The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mrs. Joseph F. DUBY passed away at Mercy Hospital on Sunday, November 17th at 11:30 p.m., after an illness of four weeks.
She was born in Germany in 1865 on April 8th. She came to Saginaw with her parents in 1870 where she grew to womanhood. In 1882 she was united in marriage to Thomas Franklin KEY. To this union three children were born, two having died in infancy. Mr. KEY died in 1886. In 1896 she was united in marriage to Joseph F. DUBY. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Alfred B. NEPHEW, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She had been a resident of Lovells for 26 years. (28 Nov 1929)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-LOVELL'S LOCALS - The boarding house is re-opened under the management of Mrs. Jos. DUBY and her daughter, Mrs. NEPHEW. As T. E. DOUGLAS has started to rebuild the mill, undoubtedly they will have as many boarders as they can accommodate. (14 Dec 1911)-Last Thursday morning about 3:00 o'clock, the house of Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW, and all its contents was completely destroyed by fire. It is supposed the lamp to a chicken brooder, which they had in the house, had exploded and was the cause of the fire. The brooder contained about 80 youngs chicks. This sure means a great loss to the NEPHEW family, as he had no insurance. The family are staying at the home of Mrs. NEPHEW's mother, Mrs. Joe DUBY, until another house can be erected. (7 Jun 1917)
Mrs. Joseph F. DUBY passed away at Mercy Hospital on Sunday, November 17th at 11:30 p.m., after an illness of four weeks.
She was born in Germany in 1865 on April 8th. She came to Saginaw with her parents in 1870 where she grew to womanhood. In 1882 she was united in marriage to Thomas Franklin KEY. To this union three children were born, two having died in infancy. Mr. KEY died in 1886. In 1896 she was united in marriage to Joseph F. DUBY. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Alfred B. NEPHEW, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She had been a resident of Lovells for 26 years. (28 Nov 1929)-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DUBY, Mrs. Alfred NEPHEW and Alfred HANNA went to Saginaw last Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Emma MUNDT. Mrs. MUNDT was an aunt of Mrs. NEPHEW and a sister-in-law of Joseph DUBY. (3 Aug 1933)
-LOVELLS - Mrs. Joseph DUBY entertained her friends on the evening of her birthday, on August 6th. (10 Aug 1933)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
Mrs. Joseph F. DUBY passed away at Mercy Hospital on Sunday, November 17th at 11:30 p.m., after an illness of four weeks.
She was born in Germany in 1865 on April 8th. She came to Saginaw with her parents in 1870 where she grew to womanhood. In 1882 she was united in marriage to Thomas Franklin KEY. To this union three children were born, two having died in infancy. Mr. KEY died in 1886. In 1896 she was united in marriage to Joseph F. DUBY. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Alfred B. NEPHEW, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She had been a resident of Lovells for 26 years. (28 Nov 1929)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
Mrs. Joseph F. DUBY passed away at Mercy Hospital on Sunday, November 17th at 11:30 p.m., after an illness of four weeks.
She was born in Germany in 1865 on April 8th. She came to Saginaw with her parents in 1870 where she grew to womanhood. In 1882 she was united in marriage to Thomas Franklin KEY. To this union three children were born, two having died in infancy. Mr. KEY died in 1886. In 1896 she was united in marriage to Joseph F. DUBY. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Alfred B. NEPHEW, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She had been a resident of Lovells for 26 years. (28 Nov 1929)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married-Saturday, May 12th, at the residence of the brides sister, Mrs. A. BODDY, at Portage Lake, Miss Maude INGERSON and William FELTON. Justice McELROY officiating. (17 May 1900)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married-Saturday, May 12th, at the residence of the brides sister, Mrs. A. BODDY, at Portage Lake, Miss Maude INGERSON and William FELTON. Justice McELROY officiating. (17 May 1900)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married-Saturday, May 12th, at the residence of the brides sister, Mrs. A. BODDY, at Portage Lake, Miss Maude INGERSON and William FELTON. Justice McELROY officiating. (17 May 1900)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The remains of Mrs. Julia NEPHEW, also known as Mrs. DeMONSHALL, who passed away in Flint, February 6th, arrived in Grayling Monday morning and were taken to the home of Paul LaBRASH. The funeral of the deceased was held Tuesday morning with services at St. mary's church at 9:00 o'clock. Mrs. NEPHEW was 89 years old and had been a resident of Grayling for 34 years, leaving here about five years ago following the death of her son the late Joseph NEPHEW. The remains were accompanied to Grayling by the deceased's daughter Mrs. George MARTIN of Flint, Mrs. George LaFAVE of Stanish and Mrs. Flossie NEPHEW of Detroit. (11 Feb 1926)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Word is received here that Joseph NEPHEW, wo has been in the employ of Salling, Hanson and Co., and of the M. C. R. R. Co. was killed by a Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic train, at Eckerman. No particulars are given. He had grown up to manhood in our villag and was well known. (23 Aug 1906)-NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE.
