. Mr. ROUTIER is a son-in-law to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN of this city, and well known among Grayling people. (21 Jan 1924)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN for a few days returned home Monday. Little Ralph ROUTIER will remain for a longer visit with his grandparents. (24 Apr 1924)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit are visiting the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and family. (5 Jun 1924)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN are in Detroit. (14 Aug 1924)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son returned Saturday to Detroit after spending the summer months in Grayling. (18 Sep 1924)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son of Detroit are holday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN and family. (25 Dec 1924)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN is visiting her daughter Mrs. ROUTIER and family in Detroit. (26 Feb 1925)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit were guests of the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN over Easter. (16 Apr 1925)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph Jr. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (4 Jun 1925)
-Attorney Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit joined Mrs. ROUTIER and son here Sunday and they are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (18 Jun 1925)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (27 Aug 1925)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son were guests over the week end of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. (29 Oct 1925)
-Mrs. Esbern HANSON, accompanied by Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son drove to Bay City today. Saturday she will attend the U. of M. Navy foot ball game and leaving there she will go to New York and other eastern points. (29 Oct 1925).
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph were guests over Thanksgiving of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. (3 Dec 1925)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending the holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. Mr. ROUTIER spent Christmas here. (31 Dec 1925)
-Miss Grace BAUMAN returned Saturday from Detroit where she spent several days visiting her sister Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and family. (18 Feb 1926)
-Ralph ROUTIER, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit, is suffering with a double mastoid. And in addition to that very painful affliction, he now has the measles. It is reported that he is in a very serious condition. (25 Feb 1926)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN left Thursday afternoon for Detroit to visit her daughter Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and family, being called there by the illness of her little grandson Ralph, Jr. (4 Mar 1926)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN returned Monday afternoon from Detroit where she had been visiting her daughter Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and family for about a week. (11 Mar 1926)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN and daughter GRace were called to Detroit the first of the week due to the serious illness of their grandson Ralph ROUTIER. Mrs. BAUMAN and Miss Grace left Sunday night, Mr. BAUMAN going Monday afternoon. (25 Mar 1926)
-Little Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN, who has been seriously ill for several weeks, is reported to be improving rapidly and will soon be able to leave the hospital. (29 Apr 1926)
-Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit is spending the weekend with his family at the BAUMAN cottage at Lake Margrethe. (15 Jul 1926)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER entertained a few ladies at luncheon on Wednesday. mrs. Carl MICKELSON held the high score for bridge and Mrs. Kristine SALLING for "500." (16 Sep 1926)
-A delightful bridge luncheon was given Friday afternoon by Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Miss BAUMAN to honor Mrs. Esbern HANSON who left Tuesday for Portland, Oregon for an extended visit. After luncheon the ladies played bridge at the BAUMAN cottage. Five tables were filled for the game. mrs. R. H. GILLET and Mrs. Oscar HANSON held the high and low score while Mrs. HANSON received the guest of honor prize. (16 Sep 1926)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN last week. (4 Nov 1926)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. BAUMAN. (30 Dec 1926)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and daughter, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph left Detroit Saturday for the South. They expect to remain about two weeks.
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit and Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON Jr. of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, were called to Grayling the last of the week by the illness of their grandfather, Rasmus HANSON. (26 May 1927)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN for a few days, coming to be in attendance at the graduation ceremonies. (16 Jun 1927)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to their home in Detroit Tuesday, after spending the past week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (23 Jun 1927)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. (14 Jul 1927)
-Miss Margrethe BAUMAN and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit entertained with a very delighful luncheon on Tuesday afternoon to honor their mother, Mrs. Henry BAUMAN, whose birthday occurred on that day. The ladies spent the afternoon playing bridge, Mrs. Olaf MICHELSON and Mrs. Carl MICKELSON holding highest scores. (4 Aug 1927)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN was called to Detroit Thursday owning to the illness of her little grandson, Ralph ROUTIER who is a patient at Harper Hospital. (22 Dec 1927)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN left for Detroit Monday where she will join her daughter, Mr. Ralph ROUTIER and son and together they will go South for th ewinter. (5 Jan 1928)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned Friday from Detroit, having gone there to accompany Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph to Miami, Florida, for the winter owing to the lad's ill health. However he has shown such a great improvement and the weather is so mild that they decided to return to Michigan. (12 jan 1928)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son of Detroit are spending the remaining winter months in Tucson, Arizona. (19 Jan 1928)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN, arriving the first of the week. (21 Jun 1928)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to their home in Detroit Thursday after spending the summer here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (6 Sep 1928)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit were guests over Sunday of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (18 Oct 1928)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN left yesterday for Salisbury, North Carolina, to visit their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr. They expected to be joined in Deroit by their daughter Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph. (28 Mar 1929)
-Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN returned home Friday from Salisbury, North Carolina, where she has been visiting here daughter Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr., since the latter part of March. Mrs. WOODSON accompanied her home and will be here for some time. Also Mrs. Ralph Routier and son Ralph of Detroit came Friday and remained until Tuesday visiting at the BAUMAN home. (16 May 1929)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to Detroit Monday after a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (8 Aug 1929)
-Mrs. R. E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (5 Sep 1929)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph drove up from Detroit for the week and were accompanied back by Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (24 Oct 1929)
-Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN returned Saturday from a several weeks visit in Detroit with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER. (14 Nov 1929)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit spent Monday with her sister Mrs. Margrethe BAUMAN. (28 Nov 1929)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN left wednesday night for Salisbury, N.C., to spend Easter with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSON (Grace BAUMAN). Enroute to North Carolina, Mrs. BAUMAN was joined at Detroit by her daughter, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER who accompanied her. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar HANSON are visiting the young couple in Salisbury and will also be their guests over Easter. (17 Apr 1930)
-Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN returned home Tuesday from an extended visit in Salisbury, North Carolina, with her daughter, Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr. Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit accompanied Mrs. BAUMAN home from Detroit and will be here for several days. (29 Maqy 1930)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. BAUMAN for a few days. (26 Jun 1930)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN is convalescing at thge home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER in Detroit, following a recent illness. (23 Oct 1930)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of DEtroit are here to make a visit to Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (25 Jun 1931)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to Detroit the last of the week after several weeks spent here guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. They were accompanied by Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON, who are spending several days there. (17 Sep 1931)
-H. A. BAUMAN is spending the week in Detroit joining Mrs. BAUMAN there and visiting their daughter Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER. (26 Nov 1931)
-H. A. BAUMAN left for Detroit Saturday to visit at the home of his daughter Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER. Mrs. BAUMAN has been there for several weeks. (17 Dec 1931)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending the holidays visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (24 Dec 1931)
-The Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON returned from Detroit Tuesday morning where they had been visiting Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER. (14 Jan 1932)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph arrived Sunday from Detroit and are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (30 Jun 1932)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, Jr., arrived Monday from Detroit to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (8 Sep 1932)
-Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON returned Sunday from Detroit after visiting relatives and friends. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER, and son Ralph. (8 Dec 1932)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Saturday evening for Detroit to be with Mr. BAUMAN, who is ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER. Mr. BAUMAN has been receiving medical treatment in Detroit. (2 Feb 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending this week visiting Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (20 Apr 1933)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to their home in Detroit Saturday after having spent the past week visiting the former's sister, Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (27 Apr 1933)
-Mrs. Helen E. ROUTIER returned to her home in Detroit Monday, but will return here again soon for the summer. (15 Jun 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter WOODSON, since the forepart of April in Salisbury, N. C., returned Saturday, accompanied by mrs. WOODSON and little daughter, Grace Matilda. Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph also accompanied them from Detroit. (15 Jun 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER arrived Saturday to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and family at their summer home on Lake Margrethe. At present she is spendingt a few days in Detroit. (13 Jul 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and her guest, Mrs. G. J. BARTHELL, who have been visiting at the summer home of the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, returned to Detroit Monday. (20 Jul 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER of Detroit spent the week end at the summer home of her mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. She was accompanied home Monday by her aunt, Mrs. Margrethe GRAHAM. (27 Jul 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph left Tuesday for their home in Detroit, after having spent the summer with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (7 Sep 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to Detroit Monday after having spent a few days with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. They were accompanied here by Mrs. Edward E. HARTWICK who remained to visit the BAUMANS for a long time, and was accompanied home by her son Edward HARTWICK, who spent a day here. (21 Sep 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Sunday for Detroit to spend Thanksgiving with her daughter, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and grandson, Ralph. Mrs. BAUMAN also plans to help Ralph celebrate his 14th birthday during her stay. (30 Nov 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned home Saturday from Detroit after having spent several weeks there with her daughter, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph. She was accompanied by the latter sho spent Christmas here. (28 Dec 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who has been visiting her daughter and grandson, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, in Detroit for several weeks arrived home Tuesday to spend this week at home with her daughter Miss Margrethe. Her nephew Esbern HANSON Jr., who is employed there by the American Mat Company accompanied her and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Esbern HANSON. (22 Mar 1934).
