The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Ada WATTS, of Saginaw, is visiting her father, Mr. E. PURCHASE. (2 Jul 1885)-The Saginaw Courier says: At 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon Addie WATZ, wife of Augustus C. WATZ, and daughter of Erastus PURCHASE, of Grayling, formerly of Kochville, died at her residence on Bates Stret, between Franklin and Ames, of dysentry. She was ill about ten days. She was 19 years, 11 months and 16 days of age, and leaves a husband and chld, a daughter, 11 months old. The funeral will occur at 2:30 this afternoon from the Presbyterian Church. (23 Jul 1885)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Ada WATTS, of Saginaw, is visiting her father, Mr. E. PURCHASE. (2 Jul 1885)-The Saginaw Courier says: At 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon Addie WATZ, wife of Augustus C. WATZ, and daughter of Erastus PURCHASE, of Grayling, formerly of Kochville, died at her residence on Bates Street, between Franklin and Ames, of dysentry. She was ill about ten days. She was 19 years, 11 months and 16 days of age, and leaves a husband and child, a daughter, 11 months old. The funeral will occur at 2:30 this afternoon from the Presbyterian Church. (23 Jul 1885)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married, in this village April 15, Lewis C. ALGER and Mrs. Anna BREESE. Justice McElroy officiating. (23 Apr 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married, in this village April 15, Lewis C. ALGER and Mrs. Anna BREESE. Justice McElroy officiating. (23 Apr 1908)-Mrs. Anna Locke ALGER, age 91 years, of Lewiston, passed away at her home there Friday, September 20. Funeral services were held from the Lewiston Congregational Church on Sunday, September 22, at 4 o'clock, Rev. Floyd WRIGHT officiating. The remains were at the Grayling Funeral Home until Sunday. She leaves to mourn her passing two daughters and two sons. (26 Sep 1940)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-LOVELLS - Mrs. Lottie COLEMAN of Saginaw arrived on Monday for a short stay at the home of her father, George F. OWEN. (28 Aug 1913)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-JUDGE ITEMS - We notice Miss Lotta OWENS wearing specks. How is it Lotta, can't you see? (18 Mar 1897)-Miss Lotta OWENS went to Grayling, where she will visit a few days, and then will go to Flint, to visit relatives. (6 May 1897)
-Miss Lottie OWENS returned from a two month's visit with relatives at Flint, last Saturday. (22 Jul 1897)
-Misses Jessie and Lottie OWENS, of Judge, were down Saturday and Sunday, the guests of Miss Gladys HADLEY. Miss Lottie will attend school here this winter. (21 Oct 1897)
-Miss Lottie OWEN has been visiting at Judges this week. (19 Jul 1900)
-JUDGE CORRESPONDENCE - Miss Lotta OWEN made a trip to Grayling on Wednesday to visit her sister and to do some shopping. (3 May 1906)
-LOVELL's LOCALS - Miss Lottie OWEN is getting to be an expert huntress, a few days ago she shot a partridge on the wind. (7 Nov 1907)
Mrs. Jesse SCHMIDT of Grayling, was calling on her sister Miss Lottie OWEN, Monday. (7 Oct 1909)-LOVELLS - Mrs. Lottie COLEMAN of Saginaw arrived on Monday for a short stay at the home of her father, George F. OWEN. (28 Aug 1913)
-MAPLE FOREST NEWS - Mrs. Lottie WARNER and two children of Bay City are spending the summer at the home of her brother Charles OWEN. (5 Jul 1928)
-Remains of Mrs. Lottie WARNER Brot Here for Interment.
Passed Away Friday in Bay City after Short Illness.
Mrs. Lottie WARNER, sister of Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT passed away at Mercy Hospital in Bay City Friday night after a short illness. Mrs. WARNER was stricken with illness at her home Wednesday and lapsed into a coma and never regained consciousness. Mrs. SCHMIDT was called to her bedside and was with her when she passed away.
The funeral was held Sunday with services at the WARNER home and Monday the remains were brought to Grayling and interred in Elmwood cemetery beside the remains of the desceased's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. George F. OWEN.
Mrs. WARNER was formerly Lottie OWEN and was born in Ortonville, and her girlhood was spent in Lovells and Grayling. Surviving are two children, Edwina, age 13 Ray, 11, also three brothers and one sister, Ray and Glen OWEN, Detroit, Charles of Maple Forest and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT of Grayling, all of whom have the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. (23 Jul 1931)-Maple Forest News - Mr. Chas. OWEN was in Bay City the last of the week, due to the illness and death of his sister, Mrs. Lottie WARNER. (30 Jul 1931)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Remains of Mrs. Lottie WARNER Brot Here for Interment.
Passed Away Friday in Bay City after Short Illness.
Mrs. Lottie WARNER, sister of Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT passed away at Mercy Hospital in Bay City Friday night after a short illness. Mrs. WARNER was stricken with illness at her home Wednesday and lapsed into a coma and never regained consciousness. Mrs. SCHMIDT was called to her bedside and was with her when she passed away.
The funeral was held Sunday with services at the WARNER home and Monday the remains were brought to Grayling and interred in Elmwood cemetery beside the remains of the desceased's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. George F. OWEN.
Mrs. WARNER was formerly Lottie OWEN and was born in Ortonville, and her girlhood was spent in Lovells and Grayling. Surviving are two children, Edwina, age 13 Ray, 11, also three brothers and one sister, Ray and Glen OWEN, Detroit, Charles of Maple Forest and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT of Grayling, all of whom have the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. (23 Jul 1931)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-JUDGE ITEMS - We notice Miss Lotta OWENS wearing specks. How is it Lotta, can't you see? (18 Mar 1897)-Miss Lotta OWENS went to Grayling, where she will visit a few days, and then will go to Flint, to visit relatives. (6 May 1897)
-Miss Lottie OWENS returned from a two month's visit with relatives at Flint, last Saturday. (22 Jul 1897)
-Misses Jessie and Lottie OWENS, of Judge, were down Saturday and Sunday, the guests of Miss Gladys HADLEY. Miss Lottie will attend school here this winter. (21 Oct 1897)
-Miss Lottie OWEN has been visiting at Judges this week. (19 Jul 1900)
-JUDGE CORRESPONDENCE - Miss Lotta OWEN made a trip to Grayling on Wednesday to visit her sister and to do some shopping. (3 May 1906)
-LOVELL's LOCALS - Miss Lottie OWEN is getting to be an expert huntress, a few days ago she shot a partridge on the wind. (7 Nov 1907)
Mrs. Jesse SCHMIDT of Grayling, was calling on her sister Miss Lottie OWEN, Monday. (7 Oct 1909)-LOVELLS - Mrs. Lottie COLEMAN of Saginaw arrived on Monday for a short stay at the home of her father, George F. OWEN. (28 Aug 1913)
-MAPLE FOREST NEWS - Mrs. Lottie WARNER and two children of Bay City are spending the summer at the home of her brother Charles OWEN. (5 Jul 1928)
-Remains of Mrs. Lottie WARNER Brot Here for Interment.
Passed Away Friday in Bay City after Short Illness.
Mrs. Lottie WARNER, sister of Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT passed away at Mercy Hospital in Bay City Friday night after a short illness. Mrs. WARNER was stricken with illness at her home Wednesday and lapsed into a coma and never regained consciousness. Mrs. SCHMIDT was called to her bedside and was with her when she passed away.
The funeral was held Sunday with services at the WARNER home and Monday the remains were brought to Grayling and interred in Elmwood cemetery beside the remains of the desceased's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. George F. OWEN.
Mrs. WARNER was formerly Lottie OWEN and was born in Ortonville, and her girlhood was spent in Lovells and Grayling. Surviving are two children, Edwina, age 13 Ray, 11, also three brothers and one sister, Ray and Glen OWEN, Detroit, Charles of Maple Forest and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT of Grayling, all of whom have the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. (23 Jul 1931)-Maple Forest News - Mr. Chas. OWEN was in Bay City the last of the week, due to the illness and death of his sister, Mrs. Lottie WARNER. (30 Jul 1931)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Remains of Mrs. Lottie WARNER Brot Here for Interment.
Passed Away Friday in Bay City after Short Illness.
Mrs. Lottie WARNER, sister of Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT passed away at Mercy Hospital in Bay City Friday night after a short illness. Mrs. WARNER was stricken with illness at her home Wednesday and lapsed into a coma and never regained consciousness. Mrs. SCHMIDT was called to her bedside and was with her when she passed away.
The funeral was held Sunday with services at the WARNER home and Monday the remains were brought to Grayling and interred in Elmwood cemetery beside the remains of the desceased's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. George F. OWEN.
Mrs. WARNER was formerly Lottie OWEN and was born in Ortonville, and her girlhood was spent in Lovells and Grayling. Surviving are two children, Edwina, age 13 Ray, 11, also three brothers and one sister, Ray and Glen OWEN, Detroit, Charles of Maple Forest and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT of Grayling, all of whom have the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. (23 Jul 1931)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Remains of Mrs. Lottie WARNER Brot Here for Interment.