Shereas, default has been made in the payment of the money secured by a mortgage dated the Twenty-fourth day of March, A. D. 1906, executed by Joseph NEPHEW of Grayling village, Crawford county, Michigan to Marius HANSON of the same place, which said mortgage was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county of Crawford in said State in Liber H of Mortgages on page 456 on the Twenty-fourth day of August in the year 1906, at eight o'clock a.m.
And whereas, the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date of this notice is the sum of Twenty-six dollars and thirty-one cents of principal and interest and the further sum of Fifteen dollars as an attorney fee as provided by law in such case, and which is the whole amount claimed to be unpaid on said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding have been instituted at law to recover the debt now remaining secured by said mortgage or any part thereof whereby the power of sale contained in said mortgage has become operative.
Now therefore, notice is herebyt given that by virtue of the said power of sale and in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises therein described at public auction, to the highest bidder at the front door of the court house in Grayling village, in said county of Crawford, on the Twenty-fourth day of November next at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day; which said premises are described in said mortgage as follows to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situated and being in the Village of Grayling, in the County of Crawford and State of Michigan and described as follows to wit: Lot Three of block Two, of Salling, Hanson & Company's addition to the Village of Grayling according to the recorded plat thereof.
Dated August 27th, A. D. 1906.
Attorney.-The remains of Mrs. Julia NEPHEW, also known as Mrs. DeMONSHALL, who passed away in Flint, February 6th, arrived in Grayling Monday morning and were taken to the home of Paul LaBRASH. The funeral of the deceased was held Tuesday morning with services at St. Mary's church at 9:00 o'clock. Mrs. NEPHEW was 89 years old and had been a resident of Grayling for 34 years, leaving here about five years ago following the death of her son the late Joseph NEPHEW. The remains were accompanied to Grayling by the deceased's daughter Mrs. George MARTIN of Flint, Mrs. George LaFAVE of Stanish and Mrs. Flossie NEPHEW of Detroit. (11 Feb 1926)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED-Monday, Jan. 7, at his home in this village, Louis NEPHEW, aged 21 years, of consumption. (10 Jan 1901)-The family of Adolph DESMANCHELL desire to express their most sincere thanks to the citizens of Grayling, for their unremitting kindness during the long illness and at the final obsequies of their son, Louis NEPHEW. The aid given them will be ever remembered. (10 Jan 1901)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The remains of Mrs. Julia NEPHEW, also known as Mrs. DeMONSHALL, who passed away in Flint, February 6th, arrived in Grayling Monday morning and were taken to the home of Paul LaBRASH. The funeral of the deceased was held Tuesday morning with services at St. mary's church at 9:00 o'clock. Mrs. NEPHEW was 89 years old and had been a resident of Grayling for 34 years, leaving here about five years ago following the death of her son the late Joseph NEPHEW. The remains were accompanied to Grayling by the deceased's daughter Mrs. George MARTIN of Flint, Mrs. George LaFAVE of Stanish and Mrs. Flossie NEPHEW of Detroit. (11 Feb 1926)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The remains of Mrs. Julia NEPHEW, also known as Mrs. DeMONSHALL, who passed away in Flint, February 6th, arrived in Grayling Monday morning and were taken to the home of Paul LaBRASH. The funeral of the deceased was held Tuesday morning with services at St. mary's church at 9:00 o'clock. Mrs. NEPHEW was 89 years old and had been a resident of Grayling for 34 years, leaving here about five years ago following the death of her son the late Joseph NEPHEW. The remains were accompanied to Grayling by the deceased's daughter Mrs. George MARTIN of Flint, Mrs. George LaFAVE of Stanish and Mrs. Flossie NEPHEW of Detroit. (11 Feb 