-Mrs. Margrethe GRAHAM returned home this morning after having spent the winter in West Palm Beach, Florida. Before returning home she visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSON Jr. at their home in Salisbury, N. C., and Mrs. Helen ROUTIER in Detroit. (5 Apr 1934)
-LOVELLS - Mr. and Mrs. Roy SMALL and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW and family were called to CURRAN by the death of Mrs. Roy SMALL and an aunt of Mrs. NEPHEW. (12 Apr 1934)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph arrived Saturday to spend the summer with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (28 Jun 1934)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER who had spent several days in Detroit, returned Sunday accompanied by Phillip PIPER who is the guest of her son Ralph. (12 Jul 1934)
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert PIPER, of Detroit, spent the week end as the guests of Mrs. Helen ROUTIER at Lake Margrethe. On their return they were accompanied by their son Philip, who had been the guest of Ralph ROUTIER. (19 Jul 1934)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, who have been spending the summer at the BAUMAN cottage at Lake Margrethe, returned to their home in Detroit Sunday. (6 Sep 1934)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending some time at the BAUMAN cottage at Lake Margrethe. (27 Jun 1935)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN, Mrs. Esbern HANSON, Mrs. Ralph ROUTEIR and Mrs. Albert PIPER o fDetroit spent Tuesday in Petoskey. (11 Jul 1935)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN are entertaining Mrs. Albert PIPER of Detroit, and Mrs. Russell POPE an dchildren, Natalie and Scott, of Bay City, at the summer home of Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (11 Jul 1935)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son, Ralph, drove to Detroit Monday and will be accompanied back by mrs. Walter WOODSON and daughter Grace Matilda of Salisbury, N. C., who are coming to Grayling for their annual visit. (15 Aug 1935)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER was hostess to ten guests at a dinner at Lincoln Lodge Monday evening. The dinner was given for the pleasure of Dr. and Mrs. PLYLER, Mr. and Mrs. W. HARRIS, Mr. and Mrs. Walte WOODSON, of Salisbury, N. C., and Mrs. Harold BRADLEY of Grand Rapids. (22 Aug 1935)
-Mrs. Harold CLIFT was hostess to eight ladies at a very delightfull luncheon Friday afternoon. Contract was played following the luncheon. Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and Mrs. Halford KITTLEMAN held the winning scores. (29 Aug 1935)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit came to Grayling Saturday to visit her mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. She returned Monday, accompanied by Mrs. BAUMAN. (14 Nov 1935)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit visited Mrs. Margrethe BAUMAN over the week end. (4 Jun 1936)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, left Tuesday for Detroit after having spent some time at Lake Margrethe with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (10 Sep 1936)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN entertained the HANSON families Friday afternoon at a luncheon at Shoppenagons Inn. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Walter WOODSON and daughter, Grace Matilda, of Salisbury, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Esbern HANSON Jr., of Alma; Misses Ella and Margrethe HaANSON, Lansing; Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, and son, Ralph, of Detroit, and Dick SCHNIEDER, of Saginaw. (31 Dec 1936)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit, were guests of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the week end. (18 Mar 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, have returned to Detroit from Salisbury, N. C., where they had visited the former's sister, Mrs. Walter WOODSON for a couple of weeks. They were accompanied on their return by Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who had spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. WOODSON and family. The latter is expected to arrive home the latter part of the week, accompanied by Mrs. ROUTIER and son Ralph. (8 Apr 1937)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned from Salisbury, N. C., Saturday. She was accompanied here by Mrs. Helen ROUTIER of Detroit, and son Ralph, who have also been visiting in Salisbury. (15 Apr 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, spent Mother's day with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (13 May 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, arrived Thursday and will spend th esummer with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (1 Jul 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, accompanied by Mrs. Marius HANSON, drove to Detroit Monday. Mrs. HANSON attended the Merchandise Mart at the Statler Hotel. (29 Jul 1937)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph have returned to their home in Detroit after having spent several weeks at the summer home of Mrs. ROUTIER's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (9 Sep 1937)
-Mrs. Walker MONROE of Detroit is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. O. W. HANSON. She accompanied Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son RAlph here, who came to spend the week end. Mrs. ROUTIER's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, returned with them on Sunday to spend two weeks in Detroit. (4 Nov 1937)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned home Friday from Detroit, where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER. She was accompanied by the latter, who spent the week end here. On Mrs. ROUTIER's return she was accompanied by Mrs. Marius HANSON. (18 Nov 1937)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN went to Detroit Sunday evening. There she will join her daughter Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and grandson Ralph, and together they will motor to Salisbury, N.C., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSON and family. (14 Apr 1938)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, were guests of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the Memorial Day weekend. (2 Jun 1938)
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, June 3, 1915
Mrs. Henry BAUMAN, Mrs. R. HANSON, Miss Margrethe HANSON and Mrs. O. W. HANSON will leave the last of the week for Boston and Auburndale, Mass., to attend the commencement exercises of Lasell Seminary, when Miss Margrethe BAUMAN will graduate from the institution. Miss Helen BAUMAN is also a student at the seminary. (2 Jun 1938)-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, are guests at the H. A. BAUMAN home. (30 Jun 1938)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who has been spending several months at Salisbury, N.C., returned Friday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSON and daughter Grace Matilda, and Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit. They are all vacationing at Lake Margrethe. (11 Aug 1938)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, returned to Detroit after vacationing at Lake Margrethe with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (8 Sep 1938)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, were guests of Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the Thanksgiving holidays. Mrs. BAUMAN accompanied them back to Detroit Monday. (1 Dec 1938)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Saturday for Detroit where she will join her daughter Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, and son Ralph and together they will motor to Salisbury, N.C., to spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSONJ and daughter, Grace Matilda. (6 Apr 1939)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, were guests of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the weekend. (4 May 1939)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, and son Ralph, arrived from Salisbury, N.C., Thursday, and are at the BAUMAN summer home at Lake Margrethe. (6 Jul 1939)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER is spending the week-end in Chicago. (3 Aug 1939)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son left Wednesday for their home in Detroit after spending Christmas with Miss Margrethe BAUMAN and other relatives. (28 Dec 1939)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, Jack Snel GROVE of Detroit, and Miss Muriel BRIGGS and Russel BRADLEY of Ann Arbor were guests over the week-end of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (8 Feb 1940)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (13 Jun 1940)
-Guests over Independance Day week end of Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe were Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, son Ralph, and Miss Peggy THOMAS, of Detroit and Miss Muriel BRIGGS and Russell BRADLEY of Ann Arbor. (11 Jul 1940)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, Mrs. Walter WOODSON, daughter Grace Matilda, and Mrs. Oscar HANSON spent Monday at Mackinac Island. (22 Aug 1940)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, Feb. 18, 1913.
