The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Dr. WOODWORTH left on last Saturday, for an extended visit to New York, her old home, and to attend the commencement exercises at Brockton Female Institute, where Miss WOODWORTH has been attending school, and will graduate at the close of this term. (25 Jun 1885)-Last Tuesday evening being Mrs. W. M. WOODORTH's birthday a pleasant party was held at her residence in honor of that event. (18 Feb 1886)
-Last Friday was the fifteenth anniversary of the wedding of Dr. and Mrs. WOODWORTH, but the reception arranged for was postponed until Tuesday evening, on account of the death of the late Mrs. MICHELSON. The attendance was large and the "crystal" presents were both numerous and costly, claiming the admiration of the guests as well as the recipients. The evening was passed in pleasant conversation, and in quest of partners for supper, when a collation was served that would have done credit to Delmonico, or some other chief of the cuisine, after which all depated for their homes with pleasant anticipations as to future weddings, and celebrations, whether of wood, tin, china, crystal, silver or diamond, which we hhope may all be realized. (9 Mar 1893)
-Miss Grace Louise WILLIAMS, a cousin of Dr. W. M. WOODWORTH, of this place, was married yesterday, at her home in Sodus, N. Y., to Eli R. SUTTON, Assistant Corporation Council, of Detroit. (2 Jul 1896)
-Dr. WOODWORTH has the pleasure of entertaining his son Charles, from Pueblo, Col., with his wife and three children, and his daughter, Miss Jennie, of New York. (27 Aug 1896)
-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. EVANS, of Savannah, N. Y., are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ROSE, and her sisters, Mrs. EVANS and Mrs. WOODWORTH. (4 Feb 1897)
-Mrs. A. J. ROSE and her daughter, Mrs. Dr. WOODWORTH, and Mrs. D. L. WHIPPLE joined the W. R. C. Society, last Saturday. (2 Sep 1897)
-Dr. Wm. WOODWORTH returned from Marshall, Tuesday evening, where he was called to attend the funeral of his daughter-in-law. (24 Feg 1898)
-Miss Jennie WOODWORTH, of New York, is visiting her father, Dr. W. M. WOODWORTH, the first time in five years. The long seperation adds, if possible, to the pleasure of her coming. (29 Aug 1901)
-DIED - At his home in this village, Wednesday Nov. 1st Wm. M. WOODWORTH M. D., aged 76 years. The deceased was born at Pompey Hill, Onandaga Co., N. Y., in 1829, where his young life was passed until his graduation from the Acadamy at Elbridge, when he continued his studies at the University of Michigan, graduating from the medical department, with high honor, in 1853, since when his life has been devoted to his chosen profession. A close observer, and a thorough student, he has ever kept abreast with the times, and fully up to the wonderful advancement in medical and surgical science, being only satisfied to hold his position in the front rank, which he had early attained. He came to Grayling in 1882, and is therefore one of our oldest pioneers, and probably no man in the county had a wider acquaintance or was held in higher esteem: A man wonderfully sensitive, and with most tender sympathy, he has ministered to the needs of our people, regardless of self, and finding greatest joy in the relief of his suffering fellows. A thorough christian gentleman of the old school whose active life has been an elucidation of the principles he professed. He had lived his life, and blessed death, though sudden, came unfeared, and he has entered into rest. He had attended to his usual professional work on Tuesday, feeling in usual health, and made his last call in the evening, after which, with friends who called, and with his wife, the time until eleven o'clock was passed in pleasing sociality. Soon after midnight he was attacked though seeming slight, with gastritis, and a little after two raised to a sitting posture on the bed, and fell forward to the floor. Friends were called, but life was extinct when he was placed back upon the couch. Besides his wife and daughter Louise he leaves his oldest son, Charles, located at Larkspur, Col., Elmer, at Wheeling, Ell., and a daughter, Jennie, at New York, born of a former marriage, who will receive the deepest sympathy of our whole people. (2 Nov 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. EVANS, of Savannah, N. Y., are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ROSE, and her sisters, Mrs. EVANS and Mrs. WOODWORTH. (4 Feb 1897)-Mrs. A. J. ROSE and her daughter, Mrs. Dr. WOODWORTH, and Mrs. D. L. WHIPPLE joined the W. R. C. Society, last Saturday. (2 Sep 1897)
A. J. ROSE has added to the happiness of his family by an act that will long be remembered. Years ago in the mines of Mexico, he secured some of the finest amethysts extant and a specimen of native silver that is seldom equaled.
Last week without the knowledge of his family he seleced three of the finest stones and had them cut and set in solid rings, at Detroit, one for each of his daughters, Mrs. J. C. EVANS, and Mrs. Dr. WOODWORTH, of this place and Mrs. A. W. EVANS of Binghampton, N. Y. For Mrs. ROSE, a brooch was made from the native silver which is a beauty. (26 Jul 1888)-RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE.