1926)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED - At the Catholic church June 15, Miss Eva LaMOTHE and D. SANCARTIER. Miss Eva SANCARTIER serving as brides maid and Isaac LaMOTHE as best man. (20 Jun 1907)-Mrs. Fred AEBLI, Mrs. PERKINS and Mrs. FLANNIGAN, all of Bay City, were in Grayling several days last week visiting their father, Mr. SanCARTIER. They were guests at the homes of their sister, Mrs. Cletus St. PIERRE and brother, Dolph SanCARTIER. (10 Feb 1927)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED - At the Catholic church June 15, Miss Eva LaMOTHE and D. SANCARTIER. Miss Eva SANCARTIER serving as brides maid and Isaac LaMOTHE as best man. (20 Jun 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-We wondered what made the smile on Dolph SanCARTIER's face, Dolph says it's a girl. (14 Sep 1911)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
-Frances NEPHEW and Miss Lorna SMALL of Mio were married at Mio Sunday by Elder SCOTT. Clifton ANSTEY acted as best man an dMiss Cora NEPHEW, sister of the groom, as bridesmaid. Alfred NEPHEW and family and Joseph DUBY and family, parents and grandparents of the groom attended the wedding and afterwards enjoyed a wedding dinner at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy SMALL of Mio. (26 May 1927)
-Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW and Miss Cora NEPHEW spent the week end at the home of Mrs. NEPHEW's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray SMALL of Mio. (14 Jul 1927)
-LOVELLS - Mrs. Francis NEPHEW and children is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy SMALL. (27 Apr 1933)
-LOVELLS - Miss Jennie SMALL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy SMALL, and Johannes PETERSON of Maple Forest were married at Roscommon on Sunday, July 16th. Miss Small's friends wish her a happy married life. (20 Jul 1933)
-LOVELLS - Mr. and Mrs. Roy SMALL and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW and family were called to CURRAN by the death of Mrs. Roy SMALL and an aunt of Mrs. NEPHEW. (12 Apr 1934)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
-LOVELLS - Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW, Mr. and Mrs. John PETERSON of Maple Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Jess PRATT of Frederic, Mr. and Mrs. Lee MOORE of Detroit, and Hattie and Edna SMALL of Frederick spent the week end at the Roy SMALL home. The ladies are all daughters of Mr. and Mrs. SMALL. It is the first time all the girls were together at home for about two years. (9 Apr 1936)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
-LOVELLS - Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW, Mr. and Mrs. John PETERSON of Maple Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Jess PRATT of Frederic, Mr. and Mrs. Lee MOORE of Detroit, and Hattie and Edna SMALL of Frederick spent the week end at the Roy SMALL home. The ladies are all daughters of Mr. and Mrs. SMALL. It is the first time all the girls were together at home for about two years. (9 Apr 1936)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
-LOVELLS - Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW, Mr. and Mrs. John PETERSON of Maple Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Jess PRATT of Frederic, Mr. and Mrs. Lee MOORE of Detroit, and Hattie and Edna SMALL of Frederick spent the week end at the Roy SMALL home. The ladies are all daughters of Mr. and Mrs. SMALL. It is the first time all the girls were together at home for about two years. (9 Apr 1936)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
-LOVELLS - Mr. and Mrs. Francis NEPHEW, Mr. and Mrs. John PETERSON of Maple Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Jess PRATT of Frederic, Mr. and Mrs. Lee MOORE of Detroit, and Hattie and Edna SMALL of Frederick spent the week end at the Roy SMALL home. The ladies are all daughters of Mr. and Mrs. SMALL. It is the first time all the girls were together at home for about two years. (9 Apr 1936)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-LOVELLS LOCALS - Mr. Joseph DOBY and wife, Albert NEPHEW and wife, and George BROWN have returned from the state of Washington. Crawford county is a good place to come back to. (14 Apr 1910)-Mrs. DOBY and Mrs. NEPHIEW have charge of the boarding house. (14 Apr 1910)
