The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. M. Cardinal of Wolverine, a sister of Mrs. James McCALLAMORE, fell on an icy walk, and was so injured that her life is endangered. Her sister went up Monday on the first train. (4 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. M. Cardinal of Wolverine, a sister of Mrs. James McCALLAMORE, fell on an icy walk, and was so injured that her life is endangered. Her sister went up Monday on the first train. (4 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. M. Cardinal of Wolverine, a sister of Mrs. James McCALLAMORE, fell on an icy walk, and was so injured that her life is endangered. Her sister went up Monday on the first train. (4 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. M. Cardinal of Wolverine, a sister of Mrs. James McCALLAMORE, fell on an icy walk, and was so injured that her life is endangered. Her sister went up Monday on the first train. (4 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. M. Cardinal of Wolverine, a sister of Mrs. James McCALLAMORE, fell on an icy walk, and was so injured that her life is endangered. Her sister went up Monday on the first train. (4 Jan 1906)-Mrs. James McCALLUMORE, who has been on an extended visit to Bay City Butman and Selkerk has returned home. She brought her granddaughter Miss Gayle BOOKER to attend the high school here. (28 Jun 1906)
-Cards are out for a birthday party for Mrs. James McCALLOMORE at her house Nov. 8th, this being her 80th anniversary. (4 Nov 1909)
-Mrs. James McCALLUMMORE celebrated her 80th birthday Nov. 8th by a party to about seventy of her friends to Lovells. She was presented with a handsome reclining chair from her friends and a gold watch from her sons, besides several fine pieces of silverware and china. About eight o'clock they were called to the dining room where a most bountiful repast was spread, after which the merry crowd went to the pavillion where, with good music, they danced away the hours. Before departing for their homes they wished their hostess many more happy birthdays. The out of town guests were Mrs. EYRE of Bay City, Mr. and Mrs. H. McCALLUMMORE of West Branch, Miss E. KRAUS and Miss F. TROMBLY of Grayling. (18 Nov 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED.-In Grayling on the 21st inst. Mrs. Esther H. SHIRTS, of heart disease, aged 35 years. (29 Jan 1885)-CARD OF THANKS.
For the benevolent kindness of my friends and neighbors during the illness of my wife, and the continued benefits received since her decease, I desire to return my sincere thanks, and assurance that I most gratefully appreciate the same.
U. J. SHIRTS.-Mrs. Wm. SHERWOOD and her daughter, Mrs. Ura SHIRTS, went to Saginaw Tuesday night, on account of the severe illness of another daughter. (27 Sep 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married at the residence of the brides parents, at Gaylord, Dec. 25, 1905, Uri SHIRTS of Grayling, and Miss Viola SHERWOOD. Rev. J. B. MARSH officiating. The happy pair are now in Grayling, receiving the congratulations of their friends.
At the same time and place, Wm. SHERWOOD of Grayling, and Miss Mary SOMERVILLE, of Bad Axe, whose home will be in Gaylord, for the winter. (4 Jan 1906)-Mrs. Wm. SHERWOOD and her daughter, Mrs. Ura SHIRTS, went to Saginaw Tuesday night, on account of the severe illness of another daughter. (27 Sep 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married at the residence of the brides parents, at Gaylord, Dec. 25, 1905, Uri SHIRTS of Grayling, and Miss Viola SHERWOOD. Rev. J. B. MARSH officiating. The happy pair are now in Grayling, receiving the congratulations of their friends.
At the same time and place, Wm. SHERWOOD of Grayling, and Miss Mary SOMERVILLE, of Bad Axe, whose home will be in Gaylord, for the winter. (4 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married at the residence of the brides parents, at Gaylord, Dec. 25, 1905, Uri SHIRTS of Grayling, and Miss Viola SHERWOOD. Rev. J. B. MARSH officiating. The happy pair are now in Grayling, receiving the congratulations of their friends.