In behalf of the members of Marvin Relief Corps we present the following resolutions;
WHEREAS it has pleased our Heavenly Father in His divine providence to call from our midst the beloved husband and father of our esteemed sisters, Fannie ROSE and Jeannette WOODWORTH, therefore be it
RESOLVED that we, the members of Marvin Relief Corps No. 162, extend to our sisters our deepest sympathy in their great loss, and be it further
RESOLVED, that it is the earnest prayer of the members that our Heavenly Father may grant our sisters the grace necessary to bear their cross with resignation to His Divine will, and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to our esteemed sisters, and also be published in our local papers, and a copy be spread on the records of this corps.
ISABELL L. JONES. (10 Feb 1898)-Grayling lost one of our pioneers yesterday, in the going to Savanna, N. Y., of Mrs. Jeanette WOODWORTH who has lived here for over twenty years. Her activity in our social world and in all things pertaining to charity and church work, and especially her musical ability, which has been fully exercised for the pleasure of our citizens, has ever been a bond of union by which she will ever be most kindly remembered. (21 Dec 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED - At his home in this village, Wednesday Nov. 1st Wm. M. WOODWORTH M. D., aged 76 years. The deceased was born at Pompey Hill, Onandaga Co., N. Y., in 1829, where his young life was passed until his graduation from the Acadamy at Elbridge, when he continued his studies at the University of Michigan, graduating from the medical department, with high honor, in 1853, since when his life has been devoted to his chosen profession. A close observer, and a thorough student, he has ever kept abreast with the times, and fully up to the wonderful advancement in medical and surgical science, being only satisfied to hold his position in the front rank, which he had early attained. He came to Grayling in 1882, and is therefore one of our oldest pioneers, and probably no man in the county had a wider acquaintance or was held in higher esteem: A man wonderfully sensitive, and with most tender sympathy, he has ministered to the needs of our people, regardless of self, and finding greatest joy in the relief of his suffering fellows. A thorough christian gentleman of the old school whose active life has been an elucidation of the principles he professed. He had lived his life, and blessed death, though sudden, came unfeared, and he has entered into rest. He had attended to his usual professional work on Tuesday, feeling in usual health, and made his last call in the evening, after which, with friends who called, and with his wife, the time until eleven o'clock was passed in pleasing sociality. Soon after midnight he was attacked though seeming slight, with gastritis, and a little after two raised to a sitting posture on the bed, and fell forward to the floor. Friends were called, but life was extinct when he was placed back upon the c0ouch. Besides his wife and daughter Louise he leaves his oldest son, Charles, located at Larkspur, Col., Elmer, at Wheeling, Ell., and a daughter, jennie, at New York, born of a former marriage, who will receive the deepest sympathy of our whole people.-Last Friday was the fifth anniversary of the birth of Miss Louise WOODWORTH, and in commemoration of the event entertained 22 of her playmates with lunch and games on the lawn in the evening. It was a pleasant party for them. (6 Sep 1894)
At a session of said court, held at the Probate Office in the village of Grayling in said county, on the fifth day of November A. D. 1906.
Present: Hon. Wellington BATTERSON Judge of Probate.
In the matter of the estate of Ida Louise WOODWORTH, minor, Jeannette WOODWORTH, guardian of said minor, having filed in said court her petition, praying for license to sell the interest of said estate in certain real estate therein described.
It is ordered, that the third day of December A. D. 1906, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said probate office, be and is hereby appointed for hearing said petition, and that all persons interested in said estate appear before said court, at said time and place, to show cause why a license to sell the interest of said estate in said real estate should not be granted;
It is further ordered, that public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy of this order, for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing, in the Crawford Avalanche, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county.
