The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-We are glad to note that Wm. BATES has received the sum of $1,772 as pay and back pension on account of his son who died in the army during the late civil war. Mr. and Mrs. BATES have been hard workers, to the extent of their ability, but of late years Mr. BATES has suffered greatly from rheumatism, and could not get much ahead, and now they are too aged to accomplish much, and had, previous to receiving this pension money, a rather discouraging out-look, but now they feel very contented and encouraged. They are a worthy couple, and our citizens are much rejoiced that such good fortune has befallen them. - Central Square (N. Y. ) News.
The above mentioned Wm. BATES and wife are the parents of Mr. J. K. BATES and Mrs. John HARRINGTON of this village, and the deceased mentioned, a brother, who gave his life for his country, in the late war. (21 Apr 1881)-Constable John HARRINGTON went to Bay City yesterday, where he expects to meet the aged parents of wife, from Central Square, N. Y., who are coming on to pay their children, Mrs. J. HARRINGTON and Mr. J. K. BATES, a visit. ( 28 Jul 1881)
On Wednesday, Jan. 23, 1884, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Joseph SEWELL of Pere Cheney, by Wm. WOODBURN, J. P., Mr. Jas. K. BATES, of Grayling, and Mrs. Electa J. FRANCIS, of Pere Cheney. (31 Jan 1884)-Mrs. J. HOYT, daughter of J. K. BATES, Esq., is very sick with Bilious fever. We trust she will soon recover. (11 Oct 1888)
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. they have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-Mr. and Mrs. J. K. BATES were called to Tuscola county, last week, by the death of their brother-in-law, J. ANGER, who will be remembered by many of our older citizens. (12 Feb 1891)
-Mrs. Willis GAFFEV, of Owego county, N. Y., arrived here yesterday, on a visit to her father, J. K. BATES. She was here ten years ago with her grandfather with whom she was living and this is her first visit since. She is considerably surprised and pleased with the changes in our village. Her coming was a complete surprise to the family, but none the less pleasant for that. (17 Sep 1891)
-J. K. BATES started for his old home in New York, Monday. His parents will return with him and make their home here with their children. (6 Oct 1892)
-Republican Causus - Grayling Tp.
Caucus was called to order by the chairman of the township committee, C. T. JEROME, who stated the business for which the caucus was called.
On Motion M. A. BATES was elected chairman, and J. C. HANSON, Secretary.
On motion the chairman appointed three tellers, consisting of J. K. MERZ, A. L. POND and J. J. COLLEN.
O. PALMER, Notary Public, administered the oath of office to the officers of the caucus.
The following persons were then nominated for township officers:
Supervisor - Geo. W. COMER.
Clerk - W. G. MARSH.
Treasurer - John STALEY.
Highway Comm'r - F. R. DECKROW
J. P., full term - R. McELROY.
J. P., to fill vacancy - J. K. BATES.
Member Board of Review - J. K. MERZ.
School Inspector - Wm. WOODFIELD.
School Inspector to fill vacancy - Er BELL.
Constables - Thos. K. CHITAGO, H. POND, Levi CLEMENT, and R. WILCOX.
M. A. BATES, D. McCORMICK and J. J. COLLEN were elected members of the township committee for the ensuing year. (2 Apr 1896)-M. A. BATES and wife, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. J. HOYT, at Gaylord. (30 Sep 1897)
-Mrs. M. A. BATES and son, Emerson, of Grayling, Mrs. W. GAFFEY and two children, of New York, Mrs. George HATHAWAY and two children, of Millersburg, are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. HOYT. Mrs. HOYT held a family reunion on Wednesday.-Gaylord Times. (6 Sep 1906)
The following information extracted from the 1870 Census of Williamston, Ingam, MI:
name - Electa J. FRANCIS
married to Charles B. FRANCISThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
On Wednesday, Jan. 23, 1884, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Joseph SEWELL of Pere Cheney, by Wm. WOODBURN, J. P., Mr. Jas. K. BATES, of Grayling, and Mrs. Electa J. FRANCIS, of Pere Cheney. (31 Jan 1884)-Mrs. J. K. BATES was called to Bancroft, Shiawasse county, by a telegram announcing the severe illness of her daughter, but who is now convalescent. (13 Mar 1884)