-LOVELL'S LOCALS - The boarding house is re-opened under the management of Mrs. Jos. DUBY and her daughter, Mrs. NEPHEW. As T. E. DOUGLAS has started to rebuild the mill, undoubtedly they will have as many boarders as they can accommodate. (14 Dec 1911)
-Last Thursday morning about 3:00 o'clock, the house of Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW, and all its contents was completely destroyed by fire. It is supposed the lamp to a chicken brooder, which they had in the house, had exploded and was the cause of the fire. The brooder contained about 80 youngs chicks. This sure means a great loss to the NEPHEW family, as he had no insurance. The family are staying at the home of Mrs. NEPHEW's mother, Mrs. Joe DUBY, until another house can be erected. (7 Jun 1917)
-Frances NEPHEW and Miss Lorna SMALL of Mio were married at Mio Sunday by Elder SCOTT. Clifton ANSTEY acted as best man an dMiss Cora NEPHEW, sister of the groom, as bridesmaid. Alfred NEPHEW and family and Joseph DUBY and family, parents and grandparents of the groom attended the wedding and afterwards enjoyed a wedding dinner at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy SMALL of Mio. (26 May 1927)
-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DUBY an dnephew Ray and their granddaughter, Miss Cora NEPHEW spent Labor Day at Saginaw with relatives. (15 Sep 1927)
Mrs. Joseph F. DUBY passed away at Mercy Hospital on Sunday, November 17th at 11:30 p.m., after an illness of four weeks.
She was born in Germany in 1865 on April 8th. She came to Saginaw with her parents in 1870 where she grew to womanhood. In 1882 she was united in marriage to Thomas Franklin KEY. To this union three children were born, two having died in infancy. Mr. KEY died in 1886. In 1896 she was united in marriage to Joseph F. DUBY. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Alfred B. NEPHEW, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She had been a resident of Lovells for 26 years. (28 Nov 1929)-The remains of Mrs. Sadie MELROY, age 42, wife of Clare D. MELROY were brought to Grayling from Indian River Friday for interment in Elmwood cemetery. Mrs. MELROY, who was the daughter of Mrs. Joseph DUBY of Lovells, died at her home Tuesday after a long illness. Besides her husband and mother she is survived by two brothers Dewey and Alfred and three sisters, Mrs. M. D. McCORMICK, Mrs. Thomas WAKELY and Mrs. Lola PAPENFUS, all of Lovells. The deceased was well and favorably known in Lovells and vicinity. (25 May 1933)
-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DUBY, Mrs. Alfred NEPHEW and Alfred HANNA went to Saginaw last Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Emma MUNDT. Mrs. MUNDT was an aunt of Mrs. NEPHEW and a sister-in-law of Joseph DUBY. (3 Aug 1933)
Joseph Francis DUBY, a pioneer of Lovells passed away at Mercy Hospital Thursday morning, February 1, at 8:30 o'clock following a three weeks' illness.
"Joe," as he was called by his friends, was 79 years old and came to the United States from Ottawa, Can., at the age of 14. He lived first in Zilwaukee, later in Midland and then Alpena. At the latter place in 1887 he was united in marriage to Anna KEY. Mr. and Mrs. DUBY shotly came to Lovells, first locating at Buck's Hill, later they homesteaded 3 1/2 miles from lovells, where Mr. DUBY spent the remainder of his life. When he first came to Lovells he was employed in the mill of T. E. DOUGLAS, where he saw day after day much of the fine timber in that section manufactured into lumber. Later he worked for the M.C.R.R. Co., and for the past 15 years was caretaker for William B. MERSHON at his lodge at Lovells. Mrs. DUBY passed away and on April 23, 1930, he was married to Mrs. George HANNA at Frredric, who survives his passing together with the following step children: Mrs. Lola PAPPENFUS, Roscommon; Mrs. M. McCORMICK, Alfred and Dewey HANNA, and Mrs. Cora NEPHEW, Lovells. Also the late Mrs. Thomas WAKELY and Mrs. C. D. MELROY were stepchildren. Others surviving include two brothers, Emery DUBY, Merrill, Mich., and Louis DUBY, Saginaw, and one sister, Mrs. Mary BARCLEY, Ione, Wash., a nephew, Ray DUBY, Lovells, the latter who made his home with his uncle for 16 years.