nov8-3w Judge of Probate. (8 Nov 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Dr. WOODWORTH left on last Saturday, for an extended visit to New York, her old home, and to attend the commencement exercises at Brockton Female Institute, where Miss WOODWORTH has been attending school, and will graduate at the close of this term. (25 Jun 1885)-Last Tuesday evening being Mrs. W. M. WOODORTH's birthday a pleasant party was held at her residence in honor of that event. (18 Feb 1886)
-Last Friday was the fifteenth anniversary of the wedding of Dr. and Mrs. WOODWORTH, but the reception arranged for was postponed until Tuesday evening, on account of the death of the late Mrs. MICHELSON. The attendance was large and the "crystal" presents were both numerous and costly, claiming the admiration of the guests as well as the recipients. The evening was passed in pleasant conversation, and in quest of partners for supper, when a collation was served that would have done credit to Delmonico, or some other chief of the cuisine, after which all depated for their homes with pleasant anticipations as to future weddings, and celebrations, whether of wood, tin, china, crystal, silver or diamond, which we hhope may all be realized. (9 Mar 1893)
-Miss Grace Louise WILLIAMS, a cousin of Dr. W. M. WOODWORTH, of this place, was married yesterday, at her home in Sodus, N. Y., to Eli R. SUTTON, Assistant Corporation Council, of Detroit. (2 Jul 1896)
-Dr. WOODWORTH has the pleasure of entertaining his son Charles, from Pueblo, Col., with his wife and three children, and his daughter, Miss Jennie, of New York. (27 Aug 1896)
-Mr. and Mrs. A. W. EVANS, of Savannah, N. Y., are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ROSE, and her sisters, Mrs. EVANS and Mrs. WOODWORTH. (4 Feb 1897)
-Mrs. A. J. ROSE and her daughter, Mrs. Dr. WOODWORTH, and Mrs. D. L. WHIPPLE joined the W. R. C. Society, last Saturday. (2 Sep 1897)
-Dr. Wm. WOODWORTH returned from Marshall, Tuesday evening, where he was called to attend the funeral of his daughter-in-law. (24 Feg 1898)
-Miss Jennie WOODWORTH, of New York, is visiting her father, Dr. W. M. WOODWORTH, the first time in five years. The long seperation adds, if possible, to the pleasure of her coming. (29 Aug 1901)
-DIED - At his home in this village, Wednesday Nov. 1st Wm. M. WOODWORTH M. D., aged 76 years. The deceased was born at Pompey Hill, Onandaga Co., N. Y., in 1829, where his young life was passed until his graduation from the Acadamy at Elbridge, when he continued his studies at the University of Michigan, graduating from the medical department, with high honor, in 1853, since when his life has been devoted to his chosen profession. A close observer, and a thorough student, he has ever kept abreast with the times, and fully up to the wonderful advancement in medical and surgical science, being only satisfied to hold his position in the front rank, which he had early attained. He came to Grayling in 1882, and is therefore one of our oldest pioneers, and probably no man in the county had a wider acquaintance or was held in higher esteem: A man wonderfully sensitive, and with most tender sympathy, he has ministered to the needs of our people, regardless of self, and finding greatest joy in the relief of his suffering fellows. A thorough christian gentleman of the old school whose active life has been an elucidation of the principles he professed. He had lived his life, and blessed death, though sudden, came unfeared, and he has entered into rest. He had attended to his usual professional work on Tuesday, feeling in usual health, and made his last call in the evening, after which, with friends who called, and with his wife, the time until eleven o'clock was passed in pleasing sociality. Soon after midnight he was attacked though seeming slight, with gastritis, and a little after two raised to a sitting posture on the bed, and fell forward to the floor. Friends were called, but life was extinct when he was placed back upon the couch. Besides his wife and daughter Louise he leaves his oldest son, Charles, located at Larkspur, Col., Elmer, at Wheeling, Ell., and a daughter, Jennie, at New York, born of a former marriage, who will receive the deepest sympathy of our whole people. (2 Nov 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Dr. WOODWORTH left on last Saturday, for an extended visit to New York, her old home, and to attend the commencement exercises at Brockton Female Institute, where Miss WOODWORTH has been attending school, and will graduate at the close of this term. (25 Jun 1885)-Dr. WOODWORTH has the pleasure of entertaining his son Charles, from Pueblo, Col., with his wife and three children, and his daughter, Miss Jennie, of New York. (27 Aug 1896)
-Miss Jennie WOODWORTH, of New York, is visiting her father, Dr. W. M. WOODWORTH, the first time in five years. The long seperation adds, if possible, to the pleasure of her coming. (29 Aug 1901)
-DIED - At his home in this village, Wednesday Nov. 1st Wm. M. WOODWORTH M. D., aged 76 years. The deceased was born at Pompey Hill, Onandaga Co., N. Y., in 1829, where his young life was passed until his graduation from the Acadamy at Elbridge, when he continued his studies at the University of Michigan, graduating from the medical department, with high honor, in 1853, since when his life has been devoted to his chosen profession. A close observer, and a thorough student, he has ever kept abreast with the times, and fully up to the wonderful advancement in medical and surgical science, being only satisfied to hold his position in the front rank, which he had early attained. He came to Grayling in 1882, and is therefore one of our oldest pioneers, and probably no man in the county had a wider acquaintance or was held in higher esteem: A man wonderfully sensitive, and with most tender sympathy, he has ministered to the needs of our people, regardless of self, and finding greatest joy in the relief of his suffering fellows. A thorough christian gentleman of the old school whose active life has been an elucidation of the principles he professed. He had lived his life, and blessed death, though sudden, came unfeared, and he has entered into rest. He had attended to his usual professional work on Tuesday, feeling in usual health, and made his last call in the evening, after which, with friends who called, and with his wife, the time until eleven o'clock was passed in pleasing sociality. Soon after midnight he was attacked though seeming slight, with gastritis, and a little after two raised to a sitting posture on the bed, and fell forward to the floor. Friends were called, but life was extinct when he was placed back upon the c0ouch. Besides his wife and daughter Louise he leaves his oldest son, Charles, located at Larkspur, Col., Elmer, at Wheeling, Ell., and a daughter, Jennie, at New York, born of a former marriage, who will receive the deepest sympathy of our whole people. (2 Nov 1905)
At a session of said Court, held at the Probate office in the village of Grayling, in said county, on the 21st day of November, A. D. 1905.