Passed Away Friday in Bay City after Short Illness.
Mrs. Lottie WARNER, sister of Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT passed away at Mercy Hospital in Bay City Friday night after a short illness. Mrs. WARNER was stricken with illness at her home Wednesday and lapsed into a coma and never regained consciousness. Mrs. SCHMIDT was called to her bedside and was with her when she passed away.
The funeral was held Sunday with services at the WARNER home and Monday the remains were brought to Grayling and interred in Elmwood cemetery beside the remains of the desceased's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. George F. OWEN.
Mrs. WARNER was formerly Lottie OWEN and was born in Ortonville, and her girlhood was spent in Lovells and Grayling. Surviving are two children, Edwina, age 13 Ray, 11, also three brothers and one sister, Ray and Glen OWEN, Detroit, Charles of Maple Forest and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT of Grayling, all of whom have the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. (23 Jul 1931)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED - At the residence of the brides parents, in this village, Wednesday evening, Jan 29th, Miss Jessie Mae OWENS and Holger C. SCHMIDT, Rev. H. GOLDIE, officiating. (30 Jan 1902)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 25 Years ago. (Thurday, May 15, 1902)
Holger SCHMIDT has a fine new river boat, which he keeps in a boat house near the bridge. Before the season opened he went down to examine it, to see if all was ready for trout, and was surprised to find that it was gone. It was found at REDHEAD's mill below the North Branch, where it had been sold by a young man giving the name of JOHNSON, who was with another man named BARRON. Complaint was made and a warrant issued and the parties brought to jail and arraigned. JOHNSON proved to be one of our citizens, but the name is withheld on account of his parents. He plead guilty and paid $10.00 fine and $9.99 costs. BARRON plead not guilty and his trial held Monday. There was no evidence to convict him, except by the confessed theif, and his stories were so imperfectly connected that BARRON was discharged. (12 May 1927)-Born, Friday, January 5, to Mr. and Mrs. HOLGER C. SCHMIDT, a son. Make a note of it that this is the first boy in the town credited under the new law to 1906. (11 Jan 1906)
-Holger SCHMIDT is braking on the road. (6 Sep 1906)
-BORN - To Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT, July 1st., a son. (9 Jul 1908)
-Holger SCHMIDT and family left Saturday for Los Angeles to visit his mother and brother. (20 Jan 1910)
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT last evening a baby girl. Mother and daughter are doing nicely. (16 may 1912)
-Holger C. SCHMIDT was called to Los Angeles, California, on Tuesday by the very serious illness of his aged mother, Mrs. M. FLAGG. Mrs. FLAGG is well known, having resided here for many years, running a confectionery store where the M. BRENNER store now stands. (22 Jul 1915)
-The many friends of Mrs. FLAGG will be sad to hear of her death at her home in Los Angeles, California, on Aug. 17th. The deceased was the mother of Holger C. SCHMIDT of this city and was formerly a resident of Grayling. (2 Sep 1915)
-LOVELLS - Holger SCHMIDT and family of Grayling were Lovells callers, Friday. They motored back that evening, Ray OWENS accompanying them. (7 Oct 1915)
-Holger SCHMIDT was charged with assault & battery (I didn't copy this as it was fairly long. (10 Aug 1916)
-More about Holger's assault & battery case. (12 Oct 1916)
-Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT spent several days in Detroit visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. S. PHELPS, Jr. (8 Feb 1917)
-Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT are entertaining their cousin, Booth HANSON of Chicago this week. Last evening, Mr. and Mrs. SCHMIDT gave a dancing party at the DOUGLAS pavilion at Lovells in honor of their guest. About ten couples from Grayling drove up in autos. (14 Jun 1917)
-Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT returned Monday from an enjoyable trip to Chicago. (12 Dec 1918)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Jessie OWENS will begin a four months term of school in the Coventry school house, Maple Forest next Monday. (17 Sep 1896)-Miss Jessie OWEN spent Sunday with her parents at Judge. (24 Sep 1896)
-Miss Jessie OWEN is making a prolonged visit to friends around Grayling. (18 Mar 1897)
-Miss Jessie OWEN was visiting in Grayling, last week. (24 Sep 1897)
-Miss Jessie OWEN began teaching school, Monday. (7 Oct 1897)
-Misses Jessie and Lottie OWENS, of Judge, were down Saturday and Sunday, the guests of Miss Gladys HADLEY. Miss Lottie will attend school here this winter. (21 Oct 1897)
-Miss Jessie OWEN had to leave her school last Friday, suffering from a severe congestion of the lungs. Whe was brought to the village for treatment. (3 Feb 1898)
-Miss Jessie OWENS closed a successful term of school at Appenzell, a week ago. (6 Jul 1899)
-Miss Jessie OWEN began her spring term of school in the Batterson district in Frederic, last Friday. (14 Mar 1901)-Miss Jessie OWEN closed a successful term of school in the Charles HORTON District, Frederic, last Saturday. (5 Dec 1901)
-Miss Jessie OWEN is teaching school again, in the Wilcox district. She had just one Sunday for vacation. (12 Dec 1901)
-MARRIED - At the residence of the brides parents, in this village, Wednesday evening, Jan 29th, Miss Jessie Mae OWENS and Holger C. SCHMIDT, Rev. H. GOLDIE, officiating. (30 Jan 1902)
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From The Files Of The Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, January 11, 1906
Born, Friday, January 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT, a son. Make a note of it that this is the first boy in the town credited under the new law to 1906. (10 Jan 1929)-LOVELLS LOCALS.
Mrs. Jesse SCHMIDT of Grayling, was calling on her sister Miss Lottie OWEN, Monday. (7 Oct 1909)-The M. P. C. C. were very pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT, last Tuesday evening. The prizes, recently purchased by Mrs. SCHMIDT in Los Angeles, were won by Mrs. S. S. PHELPS Jr. and Mrs. Alfred OLSON, Frank MILKS and O. ROSIER. (5 May 1910)
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From The Files Of The Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, February 16, 1911
Born Feb. 11th to Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT, a son and daughter. Holger says there can be no partiality in our house. My wife needs growing help in the house as much as I do on the railroad. If all husbands had the same judgment, the world would be better. (15 Feb 1934)-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT last evening a baby girl. Mother and daughter are doing nicely. (16 May 1912)
-Charles OWENS of Lovells is visiting his sister, Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT, for a few days. (20 Mar 1914)
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From The Files Of The Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, January 14, 1915
Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT is very ill at her home. (13 Jan 1938)-Ray OWEN, who has been in the west for the past four years, has returned and expects to remain here for a time. He is very enthusiastic over the west and expects to go back in the fall. He left Lovells this morning to visit his father, Geo. F. OWENS, after spending days with his sister, Mrs. H. C. SCHMIDT and and brother, Glen OWEN and families. He has been located at Smartsville, California. His friends are glad to welcome him back. (22 Apr 1915)
-Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT spent several days of last week, the guest of Mrs. S. S. PHELPS in Bay City. (2 Dec 1915)
-Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT and son Harold, left last Friday for a few days visit in Detroit. (7 Sep 1916)
-Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT spent several days in Detroit visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. S. PHELPS, Jr. (8 Feb 1917)
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, April 19, 1917
A sadness came over the home of Holger C. SCHMIDT and family Friday, when the Angel of Death came and claimed their beloved and youngest child, Genevieve Ellen, age almost five years. She had not been in very good health for the past two or three weeks, and it was thought that when the summer came and she could get out in the warm sunshine she would soon become stronger. But Thursday the child became restless and passed away at seven o'clock Friday morning in the mother's arms. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the home and was conducted by Rev. Aaron MITCHELL. (18 Apr 1940)-Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT are entertaining their cousin, Booth HANSON of Chicago this week. Last evening, Mr. and Mrs. SCHMIDT gave a dancing party at the DOUGLAS pavilion at Lovells in honor of their guest. About ten couples from Grayling drove up in autos. (14 Jun 1917)
-Charles OWENS of Lovells, visited his sister, Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT the latter part of the week. (14 Jun 1917)
-Ray OWEN, arrived Tuesday from Detroit and is visiting his sister Mrs. H. C. SCHMIDT. (5 Dec 1918)
-Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT returned Monday from an enjoyable trip to Chicago. (12 Dec 1918)
-Charles OWEN arrived Saturday from Great Lakes, Ill., to spend New Years with his sister Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT and family, since the armstice was signed he has been transferred to the Training Station at Great Lakes, having enlisted for the duration of the war. Previous to going to the station he had been on the merchant Marine, U.S.S. Indiana. (2 Jan 1919)
-Mrs. Howard DEMMING of Vanderbilt was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. SCHMIDT over New Years. (2 Jan 1919)
-Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT was the guest of Mrs. Willard CAMPBELL at Mt. Pleasant, a couple of days the latter part of the week. (14 Aug 1919)
-Holger C. SCHMIDT and family have moved into the residence on Michigan Avenue, which they purchased recently from William FISCHER and wife. (4 Dec 1919)
-Charles OWEN is here from Bay City visiting his sister Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT. He has been in Lovells visiting his father George F. OWEN, who had been quite ill but is almost recovered, and able to be around again. (4 Mar 1920)
-Ray OWEN returned to Detroit Saturday after a short visit here with his sister Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT. (18 Mar 1920)
-Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT returned Monday from a weeks visit in Detroit with friends. She was accompanied home by Miss Margaret PHELPS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. PHELPS, Jr., of that city, who is spending several weeks visiting relatives and her young friends here. (22 Jul 1920)
-Harold SCHMIDT is home from Bay City visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. SCHMIDT. (21 Oct 1920)