Mrs. Henry BAUMAN and daughters Helen and Grace, accompanied Miss Margrethe HANSON left Saturday to spend a few days in Saginaw. (13 Feb 1936)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, March 20, 1913
Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and daughter Helen, have returned from Bay City where the young lady has been undergoing medical treatment. (19 Mar 1936)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, Dec. 18, 1913
Miss Helen BAUMAN left this afternoon for Bay City, where she will be joined by her sister Miss Margrethe, who is attending the Lasell seminary, in Boston, and is coming home for the holidays. (17 Dec, 1936)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, March 12, 1914
Miss Helen BAUMAN very pleasantly celebrated her birthday anniversary on March 4th by entertaining her girl friends with a luncheon and theatre party, chaperoning them to see "Thorns and Orange Blossoms." Those present were the Misses Margaret JOSEPH, Anna BOESON, Matilda and and Magaret FOLEY, Anna FISCHER, Wilda FAILING and Elsie SALLING. (11 Mar 1937)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, April 9, 1914
The Misses Margrethe and Helen BAUMAN arrived home on Tuesday, Miss Margrethe coming home from Lasell Seminary, Boston, Mass., to spend her Easter vacation, and Miss Helen returning from Bay City after a several days visit with friends. (8 Apr 1937)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, September 17, 1914
Miss Helen BAUMAN left today for Auburndale, Mass., where she will enroll as a student at Lasell Seminary. (16 Sep 1937)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, September 24, 1914
Miss Margrethe BAUMAN accompanied Miss Helen as far as Detroit last Thursday and is visiting friends in that city. Miss Helen left to attend Lasell Seminary at Auburndale, Mass. (23 Sep 1937)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, September 23, 1915
Miss Helen BAUMAN returned to Auberndale, Mass., Monday to resume her studies in the LaSalle seminary. Her mother and Mrs. R. HANSON accompanied her as far as Detroit. (22 Sep 1938)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, April 5, 1917
Miss Helen BAUMAN arrived home from Lasell Seminary, Auburndale, Mass., Monday to spend the spring season at ther home here. (4 Apr 1940)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, May 31, 1917
Miss Helen BAUMAN graduated from the LaSell Seminary, Auburndale, Mass., this week. Misses Margrethe and Grace BAUMAN left Monday to be in attendance. (30 May 1940)-Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN have announced the engagement of their daughter Miss Helen Louise, to Ralph E. ROUTIER, son of Mrs. J. W. HARTWICK, of Detroit. Miss Helen graduated this month from the LaSalle Seminary, of Auburndale, Mass. (28 Jun 1917)
-Miss Anne WALTON, who is enjoying a three weeks' vacation here, has been the guest of honor at a couple of dinner parties. Last Wednesday evening Mrs. Helen ROUTIER entertained with a dinner at Lake Margrethe, and Sunday evening Miss Margaret JOSEPH was hostess at a similar affair. These were informal functions and just the classmates of Miss WALTON were present. (29 Aug 1918)
-Mr. and Mrs. RAlph E. ROUTIER arrived in the city Monday from South Carolina, where the former has been serving in the U.S. Marines. They are the guests of Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and will remain for about ten days. Mrs. ROUTIER has been spending the past couple of months at Beaufort, S. C., so as to be near her husband. The latter however has been discharged from service. (6 Feb 1919)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER left Saturday for Detroit after having been the guests at the H. A. BAUMAN home for a couple of weeks. (20 Feb 1919)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER of Detroit is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN over Easter. Mr. ROUTIER will join his wife here later. (17 Apr 1919)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER of Detroit is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (21 Aug 1919)
-R. E. ROUTIER of Detroit, is visiting his wife at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, for a couple of weeks. (11 Sep 1919)
-Mr. and Mrs. RAlph E. ROUTIER, returned Tuesday to their home in Detroit after a several weeks' visit with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. Miss Grace BAUMAN accompanied them to Detroit for a short stay. (25 Sep 1919)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER of Detroit announce the birth of a son on Friday, November 28. Mrs. ROUTIER before her marriage was Miss Helen BAUMAN. (4 Dec 1919)
-Mrs. James W. HARTWICK and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER entertained at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday at the Detroit Boat Club, in honor of Mrs. Olaf MICHELSON, who, with Mr. MICHELSON, is leaving for her summer home in Northern Michigan. Spring flowers formed the decorations. - Detroit News, June 3. (10 Jun 1920)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and little son of Detroit arrived Monday and are guests of her parents, mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (17 Jun 1920)
-Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit arrived in Grayling the latter part of the week to spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. ROUTIER and little son have been here the past number of weeks the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (8 Jul 1920)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and little son are guests over the holidays of Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. Miss Margaret BAUMAN of Detroit and Miss Grace, who is attending the Knox school in Cooperstown, New York, also came home to enjoy the Xmas festal season at the parental home. (30 Dec 1920)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son RAlph HANSON of Detroit arrived Thursday and are guests of Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN for a few weeks. Later they will come to spend the summer at Lake Margrethe. Miss Margrethe BAUMAN, who has been in Detroit for several days accompanied them. (2 Jun 1921)
-Mrs. R. E. ROUTIER and little son Ralph Hanson arrived from Detroit Saturday to be the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. They expect to be here for the remainder of the summer. (4 Aug 1921)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER, who is spending the summer at Lake Margrethe is in Detroit for a few days. (15 Sep 1921)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER, and son Ralph Hanson, returned to their home in Detroit, Tuesday after spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (6 Oct 1921)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN have as guests in their home over Christmas and New Years, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph HANSON of Detroit and and Mr. Elmer SCHIEGEL of Chicago. Also Miss Grace BAUMAN, who is attending the Semple school in New York City is home during the holiday vacation, and Miss Margaret BAUMAN has returned from a visit in Detroit and other points. (29 Dec 1921)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph Hanson, arrived the fore part of the week and are guests of Mrs. ROUTIER's parrents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (1 Jun 1922)
-Miss Margrethe BAUMAN left Monday for Detroit from where she will go to New York to meet her friends, Mrs. Williamson aznd Miss CHRISTENSEN of Minneapolis and together the party will leave June 10, for Europe. The ladies will make Paris their headquarters and from that point will visit all the places of interest in France, Italy, Austria and Switzerland. Miss BAUMAN's friends wish her a happy sojourn and a safe return. Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Miss Grace BAUMAN will be in New York to see the party sail. (8 Jun 1922)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN left Saturday to be in attendance at the 5th annual Alumni meeting of her class at Lasell Seminary, Auburndale, Mass. (8 Jun 1922)
-Miss Grace BAUMAN, who has been attending the Semple School in New York City the past school year, arrived home Tuesday for the summer vacation. Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER, who had been in the East, returned with her. (22 Jun 1922)
-Ralph Routier of Detroit was in Grayling over Sunday visiting his family, who are spending the summer here. (10 Aug 1922)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph Hanson returned Saturday to their home in Detroit after spending the most of the summer guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, at the latter's summer home at Lake Margrethe. (21 Sep 1922)
-Miss Grace BAUMAN is home from the Semple School in New York City, to spend the holidays the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph Hanson of Detroit are also guests at the BAUMAN home for the Holiday Season. (28 Dec 1922)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss BAUMAN entertained Wednesday afternoon with a delightful Bridge party to compliment Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER of Detroit, who is a guest in the BAUMAN home. Mrs. Esbern HANSON and Mrs. R. H. GILLETT won prizes. (4 Jan 1923)
-Mr. and Mrs. R. E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are guests at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (31 May 1923)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit are spending Christmas with Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (27 Dec 1923)
-Saturday evening the ladies and gentlemen of the Bridge club were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles TROMBLE and Mr. and Mrs. Marius HANSON at dinner at Shoppenagon Inn. The vases in the center of the small tables, upon which the dinner was served were filled with poinsettias while lighted candles had been placed on each side of the vases. The guests went immediately following the dinner to the home of Mr. and Mrs. HANSON where Bridge was enjoyed. Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Holger HANSON held the highest scores. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. WESCOTT and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit and Miss DOTY of Grand Rapids were guests. (3 Jan 1924)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN for a few days returned home Monday. Little Ralph ROUTIER will remain for a longer visit with his grandparents. (24 Apr 1924)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit are visiting the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and family. (5 Jun 1924)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN are in Detroit. (14 Aug 1924)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son of Detroit are holday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN and family. (25 Dec 1924)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN is visiting her daughter Mrs. ROUTIER and family in Detroit. (26 Feb 1925)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit were guests of the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN over Easter. (16 Apr 1925)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph Jr. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (4 Jun 1925)
-Attorney Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit joined Mrs. ROUTIER and son here Sunday and they are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (18 Jun 1925)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (27 Aug 1925)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son were guests over the week end of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. (29 Oct 1925)
-Mrs. Esbern HANSON, accompanied by Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son drove to Bay City today. Saturday she will attend the U. of M. Navy foot ball game and leaving there she will go to New York and other eastern points. (29 Oct 1925).
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph were guests over Thanksgiving of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. (3 Dec 1925)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending the holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. Mr. ROUTIER spent Christmas here. (31 Dec 1925)
-Miss Grace BAUMAN left Monday afternoon for Detroit to visit her sister Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and family. (11 Feb 1926)
-Miss Grace BAUMAN returned Saturday from Detroit where she spent several days visiting her sister Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and family. (18 Feb 1926)
-Ralph ROUTIER, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit, is suffering with a double mastoid. And in addition to that very painful affliction, he now has the measles. It is reported that he is in a very serious condition. (25 Feb 1926)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN left Thursday afternoon for Detroit to visit her daughter Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and family, being called there by the illness of her little grandson Ralph, Jr. (4 Mar 1926)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN returned Monday afternoon from Detroit where she had been visiting her daughter Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and family for about a week. (11 Mar 1926)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER entertained a few ladies at luncheon on Wednesday.
Mrs. Carl MICKELSON held the high score for bridge and Mrs. Kristine SALLING for "500." (16 Sep 1926)-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph left Wednesday night for Detroit after having spent the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (16 Sep 1926)
-A delightful bridge luncheon was given Friday afternoon by Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Miss BAUMAN to honor Mrs. Esbern HANSON who left Tuesday for Portland, Oregon for an extended visit. After luncheon the ladies played bridge at the BAUMAN cottage. Five tables were filled for the game. mrs. R. H. GILLET and Mrs. Oscar HANSON held the high and low score while Mrs. HANSON received the guest of honor prize. (16 Sep 1926)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN last week. (4 Nov 1926)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. BAUMAN. (30 Dec 1926)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and daughter, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph left Detroit Saturday for the South. They expect to remain about two weeks.