Funeral services were held at the Sorenson Funeral Home at 2:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon, Rev. Fr. James MOLONEY of St. Mary's church officiating. Interment was in Elmwood Cemetery, Grayling. Pallbearers were old Lovells neighbors, J. E. KELLOGG, M. C. NEWMAN, William MILLER, Edgar CAID, Gid KIBLER and Paul LOEFFLER, all of Lovells. Those from a distance who came to be in attendance at the last rites were Emery DUBY, Merrill, Louis DUBY, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. MUNDT and children of Saginaw; Mr. and Mrs. Frank LANGSTROM and son Frank LANGSTROM Jr., Harry MORRIS, Victor KROHN, Christopher KIMBERLEY, Emerson FRANKS, Bradley PRICE and Roy WERTHMAN, Detroit; Mrs. Lola PAPENFUS and son Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Roy PAPENFUS, Mr. and Mrs. Charles PAPENFUS, Mrs. H. HUFFMAN, Roscommon; Mr. and Mrs. Albert BALLREICH, Indian River; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn GREGG of Rapid City, Mich.; Charles ORWICH, Emmet PIERCE, Jake SHERBONDIE and Harold BUEL, Lewiston.
Mr. DUBY's life was a very active one. He was a great sportsman, loved to hunt, fish and trap and his tales of some of his experiences were always interesting to his listeners. He was kind hearted, good natured and his friends were without number. He will be sadly missed by his family and hosts of friends in Lovells. (8 Feb 1940)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-LOVELL'S LOCALS - The boarding house is re-opened under the management of Mrs. Jos. DUBY and her daughter, Mrs. NEPHEW. As T. E. DOUGLAS has started to rebuild the mill, undoubtedly they will have as many boarders as they can accommodate. (14 Dec 1911)-Last Thursday morning about 3:00 o'clock, the house of Mr. and Mrs. NEPHEW, and all its contents was completely destroyed by fire. It is supposed the lamp to a chicken brooder, which they had in the house, had exploded and was the cause of the fire. The brooder contained about 80 youngs chicks. This sure means a great loss to the NEPHEW family, as he had no insurance. The family are staying at the home of Mrs. NEPHEW's mother, Mrs. Joe DUBY, until another house can be erected. (7 Jun 1917)
Mrs. Joseph F. DUBY passed away at Mercy Hospital on Sunday, November 17th at 11:30 p.m., after an illness of four weeks.
She was born in Germany in 1865 on April 8th. She came to Saginaw with her parents in 1870 where she grew to womanhood. In 1882 she was united in marriage to Thomas Franklin KEY. To this union three children were born, two having died in infancy. Mr. KEY died in 1886. In 1896 she was united in marriage to Joseph F. DUBY. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Alfred B. NEPHEW, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She had been a resident of Lovells for 26 years. (28 Nov 1929)-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DUBY, Mrs. Alfred NEPHEW and Alfred HANNA went to Saginaw last Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Emma MUNDT. Mrs. MUNDT was an aunt of Mrs. NEPHEW and a sister-in-law of Joseph DUBY. (3 Aug 1933)
-LOVELLS - Mrs. Joseph DUBY entertained her friends on the evening of her birthday, on August 6th. (10 Aug 1933)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-HOESLI - WOODFIELD - Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, Monday evening, July 10, Fred HOESLI Jr., and Miss Valeria WOODFIELD, Rev. Mr. PILMEIR officiating. The happy pair, whose whole lives have been passed here, will receive the congratulations of all our people. They are making a tour of the Upper Peninsula, stopping especially at the Soo and at Houghton, with Mrs. Kate Woodfield WINNIE, sister of the bride.
(13 Jul 1905)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, July 13, 1905.
HOESLI - WOODFIELD - Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, Monday evening, July 10, Fred HOESLI Jr., and Miss Valeria WOODFIELD, Rev. Mr. PILMEIR officiating. The happy pair, whose whole lives have been passed here, will receive the congratulations of all our people. They are making a tour of the Upper Peninsula, stopping especially at the Soo and at Houghton, with Mrs. Kate Woodfield WINNIE, sister of the bride. (12 Jul 1928)-Born, Monday, August 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred HOSELI Jr., a daughter, weighing only ten pounds and a half. Granpa WOODFIELD smiles audibly. (23 Aug 1906)
-Fred HOESLI, Jr. started for New Mexico, Monday, in search of health. It is hoped that he will find it in plenty, and in quick time. (27 Sep 1906)
At his fathers home in the east part of this township, June 24, Fred HOESLI Jr., aged 30 years.
