The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. F. LAMPORT, father of H. L. LAMPORT, has just arrived from Penn. "and still there's more to follow." (14 May 1879)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. F. LAMPORT, father of H. L. LAMPORT, has just arrived from Penn. "and still there's more to follow." (14 May 1879)-H. L. LAMPORT has located for the present, at Pierce City, Mo. (16 Jul 1885)
-From the Verona, Mo., ADVOCATE we notice that the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. LAMPORT, former residents here, died November 8th, of Membranous Croup. (30 Jan 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-F. W. SORENSON has moved into his new quarters, and awaits all who may wish to give him a call. (14 May 1879)-Billiards.
Billiard Parlor!
Second door east of Exchange Hotel
Grayling, Mich.
Wines, Liquors & Cigars
Proprietor. (9 Jul 1879)-Mr. John L. SORENSEN, of Manistee, who has been visiting his brother, F. W. SORENSEN of this place, leaves for home to-day. (16 Jul 1879)
-Mr. Fred SORENSON, of this city, keeps a boarding house, and he has quite a large number of gentlemen boarders. Last Monday night a young lady made her appearance at his house and made application for board, clothing, etc. Fred has no particular desire to keep young lady boarders, but this one put in such a piteous appeal he concluded to grant her all her requests. Of course the said young lady calls him "papa." (11 May 1882)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. John L. SORENSEN, of Manistee, who has been visiting his brother, F. W. SORENSEN of this place, leaves for home to-day. (16 Jul 1879)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-We are pleased to learn that Mr. J. E. JEWELL who was taken suddenly ill at his camp on Sunday last, is better. Dr. TRAVER was in attendance. (14 May 1879)-Dr. N. H. TRAVER and family have taken up their abode with us. The Dr. comes well recommended, and we welcome him to Grayling. Seize the scalpel and teneculum Dr. and sail in. (14 May 1879)
A red ribbon club was organized at school house on Friday evening, and the following officers were elected:
President - Dr. N. H. TRAVER.
Vice President - N. SALLING.
Treasurer - D. A. BUELL.
Financial Sec'y - Wm. A. MASTERS.
Door Keeper - Christ SHEIBE.
The club will meet again on Friday evening of this week, when all are invited to attend. (28 May 1879)-Dr. N. H. TRAVER has been appointed deputy Post Master at this place. (16 Jul 1879)
-The first bicycle in Grayling's history made its appearance on our streets Tuesday. it was purchased by Dr. TRAVER. We suppose the doctor will now no longer walk in visiting his patients. Eh, Dr.? (20 Apr 1882)
-Dr. N. H. TRAVER, who has been absent on business in Canada for the last week or two, returned home Tuesday night. His daughter, Miss Cora, returned with him. (1 Jun 1882)
-N. H. TRAVER, M. D.
N. H. TRAVER, M. D., is the proprietor of the pioneer drug store of this place, established in 1878. He carries a full line of Drugs and Medicines, Wall Paper and Window Shades, Furniture and Carpets, occupying a double store on Michigan Avenue, and conducts the business of undertaking. Knowing exactly what is wanted for his trade, he manages to carry only from $3000.00 to $4000.00 stock to do a business of $7000.00 to $8000.00 for the past year. (29 Dec 1887)-Dr. TRAVER and family, with the exception of Miss Kate, left for Detroit, their new home, last Tuesday morning. (25 Apr 1889)
-A farewell reception will be tendered N. H. TRAVER, this evening. Mr. TRAVER was one of the very first to locate in Lewiston, and has been one of our honored and respected citizens. Mr. TRAVER was the principal organizer of the Sunday School, and was for a long time its able superintendent. We regret to lose Mr. TRAVER, but wish him continued prosperity in his new work in Detroit where his future home will be. - Lewiston Journal. (4 Nov 1897)
TRAVER-At Harper Hospital, Jan. 31, Newton H. TRAVER, aged 73. Services and burial at Almont, Mich. - Detroit News.
Dr. Newton H. TRAVER went to Harper hospital at Detroit on Thursday for medical treatment and on Saturday underwent an operation, but owing to his advanced age was unable to withstand the shock.
Monday forenoon, Mrs. TRAVER received a telegram announcing that his death was but a question of a few hours and they left on the noon train for Detroit, accompanied by his daughter Josephine, but reached there too late to be with him when the end came.
The news of his death was a great surprise here as he was about his duties as usual before leaving for the hospital.