-Mrs. Marie SCHMIDT entertained a number of the teachers in honor of her eleventh birthday Saturday afternoon. A lovely lunch was served by the yojng ladies mother, Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT. (16 Feb 1922)
-Howard SCHMIDT, eleven years old, twin son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. SCHMIDT claims that he is some fisherman. Saturay he caught a 14 1/2 inch rainbow in the East Branch of the AuSable. (18 May 1922)
-Ray OWENS of Detroit returned Tuesday after spending a few days at the home of his sister Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and family. (20 Jul 1922)
-Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT are entertaining her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. F. BUVELL of Flint, who arrived Sunday. (27 Jul 1922)
-Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT has as her guests, Mrs. F. L. DONNELSON and daughter, Miss Charlotte of Flint. Mrs. DONNELSON is a cousin of Mrs. SCHMIDT. (10 Aug 1922)
-Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and son Frank left Friday for a visit with Harold SCHMIDT who is employed in Flint and also with other relatives. (5 Oct 1922)
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWENS of Detroit arrived Saturday to visit at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT for a few days. (11 Jan 1923)
-Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT over Independence day included their sons Frank and Harold and two of the latter's friends Messrs Jay QUINN and Peter McDOWELL and Mrs. SCHMIDT's brother Chas. OWEN and family all of Detroit. (5 Jul 1923)
-On Monday afternoon Howard and Marie SCHMIDT, twin children of Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT were given a very lovely birthday surprise which had been carefully planned by their mother. There were six girls and six boys present and the party was carried out in Valentine style. The children found their partners for supper by matching hearts and tasty valentines served as place cards. After supper the children enjoyed dancing and singing. The host and hostess received many pretty birthday remembrances. (14 Feb 1924)
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWEN and son of Detroit are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and other relatives. (21 Aug 1924)
-Ray OWENS of Detroit was in Grayling on business Tuesday. While here he visited his sister Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and family. (5 Feb 1925)
-Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT are entertaining the latter's sister Mrs. Charotte WERNER and children of Bay City, and her brother Ray OWEN of Detroit. (27 Aug 1925)
Last Sunday afternoon, while Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT, their daughter Marie and son Howard, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. A. CLEMETSEN were on their way to GAylor to attend the Grayling-Johannesburg ball game, their almost new Dodge sedan overturned near Gaylord and was destroyed by fire. Mr. SCHMIDT received some bad cuts on his left arm, while the others received some cuts and were badly bruised. The car was covered by insurance. (1 Oct 1925)-Charles OWENS and father-in-law, Mr. WESCOTT of Detroit drove in Sunday and are guests at the home of the former's sister Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and family. (15 Apr 1926)
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles OWENS and children of Lovells visited over Sunday at the home of Holger SCHMIDT. Mr. and Mrs. OWENS recently moved from Detroit to the OWENS farm near Lovells owing to the ill health of the former. (27 May 1926)
-Mr. and Mrs. Glen OWEN and three children of Detroit are visiting at the home of the foermer's sister, Mrs. H. C. SCHMIDT this week, coming in time for the Forth of July celebration. (8 Jul 1928)
-In honor of their 25th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT entertained twenty-five of their friends at dinner on Saturday evening. After dinner they took their guests to the schoolhouse to attend the dancing party given by the Juniors, returning again to the SCHMIDT home where "500"
and bridge were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Emil HANSON and son Neil of Detroit were out of town guests. (3 Feb 1927)-Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT over the Forth were Mr. and Mrs. Harold OWEN and two children of Redford, their son Frank SCHMIDT, who is employed in Detroit and his friends, Leslie JEFFRIES, M. ELLIS, Edward WATTLEYOR and Morris ALLMACHER, all of Detroit. (7 Jul 1927)
-Devere SCHMIDT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT, is enjoying a month's training at the Citizen's Military training camp at Fort Brady at the Soo. (11 Aug 1927)
-Ray OWENS of Florida is visiting his sister, Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and family for a few weeks. (22 Dec 1927)
-David KEYES of Flint is a guest at the Holger SCHMIDT home, while here enjoying deer hunting. (29 Nov 1928)
-Mrs. Glen OWENS and little son of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT. The OWENS family were former residents of Grayling. leaving here five years ago. (11 Jul 1929)
-Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and son DeVere called on the Charles OWEN family last Sunday afternoon. (26 Mar 1931)
-Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT and daughter Miss Marie left Tuesday for Los Angeles, Calif., where they will remain until after the holidays. They will visit Mr. SCHMIDT's brother Hans SCHMIDT, who will be well remembered among old Grayling friends. Their son Howard has been in Los Angeles since early in the summer. (3 Dec 1931)
-Ray OWEN of Detroit was a guest over Easter Sunday of his sister, Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT. (1 Apr 1937)
-Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT were called to Flint Friday by the death of Mrs. SCHMIDT's aunt, Mrs. Ferber BUZZEL. (27 May 1927)
-Mr. and Mrs. Howard SCHMIDT, Mr. and Mrs. Glen OWENS and Ray WARNER, of Detroit, and A. H. MAXSON of Flint were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. SCHMIDT. Miss Marie SCHMIDT, of Detroit, who accompanied them, is remaining for a few weeks visit. (17 Jun 1937)
-Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT were happy over the week end for a visit from their son Harold and wife of Milwaukee, also Howard and wife and Ray WARNER of Detroit. Harold was accompanied by his wonderfully trained "Seeing Eye" dog "Bwano", which he recently purchased at Morristown, N. J. The dog, a German Shepherd, is faithfully trained to be at his master's side day and night. (9 Sep 1937)
-Ray OWEN of Detroit visited at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT, over the week end. (1 Sep 1938)
-Ray OWEN and nephew Ray WARNER of Detroit spent the weekend visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and family. Miss Edwina WARNER of Detroit is a guest at the SCHMIDT home for the week. (8 Sep 1938)
Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT were hosts to many friends at an "Open House" Sunday afternoon.
Throughout the late afternoon and evening many called to congratulate them on their thirty-seven wedding anniversary. All of these years have been spent in Grayling where they raised a fine family of five children, Harold, Frank, DeVere, Howard and Marie (twins).
Tea was served in the dining room from a table centered with spring flowers, and laden with delicious dainties and a large wedding cake.
Mrs. R. D. CONNINE was the only guest present who was at the wedding ceremony of the hosts.
Flowers, gifts and congratulatory cards were tributes of the high esteem with which the SCHMIDT's are held in the community. (2 Feb 1939)-Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT left for Detroit Wednesday night to attend the funeral of her nephew Jack OWEN, age 13 years, and youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn OWEN. The boy passed away Tuesday following a lingering illness. The family formerly resided in Grayling and have tghe sympathy of friends in their bereavement. (8 Jun 1939)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and son Frank left Friday for a visit with Harold SCHMIDT who is employed in Flint and also with other relatives. (5 Oct 1922)-Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT over Independence day included their sons Frank and Harold and two of the latter's friends Messrs Jay QUINN and Peter McDOWELL and Mrs. SCHMIDT's brother Chas. OWEN and family all of Detroit. (5 Jul 1923)
-Frank SCHMIDT was home from Detroit for over the Forth and had as his guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. SCHMIDT, Miss Bernice ALLEN of Saginaw. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Charles PETERSON of Grand Rapids were guests at the Schmidt home. (8 Jul 1928)
-Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT over the Forth were Mr. and Mrs. Harold OWEN and two children of Redford, their son Frank SCHMIDT, who is employed in Detroit and his friends, Leslie JEFFRIES, M. ELLIS, Edward WATTLEYOR and Morris ALLMACHER, all of Detroit. (7 Jul 1927)
-Of interest to the groom's many friends will be the announcement of the marriage of Hans Frank Theodore SCHMIDT, second eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT, of this city, to Miss Corrine DECKER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank DECKER of Lennox Avenue, Flint. the wedding took place at the Court Street Methodist Episcopal Church, Flint, on September 12th. The groom and his bride who will reside in Flint have the best wishes and congratulations of his many Grayling friends. (19 Sep 1929)
-Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT and daughter Miss Marie left Tuesday for Los Angeles, Calif., where they will remain until after the holidays. They will visit Mr. SCHMIDT's brother Hans SCHMIDT, who will be well remembered among old Grayling friends. Their son Howard has been in Los Angeles since early in the summer. (3 Dec 1931)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Born, Friday, January 5, to Mr. and Mrs. HOLGER C. SCHMIDT, a son. Make a note of it that this is the first boy in the town credited under the new law to 1906. (11 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-BORN - To Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT, July 1st., a son. (9 Jul 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Devere SCHMIDT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT, is enjoying a month's training at the Citizen's Military training camp at Fort Brady at the Soo. (11 Aug 1927)-Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and son DeVere called on the Charles OWEN family last Sunday afternoon. (26 Mar 1931)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT last evening a baby girl. Mother and daughter are doing nicely. (16 May 1912)- Little Daughter of Holger SCHMIDT Died-
A sadness came over the home of Holger C. SCHMIDT and family last Friday, when the Angel of death came and claimed their beloved and youngest child, Genevieve Ellen, age almost five years.
