The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Sheriff - David LONDON
Clerk & Resigter - William R. STECKERT
Treasurer - Rasmus HANSON
Prosecuting Attorney - J. O. HADLEY
Judge of Probate - Dan WALDRON
Circuit Court Com'r - Co. W. WIGHT
Surveyor - Frederick LARKER
Coroners - Samuel REVEl, William H. SHERMAN. (14 May 1879)-A big day's work was done in the line of well digging on Monday on the farm of R. P. FORBES, by W. H. SHERMAN, who dug and curbed a 20 feet well 3 1/2 feet square, in nine hours. (28 May 1879)
-Mrs. Jeremiah SHERMAN, one of the pioneers of Maple Forest, and mother of Benj. and Wm. H. SHERMAN, died at Mayville, in Tuscola county, Tuesday morning. Her body was brought to the old home for burial. (27 Mar 1902)
-W. H. SHERMAN, up in Maple Forest, is building a barn 18x30, on his farm, and has it all completed except putting on a part of the roof. (4 Aug 1881)
-MARRIED-At the residence of the bride's parents, Wm. H. SHERMAN and Minnie A. BRADFORD, Sept. 7th, 1892, Wm. WOODBURN officiating. The AVALANCHE tenders congratulations. (8 Sep 1892)
-W. H. SHERMAN, of Maple Forest, was in town last Friday and Monday. On Friday to order a casket for his mother-in-law and on Monday one for his father. (14 Jun 1894)
-A letter from Wm. H. SHERMAN, now of Central Lake, renewing his subscription says: "Please sent the Avalanche another year. We could not get along without having it put in its appearance once a week." (9 May 1901)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Alice BARKER, of Forest, this county, daughter of Jesse A. BARKER, Esq., is stopping at Lansing, the guest of Hon. V. W. BRUCE, Enrolling and Engrossing clerk of the House of Representatives. (14 May 1879)-FROM FREDERIC.
EDITOR AVALANCHE. -Miss Alice BARKER has returned from Lansing. (28 May 1879)-MARRIED.
In Fredericville, Sept. 19th, 1883, at the residence of J. A. BARKER, Esq., by Rev. Wm. PUTNAM, Wm. H. SHERMAN, of Maple Forest, and Alice C. BARKER, of Fredericville.
May the belssings of life attend them,
And their sorrows be few:
May enemies never offent them
And friends ever prove true.In peace may they always travel
All through the journey of life:
May he be a model husband
And she a model wife. (27 Sep 1883)-DIED-At her home in Maple Forest, Wednesday, May 7th., Alice C., wife of Wm. H. SHERMAN. (8 May 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Sheriff - David LONDON
Clerk & Resigter - William R. STECKERT
Treasurer - Rasmus HANSON
Prosecuting Attorney - J. O. HADLEY
Judge of Probate - Dan WALDRON
Circuit Court Com'r - Co. W. WIGHT
Surveyor - Frederick LARKER
Coroners - Samuel REVEl, William H. SHERMAN. (14 May 1879)-A big day's work was done in the line of well digging on Monday on the farm of R. P. FORBES, by W. H. SHERMAN, who dug and curbed a 20 feet well 3 1/2 feet square, in nine hours. (28 May 1879)
-Mrs. Jeremiah SHERMAN, one of the pioneers of Maple Forest, and mother of Benj. and Wm. H. SHERMAN, died at Mayville, in Tuscola county, Tuesday morning. Her body was brought to the old home for burial. (27 Mar 1902)
-W. H. SHERMAN, up in Maple Forest, is building a barn 18x30, on his farm, and has it all completed except putting on a part of the roof. (4 Aug 1881)
-MARRIED-At the residence of the bride's parents, Wm. H. SHERMAN and Minnie A. BRADFORD, Sept. 7th, 1892, Wm. WOODBURN officiating. The AVALANCHE tenders congratulations. (8 Sep 1892)
-W. H. SHERMAN, of Maple Forest, was in town last Friday and Monday. On Friday to order a casket for his mother-in-law and on Monday one for his father. (14 Jun 1894)
-A letter from Wm. H. SHERMAN, now of Central Lake, renewing his subscription says: "Please sent the Avalanche another year. We could not get along without having it put in its appearance once a week." (9 May 1901)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED-At the residence of the bride's parents, Wm. H. SHERMAN and Minnie A. BRADFORD, Sept. 7th, 1892, Wm. WOODBURN officiating. The AVALANCHE tenders congratulations. (8 Sep 1892)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Chas. S. WOODWORTH of Lansing, Mich., employed by the Banker and Brokers' Telegraph Company, is spending his vacation with his father, Dr. W. M. WOODWORTH. (1 Oct 1885)-C. WOODWORTH, son of Dr. WOODWORTH, left on Tuesday last for Detroit, to accept a position in a commercial establishment as operator. (29 Sep 1887)