Present, Hon. Wellington BATTERSON,
Judge of Probate.
In the matter of the estate of Wm. M. WOODWORTH, deceased.
Jeanette WOODWORTH having filed in said court her petition praying that a certain instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased now on file in said court, be admitted to Probate, and that the administration of said estate be granted to Sidney S. CLAGGETT or some other suitable person, it is ordered that the 14th day of December A. D. 1905, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said Probate office, be and is hereby appointed for hearing said petition.
It is further ordered, that public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy of this order for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing, in the Crawford Avalanche, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county.
nov23-3w Judge of Probate. (14 Dec 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
At the residence of her son, Dr. W. M. WOODWORTH, Friday, Feb. 1, 1884, after but four days' illness, of pneumonia, Huldah WOODWORTH, aged 96 years.
Mrs. WOODWORTH was born in New York, Feb. 14, 1788. She has resided in Wayne county, N. Y., since 1840, until her removal here with her son a year and a half ago. She has been an active member of the M. E. chruch for 75 years.
"Only waiting! Peaceful old age
In the twilight sits alone.
And the voice so sweet and tender
Seems to catch an angel's tone.
Only waiting for a summons_
Hark! the Angel's silvery wings
Rustle in the holy stillness;
List! the joyous song it sings.They are here: Oh, bliss! Oh, rapture!
See, the Savior bids thee come
On the shining, golden stairway,
Voices whisper, 'Welcome home!'
Home at last; at rest forever!
Free from every care and pain.
In the bright, eternal city,
Old age did not writ in vain." (7 Feb 1884)
The following information extracted from the 1880 Census of Grove, Crawford, MI:name - Seely WAKELY
b.abt 1872 in MI
m.b.MIThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Rock-a-bye is the tune Seely WAKELEY hums while going through the usual routine of his day's work. It's a girl, and is granddaughter to Sheriff WAKELEY and wife. (17 Nov 1892)-The home of Seeley WAKELEY, in Grove township was entirely destroyed by fire last Tuesday, and his two young children consumed by the flames. The father was at work in the woods and the mother was at Arthur WAKELEY's, whose wife was sick, but had not been absent but about ten minutes. The parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their sad loss. (4 Feb 1897)
-Seeley WAKELY came up from the farm yesterday after medical attendance for his little girl, who was severely burned on the face and neck by some greece that was boiling on the stove. We have not learned how seriously. (28 Mar 1900)
-Seeley WAKELY came up from the farm yesterday after medical attendance for his little girl, who was severely burned on the face and neck by some grease that was boiling on the stove. We have not learned how seriously. (28 Mar 1901)
-Mrs. Seeley WAKELY had the pleasure of a visit from her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah CURTIS, and her aunt, Mrs. W. A. GARDNER of ELmira, Mich., last week. (1 Jun 1905)
-A bright baby boy invaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seeley WAKELEY last week Tuesday, and they have decided that it can stay. (12 Oct 1905)
-Mrs. Seeley WAKELY is happy over a visit from her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. LINK of Detroit. The ladies can visit while the "Boys" are fishing and all enjoy the fish together. (10 Jun 1909)
-The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Seely WAKELEY's baby boy aged eight months was conducted here yesterday afternoon. We larned nothing farther of his sickness or death. (26 Aug 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Seeley WAKELY is happy over a visit from her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. LINK of Detroit. The ladies can visit while the "Boys" ar fishing and all enjoy the fish together. (10 Jun 1909)-Mrs. Seely B. WAKELY was made glad Monday, June 20th, by the arrival at her home of her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah CURTIS of Elmira. Her uncle drove across country with his auto but lost the road and they were obliged to spend Sunday night in the woods with nothing to eat or drink. They arrived at Frederic all right for breakfast, but the heavy rain detained them for three hours, but the rain was so welcome they made no complaint. Mr. GABRON returned Wednesday, but Mrs. CURTIS will remain for an extended visit with Mrs. WAKELY, to whom she brought some highly prized hier looms: a piece of fine linen a hundred years old, made by her mother, by hand work, a stand cloth eighty years old, trimed with lace made by a great-aunt. Grandma CURTIS was eighty years old last Friday, and was given a dainty banquet in honor of the event. She is as young as many ladies of sixty, and all hope she may reach the century mark. (30 Jun 1910)
-Mrs. Seeley WAKELY had the pleasure of a visit from her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah CURTIS, and her aunt, Mrs. W. A. GARDNER of Elmira, Mich., last week. (1 Jun 1905)