She was a pretty brown-eyed little girl and her sweet and loving disposition not only endeared her to every member of the household, but to all who knew her. she had not been in very good health for two or three weeks past, but had been up and taken her place with the family every day. The mother altho worried about her thot that now that Spring was here, she would be able to be out-of-doors more and would soon become stronger. But the child became very restless during Thursday night and passed away at seven o'clock Friday morning without a struggle in the mother's arms.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the home at 2:30 o'clock, and was conducted by Rev. MITCHELL. Besides the bereaved parents, one sister and four brothers survive the little girl. Mr. and Mrs. SCHMIDT have the sympathy of a host of friends in their sorrow. (19 Apr 1917)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mrs. DICKLEY, of Golden Gate, California, is making her brother, David RYCKMAN, of Grove township, a two month's visit, after a separation of 25 years. (5 Aug 1897)-CIRCUIT COURT.
David RYCKMAN was granted a divorce from his wife, Adelaide RYCKMAN. (17 Aug 1899)-PROBATE NOTICE.
At a session of said Court held at the Probate Office in the village of Grayling in said county, on the twenty-seventh day of February A. D. 1908.
Present: Hon. Wellington BATTERSON, Judge of Probate.
In the matter of the estate of Huldah RYCKMAN, deceased,
David Uriah RYCKMAN having filed in said court his petition praying that a certain instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, now on file in said court be admitted to probate, and that the administration of said estate be granted to David Uriah RYCKMAN, the executor mentioned in said will, or some other suitable person.
It is ordered, That the twenty-sixth day of March, A. D. 1908 at two o'clock in the afternoon, at said probate office, be and is hereby appointed for hearing said petition;
It is Further Ordered, That public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy of this order, for three successive weeks previous of said day of hearing, in the CRAWFORD AVALANCHE, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county.
Judge of Probate.
A true copy.
mar5-3t Judge of Probate. (5 Mar 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
David RYCKMAN was granted a divorce from his wife, Adelaide RYCKMAN. (17 Aug 1899)
Russell A. ALGER Major-General
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Gen. R. A. ALGER and family passed through Grayling last Tuesday in his private car, on their way to Mackinaw and Marquette. (23 Jun 1887)-SENATOR ALGER IS DEAD.
At 8 o'clock last Thursday morning the wire transmitted the above sentence to all parts of our country and around the world.
Our state and nation mourns the passing of a man, who had made himself great in peace and war, in private and in public life, and was respected and honored in his home city, and in our state, where he was best known, as have been but few of those who have gone before.
His death, though long anticipated from the heart trouble, from which he has suffered for several years, was sudden, for the preceeding day, and that morning, he had seemed unusually well. He had attended as usual on the session of the Senate Wednesday, and among his last official acts was the obtaining of pensions by private bills for veterans, who had no better friend.
No braver soldier, no purer man, no man with broader practical charity, no man whose daily private or public life would bear more close inspection could be found, and the historian of the future who writes the history of his life will have but one grand eulogy.
In the many battles he had won undying fame, but his grandes achievement was in the forlorn hope at Boonville, where by his intrepid daring, he saved Sheridan and his troops, though himself severely wounded. It was then he nobly won his star. As Secretary of War, and as Senator, as Governor of our State, as Commander in Chief of the G. A. R., as a business man and a citizen, he has never been found wanting.
The funeral at the Washington residence was attended by the President and Cabinet officers, by many foreign diplomats, Senators and Congressmen and was conducted in a manner devoid of ostentation. A grand eulogy and prayer by Dr. Wallace Radcliffe and prayer by Rev. Edward Everett hale, and the body was taken to a special train, escorted by four troops of Cavalry, the bands marching in silence.
The train reached Detroit about 10 o'clock Sunday morning, accompained by the family and the committees from the Senate and House of Representatives, and the body was escorted to the City Hall where it lay in state until 5 o'clock, when it was removed to their Fort street residence, where the funeral services were conducted Monday at 2 o'clock and the final obsequies observed at the family vault in Elmwood Cemetery. (31 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Allen Shelden ALGER, Gen. ALGER's youngest child, died of congestion of the brain last Monday morning. (12 Feb 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Peter LaRUE and family are moving to Grayling where they expect to reside in the future. They have made many friends while here and their going is regretted very much. (7 Sep 1911)-Mrs. Peter LaRUE, returned to her home in Bay City Friday, after a few days' spent with her daughter Mrs. Glen OWEN. (21 Nov 1918)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. LaRUE of Bay City came yesterday on account of the death of her little grandchild, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn OWEN. (14 Nov 1918)-Mrs. Peter LaRUE, returned to her home in Bay City Friday, after a few days' spent with her daughter Mrs. Glen OWEN. (21 Nov 1918)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Albert LaRue, son of Peter LaRUE of T Town, returned to his home last Monday night. He had been away from home for about five years and seen a great deal of the country, especially the west. (26 Feb 1912)-Mrs. Glen OWENS was called to Detroit Tuesday by the death of a brother. (11 Jan 1923)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-LOVELLS LOCALS - Miss Cecil LaRUE of T-Town is a guest at the home of Wm. MARSH for a few days. (9 Nov 1911)-Mr. and Mrs. Glenn OWENS are entertaining the latter's sister, Miss Cecil LaRUE of Detroit, for several weeks. (12 Oct 1916)
-Miss Cecil LaRUE of Bay City is visiting her sister Mrs. Glenn OWENS for a few days. (28 Nov 1918)
-Miss Cecil LaRUE returned Saturday to her home in Bay City after an extended visit with her sister Mrs. Glenn OWEN. (12 Dec 1918)
-Miss Cecil LaRUE returned here Friday to care for the Glenn OWEN's family, who are ill with the influenza. Miss LaRUE is a trained nurse and has been here on a visit to her sister returning to her home the fore part of this week, only to have to come back to care for the sick. The family are getting along nicely. (19 Dec 1918)
-Mrs. LaRUE of Bay City is here caring for the Glenn OWENS family, Miss Cecil LaRUE of the A.R.C. having been called to duty in a hospital in Idaho. The latter left the latter part of the week. (26 Dec 1918)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Lucy LaRUE of Bay City is visiting her sister Mrs. Glenn OWENS foa week. (29 Aug 1918)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-LOVELLS - Chas. OWENS spent Sunday with relatives in Grayling. His nephew, Harold SCHMIDT, returned with him Sunday night for a few days vacation. (12 Aug 1915)- Great Lakes, Sept. 12, 1918.
Dear Harold:
I received your letter and was glad to hear from you.
Suppose you have your books in hand most of the time, and doing your best at school.
We have been transferred out of detention to a training camp, called Perry. Have it all together different here. We have twelve hours liberty every Saturday and Sunday. Our hours are from twelve o'clock noon till midnight, so that gives us quite a playtime.
We came here on August 20th, that night we slept in the armory, that held eight hundred men. The next morning we ate breakfast in a mess hall, that held over one thousand men. After chow we marched to a barber shop, where we got a regulation hair cut. Then there were ten men drawn for the mess hall and I was one of the lucky jackies (here we are all called jackies) to feed the rest of the company. We then raked the good eats, but that lasts only for a week then ten others go on duty. We were given hammocks to sleep in and moved into the barracks by ourselves.
The first night, my shipmate and I nearly broke our sides laughing at the fellows to hear them roll out of their hammocks and drop on the deck eight feet below. We would just get to sleep, when some big Jack would hit the deck again and then everybody would roar. The hammocks are pulled up as tight as you can pull them so you can see it is very easy to roll out.
Our Co. Commander showed us how to roll our blankets and mattresses up inside the hammocks and tie them with the lash ropes so we can use them for life savers. They are water-proof and if well wrapped will hold a man up for seventy hours in the water.
We are taking lessons in tying knots. A good knot is an important thing on board a boat.