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-Mr. and Mrs. J. K. BATES were called to Tuscola county, last week, by the death of their brother-in-law, J. ANGER, who will be remembered by many of our older citizens. (12 Feb 1891)
-Mr. and Mrs. J. K. BATES are enjoying the pleasure of a visit from his daughter, Mrs. Will GAFFEY, and husband, of Central Square, N. Y. (24 May 1894)
Mrs. J. K. BATES, accompanied by her daughter Ivy, took in the sights of Gaylord Saturday. (7 Jun 1900)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Jasper HOYT and Miss Cassie, youngest daughter of J. K. BATES, Esq., started for New York state yesterday, on a visit to friends and relatives. (4 Aug 1887)-Miss Cassie BATES, who is teaching in the south part of the county, was home over Sunday. (4 May 1894)
-Postmaster BATES and his sister Kathryn, went to Millersburg Monday morning to visit their sister Agnes, and the baby. (19 Oct 1905)
-Miss Kathryn BATES returned from her visit at Millersubrg yesterday to complete her visit here. She reports sister Agnes and the boy all right. (2 Nov 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED - On Monday, the 30th, at the residence of Mrs. M. COWELL, Mr. Geo. COWELL and Miss Ethel REAGAN. Justice McELROY officiated. (2 Jan 1896)-Geo. COWELL and wife, and his brother John, have gone to the Upper Penninsula to live. (20 Feb 1896)
-Geo. COWELL and his brother Walter, with their families, from the "Soo," are here visiting their mother, Mrs. Charles TURNER, and their boyhood friends. They are surprised at the improvements here. (22 Aug 1907)
-Our Grayling boys "get there" when they try. This time it is George COWELL, who by honest work and hard study, has passed a creditable examination and received his certificate from the Inspectors, as Engineer for all classes of non-condensing engines. He may well be proud of his success. (3 Nov 1892)
-Mrs. C. H. TURNER was visiting her son, Geo. COWELL, of Lewiston, last week. (11 Jan 1894)
-George COWELL is running the locomotive on the log road of the M. & H. L. Co. - Lewiston Courier. (30 Aug 1894)
-Geo. COWELL and wife, and his brother John, have gone to the Upper Penninsula to live. (20 Feb 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED - On Monday, the 30th, at the residence of Mrs. M. COWELL, Mr. Geo. COWELL and Miss Ethel REAGAN. Justice McELROY officiated. (2 Jan 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. A. C. WILCOX, of this village, has a brother visiting him, all the way from York State. (24 Mar 1881)-MARVIN POST G. A. R.
As per announcement in the AVALANCHE, the old soldiers of the county met at the court house last Friday for the formation of a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. The name selected, as indicated above, was in honor of the only comrade who had dided in this county, to the knowledge of any who were present, Comrade Harry MARVIN, of Beaver Creek township, who was mustered into the grand army above.
As will be seen by the roster published below, there are over 40 charter members, and if the enthusiasm manifested by those present at the organization continues, the post will flourish. the date of muster is not decided, but will be some time this month, and then the veterans can gather around their camp fire and live over again the life of field, and march, and battle.
The following officers were elected:
Commander - O. J. BELL.
Senior Vice-Commander - O. PALMER.
Jun. Vice Com. - Thos. LOUND.
Quartermaster - J. G. MARSH.
Chaplain - O. G. ANDREWS.
Surgeon - Alex. ODELL.
Officer of the Day - A. E. NEWMAN.
Officer of the Guard - G. BOSOM.
Adjutant - J. J. COVENTRY.
Sergeant - Major - C. W. WIGHT.
Quar. - Sergt. - A. C. WILSON.
Sentry - C. A. INGERSON.
We give the complete roster of charter members, and hope during the season to add the name of every soldier in the county:
O. J. BELL, I, 6th Mich H. A.
Samuel CASSIMER, K, 30th Wis V I.
Oscar PALMER, C, 1st U S S S.
W. BATTERSON, I, 1st N Y Dragoons.
A. TAYLOR, B, 22d N Y Cav.
S. M. MILES, B. 101st Pa Inf.
A. D. COLESTOCK, E, 7th Mich Cav.
J. J. COVENTRY, K, 11th N. J. Inf.
G. H. THAYER, E, 2d Mich Cav.
Aaron ATEN, A, 21st O V I.
F. M. FORBES, I, 145th P V I.
R. P. FORBES, I, 5th Mich Cav.
S. HEMPSTED, B, 4th Mich Cav.
A. C. WILSON, B, 17th N Y B.
Wm. WOODBURN, D, 5th Mich Cav.