Deceased was a pioneer resident of Lewiston, coming here from Grayling about 18 years ago, being the first physician in the village, and always enjoyed a good practice, but gave up the practice of medicine a few years ago to devote his time to his drug and furniture store. He was a licensed embalmer and undertaker and did that in connection with the other. He was a devout christian and was prominently identified with church and Sunday School work, and organized the first Sunday School in Lewiston. He will be greatly missed by all, and in his demise we lose one of the best and most upright citizens.
He owns two good farms in this township, the building occupied by G. GASSEL and the Lewiston Bank and the Putnam Building in which he conducted his store.-Lewiston Journal.
Dr. TRAVER located in Grayling in 1879, and opened a drug store in the building now occupied by J. W. SORENSON, and continued the practice of medicine. His friends, if enumerated, would give the entire census of our community, who will ever remember his as a man who gave the best of life to those around him. His sudden death will be mourned here, as in his last home. (10 Feb 1910)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED-Miss Nettie TRAVER, daughter of Dr. N. H. TRAVER, died yesterday evening, at 5 o'clock, of typho-malarial fever, after an illness of five weeks. The funeral services were held at the residence on .....road, and the body was buried at Greenwood Cemetery. She has never been strong, and much of her life had passed in suffering, so that death came not unwelcomely. - Middlesborough, (Ky.) Daily News.
Miss Nettie will be kindly remembered by her associates here where she passed several years of her life, and the sympathy of this community will extend to the bereaved parents. (13 Aug 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Arthur TRAVER, who will be well remembered as one of our bright Grayling boys, back in '80s., is now a practising attorney in Detroit, and assistant in the office of the corporation counsel. He had been visiting his father at Lewiston, and stopped off on his return last Friday, to see old friends and look on the many changes which he found in the village. (28 Oct 1897)-Arthur TRAVER, son of Dr. N. H. TRAVER, has been appointed private secretary to Hon. John T. RICH, collector of customs, at Detroit, by the Secretary of the Treasury. (20 Jul 1899)
TRAVER-At Harper Hospital, Jan. 31, Newton H. TRAVER, aged 73. Services and burial at Almont, Mich. - Detroit News.
Dr. Newton H. TRAVER went to Harper hospital at Detroit on Thursday for medical treatment and on Saturday underwent an operation, but owing to his advanced age was unable to withstand the shock.
Monday forenoon, Mrs. TRAVER received a telegram announcing that his death was but a question of a few hours and they left on the noon train for Detroit, accompanied by his daughter Josephine, but reached there too late to be with him when the end came.
The news of his death was a great surprise here as he was about his duties as usual before leaving for the hospital.
Deceased was a pioneer resident of Lewiston, coming here from Grayling about 18 years ago, being the first physician in the village, and always enjoyed a good practice, but gave up the practice of medicine a few years ago to devote his time to his drug and furniture store. He was a licensed embalmer and undertaker and did that in connection with the other. He was a devout christian and was prominently identified with church and Sunday School work, and organized the first Sunday School in Lewiston. He will be greatly missed by all, and in his demise we lose one of the best and most upright citizens.
He owns two good farms in this township, the building occupied by G. GASSEL and the Lewiston Bank and the Putnam Building in which he conducted his store.-Lewiston Journal.
Dr. TRAVER located in Grayling in 1879, and opened a drug store in the building now occupied by J. W. SORENSON, and continued the practice of medicine. His friends, if enumerated, would give the entire census of our community, who will ever remember his as a man who gave the best of life to those around him. His sudden death will be mourned here, as in his last home. (10 Feb 1910)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
TRAVER-At Harper Hospital, Jan. 31, Newton H. TRAVER, aged 73. Services and burial at Almont, Mich. - Detroit News.
Dr. Newton H. TRAVER went to Harper hospital at Detroit on Thursday for medical treatment and on Saturday underwent an operation, but owing to his advanced age was unable to withstand the shock.
Monday forenoon, Mrs. TRAVER received a telegram announcing that his death was but a question of a few hours and they left on the noon train for Detroit, accompanied by his daughter Josephine, but reached there too late to be with him when the end came.
The news of his death was a great surprise here as he was about his duties as usual before leaving for the hospital.
Deceased was a pioneer resident of Lewiston, coming here from Grayling about 18 years ago, being the first physician in the village, and always enjoyed a good practice, but gave up the practice of medicine a few years ago to devote his time to his drug and furniture store. He was a licensed embalmer and undertaker and did that in connection with the other. He was a devout christian and was prominently identified with church and Sunday School work, and organized the first Sunday School in Lewiston. He will be greatly missed by all, and in his demise we lose one of the best and most upright citizens.
He owns two good farms in this township, the building occupied by G. GASSEL and the Lewiston Bank and the Putnam Building in which he conducted his store.-Lewiston Journal.