Thurday morning we got up at 3:30 and washed our hammocks. Saturday morning we have inspection. All our clothes have to be rolled and tied neatly. Then we lay our sea bags 15 inches apart on the deck, and our clothes on the bags. The officers come in and we stand "attention" behind our clothes and give the right hand salute and hold our hats in hand. No matter how clean your clothes are if one piece is out of line, they will put you on detail work. Our company has never been put on detail work yet. So you see I'm improving.
Saturday my shipmate and I went to Waukegan. We are forty miles up the lake from Chicago and have special trains called "Jackie Specials." Waukegan is a very patriotic place in fact all the people here are. The Y.M.C.A. serves meals free and they took us around in autos and showed us a good time. We had some good home made cake and good coffee with cream and sugar. I told the lady it was just the kind my sister makes. Hoping you write again. I will close.
Charles OWEN. (26 Sep 1918)-Harold SCHMIDT is home from Bay City visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. SCHMIDT. (21 Oct 1920)
-Harold SCHMIDT left the fore part of last week for Flint where he will be employed. He accompanied A. H. MAXSON by auto to that place. (21 Sep 1922)
-Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT and son Frank left Friday for a visit with Harold SCHMIDT who is employed in Flint and also with other relatives. (5 Oct 1922)
-Harold SCHMIDT who is employed in Detroit is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT for a week. (7 Jul 1923)
-Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT over Independence day included their sons Frank and Harold and two of the latter's friends Messrs Jay QUINN and Peter McDOWELL and Mrs. SCHMIDT's brother Chas. OWEN and family all of Detroit. (5 Jul 1923)
-Harold SCHMIDT and Miss Evelyn THIEME Wed
Of interest to their many Grayling friends will be the following wedding announcement that was taken from the Benton Harbor News-Palladium:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles THIEME of Whitcomb Court announce the marriage of their daughter, Evelyn, and Harold SCHMIDT, of Grayling, where the bride for two years has been home economics teacher in the public schools. The marriage occurred in Bowling Green, O., the Rev. C. S. HALBERG of the Methodist church officiating. The bride and groom will be at the home of Mrs. SCHMIDT's parents here until September 1, after which they will go to Grayling to make their future home.
The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT, was born in Grayling and has spent his entire life here. He is one of Grayling's popular young men and he and his bride have the congratulations and best wishes of hosts of friends. (4 Aug 1932)-Mr. and Mrs. Holger SCHMIDT were happy over the week end for a visit from their son Harold and wife of Milwaukee, also Howard and wife and Ray WARNER of Detroit. Harold was accompanied by his wonderfully trained "Seeing Eye" dog "Bwano", which he recently purchased at Morristown, N. J. The dog, a German Shepherd, is faithfully trained to be at his master's side day and night. (9 Sep 1937)
-Harold SCHMIDT guest at convention (check microfilm for details) (23 Jun 1938)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Harold SCHMIDT and Miss Evelyn THIEME Wed
Of interest to their many Grayling friends will be the following wedding announcement that was taken from the Benton Harbor News-Palladium:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles THIEME of Whitcomb Court announce the marriage of their daughter, Evelyn, and Harold SCHMIDT, of Grayling, where the bride for two years has been home economics teacher in the public schools. The marriage occurred in Bowling Green, O., the Rev. C. S. HALBERG of the Methodist church officiating. The bride and groom will be at the home of Mrs. SCHMIDT's parents here until September 1, after which they will go to Grayling to make their future home.
The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT, was born in Grayling and has spent his entire life here. He is one of Grayling's popular young men and he and his bride have the congratulations and best wishes of hosts of friends. (4 Aug 1932)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Henry A. BAUMAN, book-keeper for Blodgett & Byrnes for the past two years, at Headquarters camp, is succeeded by Mr. Charles FIELDS. Mr. BAUMAN will take a short vacation and then an advanced position in the company's office at Muskegon. (25 Jul 1889)-Henry BAUMAN started for his new place at Muskegon last Monday morning. (15 Aug 1889)
-MARRIED - At the residence of the brides parents, June 27th, '92, by Rev. N. J. GEYER, assisted by Rev. S. G. TAYLOR, Mr. Henry A. BAUMAN, of Muskegon, Mich., and Miss Mary Matilda HANSON, of Grayling, Mich. (30 Jun 1892)
-Among the wedding guests from abroad, we noticed Mr. and Mrs. L. JENSON, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. WODFIELD, of Lewiston, Mr. E. N. SALLING, of Manistee, and Mrs. BAUMAN, of Muskegon, mother of the groom. (30 Jun 1892)
The social event of the season was the marriage of Miss Matilda HANSON, and Henry A. BAUMAN, of Muskegon, at the residence of the Brdie's parents in this village, Monday evening.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. N. J. GEYER, assisted by Rev. S. G. TAYLOR, in the presence of more than a hundred invited guests.
The reidence was finely decorated and the deep bay window in the north parlor was a perfect bower of roses, and suspended from the arch was a mammoth bell of exquisite cut flowers, beneath which stood the happy pair, the Bride, supported by her sister, Miss Maggie HANSON, Miss Bessie MICHELSON, and Miss Emma HANSON, while the Groom was sustained by Mr. Marius HANSON.
Refreshments were served after the ceremony and congratulations, and a happy hour passed in social pleasures.
Table after table was loaded with elegant presents, which were but fitting tribute to the high esteem in which the contracting parties are held, the only regret expressed being the fact that they will not remain with us. They left on the noon train Tuesday, for Muskegon, Grand Rapids and Chicago, after which tour the bride will remain here, while Mr. BAUMAN goes to New Mexico to arrange their future home. (30 Jun 1892)-Lewiston Items - H. A. BAUMAN expects his wife up from Grayling, next week and will then commence housekeeping. (2 Feb 1893)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN came up from Grayling on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. BAUMAN will occupy the JENSON residence when vacated by that estimable family, who will remove to Gaylord next week. - Lewiston Courier. (16 Feb 1893)
-L. FLUENT has been advanced to the position of head book-keeper and H. A. BAUMAN to that of assistant, at the M. H. Co. Store. They are industrious and trustworthy young men and well deserve success. - Lewiston Courrier. - (16 Feb 1893)
-Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN have been entertaining Mr. BAUMAN's father and mother from Muskegon, since Saturday. - Lewiston Journal. (22 Mar 1894)
-Henry BAUMAN, of Lewiston, came down Monday and spent Christmas with his wife and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. HANSON. (27 Dec 1894)
-H. A. BAUMAN, of Lewiston, purchased the residence of Frank ROYCE, who moved to Rose City. (14 Mar 1895)
-LEWISTON ITEMS - JOURNAL - Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and their little daughter went to Muskegon Friday to visit Mr. BAUMAN's parents. (29 Aug 1895)
-BORN - To Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN, at Lewiston, March 4th, a daughter. (5 Mar 1896)
-H. A. BAUMAN will make Grayling his future home and field of work, after the first of next month. Lewiston will thus lose one of her first citizens. It is not yet decided who will take his place in the M. & H. L. Co. - Lewiston Journal. - (20 Jan 1897)
-Henry BAUMAN was called to Muskegon last week by the serious illness of his mother. He returned home on Monday. - Lewiston Journal. (4 Mar 1897)
-Through the effort of Henry BAUMAN 18,000 brook trout were planted in branches of Hunt Creek. George DUTCHER did the work. - Lewiston Journal. (8 Apr 1897)
-H. C. BAUMAN, of Lewiston, was called to Muskegon early last week, on account of the serious illness of his father, which proved fatal on thursday. Mrs. BAUMAN came down Friday, en-route for that city. (25 Nov 1897)
-H. C. BAUMAN and family, of Lewiston, will soon be residents of Grayling, occupying the STALEY house. (6 Jan 1898)
-H. A. BAUMAN, who for some years past has been connected with the M. & H. L. Co., at this place, moved with his family to Grayling, where he has accepted a position in the new Bank. Mr. BAUMAN has occupied different offices of trust in the county, and was found worthy of the place; and by his efficient labors with the company, he has proved himself an honest and upright business man. Lewiston grieves to loose (?) this good citizen, but what is our loss is Grayling's gain. His famliy left for Grayling last Saturday, he following yesterday. The Journal, with a host of friends, wich him success in his new field of labor. - Lewiton Journal. (10 Mar 1898)
-The Crawford County Exchange Bank, R. HANSON and N. MICHELSON, proprietors, H. A. BUMAN, cashier, will be opened for business, next Monday. This firm will command the confidence of the community, and we predict a safe and successful business. (10 Mar 1898)
-Republican Caucus. - At the Republican Caucus, at Town Hall, Saturday evening, T. A. CARNEY was elected chairman, H. A. BAUMAN, secretary, and J. K. BATES and Wm. WOODFIELD, tellers. The following ticket was placed in nomination:
Supervisor - T. A. CARNEY.