-Dr. WOODWORTH has the pleasure of entertaining his son Charles, from Pueblo, Col., with his wife and three children, and his daughter, Miss Jennie, of New York. (27 Aug 1896)
-DIED - At his home in this village, Wednesday Nov. 1st Wm. M. WOODWORTH M. D., aged 76 years. The deceased was born at Pompey Hill, Onandaga Co., N. Y., in 1829, where his young life was passed until his graduation from the Acadamy at Elbridge, when he continued his studies at the University of Michigan, graduating from the medical department, with high honor, in 1853, since when his life has been devoted to his chosen profession. A close observer, and a thorough student, he has ever kept abreast with the times, and fully up to the wonderful advancement in medical and surgical science, being only satisfied to hold his position in the front rank, which he had early attained. He came to Grayling in 1882, and is therefore one of our oldest pioneers, and probably no man in the county had a wider acquaintance or was held in higher esteem: A man wonderfully sensitive, and with most tender sympathy, he has ministered to the needs of our people, regardless of self, and finding greatest joy in the relief of his suffering fellows. A thorough christian gentleman of the old school whose active life has been an elucidation of the principles he professed. He had lived his life, and blessed death, though sudden, came unfeared, and he has entered into rest. He had attended to his usual professional work on Tuesday, feeling in usual health, and made his last call in the evening, after which, with friends who called, and with his wife, the time until eleven o'clock was passed in pleasing sociality. Soon after midnight he was attacked though seeming slight, with gastritis, and a little after two raised to a sitting posture on the bed, and fell forward to the floor. Friends were called, but life was extinct when he was placed back upon the c0ouch. Besides his wife and daughter Louise he leaves his oldest son, Charles, located at Larkspur, Col., Elmer, at Wheeling, Ell., and a daughter, jennie, at New York, born of a former marriage, who will receive the deepest sympathy of our whole people.
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Chas. WOODWORTH, of Swallows, Colorada, daughter-in-law of Dr. W. M. WOODWORTH, voted for McKINLEY and HOBART at the late Presidential election. (3 Dec 1896)-DIED-In Colorado, Feb. 17th, '98, Carrie WOODWORTH, wife of Charles WOODWORTH, and daughter-in-law of W. M. WOODWORTH. (24 Feb 1898)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Master Guy WOODWORTH of Portland, Colorado, is here and expects to spend the summer with his grand-father, Dr. WOODWORTH. (6 Apr 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Andrew J. TAYLOR, who for the past 9 months has been languishing on a bed of sickness, quietly and without pain past from life unto death, in the presence of his sorrowing family, at six o'clock Tuesday morning, the 11th inst., aged 41 years, 6 months and 3 days.-Otsego Co. Herald. (20 Jan 1887)-Mrs. A. J. TAYLOR and children are making preparations to remove to Cleveland in a short time. - Otsego Co. Herald. (7 Apr 1887)
-Mrs. A. J. TAYLOR and family start for Cleveland to-day where they intend to live. They will stop at Pontiac over Sunday. - Otsego Co. News. (5 May 1887)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. A. J. TAYLOR, her son Charley and two youngest children, left for Detroit Wednesday. Bert and Roy remain in Gaylord. - Otsego Co. Herald. (19 Feb 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Rev. S. G. TAYLOR and Mrs. TAYLOR started for Cincinnati last Monday morning, to attend the wedding of their son, Mr. Burt TAYLOR, of Owosso. (15 Oct 1891)- SIBLEY G. TAYLOR DEAD.