-Mrs. Seeley WAKELEY is happy over a visit from her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. LINK of Detoit. The ladies can visit while the "Boys are fishing and all enjoy the fish together. (10 Jun 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The home of Seeley WAKELEY, in Grove township was entirely destroyed by fire last Tuesday, and his two young children consumed by the flames. The father was at work in the woods and the mother was at Arthur WAKELEY's, whose wife was sick, but had not been absent but about ten minutes. The parents have the heatfelt sympathy of the entire community in their sad loss. (4 Feb 1897)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The home of Seeley WAKELEY, in Grove township was entirely destroyed by fire last Tuesday, and his two young children consumed by the flames. The father was at work in the woods and the mother was at Arthur WAKELEY's, whose wife was sick, but had not been absent but about ten minutes. The parents have the heatfelt sympathy of the entire community in their sad loss. (4 Feb 1897)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A bright baby boy invaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seeley WAKELEY last week Tuesday, and they have decided that it can stay. (12 Oct 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Seely WAKELEY's baby boy aged eight months was conducted here yesterday afternoon. We larned nothing farther of his sickness or death. (26 Aug 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED - At the residence of R. S. BABBITT, in Grove, Thursday, April 8th., Ernest L. BABBITT an Miss Minnie HOGLE. Justice WOODBURN officiated. (15 Apr 1897)-Ernie BABBITT has returned to the employ of the R. R. Co., as fireman. (31 Aug 1899)
-Ernest BABBITT is home for a short visit, from Jackson. (11 Apr 1895)
-BORN-On the 9th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie BABBITT, a son, weight ten pounds. (16 Dec 1897)
-Nine pounds and a quarter of little girlhood took possession of Ernie BABBITT's home, Tuesday morning and they propose to let her stay. (10 Aug 1899)
-Ernie BABBITT has returned to the employ of the R. R. Co., as fireman. (31 Aug 1899)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED - At the residence of R. S. BABBITT, in Grove, Thursday, April 8th., Ernest L. BABBITT an Miss Minnie HOGLE. Justice WOODBURN officiated. (15 Apr 1897)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-BORN - On the 9th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie BABBITT, a son, weight ten pounds. (16 Dec 1897)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A brother of Thomas WOODFIELD arrived from England with his family, last week and is located on the south side. (24 Apr 1884)-Thos. WOODFIELD, of St. Ignace, was the guest of his brother, Wm. WOODFIELD, from Saturday evening until Monday morning. (3 Jun 1897)
-Thos. WOODFIELD, of St. Ignace, was in town one day last week, enroute to old England, for a visit in his boyhood home. (22 Feb 1900)
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. WOODFIELD of this place, and Thos. WOODFIELD and his two daughters, now residing at Jackson, will start for their old home in England, June 20. They expect to be gone two or three months and anticipate a great visit, not having been there for nearly thirty years. The best wishes of hosts of friends will follow them over the pond. (9 Jun 1910)
-Mr. Thomas WOODFIELD and Miss Marion Johanna MICKELSON, both of this village, united their destinies on Saturday evening last at the residence of Wm. A. MASTERS, Justice KILBOURNE officiation. The happy couple were the recipients of a number of very useful presents on the occasion, which may be taken as evidence of the appreciation and esteem of the donors, and among which was a very handsome bed room set, by Mr. Rasmus HANSON, his employer; a beautiful ornamented lamp, from Miss Carrie RASMUSSON; pair of napkin rings from Dr. TRAVER and family, and a very handsome bedspread by Mr. Louis JENSON, while from the AVALANCHE they receive congratulations and a wish that joy may go with them along life's journey. (6 Oct 1881)
-Thos. WOODFIELD of Frederic left on yesterday for Europe, on a visit to his parents. (4 Sep 1884)
-Mr. Thos. WOODFIELD, of Frederic, has returned from his trip to England. (23 Oct 1884)
-The eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. WOODFIELD, of Otsego Lake, was burned to death at Wolverine, last Tuesday, where she had been taken for a short visit. The parents have the sympathy of this entire community in their sad afflication. (27 Jun 1889)
-Thos. WOODFIELD and family have moved from Otsego Lake to St. Ignace. (16 Feb 1893)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. Thomas WOODFIELD and Miss Marion Johanna MICKELSON, both of this village, united their destinies on Saturday evening last at the residence of Wm. A. MASTERS, Justice KILBOURNE officiation. The happy couple were the recipients of a number of very useful presents on the occasion, which may be taken as evidence of the appreciation and esteem of the donors, and among which was a very handsome bed room set, by Mr. Rasmus HANSON, his employer; a beautiful ornamented lamp, from Miss Carrie RASMUSSON; pair of napkin rings from Dr. TRAVER and family, and a very handsome bedspread by Mr. Louis JENSON, while from the AVALANCHE they receive congratulations and a wish that joy may go with them along life's journey. (6 Oct 1881)-Mrs. Thos. WOODFIELD, of St. Ignace, attended the wedding of her niece, Miss Edith WOODFIELD, Monday evening. (26 Dec 1895)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Thursday, July 11th, 1881, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. WOODFIELD, a son. (13 Jul 1882)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED.-In Fredericville, Monday, July 7th, Willie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. WOODFIELD, aged two years. (10 Jul 1884)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
September 28th., at the home of her daughter; in Savannah, N. Y., Mrs. Fanny ROSE, aged 70 years.