At the same time and place, Wm. SHERWOOD of Grayling, and Miss Mary SOMERVILLE, of Bad Axe, whose home will be in Gaylord, for the winter. (4 Jan 1906)-Mrs. Wm. SHERWOOD and her daughter, Mrs. Ura SHIRTS, went to Saginaw Tuesday night, on account of the severe illness of another daughter. (27 Sep 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Frank FREELAND has just returned from Detroit, where she went to attend the wedding of her only son Jesse E. SCHOONOVER, of Detroit, and Miss Cora GOODAL, of Lapeer, the wedding ceremony being performed by Rev. D. I. SUTHERLAND, pastor of the Calvery Church. It was a happy gathering and many costly presents and an abundance of rice. The happy pair will be at home to their many friends after Sept. 15th at the Watkins Pony farm of Binningham. Oakland Co., Mich. (19 Sep 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Frank FREELAND has just returned from Detroit, where she went to attend the wedding of her only son Jesse E. SCHOONOVER, of Detroit, and Miss Cora GOODAL, of Lapeer, the wedding ceremony being performed by Rev. D. I. SUTHERLAND, pastor of the Calvery Church. It was a happy gathering and many costly presents and an abundance of rice. The happy pair will be at home to their many friends after Sept. 15th at the Watkins Pony farm of Binningham. Oakland Co., Mich. (19 Sep 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
We give the following sketch of the life of our former citizen, taken from the Holly Herald, which will be of interest to many of our citizens.
Francis L. HADLEY, who died at an early hour on Thursday morning of last week at his home near Stony Run in the northeast corner of Holly township, was born in this township on July 1, 1847. He was the third child in the family of Joseph and Emily HADLEY and spent practically his whole life in this township.
On Nov. 55, 1868, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Louzette SMITH at Atlas, Genessee county. One child was born to them, now Mrs. Alberta GOULD, of Holly village. From 1882 to 1890 Mr. and Mrs. HADLEY resided at Grayling, returning to their farm in the latter named year. Mrs. HADLEY died on Jan. 16, 1893.
On August 28, 1895, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Mrs. Nettie L. VANDERPOOL LYON at Pontiac. They had no children. Besides his wife and daughter, the deceased leaves one brother, Edw. HADLEY, of Holly village, and one sister, Mrs. Alex CAMPBELL, of Groveland; also one grand daughter. His mother died on June 22, 1890, and his father on June 2, 1896.
Mr. HADLEY was one of the best known farmers in this part of the state. In politics he was a staunch republican and had held numerous township offices of trust and honor undre his party. He was a good neighbor, an obliging friend and leaves a large number of acquaintances to mourn his death.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the Holly Presbyterian church. Rev. D. S. CARMICHAL officiated and burial was made in Lakeside. the funeral was under the auspices of the Masons and Holly Lodge attended in a body and escorted the remains to their last resting place. (11 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A telegram was received by Miss L. E. WILLIAMS, Tuesday, from F. L. HADLEY stating that his wife had died the previous day. Mrs. HADLEY was well known to most of our citizens as an exemplary wife, mother and neighbor. Mr. H. and daughter have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. (19 Jan 1893)-FRANCIS L. HADLEY.
We give the following sketch of the life of our former citizen, taken from the Holly Herald, which will be of interest to many of our citizens.
Francis L. HADLEY, who died at an early hour on Thursday morning of last week at his home near Stony Run in the northeast corner of Holly township, was born in this township on July 1, 1847. He was the third child in the family of Joseph and Emily HADLEY and spent practically his whole life in this township.
On Nov. 55, 1868, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Louzette SMITH at Atlas, Genessee county. One child was born to them, now Mrs. Alberta GOULD, of Holly village. From 1882 to 1890 Mr. and Mrs. HADLEY resided at Grayling, returning to their farm in the latter named year. Mrs. HADLEY died on Jan. 16, 1893.
On August 28, 1895, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Mrs. Nettie L. VANDERPOOL LYON at Pontiac. They had no children. Besides his wife and daughter, the deceased leaves one brother, Edw. HADLEY, of Holly village, and one sister, Mrs. Alex CAMPBELL, of Groveland; also one grand daughter. His mother died on June 22, 1890, and his father on June 2, 1896.
Mr. HADLEY was one of the best known farmers in this part of the state. In politics he was a staunch republican and had held numerous township offices of trust and honor undre his party. He was a good neighbor, an obliging friend and leaves a large number of acquaintances to mourn his death.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the Holly Presbyterian church. Rev. D. S. CARMICHAL officiated and burial was made in Lakeside. the funeral was under the auspices of the Masons and Holly Lodge attended in a body and escorted the remains to their last resting place. (11 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. F. L. HADLEY, of Holly, arrived in the city yesterday, and is the guest of his brother, Mr. J. O. HADLEY. (8 Mar 1883)-F. L. HADLEY, Esq., has returned from a two weeks visit to the old home and friends in Genesee county, glad to get back from the blizzards of that section to our equitable atmosphere. (19 Feb 1885)
-Word was received here last week of the death of Frank L. HADLEY at Holly, on Thursday. He was a resident of this village twenty years ago, and built the home now owned by Jno. LEECE, but later returned to his farm where he died. He had been an invalid for a long time and his death was not unexpected. (4 Jan 1906)
We give the following sketch of the life of our former citizen, taken from the Holly Herald, which will be of interest to many of our citizens.