The deceased was born Jan. 2, 1877, at Cincinnati, Ohio, and came to this county with his parents when about seven years of age, and where he has since lived and made hosts of friends. He left the farm for R. R. work nearly five years ago, and was married two years ago to Miss Valeria WOODFIELD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William WOODFIELD of this village, who is left with a daughter ten months old to mourn his loss. About a year ago symptoms of consumption siezed him and the change of climate and the most scientific treatment was tried but was of no avail.
The funeral, Wednesday, was held at the M. E. church in this village under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity and was largely attended and his body laid to rest in Elmwood cemetery, amid profuse floral decorations exhibiting the respect for him and sympathy for the stricken ones. (27 Jun 1907)-CARD OF THANKS.
Our appreciation of the kindness of our friends, for the many acts and words of sympaty during the long illness of our husband, son and brother, Fred HOESLI Jr., and especially at the final obsequies is hereby acknowledged, with the hope that such as our grief may be sparred to them and that they may ever find in time of need such friends as ours.
FRED HOESLI and family,
WHEREAS. The Great Commander of the Universe has seen fit to remove from our midst our beloved Brother Sir Knight Frederic HOESLI, late a member of Crawford Tent No. 192, Knights of Modern Maccabees.
THEREFORE, Be it resolved, that the charter of this Tent be draped for a period of 60 days.
That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family.
That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the widow of our departmed Sir Knight, and the same published in the CRAWFORD COUNTY AVALANCHE.
COMMITTEE. (11 Jul 1907)-Mrs. Fred HOESLI Jr., received $1,000.00, the amount of insurance her husband carried in the K. O. T. M. M. 13 days after proof of claim was handed in. How is that for prompt settlement? (25 Jul 1907)
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, April 28, 1910
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred AEBLI, April 24th, a daughter. (27 Apr 1933)-Mr. and Mrs. Fred HOESLI of Petoskey brought their twin sons, one of whom passed away at birth and the other on Saturday, June 1st, at the age of three months, here for interment in Elmwood cemetery last week. (6 Jun 1935)
-Fred HOESLI of Petoskey spent a couple of days here this week hunting birds, and visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan HOESLI. (22 Oct 1936)
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred HOESLI have been visiting the past fortnight visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan HOESLI. Fred is manager of the A. & P. Store in Petosky and this is his annual vacation. (7 Oct 1937)
-Fred HOESLI stopped in Grayling Thursday on route to his home in Petoskey from Hemlock, where he had been in attendance at the funeral of his mother-in-law, Mrs. COLLIER. (20 Jan 1938)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, July 13, 1905.
HOESLI - WOODFIELD - Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, Monday evening, July 10, Fred HOESLI Jr., and Miss Valeria WOODFIELD, Rev. Mr. PILMEIR officiating. The happy pair, whose whole lives have been passed here, will receive the congratulations of all our people. They are making a tour of the Upper Peninsula, stopping especially at the Soo and at Houghton, with Mrs. Kate Woodfield WINNIE, sister of the bride. (12 Jul 1928)-Mrs. Fred HOESLI Jr., received $1,000.00, the amount of insurance her husband carried in the K. O. T. M. M. 13 days after proof of claim was handed in. How is that for prompt settlement? (25 Jul 1907)
The May Term of the Circuit Court convened last Monday, Judge SHARP presiding, and stenographer AUSTIN at his table.
