The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Effie BAY, of Chicago is visiting her brother, H. BAY, and other friends in Grayling. (26 Jul 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Effie BAY, of Chicago is visiting her brother, H. BAY, and other friends in Grayling. (26 Jul 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Interesting Events in Graylin 23 Years Ago - Thurs. 19 Sep 1907
DIED - Sunday, Sept. 15, in this village, Mrs. Johanna HANSON, aged 86 years. Mrs. HANSON was born in West Kipping, Denmark, in 1821, and came to this country in September, 1880. She leaves two sons, John HANSON and Rasmus HANSON, and three daughters, Mrs. BAY, of Lewiston, Mrs. Anna JOHNSON and Mrs. Mary RASMUSSON, and a host of friends to mourn her loss. Funeral services were held yesterday at the Danish Lutheran Church of which the deceased was an ardent member. (18 Sep 1930)-Mrs. Lars RASMUSSON Passed Away
Mrs. Lars RASMUSSON, one of the few remaining pioneers of Crawford County and Northern Michigan, passed away at her home at 2:30 o'clock Friday morning following a lingering illness of several years duration. Having lived in Grayling for over half a century Mrs. RASMUSSON had witnessed the progress in the town's growth from almost its beginning and could relate many of the interesting happenings of the days of old.
Mary HANSON was born in Wester of Kippinge, Denmark April 19, 1853. Her brother, the late Rasmus HANSON having come to this section when it was inhabited by the Indians and the country a wilderness, wrote to his family of the opportunities in America and they in turn came here to make their home. It was on Sept. 1, 1882 that she and the other members of her family arrived in America and directly came to Grayling. A couple of years after coming here were spent in Manistee where on Sept. 29, 1888 she was united in marriage to Lars RASSMUSSON. They returned to Grayling in 1890 where their son Harold was born. Mrs. RASMUSSON was a member of the Danish church and in her younger days took part in all its activities. She was held in high esteem by her hosts of friends and her example and influence will be a cherished memory to her family and friends in years to come.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon with services at the home at 2:00 o'clock followed by services at Danish-Lutheran church. Rev. Hans JUHL officiated and delivered a very impressive sermon. Pallbearers were old friends of the family, and interment was in Elmwood cemetery.
Mrs. H. R. BAY, who was called here owing to her sister's illness arrived Sunday and was in attendance at the last rites together with her son Edwin. they came from Corvallis, Montana. The husband and son Harold and 6 grandchildren and a cousin Peter HANSON of Grayling are the other survivors, and all have the sympathy of many in their sorrow. (15 Mar 1934)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Interesting Events in Graylin 23 Years Ago - Thurs. 19 Sep 1907
DIED - Sunday, Sept. 15, in this village, Mrs. Johanna HANSON, aged 86 years. Mrs. HANSON was born in West Kipping, Denmark, in 1821, and came to this country in September, 1880. She leaves two sons, John HANSON and Rasmus HANSON, and three daughters, Mrs. BAY, of Lewiston, Mrs. Anna JOHNSON and Mrs. Mary RASMUSSON, and a host of friends to mourn her loss. Funeral services were held yesterday at the Danish Lutheran Church of which the deceased was an ardent member. (18 Sep 1930)-Mrs. Lars RASMUSSON Passed Away
Mrs. Lars RASMUSSON, one of the few remaining pioneers of Crawford County and Northern Michigan, passed away at her home at 2:30 o'clock Friday morning following a lingering illness of several years duration. Having lived in Grayling for over half a century mrs. RASMUSSON had witnessed the progress in the town's growth from almost its beginning and could relate many of the interesting happenings of the days of old.
Mary HANSON was born in Wester of Kippinge, Denmark April 19, 1853. Her brother, the late Rasmus HANSON having come to this section when it was inhabited by the Indians and the country a wilderness, wrote to his family of the opportunities in America and they in turn came here to make their home. It was on Sept. 1, 1882 that she and th eother members of her family arrived in America and directly came to Grayling. A couple of years after coming here were spent in Manistee where on Sept. 29, 1888 she was united in marriage to Lars RASSMUSSON. They returned to Grayling in 1890 where their son Harold was born. Mrs. RASMUSSON was a member of the Danish church and in her younger days took part in all its activities. She was held in high esteem by her hosts of friends and her example and influence will be a cherished memory to her family and friends in years to come.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon with services at the home at 2:00 o'clock followed by services at Danish-Lutheran church. Rev. Hans JUHL officiated and delivered a very impressive sermon. Pallbearers were old friends of the family, and interment was in Elmwood cemetery.
Mrs. H. R. BAY, who was called here owing to her sister's illness arrived Sunday and was in attendance at the last rites together with her son Edwin. they came from Corvallis, Montana. The husband and son Harold and 6 grandchildren and a cousin Peter HANSON of Grayling are the other survivors, and all have the sympathy of many in their sorrow. (15 Mar 1934)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Lars RASMUSSON Passed Away
Mrs. Lars RASMUSSON, one of the few remaining pioneers of Crawford County and Northern Michigan, passed away at her home at 2:30 o'clock Friday morning following a lingering illness of several years duration. Having lived in Grayling for over half a century mrs. RASMUSSON had witnessed the progress in the town's growth from almost its beginning and could relate many of the interesting happenings of the days of old.