Francis L. HADLEY, who died at an early hour on Thursday morning of last week at his home near Stony Run in the northeast corner of Holly township, was born in this township on July 1, 1847. He was the third child in the family of Joseph and Emily HADLEY and spent practically his whole life in this township.
On Nov. 55, 1868, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Louzette SMITH at Atlas, Genessee county. One child was born to them, now Mrs. Alberta GOULD, of Holly village. From 1882 to 1890 Mr. and Mrs. HADLEY resided at Grayling, returning to their farm in the latter named year. Mrs. HADLEY died on Jan. 16, 1893.
On August 28, 1895, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Mrs. Nettie L. VANDERPOOL LYON at Pontiac. They had no children. Besides his wife and daughter, the deceased leaves one brother, Edw. HADLEY, of Holly village, and one sister, Mrs. Alex CAMPBELL, of Groveland; also one grand daughter. His mother died on June 22, 1890, and his father on June 2, 1896.
Mr. HADLEY was one of the best known farmers in this part of the state. In politics he was a staunch republican and had held numerous township offices of trust and honor undre his party. He was a good neighbor, an obliging friend and leaves a large number of acquaintances to mourn his death.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the Holly Presbyterian church. Rev. D. S. CARMICHAL officiated and burial was made in Lakeside. the funeral was under the auspices of the Masons and Holly Lodge attended in a body and escorted the remains to their last resting place. (11 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
We give the following sketch of the life of our former citizen, taken from the Holly Herald, which will be of interest to many of our citizens.
Francis L. HADLEY, who died at an early hour on Thursday morning of last week at his home near Stony Run in the northeast corner of Holly township, was born in this township on July 1, 1847. He was the third child in the family of Joseph and Emily HADLEY and spent practically his whole life in this township.
On Nov. 55, 1868, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Louzette SMITH at Atlas, Genessee county. One child was born to them, now Mrs. Alberta GOULD, of Holly village. From 1882 to 1890 Mr. and Mrs. HADLEY resided at Grayling, returning to their farm in the latter named year. Mrs. HADLEY died on Jan. 16, 1893.
On August 28, 1895, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Mrs. Nettie L. VANDERPOOL LYON at Pontiac. They had no children. Besides his wife and daughter, the deceased leaves one brother, Edw. HADLEY, of Holly village, and one sister, Mrs. Alex CAMPBELL, of Groveland; also one grand daughter. His mother died on June 22, 1890, and his father on June 2, 1896.
Mr. HADLEY was one of the best known farmers in this part of the state. In politics he was a staunch republican and had held numerous township offices of trust and honor undre his party. He was a good neighbor, an obliging friend and leaves a large number of acquaintances to mourn his death.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the Holly Presbyterian church. Rev. D. S. CARMICHAL officiated and burial was made in Lakeside. the funeral was under the auspices of the Masons and Holly Lodge attended in a body and escorted the remains to their last resting place. (11 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
We give the following sketch of the life of our former citizen, taken from the Holly Herald, which will be of interest to many of our citizens.
Francis L. HADLEY, who died at an early hour on Thursday morning of last week at his home near Stony Run in the northeast corner of Holly township, was born in this township on July 1, 1847. He was the third child in the family of Joseph and Emily HADLEY and spent practically his whole life in this township.
On Nov. 55, 1868, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Louzette SMITH at Atlas, Genessee county. One child was born to them, now Mrs. Alberta GOULD, of Holly village. From 1882 to 1890 Mr. and Mrs. HADLEY resided at Grayling, returning to their farm in the latter named year. Mrs. HADLEY died on Jan. 16, 1893.
On August 28, 1895, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Mrs. Nettie L. VANDERPOOL LYON at Pontiac. They had no children. Besides his wife and daughter, the deceased leaves one brother, Edw. HADLEY, of Holly village, and one sister, Mrs. Alex CAMPBELL, of Groveland; also one grand daughter. His mother died on June 22, 1890, and his father on June 2, 1896.
Mr. HADLEY was one of the best known farmers in this part of the state. In politics he was a staunch republican and had held numerous township offices of trust and honor undre his party. He was a good neighbor, an obliging friend and leaves a large number of acquaintances to mourn his death.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the Holly Presbyterian church. Rev. D. S. CARMICHAL officiated and burial was made in Lakeside. the funeral was under the auspices of the Masons and Holly Lodge attended in a body and escorted the remains to their last resting place. (11 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
We give the following sketch of the life of our former citizen, taken from the Holly Herald, which will be of interest to many of our citizens.