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit and Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON Jr. of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, were called to Grayling the last of the week by the illness of their grandfather, Rasmus HANSON. (26 May 1927)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to their home in Detroit Tuesday, after spending the past week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (23 Jun 1927)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. (14 Jul 1927)
-Miss Margrethe BAUMAN and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit entertained with a very delighful luncheon on Tuesday afternoon to honor their mother, Mrs. Henry BAUMAN, whose birthday occurred on that day. The ladies spent the afternoon playing bridge, Mrs. Olaf MICHELSON and Mrs. Carl MICKELSON holding highest scores. (4 Aug 1927)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN left for Detroit Monday where she will join her daughter, Mr. Ralph ROUTIER and son and together they will go South for th ewinter. (5 Jan 1928)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned Friday from Detroit, having gone there to accompany Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph to Miami, Florida, for the winter owing to the lad's ill health. However he has shown such a great improvement and the weather is so mild that they decided to return to Michigan. (12 jan 1928)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son of Detroit are spending the remaining winter months in Tucson, Arizona. (19 Jan 1928)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN, arriving the first of the week. (21 Jun 1928)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to their home in Detroit Thursday after spending the summer here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (6 Sep 1928)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit were guests over Sunday of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (18 Oct 1928)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN left yesterday for Salisbury, North Carolina, to visit their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr. They expected to be joined in Deroit by their daughter Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph. (28 Mar 1929)
-Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN returned home Friday from Salisbury, North Carolina, where she has been visiting here daughter Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr., since the latter part of March. Mrs. WOODSON accompanied her home and will be here for some time. Also Mrs. Ralph Routier and son Ralph of Detroit came Friday and remained until Tuesday visiting at the BAUMAN home. (16 May 1929)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to Detroit Monday after a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (8 Aug 1929)
-Mrs. R. E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (5 Sep 1929)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph drove up from Detroit for the week and were accompanied back by Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (24 Oct 1929)
-Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN returned Saturday from a several weeks visit in Detroit with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER. (14 Nov 1929)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit spent Monday with her sister Mrs. Margrethe BAUMAN. (28 Nov 1929)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN left wednesday night for Salisbury, N.C., to spend Easter with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSON (Grace BAUMAN). Enroute to North Carolina, Mrs. BAUMAN was joined at Detroit by her daughter, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER who accompanied her. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar HANSON are visiting the young couple in Salisbury and will also be their guests over Easter. (17 Apr 1930)
-Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN returned home Tuesday from an extended visit in Salisbury, North Carolina, with her daughter, Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr. Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit accompanied Mrs. BAUMAN home from Detroit and will be here for several days. (29 Maqy 1930)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. BAUMAN for a few days. (26 Jun 1930)
-Mrs. Louis CLEMENT of Salisbury, N.C., a house guest of Mrs. Walter WOODSON, was guest of honor at a lovely bridge party at the summer home of Mrs. Esbern HANSON on Thursday afternoon. High scores were held by Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN, Mrs. CLEMENT receiving the guest prize. (14 Aug 1930)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN is convalescing at thge home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER in Detroit, following a recent illness. (23 Oct 1930)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN is convalescing at thge home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER in Detroit, following a recent illness. (23 Oct 1930)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of DEtroit are here to make a visit to Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (25 Jun 1931)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to Detroit the last of the week after several weeks spent here guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. They were accompanied by Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON, who are spending several days there. (17 Sep 1931)
-H. A. BAUMAN is spending the week in Detroit joining Mrs. BAUMAN there and visiting their daughter Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER. (26 Nov 1931)
-H. A. BAUMAN left for Detroit Saturday to visit at the home of his daughter Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER. Mrs. BAUMAN has been there for several weeks. (17 Dec 1931)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending the holidays visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (24 Dec0 1931)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to their home in Detroit after spending the holidays visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. They were accompanied by the Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON who will spend a few days there. Miss Mary Harriet CHARTERS, the Misses HANSON's guest, accompanied them as far as Bay City. (7 Jan 1932)
-The Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON returned from Detroit Tuesday morning where they had been visiting Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER. (14 Jan 1932)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph arrived Sunday from Detroit and are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (30 Jun 1932)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, Jr., arrived Monday from Detroit to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (8 Sep 1932)
-H. A. BAUMAN left Tuesday for Detroit where he will join Mrs. BAUMAN, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER for the past several weeks. (1 Dec 1932)
-Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON returned Sunday from Detroit after visiting relatives and friends. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER, and son Ralph. (8 Dec 1932)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Saturday evening for Detroit to be with Mr. BAUMAN, who is ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER. Mr. BAUMAN has been receiving medical treatment in Detroit. (2 Feb 1933)
Funeral Here Friday Afternoon From Residence
Menry A. BAUMAN, one of Grayling's best known and most highly esteemed citizens, passed away at the home of his daughter Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, 818 Edison avenue, Detroit, at 10:30 o'clock Monday forenoon. He had been in poor health for the past year. With him during his last days were his wife and daughters Mrs. ROUTIER and Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON and her husband of Salisbury, N. C., and Esbern HANSON, Grayling.
Mr. BAUMAN was 72 years of age. He was born in Germany and, with his parents, while still a small child, came to America and located in Muskegon, Mich., where Henry grew to young manhood. He was united in Marriage on June 17, 1892 to Miss Mathilda HANSON, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus HANSON. To them three daughters were born, all of whom survive - Margrethe, who makes her home in Grayling with her parents; Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, Detroit, and Mrs. Grace WOODSON, Salisbury, N. C.
After marriage Mr. BAUMAN took up his residence in Grayling and soon associated himself with Salling Hanson Co., manufacturers of lumber. He spent much of his time supervising the lumber camps of the Company, of which, in the early days there were many, and the woods operations. Besides these duties he found time to take an active part in community affairs. He served in community affairs. He served as president of the village; township supervisor and other township offices, and for 25 years was treasurer of Grayling school district. These and many other civic responsibilities he assumed and carried out with honor, much to his personnal credit and the utmost confidence of the people of the community. Mr. BAUMAN's integrity and faithfulness to his responsibilities were never questioned. He was a 32nd degree Mason, a Knight Templar and a member of the Lutheran Church of Muskegon. At the time of his death he was a vice president of the Eastern Michigan Tourist association. He was a devoted reader and was well informed on affairs of the day.
He had a happy faculty of making and keeping friends. Wherever he might be, in his home town or away from home; on a train or hotel lobby or wherever he met folk, his interesting personality immediately won for him attention and warm friendships. Without doubt he was better and more favorably known outside of his home city than any other citizen we have. Wherever one might travel, someone was almost sure to ask about Henry BAUMAN. He liked people and people liked him. In his passing Grayling has lost a most desirable influential citizen.
Funeral services will be held from the family home on Peninsular avenue at 2:00 o'clock Friday afternoon. Interment will be at Elmwood cemetery. The business places will be closed from 2 to 3 p.m. during the time of the funeral. (30 Mar 1933)-H. A. BAUMAN Funeral Held Friday
The funeral of Henry A. BAUMAN, who passed away in Detroit March 27th, was held from the family home Friday afternoon. The home was filled with
relatives and old friends of the family, in token of their respect and regard for the deceased.
The funeral service was conducted by Rev. H. J. SALMON, pastor of Michelson Memorial church. Interment was in Elmwood cemetery. The pallbearers were Oscar Hanson, Esbern HANSON, Walter H. WOODSON, M. A. BATES, Dr. C. R. KEYPORT, John BRUUN.
Among those in attendance at the funeral from out of the city were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr., Salisbury, N. C.; Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son RAlph, Mr. and Mrs. James HARTWICK, Harold BRADLEY, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. CUMMING, Rose City; Mrs. Sidney GRAHAM, Miami.
In appreciation for the many favors Mr. BAUMAN had done for St. Mary's church and Mercy Hospital for many years past, mass was offered by Rev. Fr. CULLIGAN in his honor Sunday morning. (6 Apr 1933)-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending this week visiting Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (20 Apr 1933)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to their home in Detroit Saturday after having spent the past week visiting the former's sister, Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (27 Apr 1933)
-Mrs. Helen E. ROUTIER returned to her home in Detroit Monday, but will return here again soon for the summer. (15 Jun 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter WOODSON, since the forepart of April in Salisbury, N. C., returned Saturday, accompanied by mrs. WOODSON and little daughter, Grace Matilda. Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph also accompanied them from Detroit. (15 Jun 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER arrived Saturday to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and family at their summer home on Lake Margrethe. At present she is spendingt a few days in Detroit. (13 Jul 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and her guest, Mrs. G. J. BARTHELL, who have been visiting at the summer home of the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, returned to Detroit Monday. (20 Jul 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER of Detroit spent the week end at the summer home of her mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. She was accompanied home Monday by her aunt, Mrs. Margrethe GRAHAM. (27 Jul 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph left Tuesday for their home in Detroit, after having spent the summer with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (7 Sep 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to Detroit Monday after having spent a few days with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. They were accompanied here by Mrs. Edward E. HARTWICK who remained to visit the BAUMANS for a long time, and was accompanied home by her son Edward HARTWICK, who spent a day here. (21 Sep 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned home Saturday from Detroit after having spent several weeks there with her daughter, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph. She was accompanied by the latter sho spent Christmas here. (28 Dec 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who has been visiting her daughter and grandson, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, in Detroit for several weeks arrived home Tuesday to spend this week at home with her daughter Miss Margrethe. Her nephew Esbern HANSON Jr., who is employed there by the American Mat Company accompanied her and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Esbern HANSON. (22 Mar 1934).