Mary HANSON was born in Wester of Kippinge, Denmark April 19, 1853. Her brother, the late Rasmus HANSON having come to this section when it was inhabited by the Indians and the country a wilderness, wrote to his family of the opportunities in America and they in turn came here to make their home. It was on Sept. 1, 1882 that she and th eother members of her family arrived in America and directly came to Grayling. A couple of years after coming here were spent in Manistee where on Sept. 29, 1888 she was united in marriage to Lars RASSMUSSON. They returned to Grayling in 1890 where their son Harold was born. Mrs. RASMUSSON was a member of the Danish church and in her younger days took part in all its activities. She was held in high esteem by her hosts of friends and her example and influence will be a cherished memory to her family and friends in years to come.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon with services at the home at 2:00 o'clock followed by services at Danish-Lutheran church. Rev. Hans JUHL officiated and delivered a very impressive sermon. Pallbearers were old friends of the family, and interment was in Elmwood cemetery.
Mrs. H. R. BAY, who was called here owing to her sister's illness arrived Sunday and was in attendance at the last rites together with her son Edwin. they came from Corvallis, Montana. The husband and son Harold and 6 grandchildren and a cousin Peter HANSON of Grayling are the other survivors, and all have the sympathy of many in their sorrow. (15 Mar 1934)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Interesting Events in Graylin 23 Years Ago - Thurs. 19 Sep 1907
DIED - Sunday, Sept. 15, in this village, Mrs. Johanna HANSON, aged 86 years. Mrs. HANSON was born in West Kipping, Denmark, in 1821, and came to this country in September, 1880. She leaves two sons, John HANSON and Rasmus HANSON, and three daughters, Mrs. BAY, of Lewiston, Mrs. Anna JOHNSON and Mrs. Mary RASMUSSON, and a host of friends to mourn her loss. Funeral services were held yesterday at the Danish Lutheran Church of which the deceased was an ardent member. (18 Sep 1930)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Interesting Events in Graylin 23 Years Ago - Thurs. 19 Sep 1907
DIED - Sunday, Sept. 15, in this village, Mrs. Johanna HANSON, aged 86 years. Mrs. HANSON was born in West Kipping, Denmark, in 1821, and came to this country in September, 1880. She leaves two sons, John HANSON and Rasmus HANSON, and three daughters, Mrs. BAY, of Lewiston, Mrs. Anna JOHNSON and Mrs. Mary RASMUSSON, and a host of friends to mourn her loss. Funeral services were held yesterday at the Danish Lutheran Church of which the deceased was an ardent member. (18 Sep 1930)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Harold SCHMIDT and Miss Evelyn THIEME Wed
Of interest to their many Grayling friends will be the following wedding announcement that was taken from the Benton Harbor News-Palladium:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles THIEME of Whitcomb Court announce the marriage of their daughter, Evelyn, and Harold SCHMIDT, of Grayling, where the bride for two years has been home economics teacher in the public schools. The marriage occurred in Bowling Green, O., the Rev. C. S. HALBERG of the Methodist church officiating. The bride and groom will be at the home of Mrs. SCHMIDT's parents here until September 1, after which they will go to Grayling to make their future home.
The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Holger C. SCHMIDT, was born in Grayling and has spent his entire life here. He is one of Grayling's popular young men and he and his bride have the congratulations and best wishes of hosts of friends. (4 Aug 1932)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-LOVELL's LOCALS - Alferd NEPHEW lost a valuable cow last week. (29 Nov 1906)-LOVELLS LOCALS - Mr. Joseph DOBY and wife, Albert NEPHEW and wife, and George BROWN have returned from the state of Washington. Crawford county is a good place to come back to. (14 Apr 1910)
-Lovells was saddened during the past week by the death on Tuesday of Geo. BROWN who has long been a resident of this place, coming here from Gladwin Co. at about ten years ago. He has been in the employ of Doublas Co. for a greater part of the time and won many friends by his genial disposition and his many kindnesses to needy ones. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Arnold on Wednesday afternoon from the home of Alfred NEPHEW, with whom he has made his home and he was laid to rest in Lovells cemetery.