The sad news as above was received here Monday morning, and though it was known for some days that she was critically ill; yet the blow came as it always does with a crushing suddenness. Fanny DOUGLAS was born in Savannah, where she died, April 27th., 1832, and was married to Asa J. ROSE in 1851. After the war of the rebellion, through which the husband and father served with honor, while the patriotic mother cared for the little ones without a murmur, they moved west and in 1881 located in this village, where they have ever held prominent place in society and in the affections of our citizens until the death of Mr. ROSE, in 1897. Since that time Mrs. ROSE has divided her home life between the children here and those in New York. A number of years ago an accident rendered her unable to continue the full social life of the past, but the love of her many friends tendered her such kind attention as made her last years pleasant, even with the intense physical suffering at times endured. She leaves two brothers, and two sisters, and her children, F. B. ROSE, of South Butler, N. Y; Mrs. Ida EVANS, of Oakland, Cal.; Mrs. Jeannette WOODWORTH, Grayling; Mrs. Katharine EVANS, Savannah, N. Y., and Fred G. ROSE, Waynesburg, Pa.
Her body was brought home yesterday, accompanied by F. G. ROSE and Mrs. Katharine EVANS, and will be laid beside her husband in our cemetery this afternoon, the funeral services being held at 2 o'clock.
"Not dead but entered into life!
The warfare past, the victory won;
Oh friends who loved her, try to say
'Dear Father may Thy will be
She lives, she lives forever." (done,') (2 Oct 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. A. J. ROSE has the pleasure of entertaining her sister, Mrs. S. COMPSON, of Mecosta county. (25 Feb 1892)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED - Wednesday September 29th, at the residence of A. C. WILCOX, Charles W. WILCOX, to Miss Lena AUSLANDER, of Sanilac county. A number of invited friends were present, who partook of the good dinner furnished by Mrs. WILCOX, and all join in wishing the young couple many happy years. Rev. J. J. WILLITS officiated. (7 Oct 1897)-Chas. WILCOX and wife are happy over the possession of another son. (8 May 1902)
-BORN-At Frederic, April 18th., to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. WILCOX, a son. (1 May 1902)
-Chas. WILCOX and wife are happy over the possession of another son. (8 May 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED - Wednesday September 29th, at the residence of A. C. WILCOX, Charles W. WILCOX, to Miss Lena AUSLANDER, of Sanilac county. A number of invited friends were present, who partook of the good dinner furnished by Mrs. WILCOX, and all join in wishing the young couple many happy years. Rev. J. J. WILLITS officiated. (7 Oct 1897)-Mrs. Chas. WILCOX is visiting relatives and friends in Pere Cheney and Ceuter Plains. (12 Aug 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-BORN - At Frederic, April 18th., to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. WILCOX, a son. (1 May 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Chas. WILCOX and wife are happy over the possession of another son. (8 May 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. S. G. TAYLOR and child are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. EICKHOFF. Rev. TAYLOR will be here next Monday, for a short visit with his family and old friends. (25 Nov 1897)-Mrs. Rev. S. G. TAYLOR and daughter of Perry, Mich., are making her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. EICKHOFF, a visit. (21 Sep 1899)
-Mrs. Charles EICKHOFF started for New York, Monday Morning, where she was called by a telegram, stating that her mother was stricken with paralysis. (16 Apr 1896)
-Mrs. Chas. EICKHOFF returned from her visit with her daughter, Mrs. TAYLOR, at Cheboygan, Wednesday evening of last week. (13 Aug 1896)
-Mr. Chas. EICKHOFF's father died at Woodland, N. Y., last week, in his 87th year. (18 Mar 1897)
-Last Saturday evening, the same old crowd of veterans, and the W. R. C. as allies and abettors in the scheme, organized and descended in a body on the peaceful domicile of comrade Charles EICKHOFF, which was captured without bloodshed, and he acknowledged that he had lived for 60 years. A social programme, a fine lunch, and happy good bye, with the hope of meeting there again in a year. Comrade EICKHOFF will wear a fine G. A. R. pin in remembrance of the occasion. (17 Feb 1898)
-Mrs. C. EICKHOFF while on her visit to Bay City visited one son at flint, on Friday, the other at Lansing, on Saturday and her daughter, Mrs. S. G. TAYLOR, at Perry, on Sunday. (18 May 1899)
-Mr. C. EICKHOFF received a telegram yesterday, stating that Winfred was dangerously ill, and another dispatch received in the evening announced the death of the young man. The remains will be brought here by friends. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire community. We give particulars next week. (5 Dec 1901)
-Mr. and Mrs. C. EICKHOFF are the grand-parents to a young preacher, born to Rev. and Mrs. S. G. TAYLOR, on the 10th inst. (28 Aug 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. C. EICKHOFF returned from her trip to Niagara Falls, Tuesday morning. A nephew, Leroy SCHLENCK, of that city, returned home with her. (12 Aug 1897)-Rev. A. SCHIENK, of Niagara FAlls, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Charles EICKHOFF, the first of the week. (20 Dec 1900)
-At Anderson, Indiana, Wednesday December 4th., of Typhoid Fever, Winfield L. EICKHOFF, aged 23 yrs, and 11 months.