Sibley G. TAYLOR passed peacefully from this life at his home in East Tawas last Tuesday afternoon, after an illness of several weeks of a complication of diseases, at the age of 66 years.
The deceased was born at LeRoy, N. Y., July 3, 1840, and was the son of Rev. and Mrs. George TAYLOR. He graduated from the law department of the U. of M. with the class of 1863 and practiced law at Ann Arbor until 1875, when he removed to Tawas City and continued the practice of his profession for about twelve years. During this time he held many offices of public trust, including that of register of deeds.
During the great revival which swept the Huron shore in 1886, Mr. TAYLOR became converted and united with the Methodist church. He gave up the practice of law and became a minister of the gospel, being ordained in 1888. He supplied the churches at Wilber, Townline and this city. Afterward he held appointments at Grayling, Cheboygan and Perry. About two years ago he resigned his pastorate and returned to East Tawas to resume the practice of law.
Mr. TAYLOR was twice married, his first wife being Sophronia L. LYONS, of Owosso, of which union three sons and one daughter were born. Mrs. TAYLOR died at Grayling about 12 years ago. Mr. TAYLOR later married Miss Henrietta EICHOFF, who with one son and two daughters survive him. The other surviving children being Bert, of Owosso, Mrs. A. S. LARABEE, of Bay City, Lee of Cleveland, Ohio, and George.
The funeral was held from the M. E. church at East Tawas yesterday morning at 8 o'clock, Rev. H. G. PEARCE, assisted by Rev. TROIMBLEY, of AuSable, Rev. GRIFFITH and Rev. HASTINGS, of this city officiating. The remains were taken to Owosso for interment. - Tawas Herald. (28 Jun 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. A. J. TAYLOR, her son Charley and two youngest children, left for Detroit Wednesday. Bert and Roy remain in Gaylord. - Otsego Co. Herald. (19 Feb 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. A. J. TAYLOR, her son Charley and two youngest children, left for Detroit Wednesday. Bert and Roy remain in Gaylord. - Otsego Co. Herald. (19 Feb 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. LARABEE, of Tawas City, son-in-law of Rev. and Mrs. S. G. TAYLOR, purchased the Drug Store, of Messrs. THATCHER, last week, and returned to Tawas for his family. (24 Nov 1892)-A. S. LARABEE and family left Tuesday for Grayling, where, we understand, Mr. LARABEE has purchased a Drugstore. We predict for him a successful business future as he is an excellent pharmacist. His many friends at this place wish him good luck. - Tawas Herald. (1 Dec 1892)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Sibley G. TAYLOR passed peacefully from this life at his home in East Tawas last Tuesday afternoon, after an illness of several weeks of a complication of diseases, at the age of 66 years.
The deceased was born at LeRoy, N. Y., July 3, 1840, and was the son of Rev. and Mrs. George TAYLOR. He graduated from the law department of the U. of M. with the class of 1863 and practiced law at Ann Arbor until 1875, when he removed to Tawas City and continued the practice of his profession for about twelve years. During this time he held many offices of public trust, including that of register of deeds.
During the great revival which swept the Huron shore in 1886, Mr. TAYLOR became converted and united with the Methodist church. He gave up the practice of law and became a minister of the gospel, being ordained in 1888. He supplied the churches at Wilber, Townline and this city. Afterward he held appointments at Grayling, Cheboygan and Perry. About two years ago he resigned his pastorate and returned to East Tawas to resume the practice of law.