(11 Apr 1912)-Alfred NEPHEW is now working in H. LEPARD's place on the railroad. (25 Apr 1912)
-Alfred NEPHEW and family moved out to their home on Big Creek on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. BISONNETTE, formerly of Kneeland, have taken charge of the boarding house here. (6 Jun 1912)
-Lovells - A. NEPHEW moved his family back to the farm Wednesday, after spending the winter months in town. (8 Apr 1915)
-Lovells - A. NEPHEW moved his family and some household goods to town for the winter months. (13 Jan 1916)
-Last Thursday morning about 3:00 o'clock, the house of Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW, and all its contents was completely destroyed by fire. It is supposed the lamp to a chicken brooder, which they had in the house, had exploded and was the cause of the fire. The brooder contained about 80 youngs chicks. This sure means a great loss to the NEPHEW family, as he had no insurance. The family are staying at the home of Mrs. NEPHEW's mother, Mrs. Joe DUBY, until another house can be erected. (7 Jun 1917)
-Lovells News - Mr. and Mrs. A. NEPHEW spent the week end at Gladwin. Mr. NEPHEW's stepfather Alna BUSH returned with them to spend the winter. (12 Nov 1925)
-Lovells News - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DUBY and Mrs. Alfred Nephew and son and daughter Francis and Cora, spent Sunday at the fur farm. (21 Jan 1926)
-Lovells News - Alva BUSH and son Carl went to Gladwin. They had been spending the winter with the former's step-son Alfred NEPHEW. Mr. BUSH expects to return in the spring. (11 Mar 1926)
-Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW and Miss Cora NEPHEW spent the week end at the home of Mrs. NEPHEW's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray SMALL of Mio. (14 Jul 1927)
-LOVELLS - Mr. and Mrs. DUBY and Alfred HANNA visited Mrs. DUBY's daughter at Indian River.
The Misses Hattie SMALL and Marie McCORMICK, Ray DUBY, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred NEPHEW and daughter Miss Iris, went to Frederic Sunday evening to attend the EAster program. (20 Apr 1933)-ALFRED NEPHEW DIES SUDDENLY
Alfred NEPHEW, of Lovells, age 58 years, passed away suddenly Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW had come to Grayling on business and were at the Court house at about 3:30 o'clock and Mr. NEPHEW had just stepped into the County Treasurer's office and was making inquiry of Mr. FERGUSON concerning some land when he swooned and fell to the floor. He was helped into a chair and a physician called, but he had passed away. Mrs. NEPHEW was with him and had gone into the Register of Deeds office accross the hall.
Alfred Burton NEPHEW was born in Midland, August 6, 1880, where his boyhood was spent. On October 13, 1901 he was united in marriage to Cora M. KEY and in 1903 the couple came to Crawford county and settled in Lovells. Lovells was quite a busy place at that time and he worked for several years at the Douglas shingle mill. After the mill ceased operations he engaged in farming. For the past three years Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW have been caretakers at the J. W. ANDERSON lodge.
Mr. NEPHEW served as road commissioner of Lovells township, and for several years past has been treasurer of the Lovells School District. Fishing was one of his favorite pastimes, and he enjoyed hunting small game.
Funeral servies are being held at the Grayling Funeral Home this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and interment will be in Elmwood cemetery. Rev. H. W. KUHLMAN of Michelson Memorial church will conduct the services, and the pall bearers are old Lovells friends, Roger CAID, Clarence STILLWAON, William T. MILLER, Alfred and Dewey HANNA and Ray DUBY.
Surviving the deceased besides his widow are two sons and two daughters, Mrs. Glenn GREGG of Kalkaska, and Francis, Elmo and Iris of Lovells. Also, his mother, Mrs. Louisa BUSH, three step-brothers and one step-sister, John, Carl and Clyde BUSH and Mrs. Edith McNUTT of Pontiac. And there are seven grandchildren.
The Avalanche joins with many friends in extending sympathy to the family in their bereavement. (1 Sep 1938)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-LOVELLS LOCALS - Mr. Joseph DOBY and wife, Albert NEPHEW and wife, and George BROWN have returned from the state of Washington. Crawford county is a good place to come back to. (14 Apr 1910)-Mrs. DOBY and Mrs. NEPHIEW have charge of the boarding house. (14 Apr 1910)
-LOVELL'S LOCALS - The boarding house is re-opened under the management of Mrs. Jos. DUBY and her daughter, Mrs. NEPHEW. As T. E. DOUGLAS has started to rebuild the mill, undoubtedly they will have as many boarders as they can accommodate. (14 Dec 1911)
-Lovells - A very pretty party was given by Mrs. NEPHEW last Saturday the occasion being the 12th birthday anniversary of her son, Francis. The dining room was prettily decorated, a yellow scheme being carried out in a very pleasing manner. A delicious supper was served to about twenty-four guests. The favors were small baskets filled with choice candies. All thoroughtly enjoyed the afternoon and the guests reluctantly departed wishing Francis many more such happy birthdays. (14 Oct 1915)
-Last Thursday morning about 3:00 o'clock, the house of Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW, and all its contents was completely destroyed by fire. It is supposed the lamp to a chicken brooder, which they had in the house, had exploded and was the cause of the fire. The brooder contained about 80 youngs chicks. This sure means a great loss to the NEPHEW family, as he had no insurance. The family are staying at the home of Mrs. NEPHEW's mother, Mrs. Joe DUBY, until another house can be erected. (7 Jun 1917)
-LOVELLS - Mr. and Mrs. DUBY and Alfred HANNA visited Mrs. DUBY's daughter at Indian River.