Clerk - Wm. G. WOODFIELD.
Treasurer - John K. HANSON.
Highway Com. - J. E. McKNIGHT.
School Inspector - Wm. WOODBURN.
Justice of the Peace (vacancy) - Wm. WOODBURN.
Justice of the Peace (full term - Perry OSTRANDER.
Member of Board of Review - Julius K. MERZ.
Constables - Thos. K. CHITTAGO; P. E. JOHNSON, Phillip J. MOSHIER, and Ben. KRAUS.
The following township committee was elected for the ensuing year: T. A. CARNEY, chairman; Wm. WOODFIELD, sec., and J. K. BATES. ( )-Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN were called to Muskegon, last week Monday by the death of his mother. (14 Sep 1899)
-Messrs. H. A. BAUMAN, F. L. MICHELSON, A. GROULEFF, J. K. HANSON and E. DOUGLASS have been in Detroit this week, taking the degrees in the consistory of Scottish Rite Masonery. (7 Jun 1900)
-BORN-To Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Nov. 29th., a daughter. (11 Dec 1902)
-H. A. BAUMAN has resigned his position on the school board and Marius HANSON is appointed in his place. Mr. BAUMAN is engaged in lumbering operations near Ontanagon in the Upper Peninsula, and expects to be absent most of the winter. (26 Oct 1905)
-Henry BAUMAN is down from his lumbering at Menominee, enjoying our fresh air and a visit with his family. They have had rains, but the temperature is yet in the 90s. (6 Aug 1908)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN have announced the engagement of their daughter Miss Helen Louise, to Ralph E. ROUTIER, son of Mrs. J. W. HARTWICK, of Detroit. Miss Helen graduated this month from the LaSalle Seminary, of Auburndale, Mass. (28 Jun 1917)
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, June 28, 1917
Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN had the honor of celebrating the 25th anniversary of their marriage Wednesday, June 27. In commemoration of the event Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus HANSON, parents of Mrs. BAUMAN, invited all near relatives within reach of this place to gather at their summer home at Portage Lake to make the occasion a happy one. Mr. HANSON spoke a few words on the childhood lives of both, after the sumptuous wedding dinner had been served. A very delightful time was had by the forty guests present. Mr. and Mrs. BAUMAN received many messages of congratulations and best wishes and many lovely gifts of silver. (27 Jun 1940)-Henry BAUMAN was taken to Harper hospital, Detroit, Tuesday night by Dr. KEYPORT, where he will undergo an operation for mastoid. (17 Feb 1921)
-Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar HANSON and twin daughters, Margaret and Ella, returned Wednesday after an absence of a couple of months. The HANSON family have been enjoying a sojourn in Miami Florida, and Mrs. BAUMAN has also spent some time there. Mr. BAUMAN is recovering nicely from an operation for mastoid, which he underwent at Harper Hospital. Mr. HANSON and family visited Washington and other cities in the east and also spent several days in Detroit on their return trip. (28 Apr 1921)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER, and son Ralph Hanson, returned to their home in Detroit, Tuesday after spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (6 Oct 1921)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN have as guests in their home over Christmas and New Years, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph HANSON of Detroit and and Mr. Elmer SCHIEGEL of Chicago. Also Miss Grace BAUMAN, who is attending the Semple school in New York City is home during the holiday vacation, and Miss Margaret BAUMAN has returned from a visit in Detroit and other points. (29 Dec 1921)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Tuesday for Detroit to be with her grandson, little Ralph ROUTIER, on his birthday. (29 Nov 1923)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN for a few days returned home Monday. Little Ralph ROUTIER will remain for a longer visit with his grandparents. (24 Apr 1924)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit are visiting the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and family. (5 Jun 1924)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son of Detroit are holday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN and family. (25 Dec 1924)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN is visiting her daughter Mrs. ROUTIER and family in Detroit. (26 Feb 1925)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit were guests of the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN over Easter. (16 Apr 1925)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph Jr. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (4 Jun 1925)
-Attorney Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit joined Mrs. ROUTIER and son here Sunday and they are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (18 Jun 1925)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (27 Aug 1925)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son were guests over the week end of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. (29 Oct 1925)
-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph were guests over Thanksgiving of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN. (3 Dec 1925)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending the holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. Mr. ROUTIER spent Christmas here. (31 Dec 1925)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN left Thursday afternoon for Detroit to visit her daughter Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and family, being called there by the illness of her little grandson Ralph, Jr. (4 Mar 1926)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN returned Monday afternoon from Detroit where she had been visiting her daughter Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and family for about a week. (11 Mar 1926)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN and daughter GRace were called to Detroit the first of the week due to the serious illness of their grandson Ralph ROUTIER. Mrs. BAUMAN and Miss Grace left Sunday night, Mr. BAUMAN going Monday afternoon. (25 Mar 1926)
See notes for Grace Albertine BAUMAN
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN left yesterday for Salisbury, North Carolina, to visit their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr. They expected to be joined in Deroit by their daughter Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph. (28 Mar 1929)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN is convalescing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER in Detroit, following a recent illness. (23 Oct 1930)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to Detroit the last of the week after several weeks spent here guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. They were accompanied by Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON, who are spending several days there. (17 Sep 1931)
-H. A. BAUMAN is spending the week in Detroit joining Mrs. BAUMAN there and visiting their daughter Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER. (26 Nov 1931)
-H. A. BAUMAN left for Detroit Saturday to visit at the home of his daughter Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER. Mrs. BAUMAN has been there for several weeks. (17 Dec 1931)
-H. A. BAUMAN left Tuesday for Detroit where he will join Mrs. BAUMAN, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER for the past several weeks. (1 Dec 1932)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Saturday evening for Detroit to be with Mr. BAUMAN, who is ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER. Mr. BAUMAN has been receiving medical treatment in Detroit. (2 Feb 1933)
Funeral Here Friday Afternoon From Residence
Henry A. BAUMAN, one of Grayling's best known and most highly esteemed citizens, passed away at the home of his daughter Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, 818 Edison avenue, Detroit, at 10:30 o'clock Monday forenoon. He had been in poor health for the past year. With him during his last days were his wife and daughters Mrs. ROUTIER and Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON and her husband of Salisbury, N. C., and Esbern HANSON, Grayling.
Mr. BAUMAN was 72 years of age. He was born in Germany and, with his parents, while still a small child, came to America and located in Muskegon, Mich., where Henry grew to young manhood. He was united in Marriage on June 17, 1892 to Miss Mathilda HANSON, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus HANSON. To them three daughters were born, all of whom survive - Margrethe, who makes her home in Grayling with her parents; Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, Detroit, and Mrs. Grace WOODSON, Salisbury, N. C.
After marriage Mr. BAUMAN took up his residence in Grayling and soon associated himself with Salling Hanson Co., manufacturers of lumber. He spent much of his time supervising the lumber camps of the Company, of which, in the early days there were many, and the woods operations. Besides these duties he found time to take an active part in community affairs. He served in community affairs. He served as president of the village; township supervisor and other township offices, and for 25 years was treasurer of Grayling school district. These and many other civic responsibilities he assumed and carried out with honor, much to his personnal credit and the utmost confidence of the people of the community. Mr. BAUMAN's integrity and faithfulness to his responsibilities were never questioned. He was a 32nd degree Mason, a Knight Templar and a member of the Lutheran Church of Muskegon. At the time of his death he was a vice president of the Eastern Michigan Tourist association. He was a devoted reader and was well informed on affairs of the day.
He had a happy faculty of making and keeping friends. Wherever he might be, in his home town or away from home; on a train or hotel lobby or wherever he met folk, his interesting personality immediately won for him attention and warm friendships. Without doubt he was better and more favorably known outside of his home city than any other citizen we have. Wherever one might travel, someone was almost sure to ask about Henry BAUMAN. He liked people and people liked him. In his passing Grayling has lost a most desirable influential citizen.
Funeral services will be held from the family home on Peninsular avenue at 2:00 o'clock Friday afternoon. Interment will be at Elmwood cemetery. The business places will be closed from 2 to 3 p.m. during the time of the funeral. (30 Mar 1933)-H. A. BAUMAN Funeral Held Friday
The funeral of Henry A. BAUMAN, who passed away in Detroit March 27th, was held from the family home Friday afternoon. The home was filled with
relatives and old friends of the family, in token of their respect and regard for the deceased.
The funeral service was conducted by Rev. H. J. SALMON, pastor of Michelson Memorial church. Interment was in Elmwood cemetery. The pallbearers were Oscar Hanson, Esbern HANSON, Walter H. WOODSON, M. A. BATES, Dr. C. R. KEYPORT, John BRUUN.
Among those in attendance at the funeral from out of the city were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr., Salisbury, N. C.; Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. James HARTWICK, Harold BRADLEY, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. CUMMING, Rose City; Mrs. Sidney GRAHAM, Miami.