-Mrs. Margrethe GRAHAM returned home this morning after having spent the winter in West Palm Beach, Florida. Before returning home she visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSON Jr. at their home in Salisbury, N. C., and Mrs. Helen ROUTIER in Detroit. (5 Apr 1934)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph arrived Saturday to spend the summer with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (28 Jun 1934)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER who had spent several days in Detroit, returned Sunday accompanied by Phillip PIPER who is the guest of her son Ralph. (12 Jul 1934)
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert PIPER, of Detroit, spent the week end as the guests of Mrs. Helen ROUTIER at Lake Margrethe. On their return they were accompanied by their son Philip, who had been the guest of Ralph ROUTIER. (19 Jul 1934)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, who have been spending the summer at the BAUMAN cottage at Lake Margrethe, returned to their home in Detroit Sunday. (6 Sep 1934)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending some time at the BAUMAN cottage at Lake Margrethe. (27 Jun 1935)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN, Mrs. Esbern HANSON, Mrs. Ralph ROUTEIR and Mrs. Albert PIPER of Detroit spent Tuesday in Petoskey. (11 Jul 1935)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN are entertaining Mrs. Albert PIPER of Detroit, and Mrs. Russell POPE and children, Natalie and Scott, of Bay City, at the summer home of Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (11 Jul 1935)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son, Ralph, drove to Detroit Monday and will be accompanied back by mrs. Walter WOODSON and daughter Grace Matilda of Salisbury, N. C., who are coming to Grayling for their annual visit. (15 Aug 1935)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER was hostess to ten guests at a dinner at Lincoln Lodge Monday evening. The dinner was given for the pleasure of Dr. and Mrs. PLYLER, Mr. and Mrs. W. HARRIS, Mr. and Mrs. Walte WOODSON, of Salisbury, N. C., and Mrs. Harold BRADLEY of Grand Rapids. (22 Aug 1935)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit came to Grayling Saturday to visit her mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. She returned Monday, accompanied by Mrs. BAUMAN. (14 Nov 1935)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit visited Mrs. Margrethe BAUMAN over the week end. (4 Jun 1936)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, left Tuesday for Detroit after having spent some time at Lake Margrethe with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (10 Sep 1936)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN entertained the HANSON families Friday afternoon at a luncheon at Shoppenagons Inn. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Walter WOODSON and daughter, Grace Matilda, of Salisbury, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Esbern HANSON Jr., of Alma; Misses Ella and Margrethe HaANSON, Lansing; Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, and son, Ralph, of Detroit, and Dick SCHNIEDER, of Saginaw. (31 Dec 1936)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit, were guests of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the week end. (18 Mar 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, have returned to Detroit from Salisbury, N. C., where they had visited the former's sister, Mrs. Walter WOODSON for a couple of weeks. They were accompanied on their return by Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who had spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. WOODSON and family. The latter is expected to arrive home the latter part of the week, accompanied by Mrs. ROUTIER and son Ralph. (8 Apr 1937)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned from Salisbury, N. C., Saturday. She was accompanied here by Mrs. Helen ROUTIER of Detroit, and son Ralph, who have also been visiting in Salisbury. (15 Apr 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, spent Mother's day with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (13 May 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, arrived Thursday and will spend th esummer with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (1 Jul 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, accompanied by Mrs. Marius HANSON, drove to Detroit Monday. Mrs. HANSON attended the Merchandise Mart at the Statler Hotel. (29 Jul 1937)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph have returned to their home in Detroit after having spent several weeks at the summer home of Mrs. ROUTIER's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (9 Sep 1937)
-Mrs. Walker MONROE of Detroit is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. O. W. HANSON. She accompanied Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son RAlph here, who came to spend the week end. Mrs. ROUTIER's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, returned with them on Sunday to spend two weeks in Detroit. (4 Nov 1937)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned home Friday from Detroit, where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER. She was accompanied by the latter, who spent the week end here. On Mrs. ROUTIER's return she was accompanied by Mrs. Marius HANSON. (18 Nov 1937)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN went to Detroit Sunday evening. There she will join her daughter Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and grandson Ralph, and together they will motor to Salisbury, N.C., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSON and family. (14 Apr 1938)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, were guests of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the Memorial Day weekend. (2 Jun 1938)
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, June 3, 1915
Mrs. Henry BAUMAN, Mrs. R. HANSON, Miss Margrethe HANSON and Mrs. O. W. HANSON will leave the last of the week for Boston and Auburndale, Mass., to attend the commencement exercises of Lasell Seminary, when Miss Margrethe BAUMAN will graduate from the institution. Miss Helen BAUMAN is also a student at the seminary. (2 Jun 1938)-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who has been spending several months at Salisbury, N.C., returned Friday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSON and daughter Grace Matilda, and Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit. They are all vacationing at Lake Margrethe. (11 Aug 1938)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, returned to Detroit after vacationing at Lake Margrethe with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (8 Sep 1938)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, were guests of Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the Thanksgiving holidays. Mrs. BAUMAN accompanied them back to Detroit Monday. (1 Dec 1938)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Saturday for Detroit where she will join her daughter Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, and son Ralph and together they will motor to Salisbury, N.C., to spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSONJ and daughter, Grace Matilda. (6 Apr 1939)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, were guests of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the weekend. (4 May 1939)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, and son Ralph, arrived from Salisbury, N.C., Thursday, and are at the BAUMAN summer home at Lake Margrethe. (6 Jul 1939)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER is spending the week-end in Chicago. (3 Aug 1939)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son left Wednesday for their home in Detroit after spending Christmas with Miss Margrethe BAUMAN and other relatives. (28 Dec 1939)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, Jack Snel GROVE of Detroit, and Miss Muriel BRIGGS and Russel BRADLEY of Ann Arbor were guests over the week-end of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (8 Feb 1940)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (13 Jun 1940)
-Guests over Independance Day week end of Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe were Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, son Ralph, and Miss Peggy THOMAS, of Detroit and Miss Muriel BRIGGS and Russell BRADLEY of Ann Arbor. (11 Jul 1940)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, Mrs. Walter WOODSON, daughter Grace Matilda, and Mrs. Oscar HANSON spent Monday at Mackinac Island. (22 Aug 1940)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER of Detroit announce the birth of a son on Friday, November 28. Mrs. ROUTIER before her marriage was Miss Helen BAUMAN. (4 Dec 1919)-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and little son of Detroit arrived Monday and are guests of her parents, mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (17 Jun 1920)
-Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit arrived in Grayling the latter part of the week to spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. ROUTIER and little son have been here the past number of weeks the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (8 Jul 1920)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son RAlph HANSON of Detroit arrived Thursday and are guests of Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN for a few weeks. Later they will come to spend the summer at Lake Margrethe. Miss Margrethe BAUMAN, who has been in Detroit for several days accompanied them. (2 Jun 1921)
-Mrs. R. E. ROUTIER and little son Ralph Hanson arrived from Detroit Saturday to be the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. They expect to be here for the remainder of the summer. (4 Aug 1921)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER, and son Ralph Hanson, returned to their home in Detroit, Tuesday after spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (6 Oct 1921)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN have as guests in their home over Christmas and New Years, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph HANSON of Detroit and and Mr. Elmer SCHIEGEL of Chicago. Also Miss Grace BAUMAN, who is attending the Semple school in New York City is home during the holiday vacation, and Miss Margaret BAUMAN has returned from a visit in Detroit and other points. (29 Dec 1921)
-Ralph Routier of Detroit was in Grayling over Sunday visiting his family, who are spending the summer here. (10 Aug 1922)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph Hanson returned Saturday to their home in Detroit after spending the most of the summer guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, at the latter's summer home at Lake Margrethe. (21 Sep 1922)
-Miss Grace BAUMAN is home from the Semple School in New York City, to spend the holidays the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph Hanson of Detroit are also guests at the BAUMAN home for the Holiday Season. (28 Dec 1922)
-Mr. and Mrs. R. E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are guests at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (31 May 1923)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Tuesday for Detroit to be with her grandson, little Ralph ROUTIER, on his birthday. (29 Nov 1923)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit are spending Christmas with Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (27 Dec 1923)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN for a few days returned home Monday. Little Ralph ROUTIER will remain for a longer visit with his grandparents. (24 Apr 1924)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son returned Saturday to Detroit after spending the summer months in Grayling. (18 Sep 1924)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit were guests of the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN over Easter. (16 Apr 1925)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph Jr. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (4 Jun 1925)
-Attorney Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit joined Mrs. ROUTIER and son here Sunday and they are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (18 Jun 1925)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (27 Aug 1925)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son were guests over the week end of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. (29 Oct 1925)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph were guests over Thanksgiving of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. (3 Dec 1925)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending the holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. Mr. ROUTIER spent Christmas here. (31 Dec 1925)
-Ralph ROUTIER, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit, is suffering with a double mastoid. And in addition to that very painful affliction, he now has the measles. It is reported that he is in a very serious condition. (25 Feb 1926)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN left Thursday afternoon for Detroit to visit her daughter Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and family, being called there by the illness of her little grandson Ralph, Jr. (4 Mar 1926)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN returned Monday afternoon from Detroit where she had been visiting her daughter Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and family for about a week. (11 Mar 1926)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN and daughter GRace were called to Detroit the first of the week due to the serious illness of their grandson Ralph ROUTIER. Mrs. BAUMAN and Miss Grace left Sunday night, Mr. BAUMAN going Monday afternoon. (25 Mar 1926)
-Little Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN, who has been seriously ill for several weeks, is reported to be improving rapidly and will soon be able to leave the hospital. (29 Apr 1926)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph left Wednesday night for Detroit after having spent the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (16 Sep 1926)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN last week. (4 Nov 1926)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. BAUMAN. (30 Dec 1926)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and daughter, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph left Detroit Saturday for the South. They expect to remain about two weeks.