Francis L. HADLEY, who died at an early hour on Thursday morning of last week at his home near Stony Run in the northeast corner of Holly township, was born in this township on July 1, 1847. He was the third child in the family of Joseph and Emily HADLEY and spent practically his whole life in this township.
On Nov. 55, 1868, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Louzette SMITH at Atlas, Genessee county. One child was born to them, now Mrs. Alberta GOULD, of Holly village. From 1882 to 1890 Mr. and Mrs. HADLEY resided at Grayling, returning to their farm in the latter named year. Mrs. HADLEY died on Jan. 16, 1893.
On August 28, 1895, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Mrs. Nettie L. VANDERPOOL LYON at Pontiac. They had no children. Besides his wife and daughter, the deceased leaves one brother, Edw. HADLEY, of Holly village, and one sister, Mrs. Alex CAMPBELL, of Groveland; also one grand daughter. His mother died on June 22, 1890, and his father on June 2, 1896.
Mr. HADLEY was one of the best known farmers in this part of the state. In politics he was a staunch republican and had held numerous township offices of trust and honor undre his party. He was a good neighbor, an obliging friend and leaves a large number of acquaintances to mourn his death.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the Holly Presbyterian church. Rev. D. S. CARMICHAL officiated and burial was made in Lakeside. the funeral was under the auspices of the Masons and Holly Lodge attended in a body and escorted the remains to their last resting place. (11 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
We give the following sketch of the life of our former citizen, taken from the Holly Herald, which will be of interest to many of our citizens.
Francis L. HADLEY, who died at an early hour on Thursday morning of last week at his home near Stony Run in the northeast corner of Holly township, was born in this township on July 1, 1847. He was the third child in the family of Joseph and Emily HADLEY and spent practically his whole life in this township.
On Nov. 55, 1868, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Louzette SMITH at Atlas, Genessee county. One child was born to them, now Mrs. Alberta GOULD, of Holly village. From 1882 to 1890 Mr. and Mrs. HADLEY resided at Grayling, returning to their farm in the latter named year. Mrs. HADLEY died on Jan. 16, 1893.
On August 28, 1895, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Mrs. Nettie L. VANDERPOOL LYON at Pontiac. They had no children. Besides his wife and daughter, the deceased leaves one brother, Edw. HADLEY, of Holly village, and one sister, Mrs. Alex CAMPBELL, of Groveland; also one grand daughter. His mother died on June 22, 1890, and his father on June 2, 1896.
Mr. HADLEY was one of the best known farmers in this part of the state. In politics he was a staunch republican and had held numerous township offices of trust and honor undre his party. He was a good neighbor, an obliging friend and leaves a large number of acquaintances to mourn his death.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the Holly Presbyterian church. Rev. D. S. CARMICHAL officiated and burial was made in Lakeside. the funeral was under the auspices of the Masons and Holly Lodge attended in a body and escorted the remains to their last resting place. (11 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
We give the following sketch of the life of our former citizen, taken from the Holly Herald, which will be of interest to many of our citizens.
Francis L. HADLEY, who died at an early hour on Thursday morning of last week at his home near Stony Run in the northeast corner of Holly township, was born in this township on July 1, 1847. He was the third child in the family of Joseph and Emily HADLEY and spent practically his whole life in this township.
On Nov. 55, 1868, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Louzette SMITH at Atlas, Genessee county. One child was born to them, now Mrs. Alberta GOULD, of Holly village. From 1882 to 1890 Mr. and Mrs. HADLEY resided at Grayling, returning to their farm in the latter named year. Mrs. HADLEY died on Jan. 16, 1893.
On August 28, 1895, Mr. HADLEY was united in marriage to Mrs. Nettie L. VANDERPOOL LYON at Pontiac. They had no children. Besides his wife and daughter, the deceased leaves one brother, Edw. HADLEY, of Holly village, and one sister, Mrs. Alex CAMPBELL, of Groveland; also one grand daughter. His mother died on June 22, 1890, and his father on June 2, 1896.
Mr. HADLEY was one of the best known farmers in this part of the state. In politics he was a staunch republican and had held numerous township offices of trust and honor undre his party. He was a good neighbor, an obliging friend and leaves a large number of acquaintances to mourn his death.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the Holly Presbyterian church. Rev. D. S. CARMICHAL officiated and burial was made in Lakeside. the funeral was under the auspices of the Masons and Holly Lodge attended in a body and escorted the remains to their last resting place. (11 Jan 1906)
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