In appreciation for the many favors Mr. BAUMAN had done for St. Mary's church and Mercy Hospital for many years past, mass was offered by Rev. Fr. CULLIGAN in his honor Sunday morning. (6 Apr 1933)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED - At the residence of the brides parents, June 27th, '92, by Rev. N. J. GEYER, assisted by Rev. S. G. TAYLOR, Mr. Henry A. BAUMAN, of Muskegon, Mich., and Miss Mary Matilda HANSON, of Grayling, Mich. (30 Jun 1892)-Among the wedding guests from abroad, we noticed Mr. and Mrs. L. JENSON, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. WODFIELD, of Lewiston, Mr. E. N. SALLING, of Manistee, and Mrs. BAUMAN, of Muskegon, mother of the groom. (30 Jun 1892)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN came up from Grayling on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. BAUMAN will occupy the JENSON residence when vacated by that estimable family, who will remove to Gaylord next week. - Lewiston Courier. (16 Feb 1893)
-Miss Maggie HANSON made her sister, Mrs. H. BAUMAN, of Lewiston, a visit last week. (24 May 1894)
-Miss Maggie HANSON returned from Lewiston, Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs. H. BAUMAN and the baby and Miss Mary MANTZ. (24 May 1894)
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, June 28, 1917
Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN had the honor of celebrating the 25th anniversary of their marriage Wednesday, June 27. In commemoration of the event Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus HANSON, parents of Mrs. BAUMAN, invited all near relatives within reach of this place to gather at their summer home at Portage Lake to make the occasion a happy one. Mr. HANSON spoke a few words on the childhood lives of both, after the sumptuous wedding dinner had been served. A very delightful time was had by the forty guests present. Mr. and Mrs. BAUMAN received many messages of congratulations and best wishes and many lovely gifts of silver. (27 Jun 1940)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, Feb. 18, 1913.
Mrs. Henry BAUMAN and daughters Helen and Grace, accompanied Miss Margrethe HANSON left Saturay to spend a few days in Saginaw. (13 Feb 1936)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, March 20, 1913
Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and daughter Helen, have returned from Bay City where the young lady has been undergoing medical treatment. (19 Mar 1936)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, September 23, 1915
Miss Helen BAUMAN returned to Auberndale, Mass., Monday to resume her studies in the LaSalle seminary. Her mother and Mrs. R. HANSON accompanied her as far as Detroit. (22 Sep 1938)-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and daughter, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph left Detroit Saturday for the South. They expect to remain about two weeks.
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN for a few days, coming to be in attendance at the graduation ceremonies. (16 Jun 1927)
-Interesting Events In Grayling 25 Years Ago
On Saturday last Mr. T. HANSON and his sisters, Mrs. BAUMAN and Miss HANSON, gave a picnic at their new cottage at Portage Lake, for the young ladies. (18 Aug 1927)-Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON returned to Detroit to Bennett School, N.Y., they being called home on account of the death of their grandfather, Rasmus HANSON. Their mother accompanied them as far as Detroit. (10 Nov 1927)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN was called to Detroit Thursday owning to the illness of her little grandson, Ralph ROUTIER who is a patient at Harper Hospital. (22 Dec 1927)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN left for Detroit Monday where she will join her daughter, Mr. Ralph ROUTIER and son and together they will go South for th ewinter. (5 Jan 1928)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned Friday from Detroit, having gone there to accompany Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph to Miami, Florida, for the winter owing to the lad's ill health. However he has shown such a great improvement and the weather is so mild that they decided to return to Michigan. (12 jan 1928)
-Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN returned home Friday from Salisbury, North Carolina, where she has been visiting here daughter Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr., since the latter part of March. Mrs. WOODSON accompanied her home and will be here for some time. Also Mrs. Ralph Routier and son Ralph of Detroit came Friday and remained until Tuesday visiting at the BAUMAN home. (16 May 1929)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph drove up from Detroit for the week and were accompanied back by Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (24 Oct 1929)
-Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN returned Saturday from a several weeks visit in Detroit with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER. (14 Nov 1929)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN left wednesday night for Salisbury, N.C., to spend Easter with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSON (Grace BAUMAN). Enroute to North Carolina, Mrs. BAUMAN was joined at Detroit by her daughter, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER who accompanied her. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar HANSON are visiting the young couple in Salisbury and will also be their guests over Easter. (17 Apr 1930)
-Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN returned home Tuesday from an extended visit in Salisbury, North Carolina, with her daughter, Mrs. Walter H. WOODSON, Jr. Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit accompanied Mrs. BAUMAN home from Detroit and will be here for several days. (29 Maqy 1930)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. BAUMAN for a few days. (26 Jun 1930)
-Mrs. Henry BAUMAN is convalescing at thge home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER in Detroit, following a recent illness. (23 Oct 1930)
-H. A. BAUMAN left Tuesday for Detroit where he will join Mrs. BAUMAN, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER for the past several weeks. (1 Dec 1932)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Saturday evening for Detroit to be with Mr. BAUMAN, who is ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER. Mr. BAUMAN has been receiving medical treatment in Detroit. (2 Feb 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter WOODSON, since the forepart of April in Salisbury, N. C., returned Saturday, accompanied by mrs. WOODSON and little daughter, Grace Matilda. Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph also accompanied them from Detroit. (15 Jun 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER arrived Saturday to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and family at their summer home on Lake Margrethe. At present she is spendingt a few days in Detroit. (13 Jul 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and her guest, Mrs. G. J. BARTHELL, who have been visiting at the summer home of the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, returned to Detroit Monday. (20 Jul 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER of Detroit spent the week end at the summer home of her mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. She was accompanied home Monday by her aunt, Mrs. Margrethe GRAHAM. (27 Jul 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph left Tuesday for their home in Detroit, after having spent the summer with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (7 Sep 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to Detroit Monday after having spent a few days with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. They were accompanied here by Mrs. Edward E. HARTWICK who remained to visit the BAUMANS for a long time, and was accompanied home by her son Edward HARTWICK, who spent a day here. (21 Sep 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Sunday for Detroit to spend Thanksgiving with her daughter, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and grandson, Ralph. Mrs. BAUMAN also plans to help Ralph celebrate his 14th birthday during her stay. (30 Nov 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned home Saturday from Detroit after having spent several weeks there with her daughter, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph. She was accompanied by the latter sho spent Christmas here. (28 Dec 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left last Thursday for Detroit where she was called by the serious condition of her grandson, Ralph Hanson ROUTIER, who is a patient in Harper Hospital. Reports say that Ralph is improving. Mrs. BAUMAN was accompanied by Misses Ella and Margrethe HANSON. (1 Feb 1934)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who has been visiting her daughter and grandson, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, in Detroit for several weeks arrived home Tuesday to spend this week at home with her daughter Miss Margrethe. Her nephew Esbern HANSON Jr., who is employed there by the American Mat Company accompanied her and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Esbern HANSON. (22 Mar 1934).
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph arrived Saturday to spend the summer with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (28 Jun 1934)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit came to Grayling Saturday to visit her mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. She returned Monday, accompanied by Mrs. BAUMAN. (14 Nov 1935)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, left Tuesday for Detroit after having spent some time at Lake Margrethe with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (10 Sep 1936)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN entertained the HANSON families Friday afternoon at a luncheon at Shoppenagons Inn. Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Walter WOODSON and daughter, Grace Matilda, of Salisbury, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Esbern HANSON Jr., of Alma; Misses Ella and Margrethe HaANSON, Lansing; Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, and son, Ralph, of Detroit, and Dick SCHNIEDER, of Saginaw. (31 Dec 1936)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, have returned to Detroit from Salisbury, N. C., where they had visited the former's sister, Mrs. Walter WOODSON for a couple of weeks. They were accompanied on their return by Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who had spent the winter with her daughter, Mrs. WOODSON and family. The latter is expected to arrive home the latter part of the week, accompanied by Mrs. ROUTIER and son Ralph. (8 Apr 1937)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned from Salisbury, N. C., Saturday. She was accompanied here by Mrs. Helen ROUTIER of Detroit, and son Ralph, who have also been visiting in Salisbury. (15 Apr 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, spent Mother's day with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (13 May 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, arrived Thursday and will spend the summer with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe. (1 Jul 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, accompanied by Mrs. Marius HANSON, drove to Detroit Monday. Mrs. HANSON attended the Merchandise Mart at the Statler Hotel. (29 Jul 1937)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph have returned to their home in Detroit after having spent several weeks at the summer home of Mrs. ROUTIER's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. (9 Sep 1937)
-Mrs. Walker MONROE of Detroit is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. O. W. HANSON. She accompanied Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son RAlph here, who came to spend the week end. Mrs. ROUTIER's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, returned with them on Sunday to spend two weeks in Detroit. (4 Nov 1937)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN returned home Friday from Detroit, where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER. She was accompanied by the latter, who spent the week end here. On Mrs. ROUTIER's return she was accompanied by Mrs. Marius HANSON. (18 Nov 1937)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN went to Detroit Sunday evening. There she will join her daughter Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and grandson Ralph, and together they will motor to Salisbury, N.C., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSON and family. (14 Apr 1938)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, are guests at the H. A. BAUMAN home. (30 Jun 1938)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who has been spending several months at Salisbury, N.C., returned Friday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSON and daughter Grace Matilda, and Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit. They are all vacationing at Lake Margrethe. (11 Aug 1938)
Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit was host to twelve of his friends at a supper party Sunday evening to honor Miss Eleanore PINO of Detroit.