The Misses Hattie SMALL and Marie McCORMICK, Ray DUBY, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred NEPHEW and daughter Miss Iris, went to Frederic Sunday evening to attend the Easter program. (20 Apr 1933)-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DUBY, Mrs. Alfred NEPHEW and Alfred HANNA went to Saginaw last Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Emma MUNDT. Mrs. MUNDT was an aunt of Mrs. NEPHEW and a sister-in-law of Joseph DUBY. (3 Aug 1933)
Alfred NEPHEW, of Lovells, age 58 years, passed away suddenly Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW had come to Grayling on business and were at the Court house at about 3:30 o'clock and Mr. NEPHEW had just stepped into the County Treasurer's office and was making inquiry of Mr. FERGUSON concerning some land when he swooned and fell to the floor. He was helped into a chair and a physician called, but he had passed away. Mrs. NEPHEW was with him and had gone into the Register of Deeds office accross the hall.
Alfred Burton NEPHEW was born in Midland, August 6, 1880, where his boyhood was spent. On October 13, 1901 he was united in marriage to Cora M. KEY and in 1903 the couple came to Crawford county and settled in Lovells. Lovells was quite a busy place at that time and he worked for several years at the Douglas shingle mill. After the mill ceased operations he engaged in farming. For the past three years Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW have been caretakers at the J. W. ANDERSON lodge.
Mr. NEPHEW served as road commissioner of Lovells township, and for several years past has been treasurer of the Lovells School District. Fishing was one of his favorite pastimes, and he enjoyed hunting small game.
Funeral servies are being held at the Grayling Funeral Home this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and interment will be in Elmwood cemetery. Rev. H. W. KUHLMAN of Michelson Memorial church will conduct the services, and the pall bearers are old Lovells friends, Roger CAID, Clarence STILLWAON, William T. MILLER, Alfred and Dewey HANNA and Ray DUBY.
Surviving the deceased besides his widow are two sons and two daughters, Mrs. Glenn GREGG of Kalkaska, and Francis, Elmo and Iris of Lovells. Also, his mother, Mrs. Louisa BUSH, three step-brothers and one step-sister, John, Carl and Clyde BUSH and Mrs. Edith McNUTT of Pontiac. And there are seven grandchildren.
The Avalanche joins with many friends in extending sympathy to the family in their bereavement. (1 Sep 1938)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Alfred NEPHEW, of Lovells, age 58 years, passed away suddenly Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW had come to Grayling on business and were at the Court house at about 3:30 o'clock and Mr. NEPHEW had just stepped into the County Treasurer's office and was making inquiry of Mr. FERGUSON concerning some land when he swooned and fell to the floor. He was helped into a chair and a physician called, but he had passed away. Mrs. NEPHEW was with him and had gone into the Register of Deeds office accross the hall.
Alfred Burton NEPHEW was born in Midland, August 6, 1880, where his boyhood was spent. On October 13, 1901 he was united in marriage to Cora M. KEY and in 1903 the couple came to Crawford county and settled in Lovells. Lovells was quite a busy place at that time and he worked for several years at the Douglas shingle mill. After the mill ceased operations he engaged in farming. For the past three years Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW have been caretakers at the J. W. ANDERSON lodge.
Mr. NEPHEW served as road commissioner of Lovells township, and for several years past has been treasurer of the Lovells School District. Fishing was one of his favorite pastimes, and he enjoyed hunting small game.
Funeral servies are being held at the Grayling Funeral Home this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and interment will be in Elmwood cemetery. Rev. H. W. KUHLMAN of Michelson Memorial church will conduct the services, and the pall bearers are old Lovells friends, Roger CAID, Clarence STILLWAON, William T. MILLER, Alfred and Dewey HANNA and Ray DUBY.
Surviving the deceased besides his widow are two sons and two daughters, Mrs. Glenn GREGG of Kalkaska, and Francis, Elmo and Iris of Lovells. Also, his mother, Mrs. Louisa BUSH, three step-brothers and one step-sister, John, Carl and Clyde BUSH and Mrs. Edith McNUTT of Pontiac. And there are seven grandchildren.
The Avalanche joins with many friends in extending sympathy to the family in their bereavement. (1 Sep 1938)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
-An application for license to marry has been issued to Glenn E. GREGG of Cadillac and Cora NEPHEW of Lovells. (4 Oct 1928)
Miss Cora C. L. NEPHEW daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. NEPHEW of Lovells was united in marriage to Glen E. GREGG, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron GREGG of Cadillac on Saturday, December 8th.
The marriage ceremony took place at the home of the groom's parents at seven o'clock in the evening, Dr. JOHNSTONE officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. NEPHEW, brother and sister-in-law of the bride were best man and bridesmaid. The bride was dressed in p[ink taffeta trimmed in silver leaves. The bridesmaid's dress was of rose taffeta trimmed in silver.
The house was decorated with pink and white asters and ferns. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the many relatives and the evening was spent in music and dancing and a good time. Before the reverend left, the bride held her little niece Lorna Deer who was christened. There was one drawback to the wedding. The ceremony was five hours late owing to the bridal party being wrecked on their way to Cadallac. The car containing the bride and groom, the bride's mother and little brother and sister and the groom's cousin ran into a telephone pole and turned over into a deep ditch. No one was hurt except the bride's little brother.