Mr. TAYLOR was twice married, his first wife being Sophronia L. LYONS, of Owosso, of which union three sons and one daughter were born. Mrs. TAYLOR died at Grayling about 12 years ago. Mr. TAYLOR later married Miss Henrietta EICHOFF, who with one son and two daughters survive him. The other surviving children being Bert, of Owosso, Mrs. A. S. LARABEE, of Bay City, Lee of Cleveland, Ohio, and George.
The funeral was held from the M. E. church at East Tawas yesterday morning at 8 o'clock, Rev. H. G. PEARCE, assisted by Rev. TROIMBLEY, of AuSable, Rev. GRIFFITH and Rev. HASTINGS, of this city officiating. The remains were taken to Owosso for interment. - Tawas Herald. (28 Jun 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED-On Monday evening the 5th insant, Miss Grace BRADEN and Mr. Geo. TAYLOR. Rev. TAYLOR officiated. The happy couple left on first train for Owosso and Detroit on their wedding trip. (8 Aug 1895)-BORN-On the 2nd inst., at Cheboygan, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. TAYLOR, a daughter. (9 Apr 1896)
Sibley G. TAYLOR passed peacefully from this life at his home in East Tawas last Tuesday afternoon, after an illness of several weeks of a complication of diseases, at the age of 66 years.
The deceased was born at LeRoy, N. Y., July 3, 1840, and was the son of Rev. and Mrs. George TAYLOR. He graduated from the law department of the U. of M. with the class of 1863 and practiced law at Ann Arbor until 1875, when he removed to Tawas City and continued the practice of his profession for about twelve years. During this time he held many offices of public trust, including that of register of deeds.
During the great revival which swept the Huron shore in 1886, Mr. TAYLOR became converted and united with the Methodist church. He gave up the practice of law and became a minister of the gospel, being ordained in 1888. He supplied the churches at Wilber, Townline and this city. Afterward he held appointments at Grayling, Cheboygan and Perry. About two years ago he resigned his pastorate and returned to East Tawas to resume the practice of law.
Mr. TAYLOR was twice married, his first wife being Sophronia L. LYONS, of Owosso, of which union three sons and one daughter were born. Mrs. TAYLOR died at Grayling about 12 years ago. Mr. TAYLOR later married Miss Henrietta EICHOFF, who with one son and two daughters survive him. The other surviving children being Bert, of Owosso, Mrs. A. S. LARABEE, of Bay City, Lee of Cleveland, Ohio, and George.
The funeral was held from the M. E. church at East Tawas yesterday morning at 8 o'clock, Rev. H. G. PEARCE, assisted by Rev. TROIMBLEY, of AuSable, Rev. GRIFFITH and Rev. HASTINGS, of this city officiating. The remains were taken to Owosso for interment. - Tawas Herald. (28 Jun 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Grace BRADEN is assisting her father in the Post Office. (5 Apr 1894)-MARRIED-On Monday evening the 5th insant, Miss Grace BRADEN and Mr. Geo. TAYLOR. Rev. TAYLOR officiated. The happy couple left on first train for Owosso and Detroit on their wedding trip. (8 Aug 1895)
-Mrs. Grace TAYLOR, of Cheboygan, has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. BRADEN, during the past week. (10 Dec 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A. C. WILCOX is wearing a smile that will not come off. He is just in receipt of a letter from his sister, Mrs. Mary A. FISHER, of Penn., whom he has not seen for fifty years, which notifies him that she will be here next Saturday. He has a right to smile. (25 Oct 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A. C. WILCOX is wearing a smile that will not come off. He is just in receipt of a letter from his sister, Mrs. Mary A. FISHER, of Penn., whom he has not seen for fifty years, which notifies him that she will be here next Saturday. He has a right to smile. (25 Oct 1906)-Mrs. Mary A. FISHER, a sister of A. C. WILCOX, slipped on the ice the 16th inst., and fractured her left wrist. As she is only 75 years old and doing nicely no bad result is anticipated, but she does not covet the enforced rest. (24 Feb. 1910)
-Mrs. Mary FISHER of Pensylvania, a sister of A. C. WILCOX, who has been visiting here, and with another brother in West Branch for several months fractured her left wrist in February, and though nicely adjusted nad healed was not yet strong, had the farther misfortune to fracture her right arm in almost the identical way Saturday, the 16th. She has started for her home accompanied by her daughter, very comfortable, considering the circumstances. (28 Apr 1910)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED-At Frederic, October 20th, in the presence of the brides parents, and a few invited friends, Claud B. TOMPKINS and Altie M. SHERMAN; Rev. J. J. WILLITS officiating. All join in wishing the young couple a happy and prosperous life. (22 Oct 1896)-Mrs. Alta TOMPKINS, daughter of B. F. SHERMAN of Maple Forest, was returning from church last Sunday, with others of the family, when she was struck in the cheek by a buckshot, which cut its way toward the ear about two inches and lodged. She was taken to Frederic and Dr. O'NEIL removed it. There were two shots fired in quick succession and both charges scattered over the party in the road, and near enough to Mr. HUXLEY and near Mr. SMITH, who had met the children just before. It is thought the careless boys are known and the end may not yet be.
Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Claude TOMPKINS, a daughter. She has two grandmothers and two great grand-mothers in this town. She should not want for care. (2 Sep 1897)-MAPLE FOREST ITEMS.
BORN-On the 15th to Mr. and Mrs. Claude B. TOMPKINS, a boy. (22 Mar 1900)-Mr. and Mrs. Claude TOMPKINS, of Maple Forest, were called upon to bury their 2 year old boy, last Saturday. He died from pneumonia, which disease seems quite prevalent among the children in that township. The bereaved parents desire to extend thanks to their friends and neighbors for unremitting kindness. (27 Mar 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Alta SHERMAN, of Maple Forest, has the right kind of grit. She came from home, last Saturday, through the storm to have two ulcerated teeth extracted, and stood the ordeal without a squeal. (24 Sep 1896)-MARRIED-At Frederic, October 20th, in the presence of the brides parents, and a few invited friends, Claud B. TOMPKINS and Altie M. SHERMAN; Rev. J. J. WILLITS officiating. All join in wishing the young couple a happy and prosperous life. (22 Oct 1896)
Mrs. Alta TOMPKINS, while coming from church last Sunday was shot in the face by some boys who had nothing to do but break the Sabath day by shooting down the road to amuse themselves. (22 Nov 1906)-Mrs. Alta TOMPKINS, daughter of B. F. SHERMAN of Maple Forest, was returning from church last Sunday, with others of the family, when she was struck in the cheek by a buckshot, which cut its way toward the ear about two inches and lodged. She was taken to Frederic and Dr. O'NEIL removed it. There were two shots fired in quick succession and both charges scattered over the party in the road, and near enough to Mr. HUXLEY and near Mr. SMITH, who had met the children just before. It is thought the careless boys are known and the end may not yet be. (22 Nov 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mrs. WOOLEHAN, sister of Mrs. J. PRINCE, gave her a pleasant surprise, by stepping in on her unexpectedly, last Saturday. (27 Mar 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Geo. COWELL and his brother Walter, with their families, from the "Soo," are here visiting their mother, Mrs. Charles TURNER, and their boyhood friends. They are surprised at the improvements here. (22 Aug 1907)-Charles TURNER met with a happy surprise last week by the arrival of his brother from Texas, whom he had not seen for over twenty years. It was a joyful reunion, and though his stay was short they made the most of it. (22 Aug 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Geo. COWELL and his brother Walter, with their families, from the "Soo," are here visiting their mother, Mrs. Charles TURNER, and their boyhood friends. They are surprised at the improvements here. (22 Aug 1907)-Charles TURNER met with a happy surprise last week by the arrival of his brother from Texas, whom he had not seen for over twenty years. It was a joyful reunion, and though his stay was short they made the most of it. (22 Aug 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
On Saturday, May 19, 1883, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. TURNER, a daughter. (24 May 1883)
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