The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Ernest RICHARDSON of South Branch, was called to Jackson last week by the sudden death of her sister. (20 Dec 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Ernest RICHARDSON of South Branch, was called to Jackson last week by the sudden death of her sister. (20 Dec 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Cards are received here announcing the marriage, on the 21st inst., of Mr. Olaf N. MICHELSON and Miss Mollie ANNIN, at Kingston Michigan. They will be "At Home" in Grayling, after February 1st. Congratulations are in order. (27 Dec 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Cards are received here announcing the marriage, on the 21st inst., of Mr. Olaf N. MICHELSON and Miss Mollie ANNIN, at Kingston Michigan. They will be "At Home" in Grayling, after February 1st. Congratulations are in order. (27 Dec 1906)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Beaver Creek Township, Crawford, MI:name - James BURTON
b.Nov 1821 in OH
occupation - Farmer
married to Lydia M. 26 years
m.b.VAThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-During the months of sickness in our family, in the past winter, while we were quarantined for Diphtheria, and when three of our children succumbed to that dread disease, the families of our neighbors, F. P. RICHARDSON, James Burton and James H. BURTON, rendered such assistance as will never be forgotten, and for which they will ever receive our grateful acknowledgment and thanks. At such a time, such kindness is beyound price, and beyond the power of words to express.
MR. AND MRS. F. D. BARBER. (15 Mar 1894)-DIED-At his home in Beaver Creek Thursday, Dec. 20, Jas. BURTON, aged 85 years. Mr. BURTON was one of the oldest residents of that section of the country and highly exteemed as a citizen and neighbor. He was a member of Marvin Post No. 240, G. A. R., having served in Co. E. 21 Ohio Vol. Inf. for three years during the war of the rebellion. His funeral, Sunday, the 22nd, was largely attended, and he was burried in the cemetery at Pere Cheney. (3 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Beaver Creek Township, Crawford, MI:
name - Lydia M. BURTON
b.Jun 1836 in NY
married to James BURTON 25 years
mother of 0 children
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED-At his home at Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec. 11th, Lars MORTENSON, aged 51 years. Lars MORTENSON was a brother of Andrew MORTENSON of Beaver Creek. He will be well remembered by most of the citizens of Grayling, as he resided here from 1886 to 1900. From here he went to Flint, where he was until 1903, when he returned to Denmark. After staying there for a short time his health failed and the last few months suffered untold agonies from cancer of the liver. Besides his wife and brother Andrew, he leaves a brother and sister in Denmark to mourn his death. (10 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED-At his home at Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec. 11th, Lars MORTENSON, aged 51 years. Lars MORTENSON was a brother of Andrew MORTENSON of Beaver Creek. He will be well remembered by most of the citizens of Grayling, as he resided here from 1886 to 1900. From here he went to Flint, where he was until 1903, when he returned to Denmark. After staying there for a short time his health failed and the last few months suffered untold agonies from cancer of the liver. Besides his wife and brother Andrew, he leaves a brother and sister in Denmark to mourn his death. (10 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Olaf M. MICHELSON
b.Jul 1880 in MI
occupation - Cashier in Bank
m.b.DenmarkThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Olaf and Fred MICHELSON returned from Germany, Saturday. They report the father improving nicely in health, and all enjoying the trip. (19 Oct 1899)-A large company assembled at the handsome home of Mr. N. MICHELSON, Monday evening to do honor to the home coming of his son, Mr. Olaf MICHELSON and bride, nee Miss Mollie ANNIN, both well known and popular young people. After a hearty greeting from the genial host, the guests united in showering upon the young couple, a warm welcome, hearty, sincere congratulations and expressions of pleasure that they were to remain in our midst. Some of the demure damsels, in stepping up to congratulate the bride, tripped on the polished floor, (not purposely of couse?) thus assuring themselves that ere another twelve moons shall wax and wane, they too shall be ahppily wedded. The wedding presents displayed were numerous and beautiful, silver, cut glass and china predominating. However two modest checks appeared among the other gifts, bearing the name of the father of the groom, not so handsome in the face as "neighbor cut glass" but with "beautiful figures." Elegant refreshments were served, then all were pleasantly entertained with a musical program by the new Victor Phonograph after which the good nights were said. Another pleasant incident closed, another pleasant memory added to an already long list. The out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. D. M. KNEELAND of Lewiston, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. MICHELSON and son Lewis of Johannesburg, Mr. L. JENSON of Gaylord, Mr. PETRSON of Toledo, and Mrs. STEVENS of Bay City. (10 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A large company