The bride received many lovely gifts. They will reside in Flint. (20 Dec 1928)-LOVELLS - Mr. and Mrs. Harry WARD and Mr. and Mrs. Clare STOLICKER of Grayling visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen GREGG last Friday. (15 Jun 1933)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Lovells - Cora NEPHEW spent Sunday with Helen PAPENFUS. (22 Jul 1915)-Lovells News - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DUBY and Mrs. Alfred Nephew and son and daughter Francis and Cora, spent Sunday at the fur farm. (21 Jan 1926)
-Della BUDD spent the weekend with Cora NEPHEW. (11 Mar 1926)
-Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW and Miss Cora NEPHEW spent the week end at the home of Mrs. NEPHEW's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray SMALL of Mio. (14 Jul 1927)
-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DUBY and nephew Ray and their granddaughter, Miss Cora NEPHEW spent Labor Day at Saginaw with relatives. (15 Sep 1927)
-Lovells News - Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW and baby, Loma Deer, and Miss Cora NEPHEW and Ray DUBY spent Easter Sunday at the home of Mrs. NEPHEW's parents at Mio. Mrs. NEPHEW and Cora are staying over a few days. (12 Apr 1928)
-An application for license to marry has been issued to Glenn E. GREGG of Cadillac and Cora NEPHEW of Lovells. (4 Oct 1928)
Miss Cora C. L. NEPHEW daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. NEPHEW of Lovells was united in marriage to Glen E. GREGG, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron GREGG of Cadillac on Saturday, December 8th.
The marriage ceremony took place at the home of the groom's parents at seven o'clock in the evening, Dr. JOHNSTONE officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. NEPHEW, brother and sister-in-law of the bride were best man and bridesmaid. The bride was dressed in pink taffeta trimmed in silver leaves. The bridesmaid's dress was of rose taffeta trimmed in silver.
The house was decorated with pink and white asters and ferns. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the many relatives and the evening was spent in music and dancing and a good time. Before the reverend left, the bride held her little niece Lorna Deer who was christened. There was one drawback to the wedding. The ceremony was five hours late owing to the bridal party being wrecked on their way to Cadallac. The car containing the bride and groom, the bride's mother and little brother and sister and the groom's cousin ran into a telephone pole and turned over into a deep ditch. No one was hurt except the bride's little brother.
The bride received many lovely gifts. They will reside in Flint. (20 Dec 1928)-LOVELLS - Mr. and Mrs. Harry WARD and Mr. and Mrs. Clare STOLICKER of Grayling visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen GREGG last Friday. (15 Jun 1933)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Lovells - A very pretty party was given by Mrs. NEPHEW last Saturday the occasion being the 12th birthday anniversary of her son, Francis. The dining room was prettily decorated, a yellow scheme being carried out in a very pleasing manner. A delicious supper was served to about twenty-four guests. The favors were small baskets filled with choice candies. All thoroughtly enjoyed the afternoon and the guests reluctantly departed wishing Francis many more such happy birthdays. (14 Oct 1915)-Lovells News - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DUBY and Mrs. Alfred Nephew and son and daughter Francis and Cora, spent Sunday at the fur farm. (21 Jan 1926)
-Frances NEPHEW and Miss Lorna SMALL of Mio were married at Mio Sunday by Elder SCOTT. Clifton ANSTEY acted as best man an dMiss Cora NEPHEW, sister of the groom, as bridesmaid. Alfred NEPHEW and family and Joseph DUBY and family, parents and grandparents of the groom attended the wedding and afterwards enjoyed a wedding dinner at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy SMALL of Mio. (26 May 1927)
-Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW and Miss Cora NEPHEW spent the week end at the home of Mrs. NEPHEW's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray SMALL of Mio. (14 Jul 1927)
-Lovells News - Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW and baby, Loma Deer, and Miss Cora NEPHEW and Ray DUBY spent Easter Sunday at the home of Mrs. NEPHEW's parents at Mio. Mrs. NEPHEW and Cora are staying over a few days. (12 Apr 1928)
Miss Cora C. L. NEPHEW daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. NEPHEW of Lovells was united in marriage to Glen E. GREGG, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron GREGG of Cadillac on Saturday, December 8th.
The marriage ceremony took place at the home of the groom's parents at seven o'clock in the evening, Dr. JOHNSTONE officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. NEPHEW, brother and sister-in-law of the bride were best man and bridesmaid. The bride was dressed in p[ink taffeta trimmed in silver leaves. The bridesmaid's dress was of rose taffeta trimmed in silver.
The house was decorated with pink and white asters and ferns. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the many relatives and the evening was spent in music and dancing and a good time. Before the reverend left, the bride held her little niece Lorna Deer who was christened. There was one drawback to the wedding. The ceremony was five hours late owing to the bridal party being wrecked on their way to Cadallac. The car containing the bride and groom, the bride's mother and little brother and sister and the groom's cousin ran into a telephone pole and turned over into a deep ditch. No one was hurt except the bride's little brother.