O. G. ANDREWS, E, 8th Mich Inf.
C. A. INGERSON, E, 50th N Y Eng.
C. W. WIGHT, B, 2d N H H A.
J. W. WALLACE, F, 1st Mich Inf.
H. DAVENPORT, D. 105th N Y V I.
D. WILLETT, M, 7th Mich Cav.
W. HAYNES, A, 122d N Y V I.
A. ODELL, K, 8th N Y H A.
A. J. ROSE, F. 126th N Y V I.
J. G. MARSH, E, 9th Mich Cav.
C. E. STRUNK, A, 4th Mich V I.
Thos LOUND, G, 3d Mich Cav.
G. BOSOM, I, 1th Mich Inf.
L. BOSOM, L, 1st Mich Eng.
Geo. FAUBLE, I, 85th? Ill V I.
A. H. ALLEN, D, 151st N Y V I.
M. PACKARD, F, 152d Ind V I.
Wm. H. ROE, F, 16th Mich V I.
A. C. WILCOX, I, 5th Mich V I.
A. MOSHER, K, 3d Mich Cav.
L. StJOHN, I, 12th Mich V I.
Wm WILCOX, H, 2d Mich Cav.
S. H. JOHNSON, E. 1st Mo Eng.
A. E. NEWMAN, F, 15th. (13 Mar 1884)-At a regular encampment of Marvin Post, No. 240, Grand Army of the Republic, held last Saturday evening, the 13th inst., the following officers were elected:
Commander, - W. S. CHALKER
Sen. Vice Com. - A. C. WILCOX
Jun. Vice Com. - R. McELROY
Quartermaster. - E. AUGUR
Chaplain. - W. WOODBURN
Surgeon. - O. PALMER
Officer of the Day. - O. J. BELL
Del. to Dept. Encamp't - L. St. JOHN
Alternate. - D. S. WALDRON (18 Dec 1890)-The following are the officers elect for the ensuing year for Marvin Post No. 240, G. A. R.:
Com. - Del. SMITH.
S. V. C. Henry TRUMLEY.
J. V. C. - A. C. WILCOX.
Chaplain - C. A. INGERSON.
Surgeon - O. PALMER.
Q. M. - J. F. WILCOX.
O. D. - R. P. FORBES.
O. G. - Thos. KeCHITTIGO.
Adj't. - A. L. POND.-Mr. WILCOX, city marshal of West Branch, and brother of A. C. WILCOX, made us a pleasant call last Tuesday. (25 Feb 1892)
-Nearly a score of the G. A. R. and W. R. C., wended their way to the residence of Comrade A. C. WILCOX, last Thursday evening to help celebrate the 54th anniversary of his birth. To say that it was an enjoyable time is putting it mild. His children presented him with a massive gold ring, finely engraved with the insignia of the G. A. R. (18 Aug 1892)
-DIED - At her home in Mackinaw, April 15th, 1896, Ida S. WALKER, aged 29 years.
Ida Sophia WILCOX, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. WILCOX, was born Oct. 20th., 1867, and with her parents came to this place in 1879, and she was married July 25th., 1887 to Wm. WALKER, and soon after removed to Mackinaw. Her husband is left with two daughters and one son to mourn the loss of a devoted wife and mother. (23 Apr 1896)-A. C. WILCOX has gone to Chesaning, to a reunion of his regiment, the 5th Michigan Infantry. The fighting 5th. (26 Aug 1897)
-A. C. WILCOX says he has no kick coming, as far as crops are concerned, and as he is now a deputy sheriff he will have enough to look after. (16 Sep 1897)
-Among the veterans who attended the reunion at West Branch, last week, we noticed comrades R. P. P. FORBES, A. C. WILCOX; A. H. WISNER; J. F. WILCOX; J. M. FRANCIS; W. S. CHALKER and T. CHITTIGO with their wives, and S. HEMPSTED, D. SMITH, A. L. POND, C. INGERSON, John HANNS, Hubbard HEAD; S. JOHNSON, J. BURTON, James CARR; C. B. JOHNSON; D. S. WALDRON; and W. WOODBURN. There mayh have been others that we missed in the crowd, but all had an enjoyable time. (21 Sep 1899)
-Peter E. JOHNSON and wife, now visiting in Denmark, evidently believe in expansion, as there was born to them, Jan. 23, a son and a daughter, and all are reported doing well, especially Grandpa A. C. WILCOX. (15 Feb 1900)
-DIED- Friday April 13, Maryetta wife of Alexander C. WILCOX, aged 63 years. Our people were startled at the sudden ending of this life. Though she had been partyly invalid for some time, and but recently recovered from a severe attack of pneumonia, none thought her to be in a critical condition. She had attended to her usual household work during the day and had dressed for a visit in the village in the evening, but on going to the carriage complained of feeling badly and returned to the house, where she expired within an hour. She had resided here for over twenty years, and her family will receive the full sympathy of the community. The funeral at the M. E. church was largely attended, the W. R. C. and Ladies of the F. A. R. attending in a body. (19 Apr 1900)
-Mr. A. C. WILCOX and family desire that we extend their sincere thanks to the members of Marvin Post and the Ladies of the G. A. R., the choir and all friends who gave them such aid and sympathy in the hours of their great bereavement. (19 Apr 1900)
-Last week, the barns of A. C. WILCOX, two miles north of town, were destroyed by fire, together with a wagon and harness and a large amount of farm implements and lumbering outfit. Loss probably $500. No insurance. (5 Jul 1900)