Dr. TRAVER located in Grayling in 1879, and opened a drug store in the building now occupied by J. W. SORENSON, and continued the practice of medicine. His friends, if enumerated, would give the entire census of our community, who will ever remember his as a man who gave the best of life to those around him. His sudden death will be mourned here, as in his last home. (10 Feb 1910)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
TRAVER-At Harper Hospital, Jan. 31, Newton H. TRAVER, aged 73. Services and burial at Almont, Mich. - Detroit News.
Dr. Newton H. TRAVER went to Harper hospital at Detroit on Thursday for medical treatment and on Saturday underwent an operation, but owing to his advanced age was unable to withstand the shock.
Monday forenoon, Mrs. TRAVER received a telegram announcing that his death was but a question of a few hours and they left on the noon train for Detroit, accompanied by his daughter Josephine, but reached there too late to be with him when the end came.
The news of his death was a great surprise here as he was about his duties as usual before leaving for the hospital.
Deceased was a pioneer resident of Lewiston, coming here from Grayling about 18 years ago, being the first physician in the village, and always enjoyed a good practice, but gave up the practice of medicine a few years ago to devote his time to his drug and furniture store. He was a licensed embalmer and undertaker and did that in connection with the other. He was a devout christian and was prominently identified with church and Sunday School work, and organized the first Sunday School in Lewiston. He will be greatly missed by all, and in his demise we lose one of the best and most upright citizens.
He owns two good farms in this township, the building occupied by G. GASSEL and the Lewiston Bank and the Putnam Building in which he conducted his store.-Lewiston Journal.
Dr. TRAVER located in Grayling in 1879, and opened a drug store in the building now occupied by J. W. SORENSON, and continued the practice of medicine. His friends, if enumerated, would give the entire census of our community, who will ever remember his as a man who gave the best of life to those around him. His sudden death will be mourned here, as in his last home. (10 Feb 1910)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
TRAVER-At Harper Hospital, Jan. 31, Newton H. TRAVER, aged 73. Services and burial at Almont, Mich. - Detroit News.
Dr. Newton H. TRAVER went to Harper hospital at Detroit on Thursday for medical treatment and on Saturday underwent an operation, but owing to his advanced age was unable to withstand the shock.
Monday forenoon, Mrs. TRAVER received a telegram announcing that his death was but a question of a few hours and they left on the noon train for Detroit, accompanied by his daughter Josephine, but reached there too late to be with him when the end came.
The news of his death was a great surprise here as he was about his duties as usual before leaving for the hospital.
Deceased was a pioneer resident of Lewiston, coming here from Grayling about 18 years ago, being the first physician in the village, and always enjoyed a good practice, but gave up the practice of medicine a few years ago to devote his time to his drug and furniture store. He was a licensed embalmer and undertaker and did that in connection with the other. He was a devout christian and was prominently identified with church and Sunday School work, and organized the first Sunday School in Lewiston. He will be greatly missed by all, and in his demise we lose one of the best and most upright citizens.
He owns two good farms in this township, the building occupied by G. GASSEL and the Lewiston Bank and the Putnam Building in which he conducted his store.-Lewiston Journal.
Dr. TRAVER located in Grayling in 1879, and opened a drug store in the building now occupied by J. W. SORENSON, and continued the practice of medicine. His friends, if enumerated, would give the entire census of our community, who will ever remember his as a man who gave the best of life to those around him. His sudden death will be mourned here, as in his last home. (10 Feb 1910)
The following information extracted from the 1880 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Clare HADLEY
m.b.MIThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Last Friday we witnessed some extraordinary glass ball shooting by Clare, the young son of J. O. HADLEY, who, if improves in that line until he is twenty-one, as fast as he has for the last two years, he will make Bogardos and Carver look to their laurels. (14 May 1879)-MARRIED:-At the parsonage of R. E. McDUFF, in the city of Flint, Wednesday, Nov. 27, Clare O. HADLEY, of Grayling, and Miss Maggie ALDERMAN, of Flint. Clare has given his many friends here a grand surprise, as but few, if any, aside from the family suspected that he had any political aspirations, and that he was actually running for Alderman, but now that he is elected, all wish him a most successful term of office. (5 Dec 1889)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED:-At the parsonage of R. E. McDUFF, in the city of Flint, Wednesday, Nov. 27, Clare O. HADLEY, of Grayling, and Miss Maggie ALDERMAN, of Flint. Clare has given his many friends here a grand surprise, as but few, if any, aside from the family suspected that he had any political aspirations, and that he was actually running for Alderman, but now that he is elected, all wish him a most successful term of office. (5 Dec 1889)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Tuesday, April 22, 1878.