Winfield Louis EICKHOFF was born in Grove, Allegany County, N. Y., Dec. 4th., 1877. He came with his parents to Michigan, who soon after settled in Grayling, in 1892. He united with the Protestant Methodist Church when twelve years of age, and with the M. E. Church, by letter, in 1892, of which he remained a loyal faithful member. Wherever he was he identified himself with the church interest, being prominent in all church work. He loved the Sunday School, the prayer meeting, class meeting, Epworth League and the Young Men's Christian Association, and was highly esteemed on account of his pure life, his manly christian character, and his activity in all their helpful work. He was a member of the graduating class of the Grayling High School of 1897. He also graduated from the Bliss Business College of Flint, Michigan, last June. Soon after he accepted a position as instructor in the Bliss Business University, in Anderson, Indiana. He had found his chosen work and was putting his whole heart in it, and was hopeful and ambitious for the future, and was growing in the esteem of all connected with the University, when death found him, and The Lord Jesus took him to his eternal home. The saddest feature was that his father, mother, sister and brother, and the christian young lady to whom God had united him in unity of heart, could not be present to comfort him in this final struggle.
He leaves to mourn his departure, his father and mother, Charles and Fannie E. EICKHOFF; grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth N. DEREICH; a sister, Mrs. Henrietta E. TAYLOR, wife of Rev. S. G. TAYLOR, of Vernon, Mich., a brother, Arlington J. EICKHOFF, instructor in the state school for the Deaf and Dumb, at Flint, Mich., Mrs. Catharine M. SCHLENK, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Miss Grace EDDY, of Flint, Mich., all of whom were present at the funeral, which was held at the M. E. church, in Grayling, December 8th., and Rev. Howard C. GOLDIE, the pastor, preached the sermon. (5 Dec 1901)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Arlington EICKHOFF, son of C. EICKHOFF, returned on last Saturday from the Deaf Mute College, at Washington City, to spend his vacation at home. (28 Jun 1894)-A. J. EICKHOFF, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. EICKHOFF returned from Washington, last week, where he is attending college, to spend his vacation with his parents. (27 Jun 1895)
-A. J. EICKHOFF, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. EICKHOFF, who is a student at the the Deaf Mute College at Washington City, is at home, spending his vacation. He came back through New York State, his old home, and spent a couple of weeks visiting with relatives. (1 Jul 1897)
-The Democrat received a pleasant call from Arlington EICKHOFF, of Grayling, Tuesday. The young gentleman is a brother-in-law of Rev. Mr. TAYLOR, of the M. E. Church, and is spending part of his vacation visiting him. He is a student of the Gallaudet College, at Washington, and editor of the college paper. Mr. EICKHOFF and his brother Winfield started from Grayling on their wheels but gave up when they got to Wolverine, as the roads were too bad when the hot weather was considered. - Cheboygan Democrat. (15 Jul 1897)
-Arlington EICKHOFF, teacher in the school for the Deaf and Dumb, at Flint, went north last week in charge of 38 pupils of the asylum that he was conducting to their homes. He returned Tuesday morning for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. EICHOFF. (15 Jun 1899)
-At Anderson, Indiana, Wednesday December 4th., of Typhoid Fever, Winfield L. EICKHOFF, aged 23 yrs, and 11 months.
Winfield Louis EICKHOFF was born in Grove, Allegany County, N. Y., Dec. 4th., 1877. He came with his parents to Michigan, who soon after settled in Grayling, in 1892. He united with the Protestant Methodist Church when twelve years of age, and with the M. E. Church, by letter, in 1892, of which he remained a loyal faithful member. Wherever he was he identified himself with the church interest, being prominent in all church work. He loved the Sunday School, the prayer meeting, class meeting, Epworth League and the Young Men's Christian Association, and was highly esteemed on account of his pure life, his manly christian character, and his activity in all their helpful work. He was a member of the graduating class of the Grayling High School of 1897. He also graduated from the Bliss Business College of Flint, Michigan, last June. Soon after he accepted a position as instructor in the Bliss Business University, in Anderson, Indiana. He had found his chosen work and was putting his whole heart in it, and was hopeful and ambitious for the future, and was growing in the esteem of all connected with the University, when death found him, and The Lord Jesus took him to his eternal home. The saddest feature was that his father, mother, sister and brother, and the christian young lady to whom God had united him in unity of heart, could not be present to comfort him in this final struggle.