The bride received many lovely gifts. They will reside in Flint. (20 Dec 1928)-A six pound boy came to live with Mr. and Mrs. Farncis NEPHEW on Saturday morning. His name is Lovell Monnie. (28 Jan 1932)
-LOVELLS - Mrs. Francis NEPHEW and children is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy SMALL. (27 Apr 1933)
-LOVELLS - Mr. and Mrs. Roy SMALL and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW and family were called to CURRAN by the death of Mrs. Roy SMALL and an aunt of Mrs. NEPHEW. (12 Apr 1934)
-LOVELLS - Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW, Mr. and Mrs. John PETERSON of Maple Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Jess PRATT of Frederic, Mr. and Mrs. Lee MOORE of Detroit, and Hattie and Edna SMALL of Frederick spent the week end at the Roy SMALL home. The ladies are all daughters of Mr. and Mrs. SMALL. It is the first time all the girls were together at home for about two years. (9 Apr 1936)
-LOVELLS - Francis NEPHEW was laid up for week, caused by a runaway team. Mr. NEPHEW was raking hay when the team ran away. He was caught under the rake and dragged through the field until he was unconscious. His face arms and back were badly lascerated. (28 Jul 1938)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Frances NEPHEW and Miss Lorna SMALL of Mio were married at Mio Sunday by Elder SCOTT. Clifton ANSTEY acted as best man an dMiss Cora NEPHEW, sister of the groom, as bridesmaid. Alfred NEPHEW and family and Joseph DUBY and family, parents and grandparents of the groom attended the wedding and afterwards enjoyed a wedding dinner at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy SMALL of Mio. (26 May 1927)-Lovells News - Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW and baby, Loma Deer, and Miss Cora NEPHEW and Ray DUBY spent Easter Sunday at the home of Mrs. NEPHEW's parents at Mio. Mrs. NEPHEW and Cora are staying over a few days. (12 Apr 1928)
Miss Cora C. L. NEPHEW daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. NEPHEW of Lovells was united in marriage to Glen E. GREGG, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron GREGG of Cadillac on Saturday, December 8th.
The marriage ceremony took place at the home of the groom's parents at seven o'clock in the evening, Dr. JOHNSTONE officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. NEPHEW, brother and sister-in-law of the bride were best man and bridesmaid. The bride was dressed in p[ink taffeta trimmed in silver leaves. The bridesmaid's dress was of rose taffeta trimmed in silver.
The house was decorated with pink and white asters and ferns. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the many relatives and the evening was spent in music and dancing and a good time. Before the reverend left, the bride held her little niece Lorna Deer who was christened. There was one drawback to the wedding. The ceremony was five hours late owing to the bridal party being wrecked on their way to Cadallac. The car containing the bride and groom, the bride's mother and little brother and sister and the groom's cousin ran into a telephone pole and turned over into a deep ditch. No one was hurt except the bride's little brother.
The bride received many lovely gifts. They will reside in Flint. (20 Dec 1928)-A six pound boy came to live with Mr. and Mrs. Farncis NEPHEW on Saturday morning. His name is Lovell Monnie. (28 Jan 1932)
-LOVELLS - Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW, Mr. and Mrs. John PETERSON of Maple Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Jess PRATT of Frederic, Mr. and Mrs. Lee MOORE of Detroit, and Hattie and Edna SMALL of Frederick spent the week end at the Roy SMALL home. The ladies are all daughters of Mr. and Mrs. SMALL. It is the first time all the girls were together at home for about two years. (9 Apr 1936)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW. She will be known as Lorna Deer. (15 Dec 1927)-Lovells News - Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW and baby, Loma Deer, and Miss Cora NEPHEW and Ray DUBY spent Easter Sunday at the home of Mrs. NEPHEW's parents at Mio. Mrs. NEPHEW and Cora are staying over a few days. (12 Apr 1928)
Miss Cora C. L. NEPHEW daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. NEPHEW of Lovells was united in marriage to Glen E. GREGG, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Myron GREGG of Cadillac on Saturday, December 8th.
The marriage ceremony took place at the home of the groom's parents at seven o'clock in the evening, Dr. JOHNSTONE officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. NEPHEW, brother and sister-in-law of the bride were best man and bridesmaid. The bride was dressed in p[ink taffeta trimmed in silver leaves. The bridesmaid's dress was of rose taffeta trimmed in silver.
The house was decorated with pink and white asters and ferns. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the many relatives and the evening was spent in music and dancing and a good time. Before the reverend left, the bride held her little niece Lorna Deer who was christened. There was one drawback to the wedding. The ceremony was five hours late owing to the bridal party being wrecked on their way to Cadallac. The car containing the bride and groom, the bride's mother and little brother and sister and the groom's cousin ran into a telephone pole and turned over into a deep ditch. No one was hurt except the bride's little brother.