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit and Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON Jr. of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, were called to Grayling the last of the week by the illness of their grandfather, Rasmus HANSON. (26 May 1927)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN for a few days, coming to be in attendance at the graduation ceremonies. (16 Jun 1927)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to their home in Detroit Tuesday, after spending the past week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (23 Jun 1927)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. (14 Jul 1927)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN was called to Detroit Thursday owning to the illness of her little grandson, Ralph ROUTIER who is a patient at Harper Hospital. (22 Dec 1927)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN left for Detroit Monday where she will join her daughter, Mr. Ralph ROUTIER and son and together they will go South for th ewinter. (5 Jan 1928)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned Friday from Detroit, having gone there to accompany Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph to Miami, Florida, for the winter owing to the lad's ill health. However he has shown such a great improvement and the weather is so mild that they decided to return to Michigan. (12 jan 1928)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son of Detroit are spending the remaining winter months in Tucson, Arizona. (19 Jan 1928)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN, arriving the first of the week. (21 Jun 1928)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to their home in Detroit Thursday after spending the summer here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (6 Sep 1928)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit were guests over Sunday of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (18 Oct 1928)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN left yesterday for Salisbury, North Carolina, to visit their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr. They expected to be joined in Deroit by their daughter Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph. (28 Mar 1929)
-Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN returned home Friday from Salisbury, North Carolina, where she has been visiting here daughter Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr., since the latter part of March. Mrs. WOODSON accompanied her home and will be here for some time. Also Mrs. Ralph Routier and son Ralph of Detroit came Friday and remained until Tuesday visiting at the BAUMAN home. (16 May 1929)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to Detroit Monday after a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (8 Aug 1929)
-Mrs. R. E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (5 Sep 1929)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph drove up from Detroit for the week and were accompanied back by Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (24 Oct 1929)
-Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN returned home Tuesday from an extended visit in Salisbury, North Carolina, with her daughter, Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr. Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit accompanied Mrs. BAUMAN home from Detroit and will be here for several days. (29 Maqy 1930)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. BAUMAN for a few days. (26 Jun 1930)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of DEtroit are here to make a visit to Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (25 Jun 1931)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to Detroit the last of the week after several weeks spent here guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. They were accompanied by Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON, who are spending several days there. (17 Sep 1931)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending the holidays visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (24 Dec 1931)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to their home in Detroit after spending the holidays visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. They were accompanied by the Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON who will spend a few days there. Miss Mary Harriet CHARTERS, the Misses HANSON's guest, accompanied them as far as Bay City. (7 Jan 1932)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph arrived Sunday from Detroit and are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. (30 Jun 1932)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, Jr., arrived Monday from Detroit to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (8 Sep 1932)
-Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON returned Sunday from Detroit after visiting relatives and friends. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER, and son Ralph. (8 Dec 1932)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending this week visiting Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (20 Apr 1933)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to their home in Detroit Saturday after having spent the past week visiting the former's sister, Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (27 Apr 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter WOODSON, since the forepart of April in Salisbury, N. C., returned Saturday, accompanied by mrs. WOODSON and little daughter, Grace Matilda. Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph also accompanied them from Detroit. (15 Jun 1933)
-Mrs. Margrethe GRAHAM, and nephews, Esbern HANSON Jr. and Ralph ROUTIER left Wednesday for Chicago to vicit the Century of Progress. They will return by boat to Mackinac Island, where they will spend a few days before returning home. (10 Aug 1933)
-Wolff Farm Scene of Treasure Hunt
For the pleasure of her granddaughter, Miss Jean WOLFF of South Bend, Mrs. H. W. WOLFF entertained twenty-one young girls and boys with a treasure hunt at the farm yesterday.
The three clues for finding the treasure were figured out in a hurry and no time was wasted in reaching the secret hiding place and claiming the treasure. Staley HAUGH of Mason won the largest number of pennies and was declared the champion.
Supper was served on tables on the lawn and while the guests were being seated and during the meal cameras were busy taking movies of the party.
Guests included besides the guest of honor, Mary Gretchen CONNINE, Mary Jane JOSEPH, Patricia McKENNA, Nell WELSH, Gloria McNEVEN, Fred WELSH, Tom WELSH, Bob WELSH, Ralph ROUTIER, Bill JOSEPH, Esbern OLSON, John MICHELSON, Jack SPARKES, John Henry PETERSON, Staley HAUGH, Mason; Kenneth MILLEW, Saginaw; Katherine Ann KITTLEMAN, Chicago; Janet WOLFF, South Bend; Grace Matilda WOODSON, Salisbury, N. C. (24 Aug 1933)-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph left Tuesday for their home in Detroit, after having spent the summer with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (7 Sep 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to Detroit Monday after having spent a few days with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. They were accompanied here by Mrs. Edward E. HARTWICK who remained to visit the BAUMANS for a long time, and was accompanied home by her son Edward HARTWICK, who spent a day here. (21 Sep 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Sunday for Detroit to spend Thanksgiving with her daughter, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and grandson, Ralph. Mrs. BAUMAN also plans to help Ralph celebrate his 14th birthday during her stay. (30 Nov 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned home Saturday from Detroit after having spent several weeks there with her daughter, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph. She was accompanied by the latter sho spent Christmas here. (28 Dec 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left last Thursday for Detroit where she was called by the serious condition of her grandson, Ralph Hanson ROUTIER, who is a patient in Harper Hospital. Reports say that Ralph is improving. Mrs. BAUMAN was accompanied by Misses Ella and Margrethe HANSON. (1 Feb 1934)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who has been visiting her daughter and grandson, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, in Detroit for several weeks arrived home Tuesday to spend this week at home with her daughter Miss Margrethe. Her nephew Esbern HANSON Jr., who is employed there by the American Mat Company accompanied her and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Esbern HANSON. (22 Mar 1934).
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph arrived Saturday to spend the summer with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (28 Jun 1934)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER who had spent several days in Detroit, returned Sunday accompanied by Phillip PIPER who is the guest of her son Ralph. (12 Jul 1934)
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert PIPER, of Detroit, spent the week end as the guests of Mrs. Helen ROUTIER at Lake Margrethe. On their return they were accompanied by their son Philip, who had been the guest of Ralph ROUTIER. (19 Jul 1934)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, who have been spending the summer at the BAUMAN cottage at Lake Margrethe, returned to their home in Detroit Sunday. (6 Sep 1934)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending some time at the BAUMAN cottage at Lake Margrethe. (27 Jun 1935)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN, Mrs. Esbern HANSON, Mrs. Ralph ROUTEIR and Mrs. Albert PIPER o fDetroit spent Tuesday in Petoskey. (11 Jul 1935)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN are entertaining Mrs. Albert PIPER of Detroit, and Mrs. Russell POPE an dchildren, Natalie and Scott, of Bay City, at the summer home of Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (11 Jul 1935)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son, Ralph, drove to Detroit Monday and will be accompanied back by Mrs. Walter WOODSON and daughter Grace Matilda of Salisbury, N. C., who are coming to Grayling for their annual visit. (15 Aug 1935)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER was hostess to ten guests at a dinner at Lincoln Lodge Monday evening. The dinner was given for the pleasure of Dr. and Mrs. PLYLER, Mr. and Mrs. W. HARRIS, Mr. and Mrs. Walte WOODSON, of Salisbury, N. C., and Mrs. Harold BRADLEY of Grand Rapids. (22 Aug 1935)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit visited Mrs. Margrethe BAUMAN over the week end. (4 Jun 1936)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, left Tuesday for Detroit after having spent some time at Lake Margrethe with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (10 Sep 1936)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN entertained the HANSON families Friday afternoon at a luncheon at Shoppenagons Inn. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Walter WOODSON and daughter, Grace Matilda, of Salisbury, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Esbern HANSON Jr., of Alma; Misses Ella and Margrethe HaANSON, Lansing; Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, and son, Ralph, of Detroit, and Dick SCHNIEDER, of Saginaw. (31 Dec 1936)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit, were guests of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the week end. (18 Mar 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, have returned to Detroit from Salisbury, N. C., where they had visited the former's sister, Mrs. Walter WOODSON for a couple of weeks. They were accompanied on their return by Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who had spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. WOODSON and family. The latter is expected to arrive home the latter part of the week, accompanied by Mrs. ROUTIER and son Ralph. (8 Apr 1937)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned from Salisbury, N. C., Saturday. She was accompanied here by Mrs. Helen ROUTIER of Detroit, and son Ralph, who have also been visiting in Salisbury. (15 Apr 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, spent Mother's day with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (13 May 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, arrived Thursday and will spend th esummer with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (1 Jul 1937)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph have returned to their home in Detroit after having spent several weeks at the summer home of Mrs. ROUTIER's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (9 Sep 1937)
-Mrs. Walker MONROE of Detroit is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. O. W. HANSON. She accompanied Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son RAlph here, who came to spend the week end. Mrs. ROUTIER's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, returned with them on Sunday to spend two weeks in Detroit. (4 Nov 1937)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN went to Detroit Sunday evening. There she will join her daughter Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and grandson Ralph, and together they will motor to Salisbury, N.C., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSON and family. (14 Apr 1938)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, were guests of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the Memorial Day weekend. (2 Jun 1938)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, are guests at the H. A. BAUMAN home. (30 Jun 1938)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who has been spending several months at Salisbury, N.C., returned Friday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSON and daughter Grace Matilda, and Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit. They are all vacationing at Lake Margrethe. (11 Aug 1938)
Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit was host to twelve of his friends at a supper party Sunday evening to honor Miss Eleanore PINO of Detroit.