Pursuant to notice duly given the Board of Supervisors convened at Pere Cheney; on Tuesday, the 22d day of April, 1879, at 2 o'clock, P.M.
The following Supervisors were found present: Jacob STECKERT, Geo. M. F. DAVIS, Michael HARTWICK, John F. HUM and David SHOOP.
On motion Jacob STECKERT was approinted temporary chairman.
On motion of Sup. HARTWICK the board proceeded to ballot for permanent chairman, as follows:
Michael HARTWICK 4, Jacob STECKERT 1.
On motion Michael HARTWICK was declared elected permanent chairman.
On motion the bond of the County Clerk and Register of Deeds, was accepted, approved and placed on file.
On moition of Jacob STECKERT the board adjourned until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.
Board called to order by the chairman. Present the entire board. The minutes of the previous day's session were read and approved.
Moved by supervisor DAVIS, that the board adopt the rules laid down in Thibet's Manuel - Carried.
The following standing committees were applinted:
On Apportionment - DAVIS, HUM, SHOOP.
On Equalization - SHOOP, DAVIS, HUM.
On County Building - STECKERT, Jum and SHOOP.
On Roads and Bridges - DAVIS, HUM, SHOOP.
The following resolution was offered by Supervisor STECKERT.
RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors, enter into a contract with the Pioneer Company of Roscommon for the County printing for the term of one year - Carried.
On motion the county printing was referred to the Committee on Printing.
The following resolution was offered by Supervisor STECKERT:
RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of Crawford county act as a committee of the whole in settlement of County business with the Board of Supervisors of Kalkaska County and that the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Crawford county be, and is hereby instructed to notify the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Kalkaska county for the action of the Board of Supervisors of Crawford county and request said clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Kalkaska county to give notice at the earliest convenience of a time when such settlement shall be made. - Carried.
On motion the bonds of Samuel REVEL, M. D. as coroner, were accepted filed.
Supervisor STECKERT offered the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That this board enter into a contract with Richmond & Backus, of Detroit for stationary and necessary book, as per memorandum, and adding such as have been omitted - Carried by a unimous vote.
On motion the above memorandum was referred to the committee on finance.
On motion the bonds of the Sheriff were accepted and placed on file.
Moved by Jacob STECKERT that the bonds of the Treasurer be fixed at $10,000.
Amended by supervisor DAVIS to fix bonds at $15,000. - Amendment carried.
On motion the board adjourned until 1:30 P. M.
Board met pursuant to adjournment at 1:30 P. M. Present a full Board, Board called to order by the chairman.
The committee on printing reported as follows.
To the Hon. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.
Your committee, to whom the county printing was referred would respectfully recommend you to contract with Frank MATHEWS of Roscommon to do the official printing for the county of Crawford, for the term of one year for the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, payable quarterly.
On motion of John F. HUM the report was accepted and adopted.
On motion Prosecuting Attorney was authorized to draw up two contracts with Frank MATHEWS, of Roscommon for the official printing of the county of Crawford, one for the Pioneer Company, and one for the county.
Supervisor DAVIS being called to the chair, supervisor HARTWICK offered the following:
RESOLVED, That the board reconsider the action taken on the Treasurer's conds - Carried.
Supervisor HARTWICK offered the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the County Treasuer's bond be fixed at $10,000 - Carried.
Supervisor STECKERT offered the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That we make it a special order at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon to elect a superintendent of the Poor for the term of three years, a superintendent of the poor for two years, and one for the term of one year, their terms to expire on January 1st of each and every year.
On motion the same was accepted and adopted.
On motion the Prosecuting Attorney was allowed further time to draw up the county printing contracts.
Moved, and supported that the Board adjourn until 8 o'clock to-morros morning. - Carried.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, a full Board.
To the Hon. Chairman, and Board of Supervisors.
Your committee on finance to whom was referred the matter of books and stationery, would respectfully report, and recommend that the chairman of the finance committee be instructed to order the books and stationery as per memorandum of agent.
(Concluded next week.) (14 May 1879)-Mrs. Jac. STECKERT, of South Branch was called to West Bay City during the week on account of the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. WENDELL.-Roscommon News. (25 Jun 1885)
-MARRIED-On Sunday, August 29th, 1886, at the residence of Mr. Jacob STECKERT, of South Branch, Mr. William R. STECKERT, of South Branch, and Miss Cora A. TRAVER, of Grayling, Justice D. HEAD of South Branch officiating.