-Married - In Grayling, Tuesday, April 30th, 1901, Alexander C. WILCOX and Rosella M. COON. Justice WOODBURN officiating. (9 May 1901)
-CIRCUIT COURT. - In the cases of Alexander Wilcox vs. Rosella WILCOX, and of Mary V. McMILLAN vs. Royal E. McMILLAN, for divorce, decrees were granted, and court adjourned. (23 Nov 1905)
-A. C. WILCOX is wearing a smile that will not come off. He is just in receipt of a letter from his sister, Mrs. Mary A. FISHER, of Penn., whom he has not seen for fifty years, which notifies him that she will be here next Saturday. He has a right to smile. (25 Oct 1906)
-A. C. WILCOX started last Monday for a trip to Titusville, Pensylvania where he will visit a brother and sister and their families, during the holiday season. We wish him a pleasant trip and safe return. (24 Dec 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married - In Grayling, Tuesday, April 30th, 1901, Alexander C. WILCOX and Rosella M. COON. Justice WOODBURN officiating. (9 May 1901)-CIRCUIT COURT. - In the cases of Alexander Wilcox vs. Rosella WILCOX, and of Mary V. McMILLAN vs. Royal E. McMILLAN, for divorce, decrees were granted, and court adjourned. (23 Nov 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A. C. WILCOX has a brother from West Branch, Mr. Daniel WILCOX, and a nephew, Mr. Albert WILCOX of Harrisville, Pa., visiting with him. (24 Nov 1887)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A. C. WILCOX has a brother from West Branch, Mr. Daniel WILCOX, and a nephew, Mr. Albert WILCOX of Harrisville, Pa., visiting with him. (24 Nov 1887)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:name - Reuben BABBITT
b.May 1859 in MI
occupation - Farmer
married to Jennie 18 years
f.b.NYm.b.NYThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
At the residence of Martin Christensen, in this city, Thursday, May 25th, 1882, Mr. R. S. BABBITT, Jr., and Miss Jennie STEVENS, Justice KILBORN officiating. ( 1 Jun 1882)-Mr. O. M. CHASE, Superintendent of State Fish Commission, with Commissioner KELLOGG, have been in the city some days, and with R. S. BABBITT looked over the different streams with a view to the location of a hatchery to be devoted entirely to the propagation of grayling. They are favorably impressed with the outlet to Portage Lake for the purpose, and we hope this enterprise, which is fostered entirely by the State, will be inaugurated, and thus give us for all future time an abundance of these gamy and delicious fish. Credit should be given to Mr. BABBITT for starting the move in this direction. (2 Aug 1883)
-Mr. FLINT, of Chicago, with a party of friends, have been at the old camp on the AuSable for the past month. They came out last Monday, after one of the most enjoyable times ever had. Their boating was done by R. BABBITT Jr., Walter BABBITT, E. ALGER and H. STEPHENS. (15 Aug 1889)
-Reuben BABBITT, of Jackson, was in town yesterday. (22 Jan 1891)
-If the man who found a ten dollar bill that R. S. BABBITT lost in the street on Monday, will return half of it "Rube" says he will be satisfied. (26 Feb 1891)
-R. BABBITT and family will make their further home near the Stephan settlement, in Grove, and moved there Tuesday. (2 Apr 1896)
-BORN - Tuesday, September 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Reuben BABBITT, of Grove, a daughter. (24 Sep 1896)
-Reuben BABBITT has moved his family back to town, and taken his old place on the railroad. (18 Mar 1897)
-MARRIED - At the residence of R. S. BABBITT, in Grove, Thursday, April 8th., Ernest L. BABBITT and Miss Minnie HOGLE. Justice WOODBURN officiated. (15 Apr 1897)
-BORN - To Mr. and Mrs. R. S. BABBITT, a son, Aug. 28th. (7 Sep 1899)
-Our county game warden, R. S. BABBITT, who is also Deputy state game warden, is piling up honors, or was during the open season for deer. He arrested a Mr. BUSBY, foreman of Holmes and Michelson Lumber Co. on Thunder Bay river, Nov. 15, and A. M. ROUSE, State Trespass Agent and another man on Little Black river the 20th, all running dogs. All were convicted and fined. (12 Dec 1907)
-Game and Fish Warden R. S. BABBITT captured some fish nets in Houghton Lake the first of the week. He would much rather have caught the parties who were doing commercial fishing in that water. (29 Oct 1908)
-For Sheriff
My candidacy for the nomination on the republican ticket for the office of Sheriff is announced, and I ask a fair consideration at the polls on September 6th, of the enrolled voteres of my party. Nearly all of my life has been spent in this county, and if elected I promise a sound and safe administration of the duties which would be mine.