The party was given at the summer home of the host's grand mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, where he is a house guest.
Guests included, besides the guest of honor, Mary Gretchen CONNINE, Gail WELSH, Marian McCLANAHAN, Jean MICHELSON, Bill JOSEPH, Tom WELSH, John MICHELSON, Wayne NELLIST, Fred WELSH. (25 Aug 1938)-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, returned to Detroit after vacationing at Lake Margrethe with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (8 Sep 1938)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, were guests of Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the Thanksgiving holidays. Mrs. BAUMAN accompanied them back to Detroit Monday. (1 Dec 1938)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Saturday for Detroit where she will join her daughter Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, and son Ralph and together they will motor to Salisbury, N.C., to spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSONJ and daughter, Grace Matilda. (6 Apr 1939)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, were guests of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the weekend. (4 May 1939)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, and son Ralph, arrived from Salisbury, N.C., Thursday, and are at the BAUMAN summer home at Lake Margrethe. (6 Jul 1939)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, and grandson Ralph ROUTIER, of Detroit, Mrs. Margrethe GRAHAM, Mrs. Henry WILCOX, and Mrs. Richard SNYDER, of Saginaw, Mrs. Esbern HANSON and Mrs. Esbern HANSON, Jr., of St. Louis, all left Tuesday for New York to be in attendance at the marriage of Miss Virginia HANSON and Doctor Earl Stough TAYLOR, that will occur Saturday. T. W. HANSON, the bride's father left early last week to be there for the nuptials. (21 Sep 1939)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son left Wednesday for their home in Detroit after spending Christmas with Miss Margrethe BAUMAN and other relatives. (28 Dec 1939)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, Jack Snel GROVE of Detroit, and Miss Muriel BRIGGS and Russel BRADLEY of Ann Arbor were guests over the week-end of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (8 Feb 1940)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (13 Jun 1940)
-Guests over Independance Day week end of Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe were Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, son Ralph, and Miss Peggy THOMAS, of Detroit and Miss Muriel BRIGGS and Russell BRADLEY of Ann Arbor. (11 Jul 1940)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-SOUTH SIDE - Cecil WARD, of Blue Lake, spent Xmas with his brother and family. (30 Dec 1915)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
- Andernach, Germany
Dec. 22, 1918.Dear brother and family:
Just a few lines to let you know that I have a pretty d--n good chance to get home alive now. But I seen the time when I would not give two cents for my skin, but they never even got a hole in my old pelt. I was darn lucky; if you ever read the papers you will know.
I will tell you where I was on the front. The last one I was on was the Verdun front. Was on the Argonne sector from october 1st until the 28th of the month. You might call it war but I call it h--l.
Say, by the way I ran across James W. OLSON from Grayling; he was in our company for a while, but was taken sick and went to the hospital and I never heard of him again. Don't know what became of him. I guess he is home by now.
Say, I guess I am stuck this time we all thought because we came over first that we would be first to go home to the land of plenty, but they put us as part of the Occupation army in Germany. So here we are feeling fine in a burg by the name of Andernach on the Rhine River, and doing guard duty and sleeping on feather beds in a hotel. And we are treated fine by the German people.
I guess I wil lbe home in about three months. How does that sound, good or bad news to you? I tell you it sounds good to me. Write soon.
Well, so long. Wish you all good luck. Please excuse the writing and paper, I did not have all night to write.
Your brother
Carl E. WARD,
Co. E., 7th Inf.
American Ex. F. (13 Feb 1919)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-On Saturday last a merry crowd of boys and girls helped Charlie OWEN to celebrate his 12th birthday. The birthday cake held 12 candles. Charlie lit the cnadles and then twelve little folks sat down to supper. All had a merry time and wished him many more happy birthdays. (4 Feb 1909)-G. F. OWEN went to Flint Tuesday. Master Charles accompanied him. (29 Jul 1909)
-SCHOOL NOTES - Interesting News from Our Educational Institution - Charles OWENS has left school, the family having moved to Lovells. (10 Apr 1913)
-Chas. OWEN of the seventh grade is absent form school because of sickness. (8 May 1913)
-Charles OWENS of Lovells is visiting his sister, Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT, for a few days. (20 Mar 1914)
-LOVELLS - Chas. OWENS spent Sunday with relatives in Grayling. His nephew, Harold SCHMIDT, returned with him Sunday night for a few days vacation. (12 Aug 1915)
-LOVELLS - Chas. OWEN of Grayling was a Lovells caller Saturday. (10 Feb 1916)
-Charles OWENS of Lovells, visited his sister, Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT the latter part of the week. (14 Jun 1917)
-Charles OWEN has enlisted in the Navy and will report in Detroit for duty Monday. (25 Jul 1918)
- Great Lakes, Sept. 12, 1918.
Dear Harold:
I received your letter and was glad to hear from you.
Suppose you have your books in hand most of the time, and doing your best at school.
We have been transferred out of detention to a training camp, called Perry. Have it all together different here. We have twelve hours liberty every Saturday and Sunday. Our hours are from twelve o'clock noon till midnight, so that gives us quite a playtime.
We came here on August 20th, that night we slept in the armory, that held eight hundred men. The next morning we ate breakfast in a mess hall, that held over one thousand men. After chow we marched to a barber shop, where we got a regulation hair cut. Then there were ten men drawn for the mess hall and I was one of the lucky jackies (here we are all called jackies) to feed the rest of the company. We then raked the good eats, but that lasts only for a week then ten others go on duty. We were given hammocks to sleep in and moved into the barracks by ourselves.
The first night, my shipmate and I nearly broke our sides laughing at the fellows to hear them roll out of their hammocks and drop on the deck eight feet below. We would just get to sleep, when some big Jack would hit the deck again and then everybody would roar. The hammocks are pulled up as tight as you can pull them so you can see it is very easy to roll out.
Our Co. Commander showed us how to roll our blankets and mattresses up inside the hammocks and tie them with the lash ropes so we can use them for life savers. They are water-proof and if well wrapped will hold a man up for seventy hours in the water.
We are taking lessons in tying knots. A good knot is an important thing on board a boat.
Thurday morning we got up at 3:30 and washed our hammocks. Saturday morning we have inspection. All our clothes have to be rolled and tied neatly. Then we lay our sea bags 15 inches apart on the deck, and our clothes on the bags. The officers come in and we stand "attention" behind our clothes and give the right hand salute and hold our hats in hand. No matter how clean your clothes are if one piece is out of line, they will put you on detail work. Our company has never been put on detail work yet. So you see I'm improving.
Saturday my shipmate and I went to Waukegan. We are forty miles up the lake from Chicago and have special trains called "Jackie Specials." Waukegan is a very patriotic place in fact all the people here are. The Y.M.C.A. serves meals free and they took us around in autos and showed us a good time. We had some good home made cake and good coffee with cream and sugar. I told the lady it was just the kind my sister makes. Hoping you write again. I will close.
Charles OWEN. (26 Sep 1918)-Charles OWEN arrived Saturday from Great Lakes, Ill., to spend New Years with his sister Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT and family, since the armstice was signed he has been transferred to the Training Station at Great Lakes, having enlisted for the duration of the war. Previous to going to the station he had been on the merchant Marine, U.S.S. Indiana. (2 Jan 1919)
-Charles OWEN, arrived home Tuesday morning from Great Lakes, having received his honorable discharge from service in the U.S. Navy. (10 Apr 1919)
-Charles Owen, 2nd Class Machine Co. G. U.S.N. (4 Sep 1919)
-Charles OWEN is here from Bay City visiting his sister Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT. He has been in Lovells visiting his father George F. OWEN, who had been quite ill but is almost recovered, and able to be around again. (4 Mar 1920)
-Several of the local young men who are in the employ of the State Forestry department at Higgins Lake were home over the week-end returning Monday afternoon. Among those employed there are ..... Charles OWEN. (21 Apr 1921)
-Word comes from Detroit announcing the marriage of Miss Josephine WESCOTT, who just closed her second term of teaching in the Grayling schools, to Mr. Charles OWENS of this city. The latter is the son of George F. OWENS. The wedding took place last Friday noon, Rev. H. L. FITCH of the Central Methodist Church officiating. Congratulations and best wishes of their friends are extended for a long and happy wedded life. (29 Jun 1922)
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWENS of Detroit arrived Saturday to visit at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT for a few days. (11 Jan 1923)
-Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT over Independence day included their sons Frank and Harold and two of the latter's friends Messrs Jay QUINN and Peter McDOWELL and Mrs. SCHMIDT's brother Chas. OWEN and family all of Detroit. (5 Jul 1923)
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWEN and son of Detroit are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and other relatives. (21 Aug 1924)
HAD BEEN RESIDENT OF CRAWFORD COUNTY 45 YEARS.Saturday, during the night, George F. OWENS, pioneer resident and estimable citizen of Crawford county, passed away at his home, after a lingering illness, due indirectly to the infirmities of old age, he having almost reached his 75 mark. For several months he has been too feeble to leave his home. He was given every comfort during his illness and last week when his condition became serious his children who reside away were called here and were with their father when he passed away.