He leaves to mourn his departure, his father and mother, Charles and Fannie E. EICKHOFF; grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth N. DEREICH; a sister, Mrs. Henrietta E. TAYLOR, wife of Rev. S. G. TAYLOR, of Vernon, Mich., a brother, Arlington J. EICKHOFF, instructor in the state school for the Deaf and Dumb, at Flint, Mich., Mrs. Catharine M. SCHLENK, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Miss Grace EDDY, of Flint, Mich., all of whom were present at the funeral, which was held at the M. E. church, in Grayling, December 8th., and Rev. Howard C. GOLDIE, the pastor, preached the sermon. (5 Dec 1901)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The Democrat received a pleasant call from Arlington EICKHOFF, of Grayling, Tuesday. The young gentleman is a brother-in-law of Rev. Mr. TAYLOR, of the M. E. Church, and is spending part of his vacation visiting him. He is a student of the Gallaudet College, at Washington, and editor of the college paper. Mr. EICKHOFF and his brother Winfield started from Grayling on their wheels but gave up when they got to Wolverine, as the roads were too bad when the hot weather was considered. - Cheboygan Democrat. (15 Jul 1897)-Grayling boys, especially graduates from the "Avalanche" office, always succeed. The lastest is Winnie L. WICKHOFF, who is now in charge of the commercial department of the Bliss Business College, at Anderson, Ind. Having completed his course at Flint he is at once given this responsible place, being capable and worthy. We congratulate him, and trust his success will continue. (26 Sep 1901)
-Mr. C. EICKHOFF received a telegram yesterday, stating that Winfred was dangerously ill, and another dispatch received in the evening announced the death of the young man. The remains will be brought here by friends. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire community. We give particulars next week. (5 Dec 1901)
-At Anderson, Indiana, Wednesday December 4th., of Typhoid Fever, Winfield L. EICKHOFF, aged 23 yrs, and 11 months.
Winfield Louis EICKHOFF was born in Grove, Allegany County, N. Y., Dec. 4th., 1877. He came with his parents to Michigan, who soon after settled in Grayling, in 1892. He united with the Protestant Methodist Church when twelve years of age, and with the M. E. Church, by letter, in 1892, of which he remained a loyal faithful member. Wherever he was he identified himself with the church interest, being prominent in all church work. He loved the Sunday School, the prayer meeting, class meeting, Epworth League and the Young Men's Christian Association, and was highly esteemed on account of his pure life, his manly christian character, and his activity in all their helpful work. He was a member of the graduating class of the Grayling High School of 1897. He also graduated from the Bliss Business College of Flint, Michigan, last June. Soon after he accepted a position as instructor in the Bliss Business University, in Anderson, Indiana. He had found his chosen work and was putting his whole heart in it, and was hopeful and ambitious for the future, and was growing in the esteem of all connected with the University, when death found him, and The Lord Jesus took him to his eternal home. The saddest feature was that his father, mother, sister and brother, and the christian young lady to whom God had united him in unity of heart, could not be present to comfort him in this final struggle.
He leaves to mourn his departure, his father and mother, Charles and Fannie E. EICKHOFF; grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth N. DEREICH; a sister, Mrs. Henrietta E. TAYLOR, wife of Rev. S. G. TAYLOR, of Vernon, Mich., a brother, Arlington J. EICKHOFF, instructor in the state school for the Deaf and Dumb, at Flint, Mich., Mrs. Catharine M. SCHLENK, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Miss Grace EDDY, of Flint, Mich., all of whom were present at the funeral, which was held at the M. E. church, in Grayling, December 8th., an dRev. Howard C. GOLDIE, the pastor, preached the sermon. (5 Dec 1901)-We clip the following notice of the death of Prof. Winfield EICKHOFF, from the Daily Herald, Anderson, Indiana:
"Prof. Winfield EICKHOFF, teacher at the Bliss Business University, died yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock of typhoid fever, at the European Hotel on Main street. He came to Anderson from Grayling, Michigan, three months ago. He was taken sick with typhoid fever two weeks ago, but every hope was given for his recovery. The Y. M. C. A., of which he was a member, has the funeral in charge. The remains will lie in state at the parlors of the hotel until this evening when they will be taken to the Y. M. C. A., where services will be held tonight. His parents who reside in Grayling, have been notified, and the remains will be taken to that city, tomorrow. Prof. EICKHOFF was a brilliant scholar and had many friends in this city. He was held in high esteem by the authrotities of the Bliss Business College." (5 Dec 1901)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. Chas. EICKHOFF's father died at Woodland, N. Y., last week, in his 87th year. (18 Mar 1897)
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