Very truly yours
REUBEN S. BABBITT. (18 Aug 1910)-Photo
Business arrangements have been completed which compel me to retire from my candidacy, heretofore published, for the office of sheriff of the County of Crawford. I fully appreciate the courtesy which I have received, and the support, of which I was assured by the enrolled voters of the republican party, and return my sincere thanks therefor, and hope that my future course will be such that I may retain the friendship and regard of the citizens of this county, whifch has been by home, nearly my entire life.
Very truly yours
REUBEN S. BABBITT. (25 Aug 1910)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED - At the residence of R. S. BABBITT, in Grove, Thursday, April 8th., Ernest L. BABBITT an Miss Minnie HOGLE. Justice WOODBURN officiated. (15 Apr 1897)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:name - Reuben BABBITT
b.May 1859 in MI
occupation - Farmer
married to Jennie 18 years
f.b.NYm.b.NYThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
At the residence of Martin Christensen, in this city, Thursday, May 25th, 1882, Mr. R. S. BABBITT, Jr., and Miss Jennie STEVENS, Justice KILBORN officiating. ( 1 Jun 1882)-Mr. O. M. CHASE, Superintendent of State Fish Commission, with Commissioner KELLOGG, have been in the city some days, and with R. S. BABBITT looked over the different streams with a view to the location of a hatchery to be devoted entirely to the propagation of grayling. They are favorably impressed with the outlet to Portage Lake for the purpose, and we hope this enterprise, which is fostered entirely by the State, will be inaugurated, and thus give us for all future time an abundance of these gamy and delicious fish. Credit should be given to Mr. BABBITT for starting the move in this direction. (2 Aug 1883)
-Mr. FLINT, of Chicago, with a party of friends, have been at the old camp on the AuSable for the past month. They came out last Monday, after one of the most enjoyable times ever had. Their boating was done by R. BABBITT Jr., Walter BABBITT, E. ALGER and H. STEPHENS. (15 Aug 1889)
-Reuben BABBITT, of Jackson, was in town yesterday. (22 Jan 1891)
-If the man who found a ten dollar bill that R. S. BABBITT lost in the street on Monday, will return half of it "Rube" says he will be satisfied. (26 Feb 1891)
-R. BABBITT and family will make their further home near the Stephan settlement, in Grove, and moved there Tuesday. (2 Apr 1896)
-BORN - Tuesday, September 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Reuben BABBITT, of Grove, a daughter. (24 Sep 1896)
-Reuben BABBITT has moved his family back to town, and taken his old place on the railroad. (18 Mar 1897)
-MARRIED - At the residence of R. S. BABBITT, in Grove, Thursday, April 8th., Ernest L. BABBITT and Miss Minnie HOGLE. Justice WOODBURN officiated. (15 Apr 1897)
-BORN - To Mr. and Mrs. R. S. BABBITT, a son, Aug. 28th. (7 Sep 1899)
-Our county game warden, R. S. BABBITT, who is also Deputy state game warden, is piling up honors, or was during the open season for deer. He arrested a Mr. BUSBY, foreman of Holmes and Michelson Lumber Co. on Thunder Bay river, Nov. 15, and A. M. ROUSE, State Trespass Agent and another man on Little Black river the 20th, all running dogs. All were convicted and fined. (12 Dec 1907)
-Game and Fish Warden R. S. BABBITT captured some fish nets in Houghton Lake the first of the week. He would much rather have caught the parties who were doing commercial fishing in that water. (29 Oct 1908)
-For Sheriff
My candidacy for the nomination on the republican ticket for the office of Sheriff is announced, and I ask a fair consideration at the polls on September 6th, of the enrolled voteres of my party. Nearly all of my life has been spent in this county, and if elected I promise a sound and safe administration of the duties which would be mine.