But one chancery case was heard, that of Valeria HOESLI vs. Grand Lodge Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, and that was compromised and settled before reaching judgement. (28 May 1908)-A quiet marriage ceremony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. WOODFIELD last Saturday evening at eight o'clock. The contracting parties were Mrs. Valeria HOESLI, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WOODFIELD, and William H. SHOEMAKER of this village. The young people are well and favorably known in this village where they will make their home fo rthe present. (7 Apr 1910)
-Wm. G. WOODFIELD of Houghton, Mrs. A. McKAY of Flint, and Miss Eleanor WOODFIELD of Grand Rapids were called here by the illness of their father, Wm. WOODFIELD. Miss WOOFIELD is a graduate nurse of Butterworth hospital in Grand Rapids and it was at her request that Dr. SMITH came to Grayling to operate upon her father. (7 Mar 1912)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, April 28, 1910
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred AEBLI, April 24th, a daughter. (27 Apr 1933)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling Township, Crawford, MI:name - Daniel HOSLIE
b.Oct 1875 in OH
occupation - Lumber Scaler
m.b.SwitzerlandThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Dan HOESLI is now switchman in the local R. R. yards. (6 Sep 1906)-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dan HOESLI, Sept. 25, a son. (4 Oct 1906)
-BORN-To Mr. and Mrs. Dan HOESLI, Dec. 20, a son. Dan weighs about a ton. (26 Dec 1907)
We desire to express our most sincere thanks to our neighbors, and the many friend who so kindly assisted us in caring for our father Fred HOESLI in his last days, and at the final obsequies, which were conducted by the masonic fraternity, of which he was a member, and who furnished a wealth of floral tribute in memory of their departed brother.
MRS. JOHN ANDERSON (25 Feb 1909)-Interesting Items of News Gathered From the Files of the Avalanche of 23 Years Ago - Thursday, April 10, 1913
Mrs. Mary HOESLI, wife of the late Fred HOESLI, died at Traverse City, Friday, April 4th and was brought to Grayling Saturday for burial. Mrs. KNEFF, Chris HOESLI, Daniel HOESLI, and Mrs. John ANDERSON, all of this city are left to mourn the loss and revere the memory of their mother.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred HOESLI have been visiting the past fortnight visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan HOESLI. Fred is manager of the A. & P. Store in Petosky and this is his annual vacation. (7 Oct 1937)
Mr. Dan HOESLI, the well known Grayling Standard Oil Agent, will be retired on annuity October 11th.
Mr. HOELSI is one of the pioneer agents of the Saginaw Division, was with the company back in the old lumbering days when Grayling was one of the big lumber towns. Also, during these early days, Dan, as he is known to friends and acquaintances drove a team of horses and a tank wagon, working many a hot summer's day and a cold winter's night to take care of his friends and neighbors with petroleum products.
Dan has also seen the mills come and go and their place taken by the tourists who patronize this part of Michigan in the summer time, and also the winter sports in the winter time.
Mr. HOESLI has always progressed with the modern ideas and he was among the first to purchase an automobile tank wagon to increase his efficiency in delivering his merchandise.
Today Mr. HOESLI has one of the best equipped trucks for handling gasoline, kerosene and fuel oil.
Dan will be succeeded by his son Earnest, who has been his assistant for the past few years and will give the same satisfactory service that his father has done over the past thirty years.
The friends of Dan wish him all of the good things in life, which he has earned through his courteous and faithful service. (10 Oct 1940)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
- JOHANNESBURG JOTINGS - Mrs. Dan HOESLI of Grayling came up last week for a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. Alec WEAVER. (23 Apr 1908)-A quiet wedding was solomnized at St. Mary's Catholic church Monday morning, Sept. 16, 1912 at 5:00 o'clock by Rev. Fr. J. J. RIESS, when Miss Anna BLONDIN, a popular young lady of this city and Mr. John C. McCLELLAN of Bay City were united in holy matrimony, the bride's sister Miss Blanch acting as bridesmaid and her brother, Mr. Mose BLONDIN as groomsman. The bride wore a blue suit and blue hat and carried a bouquet of white roses, the bridesmaid wearing a brown costume and hat. After the ceremony a dainty wedding breakfast was served at the home of the brides sister, Mrs. Daniel HOESLI, after which the young couple left on their wedding tour to Bay City, Detroit, Niagara Falls and Buffalo. The out of town guests were an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. BLONDIN of Linwood; a sister, Mrs. F. WEAVER of Johannesburg and Mr. McCLELLAN's mother and sister from Bay City. Many of her friends were present at the ceremony. They will be at home to their many friends on Marquette ave., Bay City, West side, after Sept. (19 Sep 1912)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Fred AEBLI, Jr. and sister Beatrice of Bay City are visiting their aunt Mrs. Cletus St. PIERRE for a few weeks. (14 Aug 1924)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Emerson HOESLI, of Manistee, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Dan HOESLI, Sunday. (8 Apr 1937)
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