The bride received many lovely gifts. They will reside in Flint. (20 Dec 1928)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A six pound boy came to live with Mr. and Mrs. Farncis NEPHEW on Saturday morning. His name is Lovell Monnie. (28 Jan 1932)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
-Lovells News - Mr. and Mrs. A. NEPHEW spent the week end at Gladwin. Mr. NEPHEW's stepfather Alna BUSH returned with them to spend the winter. (12 Nov 1925)
-Lovells News - Alva BUSH and son Carl went to Gladwin. They had been spending the winter with the former's step-son Alfred NEPHEW. Mr. BUSH expects to return in the spring. (11 Mar 1926)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Alfred NEPHEW, of Lovells, age 58 years, passed away suddenly Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW had come to Grayling on business and were at the Court house at about 3:30 o'clock and Mr. NEPHEW had just stepped into the County Treasurer's office and was making inquiry of Mr. FERGUSON concerning some land when he swooned and fell to the floor. He was helped into a chair and a physician called, but he had passed away. Mrs. NEPHEW was with him and had gone into the Register of Deeds office accross the hall.
Alfred Burton NEPHEW was born in Midland, August 6, 1880, where his boyhood was spent. On October 13, 1901 he was united in marriage to Cora M. KEY and in 1903 the couple came to Crawford county and settled in Lovells. Lovells was quite a busy place at that time and he worked for several years at the Douglas shingle mill. After the mill ceased operations he engaged in farming. For the past three years Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW have been caretakers at the J. W. ANDERSON lodge.
Mr. NEPHEW served as road commissioner of Lovells township, and for several years past has been treasurer of the Lovells School District. Fishing was one of his favorite pastimes, and he enjoyed hunting small game.
Funeral servies are being held at the Grayling Funeral Home this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and interment will be in Elmwood cemetery. Rev. H. W. KUHLMAN of Michelson Memorial church will conduct the services, and the pall bearers are old Lovells friends, Roger CAID, Clarence STILLWAON, William T. MILLER, Alfred and Dewey HANNA and Ray DUBY.
Surviving the deceased besides his widow are two sons and two daughters, Mrs. Glenn GREGG of Kalkaska, and Francis, Elmo and Iris of Lovells. Also, his mother, Mrs. Louisa BUSH, three step-brothers and one step-sister, John, Carl and Clyde BUSH and Mrs. Edith McNUTT of Pontiac. And there are seven grandchildren.
The Avalanche joins with many friends in extending sympathy to the family in their bereavement. (1 Sep 1938)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
Alfred NEPHEW, of Lovells, age 58 years, passed away suddenly Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW had come to Grayling on business and were at the Court house at about 3:30 o'clock and Mr. NEPHEW had just stepped into the County Treasurer's office and was making inquiry of Mr. FERGUSON concerning some land when he swooned and fell to the floor. He was helped into a chair and a physician called, but he had passed away. Mrs. NEPHEW was with him and had gone into the Register of Deeds office accross the hall.
Alfred Burton NEPHEW was born in Midland, August 6, 1880, where his boyhood was spent. On October 13, 1901 he was united in marriage to Cora M. KEY and in 1903 the couple came to Crawford county and settled in Lovells. Lovells was quite a busy place at that time and he worked for several years at the Douglas shingle mill. After the mill ceased operations he engaged in farming. For the past three years Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW have been caretakers at the J. W. ANDERSON lodge.
Mr. NEPHEW served as road commissioner of Lovells township, and for several years past has been treasurer of the Lovells School District. Fishing was one of his favorite pastimes, and he enjoyed hunting small game.
Funeral servies are being held at the Grayling Funeral Home this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and interment will be in Elmwood cemetery. Rev. H. W. KUHLMAN of Michelson Memorial church will conduct the services, and the pall bearers are old Lovells friends, Roger CAID, Clarence STILLWAON, William T. MILLER, Alfred and Dewey HANNA and Ray DUBY.
Surviving the deceased besides his widow are two sons and two daughters, Mrs. Glenn GREGG of Kalkaska, and Francis, Elmo and Iris of Lovells. Also, his mother, Mrs. Louisa BUSH, three step-brothers and one step-sister, John, Carl and Clyde BUSH and Mrs. Edith McNUTT of Pontiac. And there are seven grandchildren.
The Avalanche joins with many friends in extending sympathy to the family in their bereavement. (1 Sep 1938)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
-Lovells News - Alva BUSH and son Carl went to Gladwin. They had been spending the winter with the former's step-son Alfred NEPHEW. Mr. BUSH expects to return in the spring. (11 Mar 1926)
Alfred NEPHEW, of Lovells, age 58 years, passed away suddenly Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW had come to Grayling on business and were at the Court house at about 3:30 o'clock and Mr. NEPHEW had just stepped into the County Treasurer's office and was making inquiry of Mr. FERGUSON concerning some land when he swooned and fell to the floor. He was helped into a chair and a physician called, but he had passed away. Mrs. NEPHEW was with him and had gone into the Register of Deeds office accross the hall.