Very truly yours
REUBEN S. BABBITT. (18 Aug 1910)-Photo
Business arrangements have been completed which compel me to retire from my candidacy, heretofore published, for the office of sheriff of the County of Crawford. I fully appreciate the courtesy which I have received, and the support, of which I was assured by the enrolled voters of the republican party, and return my sincere thanks therefor, and hope that my future course will be such that I may retain the friendship and regard of the citizens of this county, whifch has been by home, nearly my entire life.
Very truly yours
REUBEN S. BABBITT. (25 Aug 1910)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Jennie BABBITT
b.Dec 1865 in France
married to Reuben BABBITT 18 years
mother of 8 children of which 8 still survived
m.b.GermanyThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
At the residence of Martin Christensen, in this city, Thursday, May 25th, 1882, Mr. R. S. BABBITT, Jr., and Miss Jennie STEVENS, Justice KILBORN officiating. ( 1 Jun 1882)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-BORN - Tuesday, September 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Reuben BABBITT, of Grove, a daughter. (24 Sep 1896)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Leon BABBITT
b.Jun 1883 in MI
occupation - Farm Laborer
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Richard S. BABBITT
b.Aug 1886 in MI
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Bernice BABBITT
b.Feb 1891 in MI
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Daniel C. BABBITT
b.Jun 1893 in MI
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Frank P. BABBITT
b.Apr 1895 in MI
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Helen BABBITT
b.Sept 1896 in MI
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - John BABBITT
b.Aug 1899 in MI
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
October 11th, 1896. This is the saddest day of my life.
Warren P. ROSE died Oct. 7th 1895 at Denmark, Lee County, Iowa.
This mornings mail brought me the sad news of my brothers death. Oh how disappointed I am, as I expected him here in a few days. I anticipated the enjoyment of his association all winter, and expected he would remain with us the balance of his life, and now to have our hopes, our anticipations lost forever.
My oldest brother, Isaac ROSE, lost his life at Pea Ridge, Ark. in defense of our old flag and american homes, but that was the casualty of war, that he and I took at our risk, as all of our comrades know by experience. But now how different it seems, that in a time of profound peace with all nations, and no signs of war at home or abroad, that a life has gone out, and that life should be my brothers. It is the first death in our family since 1840, except the brother above mentioned.
Warren P. ROSE was born in Onondagaa Co., N. Y., in 1826. Our parents moved to Illinois in 1833, our mother died in 1838, and in 1840 our father died, since which time our family has been hale and hearty. No Dr., to my knowledge, has ever been called to minister to any one of us. My brother, belonged to Grayling Chapter F. & A. M. He lived and practiced the Golden Rule and believed in the grat brotherhood of man. His life went out like a candle, no regrets or complaint and no struggle. He is at rest.
A. J. ROSE (15 Oct 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
October 11th, 1896. This is the saddest day of my life.
Warren P. ROSE died Oct. 7th 1895 at Denmark, Lee County, Iowa.
This mornings mail brought me the sad news of my brothers death. Oh how disappointed I am, as I expected him here in a few days. I anticipated the enjoyment of his association all winter, and expected he would remain with us the balance of his life, and now to have our hopes, our anticipations lost forever.
My oldest brother, Isaac ROSE, lost his life at Pea Ridge, Ark. in defense of our old flag and american homes, but that was the casualty of war, that he and I took at our risk, as all of our comrades know by experience. But now how different it seems, that in a time of profound peace with all nations, and no signs of war at home or abroad, that a life has gone out, and that life should be my brothers. It is the first death in our family since 1840, except the brother above mentioned.
Warren P. ROSE was born in Onondagaa Co., N. Y., in 1826. Our parents moved to Illinois in 1833, our mother died in 1838, and in 1840 our father died, since which time our family has been hale and hearty. No Dr., to my knowledge, has ever been called to minister to any one of us. My brother, belonged to Grayling Chapter F. & A. M. He lived and practiced the Golden Rule and believed in the grat brotherhood of man. His life went out like a candle, no regrets or complaint and no struggle. He is at rest.
