The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-License was issued Monday for the marriage of Miss Bessie DYER and John BOICE of Maple Forest, and the ceremony performed by Rev. THOMPSON. (19 Jul 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-License was issued Monday for the marriage of Miss Bessie DYER and John BOICE of Maple Forest, and the ceremony performed by Rev. THOMPSON. (19 Jul 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Thos. SODERCRIST and family, formerly of this place, now of West Bay City, spent the holidays here with friends and relatives. (3 Jan 1901)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. T. SODERQUEST of Bay City, sister, of Mrs. O. P. HANSON, with the children, are spending the heated term at Portage Lake, when not visiting at the village. Mr. SODERQUEST comes up when he can leave his train long enough. (26 Jul 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. T. SODERQUEST of Bay City, sister, of Mrs. O. P. HANSON, with the children, are spending the heated term at Portage Lake, when not visiting at the village. Mr. SODERQUEST comes up when he can leave his train long enough. (26 Jul 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Lowell FOX returned from Canada yesterday, where she was called three weeks ago by the serious illness of her mother, who is advanced in years, and yet in a critical condition. Mrs. FOX had her little boy with her who was taken with the pneumonia soon after their arrival there, but is convalescing so that she thought it safe to bring him home. (14 May 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Lowell FOX returned from Canada yesterday, where she was called three weeks ago by the serious illness of her mother, who is advanced in years, and yet in a critical condition. Mrs. FOX had her little boy with her who was taken with the pneumonia soon after their arrival there, but is convalescing so that she thought it safe to bring him home. (14 May 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
JOSEPH and PINKONS, a firm composed of H. JOSEPH, of Otsego Lake and Henry PINKONS, of Grayling, are general dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes and Furnishing Goods. They carry a stock of about $14,000.00 and their trade for 1887 will crowd $18,000.00. They are very pouplar with the lumber jobbers and enjoy a large camp trade. Though they are pleasantly located, their fast increasing business demands more room and they have purchased a lot and will erect a large building in the early spring, the plans being already perfected.
Mr. JOSEPH is also engaged in the same line at Otsego Lake and at Beaver Lake. He will move here in the spring and conduct his entire business from this point.
They have been in business here about two years and a half. (29 Dec 1887)-Mr. H. JOSEPH is entertaining his brother, L. JOSEPH, of Brooklyn, N. Y., for a few days. (28 Jun 1888)
-Last Thursday was "Rash Hashorra," the Jewish or Hebrew New Year, and the store of H. JOSEPH was closed for the day. (13 Sep 1888)
-DIED-In this village Tuesday, Aug. 12, Augusta M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. JOSEPH, 11 aged years. The body was taken to Bay City for burial. (14 Aug 1890)
Augusta Mamie JOSEPH, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. JOSEPH, died, August 12, '90., age 11 yrs. 3 mo. 2 weeks and 3 days.
Thanks to the many friends for their kindness during our bereavement. (New York and Brooklyn papers copy.) (14 Aug 1890)-Death has again entered the home of H. JOSEPH, this time taking the wife and mother. Mrs. JOSEPH died early Tuesday morning and was taken to Bay City for burial. The entire community gives full sympathy to the stricken family. (28 Aug 1890)
-MARRIED-At No. 70 Pitcher St., Detroit, Tuesday, Sept. 1st, by Rev. Dr. CROSSMAN, Hyman JOSEPH, of Grayling, Mich., and Miss Rosa WOLF, of Detroit.
The happy couple arrived here this morning and have taken possession of their pleasant home on Peninsula Avenue. (3 Sep 1891)-Miss Getta WOLFF, of Detroit, is the welcome guest of her sister, Mrs. H. JOSEPH. (31 Mar 1892)
-BORN-On Wednesday, November 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. JOSEPH, a daughter. (2 Dec 1897)
-Mr. and Mrs. H. JOSEPH celebrated their daughter's 14th birthday at Mr. COLLEN's at Portage Lake last Sunday. The table was decorated with flowers and ferns, and Mr. COLLEN made a fine boquet for the Maid of Honor, while Mrs. COLLEN proved her success as a cook. Mr. MOORE of Detroit accompanied the party. (2 Aug 1906)
-Death has again entered the home of H. JOSEPH, this time taking the wife and mother. Mrs. JOSEPH died early Tuesday morning and was taken to Bay City for burial. The entire community gives full sympathy to the stricken family. (28 Aug 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Dr. MERRIMAN and family are enjoying a visit from their niece, Miss Olive MERRIMAN. (2 Aug 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Dr. H. H. MERRIMAN, late of Gladwin, has decided to locate here for the practice of his profession. He has rented the office of N. P. OLSON next the Central Drug Store. (11 Jan 1906)-Dr. MERRIMAN and family are enjoying a visit from their niece, Miss Olive MERRIMAN. (2 Aug 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Dr. MERRIMAN and family are enjoying a visit from their niece, Miss Olive MERRIMAN. (2 Aug 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Dr. MERRIMAN and family are enjoying a visit from their niece, Miss Olive MERRIMAN. (2 Aug 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Jos. SIMS and wife of Lovells spent Sunday here with her sister, Mrs. Charles Douglas, who has just returned from her old home in Canada. (2 Aug 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Jos. SIMS and wife of Lovells spent Sunday here with her sister, Mrs. Charles Douglas, who has just returned from her old home in Canada. (2 Aug 1906)-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles DOUGLAS, Feb. 13, a daughter. (14 Feb 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Jos. SIMS and wife of Lovells spent Sunday here with her sister, Mrs. Charles Douglas, who has just returned from her old home in Canada. (2 Aug 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mrs. Frank COLLIS and little girl, Pearl of Lovells is visiting Rev. Wm. COOMBS. (9 Aug 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mrs. Frank COLLIS and little girl, Pearl of Lovells is visiting Rev. Wm. COOMBS. (9 Aug 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mrs. Frank COLLIS and little girl, Pearl of Lovells is visiting Rev. Wm. COOMBS. (9 Aug 1906)
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