The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at Danebod hall, and was conducted by Grayling F. & A. M., of which the deceased was a member. Rev. J. Herman BAUGHN of the Michelson Memorial church delivered an impressive sermon, and the remains were laid to rst in Elmwood cemetery.
George Frank OWEN was born in Atlas, Genesee county, Michigan, April 3rd 1848, and came to Crawford county 45 years ago, locating in Lovells, where he purchased considerable land and engaged in farming. He took an active interest in civic affairs of the county and especially of Lovells township, and served as sheriff of Crawford county for two terms, between the years 1900 and 1904.
He was married at the age of 28 years to Ella DONAHUE to whom were born eight children, five of whom survive. Several years ago Mr. OWEN retired from his labors and came to Grayling to reside. He was a very fine old gentleman and always bore a sterling character, and was held in deep affection by the members of his family.
Besides his wife, three sons and two daughters survive, Ray, Glenn and Charles of Detroit, Mrs. L. WERNER of Bay City and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT of this city. In attendance at the funeral other than those above mentioned were a sister, Mrs. F. BUZZELL and husband of Flint and a brother Charles OWEN and wife of Ortonville. (16 Oct 1924)-Charles OWENS and father-in-law, Mr. WESCOTT of Detroit drove in Sunday and are guests at the home of the former's sister Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and family. (15 Apr 1926)
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWENS and children of Lovells visited over Sunday at the home of Holger SCHMIDT. Mr. and Mrs. OWENS recently moved from Detroit to the OWENS farm near Lovells owing to the ill health of the former. (27 May 1926)
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWEN and children and Mrs. OWEN's father, Mr. Westcott of Maple Forest spent a few days in Detroit last week. (8 Jul 1926)
-Mr. WESCOTT of Detroit, father of Mrs. Charles OWEN, has purchased the Archie HOWSE farm in maple Forest township. Mr. and Mrs. OWEN will operate the farm. This is one of the best farms in Crawford county and has always yielded good productions. There are comfortable farm buildings as well as excellent land. Mr. HOWSE came to this region about 40 years ago, most of which time he has spent on this farm. We haven't learned definitely just what he intends to do, since his retirement from agricultural pursuits, but he and his family will bear the best wishes from their many Crawford county friends. We also wich good luck to the new owners. (29 Jul 1926)
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWENS (Josephine WESCOTT) of Maple Forest on Thursday, Jan. 20th, a son. (27 Jan 1927)
-FREDERIC NEWS - Born January 20th to Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWENS, a son. Mother and babe are doing fine. (27 Jan 1927)
-MAPLE FOREST - Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWENS entertained Mr. OWEN's sister and family last week. (18 Aug 1927)
-MAPLE FOREST NEWS - A number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWEN last Friday night, and enjoyed an evening of fun. There were twenty-five present, and supper was served by the ladies. (3 May 1928)
-MAPLE FOREST ITEMS - Mrs. Phoebe OWEN of Grayling has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWEN. (7 Jun 1928)
-MAPLE FOREST NEWS - Mrs. Charles OWEN left Friday to attend summer school at Central State Normal, Mr. Pleasant.
Mrs. Lottie WARNER and two children of Bay City are spending the summer at the home of her brother Charles OWEN. (5 Jul 1928)-Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWENS were elected as delegates from Grange No. 934 to attend the State Grange at Coldwater the last of October. (9 Oct 1930)
-Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and son DeVere called on the Charles OWEN family last Sunday afternoon. (26 Mar 1931)
-Remains of Mrs. Lottie WARNER Brot Here for Interment.
Passed Away Friday in Bay City after Short Illness.
Mrs. Lottie WARNER, sister of Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT passed away at Mercy Hospital in Bay City Friday night after a short illness. Mrs. WARNER was stricken with illness at her home Wednesday and lapsed into a coma and never regained consciousness. Mrs. SCHMIDT was called to her bedside and was with her when she passed away.
The funeral was held Sunday with services at the WARNER home and Monday the remains were brought to Grayling and interred in Elmwood cemetery beside the remains of the desceased's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. George F. OWEN.
Mrs. WARNER was formerly Lottie OWEN and was born in Ortonville, and her girlhood was spent in Lovells and Grayling. Surviving are two children, Edwina, age 13 Ray, 11, also three brothers and one sister, Ray and Glen OWEN, Detroit, Charles of Maple Forest and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT of Grayling, all of whom have the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. (23 Jul 1931)-Maple Forest News - Mr. Chas. OWEN was in Bay City the last of the week, due to the illness and death of his sister, Mrs. Lottie WARNER. (30 Jul 1931)
-Maple Forest News - Mrs. Stanley HUMMELL entertained the ladies of the Crawford County Grange Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Chas. OWEN. A pot luck lunch was served and Mrs. OWEN received many lovely gifts. (30 Jul 1931)
-Maple Forest News - Mrs. Phoebe OWEN is spending a few days with the Charles OWEN family. (1 Oct 1931)
-Maple Forest News - Mrs. Charles OWEN and children have returned from a visit in Detroit. (26 Nov 1931)
-Maple Forest - Mrs. Phoepe (Phoebe) OWEN of Grayling is visiting at the home of C. E. OWEN. (13 Oct 1932)
-Maple Forest - Charles OWEN had the misfortune to cut his hand while buzzing wood at Richard BABBITTS. (5 Jan 1933)
-Charles OWEN of Maple Forest left Friday for Chicago where he will receive medical attention and visit friends. (12 Jan 1933)
-Maple Forest - Friends and neighbors of the Charles OWEN family gathered at their home last Tuesday for a wood-making bee. Pot luck lunch was served at noon by some of the ladies, the remainder spending their time sewing. This act of kindness is sincerely appreciated by the OWEN's, Charles still being under observation at the Great Lakes Government Hospital. (9 Feb 1933)
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWEN, of Maple Forest, were in town Saturday to consult physicians concerning their son, David Eugene, who is ill. (9 Jan 1936)
-MAPLE FOREST - Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWENS motored to Bay City Monday. (8 Apr 1937)
-Jack OWEN returned Saturday to his home in Lincoln Park Mich., after spending two weeks vacation at the farm home of his uncle Charles OWEN. The young man is the son of Glen OWEN who formerly resided in Grayling. (29 Jul 1937)
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWEN of Maple Forest had as guests Thursday and Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank BROWN of Camden, Mich. At present Emma Jean OWEN is entertaining Beverly HANSON of Roscommon. (26 Aug 1937)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Word comes from Detroit announcing the marriage of Miss Josephine WESCOTT, who just closed her second term of teaching in the Grayling schools, to Mr. Charles OWENS of this city. The latter is the son of George F. OWENS. The wedding took place last Friday noon, Rev. H. L. FITCH of the Central Methodist Church officiating. Congratulations and best wishes of their friends are extended for a long and happy wedded life. (29 Jun 1922)-FREDERIC NEWS - Born January 20th to Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWENS, a son. Mother and babe are doing fine. (27 Jan 1927)
-MAPLE FOREST NEWS - Mrs. Charles OWEN left Friday to attend summer school at Central State Normal, Mr. Pleasant.
Mrs. Lottie WARNER and two children of Bay City are spending the summer at the home of her brother Charles OWEN. (5 Jul 1928)-Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWENS were elected as delegates from Grange No. 934 to attend the State Grange at Coldwater the last of October. (9 Oct 1930)
-Maple Forest News - Mrs. Stanley HUMMELL entertained the ladies of the Crawford County Grange Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Chas. OWEN. A pot luck lunch was served and Mrs. OWEN received many lovely gifts. (30 Jul 1931)
-Maple Forest News - Mrs. Charles OWEN and children have returned from a visit in Detroit. (26 Nov 1931)
-The North End unit of Maple Forest Welfare society held their first meeting at Mrs. Chas. OWENS Wednesday, Sept. 27 to organize their club and elct their officers for the coming year. Last Wednesday they held their second meeting at Mrs. Mahlon SWARTZENDRUBER's. The time was spent tying a quilt for one of the members and making quilt-blocks. A pot luck lunch was served at noon. (12 Oct 1933)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Emma Jean OWEN, 13 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWEN of Maple Forest, a 4-H club member, last year canned 227 quarts of fruits. This would be a fine record for an adult to accomplish. She is to be congratulated on her skill and ambition. (28 Jul 1938)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWENS (Josephine WESCOTT) of Maple Forest on Thursday, Jan. 20th, a son. (27 Jan 1927)-FREDERIC NEWS - Born January 20th to Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWENS, a son. Mother and babe are doing fine. (27 Jan 1927)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWEN, of Maple Forest, were in town Saturday to consult physicians concerning their son, David Eugene, who is ill. (9 Jan 1936)
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