A. J. ROSE (15 Oct 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
October 11th, 1896. This is the saddest day of my life.
Warren P. ROSE died Oct. 7th 1895 at Denmark, Lee County, Iowa.
This mornings mail brought me the sad news of my brothers death. Oh how disappointed I am, as I expected him here in a few days. I anticipated the enjoyment of his association all winter, and expected he would remain with us the balance of his life, and now to have our hopes, our anticipations lost forever.
My oldest brother, Isaac ROSE, lost his life at Pea Ridge, Ark. in defense of our old flag and american homes, but that was the casualty of war, that he and I took at our risk, as all of our comrades know by experience. But now how different it seems, that in a time of profound peace with all nations, and no signs of war at home or abroad, that a life has gone out, and that life should be my brothers. It is the first death in our family since 1840, except the brother above mentioned.
Warren P. ROSE was born in Onondagaa Co., N. Y., in 1826. Our parents moved to Illinois in 1833, our mother died in 1838, and in 1840 our father died, since which time our family has been hale and hearty. No Dr., to my knowledge, has ever been called to minister to any one of us. My brother, belonged to Grayling Chapter F. & A. M. He lived and practiced the Golden Rule and believed in the grat brotherhood of man. His life went out like a candle, no regrets or complaint and no struggle. He is at rest.
A. J. ROSE (15 Oct 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-W. P. ROSE, brother to A. J., has decided to remain in Grayling, and they have bought lot 8, in block 18, and will at once build a shop, where they will make or repair anything wanted by anybody. We predict this is a nucleus for a large manufacturing establishment in the near future. (13 Dec 1888)- OBITUARY
October 11th, 1896. This is the saddest day of my life.
Warren P. ROSE died Oct. 7th 1895 at Denmark, Lee County, Iowa.
This mornings mail brought me the sad news of my brothers death. Oh how disappointed I am, as I expected him here in a few days. I anticipated the enjoyment of his association all winter, and expected he would remain with us the balance of his life, and now to have our hopes, our anticipations lost forever.
My oldest brother, Isaac ROSE, lost his life at Pea Ridge, Ark. in defense of our old flag and american homes, but that was the casualty of war, that he and I took at our risk, as all of our comrades know by experience. But now how different it seems, that in a time of profound peace with all nations, and no signs of war at home or abroad, that a life has gone out, and that life should be my brothers. It is the first death in our family since 1840, except the brother above mentioned.
Warren P. ROSE was born in Onondagaa Co., N. Y., in 1826. Our parents moved to Illinois in 1833, our mother died in 1838, and in 1840 our father died, since which time our family has been hale and hearty. No Dr., to my knowledge, has ever been called to minister to any one of us. My brother, belonged to Grayling Chapter F. & A. M. He lived and practiced the Golden Rule and believed in the grat brotherhood of man. His life went out like a candle, no regrets or complaint and no struggle. He is at rest.
A. J. ROSE (15 Oct 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. EVANS, of Savannah, N. Y., are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ROSE, and her sisters, Mrs. EVANS and Mrs. WOODWORTH. (4 Feb 1897)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. EVANS, of Savannah, N. Y., are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ROSE, and her sisters, Mrs. EVANS and Mrs. WOODWORTH. (4 Feb 1897)-A. J. ROSE was stricken with a repetition of his heart trouble, last Monday and his condition was so serious that his children were notified. Mrs. EVANS arrived from New York, last evening, and Fred will arrive from Virginia to-day. While the condition is not entirely beyond hope, it is very critical. (15 Jul 1897)
A. J. ROSE has added to the happiness of his family by an act that will long be remembered. Years ago in the mines of Mexico, he secured some of the finest amethysts extant and a specimen of native silver that is seldom equaled.
Last week without the knowledge of his family he seleced three of the finest stones and had them cut and set in solid rings, at Detroit, one for each of his daughters, Mrs. J. C. EVANS, and Mrs. Dr. WOODWORTH, of this place and Mrs. A. W. EVANS of Binghampton, N. Y. For Mrs. ROSE, a brooch was made from the native silver which is a beauty. (26 Jul 1888)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. J. C. EVANS, of Pennsylvania, daughter of A. J. ROSE, arrived in our city last week and will make this a permanent home. Her husband will arrive as soon as he can close up his business in that State. (19 Oct 1882)-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. EVANS, of Savannah, N. Y., are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ROSE, and her sisters, Mrs. EVANS and Mrs. WOODWORTH. (4 Feb 1897)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. EVANS, of Savannah, N. Y., are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ROSE, and her sisters, Mrs. EVANS and Mrs. WOODWORTH. (4 Feb 1897)-Mrs. J. C. EVANS, of Pennsylvania, daughter of A. J. ROSE, arrived in our city last week and will make this a permanent home. Her husband will arrive as soon as he can close up his business in that State. (19 Oct 1882)
A. J. ROSE has added to the happiness of his family by an act that will long be remembered. Years ago in the mines of Mexico, he secured some of the finest amethysts extant and a specimen of native silver that is seldom equaled.