The party was given at the summer home of the host's grand mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, where he is a house guest.
Guests included, besides the guest of honor, Mary Gretchen CONNINE, Gail WELSH, Marian McCLANAHAN, Jean MICHELSON, Bill JOSEPH, Tom WELSH, John MICHELSON, Wayne NELLIST, Fred WELSH. (25 Aug 1938)-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, returned to Detroit after vacationing at Lake Margrethe with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (8 Sep 1938)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, were guests of Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the Thanksgiving holidays. Mrs. BAUMAN accompanied them back to Detroit Monday. (1 Dec 1938)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN left Saturday for Detroit where she will join her daughter Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, and son Ralph and together they will motor to Salisbury, N.C., to spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Walter WOODSONJ and daughter, Grace Matilda. (6 Apr 1939)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, and son Ralph, arrived from Salisbury, N.C., Thursday, and are at the BAUMAN summer home at Lake Margrethe. (6 Jul 1939)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, and grandson Ralph ROUTIER, of Detroit, Mrs. Margrethe GRAHAM, Mrs. Henry WILCOX, and Mrs. Richard SNYDER, of Saginaw, Mrs. Esbern HANSON and Mrs. Esbern HANSON, Jr., of St. Louis, all left Tuesday for New York to be in attendance at the marriage of Miss Virginia HANSON and Doctor Earl Stough TAYLOR, that will occur Saturday. T. W. HANSON, the bride's father left early last week to be there for the nuptials. (21 Sep 1939)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (13 Jun 1940)
-Guests over Independance Day week end of Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe were Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, son Ralph, and Miss Peggy THOMAS, of Detroit and Miss Muriel BRIGGS and Russell BRADLEY of Ann Arbor. (11 Jul 1940)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, Mrs. Walter WOODSON, daughter Grace Matilda, and Mrs. Oscar HANSON spent Monday at Mackinac Island. (22 Aug 1940)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, June 3, 1915
Mrs. Henry BAUMAN, Mrs. R. HANSON, Miss Margrethe HANSON and Mrs. O. W. HANSON will leave the last of the week for Boston and Auburndale, Mass., to attend the commencement exercises of Lasell Seminary, when Miss Margrethe BAUMAN will graduate from the institution. Miss Helen BAUMAN is also a student at the seminary. (2 Jun 1938)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, Dec. 18, 1913
Miss Helen BAUMAN left this afternoon for Bay City, where she will be joined by her sister Miss Margrethe, who is attending the Lasell seminary, in Boston, and is coming home for the holidays. (17 Dec, 1936)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, April 9, 1914
The Misses Margrethe and Helen BAUMAN arrived home on Tuesday, Miss Margrethe coming home from Lasell Seminary, Boston, Mass., to spend her Easter vacation, and Miss Helen returning from Bay City after a several days visit with friends. (8 Apr 1937)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche on 23 Years ago - Thursday, September 24, 1914
Miss Margrethe BAUMAN accompanied Miss Helen as far as Detroit last Thursday and is visiting friends in that city. Miss Helen left to attend Lasell Seminary at Auburndale, Mass. (23 Sep 1937)-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and little son are guests over the holidays of Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN. Miss Margaret BAUMAN of Detroit and Miss Grace, who is attending the Knox school in Cooperstown, New York, also came home to enjoy the Xmas festal season at the parental home. (30 Dec 1920)
-Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son RAlph HANSON of Detroit arrived Thursday and are guests of Mrs. ROUTIER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN for a few weeks. Later they will come to spend the summer at Lake Margrethe. Miss Margrethe BAUMAN, who has been in Detroit for several days accompanied them. (2 Jun 1921)
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. BAUMAN have as guests in their home over Christmas and New Years, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. ROUTIER and son Ralph HANSON of Detroit and and Mr. Elmer SCHIEGEL of Chicago. Also Miss Grace BAUMAN, who is attending the Semple school in New York City is home during the holiday vacation, and Miss Margaret BAUMAN has returned from a visit in Detroit and other points. (29 Dec 1921)
-Miss Margrethe BAUMAN left Monday for Detroit from where she will go to New York to meet her friends, Mrs. Williamson aznd Miss CHRISTENSEN of Minneapolis and together the party will leave June 10, for Europe. The ladies will make Paris their headquarters and from that point will visit all the places of interest in France, Italy, Austria and Switzerland. Miss BAUMAN's friends wish her a happy sojourn and a safe return. Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Miss Grace BAUMAN will be in New York to see the party sail. (8 Jun 1922)
-Miss Margrethe BAUMAN, who has been sojourning in Europe leaving Grayling the middle of June, returned home the latter part of the week. Miss BAUMAN visited places of interest in France, Italy and other places while abroad. (5 Oct 1922)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN are in Detroit. (14 Aug 1924)
-Miss Margrethe has as her guest Mrs. Williamson of Minneapolis. (14 Aug 1924)
-Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON returned to Detroit to Bennett School, N.Y., they being called home on account of the death of their grandfather, Rasmus HANSON. Their mother accompanied them as far as Detroit. (10 Nov 1927)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER of Detroit spent Monday with her sister Mrs. Margrethe BAUMAN. (28 Nov 1929)
-Mrs. Louis CLEMENT of Salisbury, N.C., a house guest of Mrs. Walter WOODSON, was guest of honor at a lovely bridge party at the summer home of Mrs. Esbern HANSON on Thursday afternoon. High scores were held by Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN, Mrs. CLEMENT receiving the guest prize. (14 Aug 1930)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to Detroit the last of the week after several weeks spent here guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. They were accompanied by Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON, who are spending several days there. (17 Sep 1931)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to their home in Detroit after spending the holidays visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN. They were accompanied by the Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON who will spend a few days there. Miss Mary Harriet CHARTERS, the Misses HANSON's guest, accompanied them as far as Bay City. (7 Jan 1932)
-The Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON returned from Detroit Tuesday morning where they had been visiting Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER. (14 Jan 1932)
-Misses Margrethe and Ella HANSON returned Sunday from Detroit after visiting relatives and friends. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER, and son Ralph. (8 Dec 1932)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit are spending this week visiting Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (20 Apr 1933)
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to their home in Detroit Saturday after having spent the past week visiting the former's sister, Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (27 Apr 1933)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph returned to Detroit Monday after having spent a few days with the former's mother, Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. They were accompanied here by Mrs. Edward E. HARTWICK who remained to visit the BAUMANS for a long time, and was accompanied home by her son Edward HARTWICK, who spent a day here. (21 Sep 1933)
-Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, who has been visiting her daughter and grandson, Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, in Detroit for several weeks arrived home Tuesday to spend this week at home with her daughter Miss Margrethe. Her nephew Esbern HANSON Jr., who is employed there by the American Mat Company accompanied her and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Esbern HANSON. (22 Mar 1934).
-Mrs. Helen B. ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit visited Mrs. Margrethe BAUMAN over the week end. (4 Jun 1936)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, left Tuesday for Detroit after having spent some time at Lake Margrethe with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (10 Sep 1936)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit, were guests of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the week end. (18 Mar 1937)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph, returned to Detroit after vacationing at Lake Margrethe with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (8 Sep 1938)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, were guests of Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the Thanksgiving holidays. Mrs. BAUMAN accompanied them back to Detroit Monday. (1 Dec 1938)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, of Detroit, were guests of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN over the weekend. (4 May 1939)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son left Wednesday for their home in Detroit after spending Christmas with Miss Margrethe BAUMAN and other relatives. (28 Dec 1939)
-Mrs. Ralph ROUTIER and son Ralph, Jack Snel GROVE of Detroit, and Miss Muriel BRIGGS and Russel BRADLEY of Ann Arbor were guests over the week-end of Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (8 Feb 1940)
-Mrs. Helen ROUTIER and son Ralph of Detroit, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN. (13 Jun 1940)
-Guests over Independance Day week end of Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN and Miss Margrethe BAUMAN at Lake Margrethe were Mrs. Helen ROUTIER, son Ralph, and Miss Peggy THOMAS, of Detroit and Miss Muriel BRIGGS and Russell BRADLEY of Ann Arbor. (11 Jul 1940)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Born - To Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BAUMAN, Nov. 29th, a daughter. (15 Dec 1927)
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