assembled at the handsome home of Mr. N. MICHELSON, Monday evening to do honor to the home coming of his son, Mr. Olaf MICHELSON and bride, nee Miss Mollie ANNIN, both well known and popular young people. After a hearty greeting from the genial host, the guests united in showering upon the young couple, a warm welcome, hearty, sincere congratulations and expressions of pleasure that they were to remain in our midst. Some of the demure damsels, in stepping up to congratulate the bride, tripped on the polished floor, (not purposely of couse?) thus assuring themselves that ere another twelve moons shall wax and wane, they too shall be ahppily wedded. The wedding presents displayed were numerous and beautiful, silver, cut glass and china predominating. However two modest checks appeared among the other gifts, bearing the name of the father of the groom, not so handsome in the face as "neighbor cut glass" but with "beautiful figures." Elegant refreshments were served, then all were pleasantly entertained with a musical program by the new Victor Phonograph after which the good nights were said. Another pleasant incident closed, another pleasant memory added to an already long list. The out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. D. M. KNEELAND of Lewiston, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. MICHELSON and son Lewis of Johannesburg, Mr. L. JENSON of Gaylord, Mr. PETRSON of Toledo, and Mrs. STEVENS of Bay City. (10 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-John BURT, heretofore a bridge carpenter in the employ of the railraod company, now has charge of the pumping station here, and is occupying the late residence of Wm. BATTERSON. (10 May 1894)-Our community was greatly shocked on Tuesday, by the sudden death of an estimable citizen, John BURT, aged 72 years. Although he had been in declining health for several years, he had attended to his work, having charge of the railroad pumping station, and on that morning was feeling better than for some days. he was sitting on the sofa in conversation with his wife and enjoying a game of solataire, when the shock came that ended his life in an instant, with no outcry or struggle. The arrangements for the funeral are not complete as we go to press, but the services will be held on Sunday. (10 Jan 1907)
John Homer BURT, Died Jan. 8 1907.
Aged 72 years.
The sudden but not wholly unexpected death of another member of Grayling Lodge No. 356 F. & A. M. calls us to contemplate the last of earth.
Brother BURT was born about 1835, near Lake Champlain, in the state of New York. He came to Michigan about 30 years ago and located in Wenona, now Bay City, West Side, where he joined Wenona Lodge No. 256 F. & A. M. He afterwards removed to Cheboygan where he was married and resided until coming to Grayling in 1894 with his wife and daughter.
Brother Burt joined Grayling Lodge No. 356 F. & A. M. by demit in March 1898. Served as junior Warden in 1901 and 1902 and as Worshipful Master in 1904, since which time he was a faithful attendant at the meetings of the Lodge, and was held in high esteem by his associates.
He leaves a wife to mourn the memory of a loving husband.
He was buried with the honors of Masonary on Sunday, Jan. 13, 1907. The services being conducted by his own Lodge.
Brother, fare thee well. Light be the ashes upon thee and may the glorious sunshine beam brightly upon thy waking.
As a token or respect for the memory of this Brother whom we have loved and lost, it is ordered that a copy of this memoriam be sent to the family and that it be printed in the CRAWFORD AVALANCHE.
Grayling, Jan. 14, 1907. (17 Jan 1907)-To accommodate the many friends of the late John BURT, who desired to pay to him their last tribute of respect the funeral was held in the opera house Sunday afternoon. Rev. E. W. FRAZEE, pastor of the M. E. church officiating. The burial was made in Elmwood cemetery by the local lodge, F. A. M., in which he had been an honored member, their full ritual burial ceremony being rendered. A good man, and an exemplary citizen has gone to his reward. (17 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
John Homer BURT, Died Jan. 8 1907.
Aged 72 years.
The sudden but not wholly unexpected death of another member of Grayling Lodge No. 356 F. & A. M. calls us to contemplate the last of earth.
Brother BURT was born about 1835, near Lake Champlain, in the state of New York. He came to Michigan about 30 years ago and located in Wenona, now Bay City, West Side, where he joined Wenona Lodge No. 256 F. & A. M. He afterwards removed to Cheboygan where he was married and resided until coming to Grayling in 1894 with his wife and daughter.
Brother Burt joined Grayling Lodge No. 356 F. & A. M. by demit in March 1898. Served as junior Warden in 1901 and 1902 and as Worshipful Master in 1904, since which time he was a faithful attendant at the meetings of the Lodge, and was held in high esteem by his associates.
He leaves a wife to mourn the memory of a loving husband.
He was buried with the honors of Masonary on Sunday, Jan. 13, 1907. The services being conducted by his own Lodge.
Brother, fare thee well. Light be the ashes upon thee and may the glorious sunshine beam brightly upon thy waking.
As a token or respect for the memory of this Brother whom we have loved and lost, it is ordered that a copy of this memoriam be sent to the family and that it be printed in the CRAWFORD AVALANCHE.