Alfred Burton NEPHEW was born in Midland, August 6, 1880, where his boyhood was spent. On October 13, 1901 he was united in marriage to Cora M. KEY and in 1903 the couple came to Crawford county and settled in Lovells. Lovells was quite a busy place at that time and he worked for several years at the Douglas shingle mill. After the mill ceased operations he engaged in farming. For the past three years Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW have been caretakers at the J. W. ANDERSON lodge.
Mr. NEPHEW served as road commissioner of Lovells township, and for several years past has been treasurer of the Lovells School District. Fishing was one of his favorite pastimes, and he enjoyed hunting small game.
Funeral servies are being held at the Grayling Funeral Home this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and interment will be in Elmwood cemetery. Rev. H. W. KUHLMAN of Michelson Memorial church will conduct the services, and the pall bearers are old Lovells friends, Roger CAID, Clarence STILLWAON, William T. MILLER, Alfred and Dewey HANNA and Ray DUBY.
Surviving the deceased besides his widow are two sons and two daughters, Mrs. Glenn GREGG of Kalkaska, and Francis, Elmo and Iris of Lovells. Also, his mother, Mrs. Louisa BUSH, three step-brothers and one step-sister, John, Carl and Clyde BUSH and Mrs. Edith McNUTT of Pontiac. And there are seven grandchildren.
The Avalanche joins with many friends in extending sympathy to the family in their bereavement. (1 Sep 1938)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
Alfred NEPHEW, of Lovells, age 58 years, passed away suddenly Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW had come to Grayling on business and were at the Court house at about 3:30 o'clock and Mr. NEPHEW had just stepped into the County Treasurer's office and was making inquiry of Mr. FERGUSON concerning some land when he swooned and fell to the floor. He was helped into a chair and a physician called, but he had passed away. Mrs. NEPHEW was with him and had gone into the Register of Deeds office accross the hall.
Alfred Burton NEPHEW was born in Midland, August 6, 1880, where his boyhood was spent. On October 13, 1901 he was united in marriage to Cora M. KEY and in 1903 the couple came to Crawford county and settled in Lovells. Lovells was quite a busy place at that time and he worked for several years at the Douglas shingle mill. After the mill ceased operations he engaged in farming. For the past three years Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW have been caretakers at the J. W. ANDERSON lodge.
Mr. NEPHEW served as road commissioner of Lovells township, and for several years past has been treasurer of the Lovells School District. Fishing was one of his favorite pastimes, and he enjoyed hunting small game.
Funeral servies are being held at the Grayling Funeral Home this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and interment will be in Elmwood cemetery. Rev. H. W. KUHLMAN of Michelson Memorial church will conduct the services, and the pall bearers are old Lovells friends, Roger CAID, Clarence STILLWAON, William T. MILLER, Alfred and Dewey HANNA and Ray DUBY.
Surviving the deceased besides his widow are two sons and two daughters, Mrs. Glenn GREGG of Kalkaska, and Francis, Elmo and Iris of Lovells. Also, his mother, Mrs. Louisa BUSH, three step-brothers and one step-sister, John, Carl and Clyde BUSH and Mrs. Edith McNUTT of Pontiac. And there are seven grandchildren.
The Avalanche joins with many friends in extending sympathy to the family in their bereavement. (1 Sep 1938)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
Alfred NEPHEW, of Lovells, age 58 years, passed away suddenly Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW had come to Grayling on business and were at the Court house at about 3:30 o'clock and Mr. NEPHEW had just stepped into the County Treasurer's office and was making inquiry of Mr. FERGUSON concerning some land when he swooned and fell to the floor. He was helped into a chair and a physician called, but he had passed away. Mrs. NEPHEW was with him and had gone into the Register of Deeds office accross the hall.
Alfred Burton NEPHEW was born in Midland, August 6, 1880, where his boyhood was spent. On October 13, 1901 he was united in marriage to Cora M. KEY and in 1903 the couple came to Crawford county and settled in Lovells. Lovells was quite a busy place at that time and he worked for several years at the Douglas shingle mill. After the mill ceased operations he engaged in farming. For the past three years Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW have been caretakers at the J. W. ANDERSON lodge.
Mr. NEPHEW served as road commissioner of Lovells township, and for several years past has been treasurer of the Lovells School District. Fishing was one of his favorite pastimes, and he enjoyed hunting small game.
Funeral servies are being held at the Grayling Funeral Home this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and interment will be in Elmwood cemetery. Rev. H. W. KUHLMAN of Michelson Memorial church will conduct the services, and the pall bearers are old Lovells friends, Roger CAID, Clarence STILLWAON, William T. MILLER, Alfred and Dewey HANNA and Ray DUBY.
Surviving the deceased besides his widow are two sons and two daughters, Mrs. Glenn GREGG of Kalkaska, and Francis, Elmo and Iris of Lovells. Also, his mother, Mrs. Louisa BUSH, three step-brothers and one step-sister, John, Carl and Clyde BUSH and Mrs. Edith McNUTT of Pontiac. And there are seven grandchildren.
The Avalanche joins with many friends in extending sympathy to the family in their bereavement. (1 Sep 1938)
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