Last week without the knowledge of his family he seleced three of the finest stones and had them cut and set in solid rings, at Detroit, one for each of his daughters, Mrs. J. C. EVANS, and Mrs. Dr. WOODWORTH, of this place and Mrs. A. W. EVANS of Binghampton, N. Y. For Mrs. ROSE, a brooch was made from the native silver which is a beauty. (26 Jul 1888)-PROBATE NOTICE.
| ss.
AT A SESSION of the Probate Court for said county, held at the Probate Office, in the village of Grayling, on the fourth day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine.
IN THE MATTER of the estate of Asa J. ROSE, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition, duly verified of Jeannette WOODWORTH, daughter of said Asa J. ROSE, deceased, praying that a day may be fixed for hearing her petition, and that the administration of the above named estate be granted to Ida EVANS, daughter of the above named deceased.
Thereupon it is ordered that Friday, the 29th day of September next, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estate, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden in the Probate office, in the village of Grayling and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that the said petitioner give notice to the relatives and all persons interested in said estate, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the "Crawford Avalanche," a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing.
sep7-4w JUDGE OF PROBATE. (31 Aug 1899)-Mrs. Ida EVANS, now of Venicia, Cal., was united in marriage the 19th inst., to Mr. Robert PATE of that city. She will receive the united good wishes of hosts of her friends here. (30 Mar 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Jeannette EVANS celebrated her fourth birthday last Saturday, which was attended by fourteeen of her playmates of about the same age. Miss Francis KNEELAND, of Lewiston, was the honored guest. They had a joyous time. (15 Dec 1892)-Mrs. A. J. ROSE and her grand daughter, Miss Jeanette EVANS, went to Gaylord, last week, for a visit with Mrs. W. J. JUBB. (30 Aug 1900)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Ida EVANS, now of Venicia, Cal., was united in marriage the 19th inst., to Mr. Robert PATE of that city. She will receive the united good wishes of hosts of her friends here. (30 Mar 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. EVANS, of Savannah, N. Y., are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ROSE, and her sisters, Mrs. EVANS and Mrs. WOODWORTH. (4 Feb 1897)-Mrs. J. C. EVANS, of Pennsylvania, daughter of A. J. ROSE, arrived in our city last week and will make this a permanent home. Her husband will arrive as soon as he can close up his business in that State. (19 Oct 1882)
A. J. ROSE has added to the happiness of his family by an act that will long be remembered. Years ago in the mines of Mexico, he secured some of the finest amethysts extant and a specimen of native silver that is seldom equaled.
Last week without the knowledge of his family he seleced three of the finest stones and had them cut and set in solid rings, at Detroit, one for each of his daughters, Mrs. J. C. EVANS, and Mrs. Dr. WOODWORTH, of this place and Mrs. A. W. EVANS of Binghampton, N. Y. For Mrs. ROSE, a brooch was made from the native silver which is a beauty. (26 Jul 1888)-PROBATE NOTICE.
| ss.
AT A SESSION of the Probate Court for said county, held at the Probate Office, in the village of Grayling, on the fourth day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine.
IN THE MATTER of the estate of Asa J. ROSE, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition, duly verified of Jeannette WOODWORTH, daughter of said Asa J. ROSE, deceased, praying that a day may be fixed for hearing her petition, and that the administration of the above named estate be granted to Ida EVANS, daughter of the above named deceased.
Thereupon it is ordered that Friday, the 29th day of September next, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estate, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden in the Probate office, in the village of Grayling and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that the said petitioner give notice to the relatives and all persons interested in said estate, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the "Crawford Avalanche," a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing.
sep7-4w JUDGE OF PROBATE. (31 Aug 1899)-Mrs. Ida EVANS, now of Venicia, Cal., was united in marriage the 19th inst., to Mr. Robert PATE of that city. She will receive the united good wishes of hosts of her friends here. (30 Mar 1905)
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