Grayling, Jan. 14, 1907. (17 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
A fire broke out Friday night in the Hotel Gaylord operated by Amour Bros. which resulted in the loss of one life, Samuel GOLDSTINE being caught in the burning structure.
The fire is supposed to have caught from the furnace in the basement and when discovered about midnight had such a start that it was past all chance of saving either building or contents, while the guests of the hotel had many narrow escapes.
Samuel GOLDSTINE, a junk dealer, of Bay City, lost his life. He had occupied a room on the third floor and it is believed that he was overcome by the smoke and unable to get out. His body was found about 11 o'clock Saturday morning in the ruins, charred past all recognition. GOLDSTINE was a young man about 22 and well thought of here. His engagement to a young woman of Grand Rapids had but recently been announced. He leaves a sister., Mrs. H. A. JAFFEE of Bay City.
The hotel is a total wreck, contents and building and the loss will be about $20,000 with partial insurance. (17 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
A fire broke out Friday night in the Hotel Gaylord operated by Amour Bros. which resulted in the loss of one life, Samuel GOLDSTINE being caught in the burning structure.
The fire is supposed to have caught from the furnace in the basement and when discovered about midnight had such a start that it was past all chance of saving either building or contents, while the guests of the hotel had many narrow escapes.
Samuel GOLDSTINE, a junk dealer, of Bay City, lost his life. He had occupied a room on the third floor and it is believed that he was overcome by the smoke and unable to get out. His body was found about 11 o'clock Saturday morning in the ruins, charred past all recognition. GOLDSTINE was a young man about 22 and well thought of here. His engagement to a young woman of Grand Rapids had but recently been announced. He leaves a sister., Mrs. H. A. JAFFEE of Bay City.
The hotel is a total wreck, contents and building and the loss will be about $20,000 with partial insurance. (17 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
A fire broke out Friday night in the Hotel Gaylord operated by Amour Bros. which resulted in the loss of one life, Samuel GOLDSTINE being caught in the burning structure.
The fire is supposed to have caught from the furnace in the basement and when discovered about midnight had such a start that it was past all chance of saving either building or contents, while the guests of the hotel had many narrow escapes.
Samuel GOLDSTINE, a junk dealer, of Bay City, lost his life. He had occupied a room on the third floor and it is believed that he was overcome by the smoke and unable to get out. His body was found about 11 o'clock Saturday morning in the ruins, charred past all recognition. GOLDSTINE was a young man about 22 and well thought of here. His engagement to a young woman of Grand Rapids had but recently been announced. He leaves a sister., Mrs. H. A. JAFFEE of Bay City.
The hotel is a total wreck, contents and building and the loss will be about $20,000 with partial insurance. (17 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
A fire broke out Friday night in the Hotel Gaylord operated by Amour Bros. which resulted in the loss of one life, Samuel GOLDSTINE being caught in the burning structure.
The fire is supposed to have caught from the furnace in the basement and when discovered about midnight had such a start that it was past all chance of saving either building or contents, while the guests of the hotel had many narrow escapes.
Samuel GOLDSTINE, a junk dealer, of Bay City, lost his life. He had occupied a room on the third floor and it is believed that he was overcome by the smoke and unable to get out. His body was found about 11 o'clock Saturday morning in the ruins, charred past all recognition. GOLDSTINE was a young man about 22 and well thought of here. His engagement to a young woman of Grand Rapids had but recently been announced. He leaves a sister., Mrs. H. A. JAFFEE of Bay City.
The hotel is a total wreck, contents and building and the loss will be about $20,000 with partial insurance. (17 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married at the Presbyterian parsonage in this village, Friday, Jan. 18th, G. F. TAYLOR and Miss Maud KYLE, both of Beaver Creek, Rev. L. PILLMEIER officiating. (24 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married at the Presbyterian parsonage in this village, Friday, Jan. 18th, G. F. TAYLOR and Miss Maud KYLE, both of Beaver Creek, Rev. L. PILLMEIER officiating. (24 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-F. P. RICHARDSON, of South Branch, has been having a serious time lately with heart trouble and the first of the week his condition was considered so critical, that his brother I. H., who was visiting in New Orleans, was recalled home. We are pleased to state that he is on the mend and the chances for his complete recovery are considered good. - Roscommon News. (24 Jan 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
I. H. RICHARDSON, wife and granddaughter, Miss Minnie RICHARDSON, started for Buffalo, Tuesday. While there they will visit the Exposition, and then go to Canada for a visit with friends. (24 Oct 1901)-F. P. RICHARDSON, of South Branch, has been having a serious time lately with heart trouble and the first of the week his condition was considered so critical, that his brother I. H., who was visiting in New Orleans, was recalled home. We are pleased to state that he is on the mend and the chances for his complete recovery are considered good. - Roscommon News. (24 Jan 1907)
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