Cake and cards notified us of the above happy event, and we wish the couple all happiness, as will their friends throughout the county, whose names are legion. (9 Sep 1886)-J. STECKERT, Esq., of South Branch township was called to Cadillac last Friday by the serious illness of his daughter, Mrs. Wood GERRISH. (3 Feb 1887)
-The family of Jacob StECKERT, of South Branch township, a number of years ago became widely scattered, two of them going to South America and Mr. S., after leaving the old country eventually arrived in Roscommon, so that for 46 years until last Saturday he had never heard from them. On going to the postoffice the other day he was agreeably surprised to find that through the efforts and courtesy of W. A. PRELLER, United States Vice Consul at Caixa, Province Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America, a letter from a cousin who was living in that province dated there April 29, awaited him. He had made several unsuccessful attempts to trace these relatives and is indeed sincerely thankful to Mr. PRELLER for the pleasure he has received through his efforts. - Ros. News. (28 Jun 1888)
-Miss Frank STECKERT, of Chicago, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. STECKERT, of South Branch. - Ros. News. (14 Aug 1890)
-W. R. STECKERT, of Gainesville, Fla., arrived last Monday morning on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. STECKERT of South Branch. Will says they will endeavor to move Mr. STECKERT to Cadillac the first of the week. - Ros. News. (25 Jun 1891)
-A letter from W. R. STECKERT states that his father stood the fatigue of the journey to Cadillac better than he expected. He is improving but the doctor states that he has another malady that was not known. Wm. failed to state the nature of it. - Ros. News. (9 Jul 1891)
-The death of Jacob STECKERT, reported in another column, will be mourned by many of our citizens. He was one of the pioneers of the county and had won many friends. (3 Sep 1891)
Just before going to press a messenger arrived from Cadillac with the intelligence of the death of our old friend Jacob STECKERT, of South Branch, which took place at the residence of his son-in-law, W. GERRISH, in Cadillac, last night at 10:15 o'clock, of cancer of the liver. Mr. STECKERT was 60 years of age and came to this country from Germany 40 years ago. He was well known in the Saginaws having ran a hotel there several years. He settled on his farm in South Branch township fifteen years ago, being one of the earliest settlers in Crawford county. He was quite prominent in politics and was well and favorable known all over North Michigan. Mr. STECKERT was a man capable of filling most any position, having a good education and being conversant with several different languages. He held many offices of trust during his long residence in this county, and last fall was appointed and admirably filled the office of census supervisor. Jake has a host of friends in this and adjoining counties who will learn of his demise with regret. Mrs. STECKERT and several of the children were at his bedside when he breathed his last. The funeral will take place on Monday and the remains will be interred in the cemetery at Cadillac. Deceased leaves an aged wife and a family of seven grown up children to mourn his departure, who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their bereavment. - Ros. News. (3 Sep 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Jac. STECKERT, of South Branch was called to West Bay City during the week on account of the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. WENDELL.-Roscommon News. (25 Jun 1885)-Miss Frank STECKERT, of Chicago, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. STECKERT, of South Branch. - Ros. News. (14 Aug 1890)
-W. R. STECKERT, of Gainesville, Fla., arrived last Monday morning on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. STECKERT of South Branch. Will says they will endeavor to move Mr. STECKERT to Cadillac the first of the week. - Ros. News. (25 Jun 1891)
-Miss Etta STECKERT, of Chicago, arrived in the village Tuesday morning, on a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. STECKERT, of South Branch - Ros. News. (1 Feb 1894)
-Miss Frank STECKERT, of Chicago, arrived in the village on Saturday week, and will spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. J. STECKERT, of South Branch. - Ros. News. (24 May 1894)
-Miss Frankie STECKERT, of Chicago, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. J. STECKERT, of South Branch, for the next four weeks. - Ros. News. (27 Aug 1896)
-A letter has been received announcing the death of Mrs. Jacob STECKERT, a pioneer and well known resident of South Branch, on the 8th inst. She has been living with her daughter, Mrs. Anna GERRISH, at Jacksonville, Fla., for the past three years. (23 Mar 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Clara STECKERT took the noon train Wednesday for Cadillac where she will remain with her sister, Mrs. Wood GERRISH. - Ros. News. (13 Dec 1888)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Etta STECKERT, of Chicago, arrived in the village Tuesday morning, on a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. STECKERT, of South Branch - Ros. News. (1 Feb 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Tuesday, April 22, 1878.
Pursuant to notice duly given the Board of Supervisors convened at Pere Cheney; on Tuesday, the 22d day of April, 1879, at 2 o'clock, P.M.
The following Supervisors were found present: Jacob STECKERT, Geo. M. F. DAVIS, Michael HARTWICK, John F. HUM and David SHOOP.
On motion Jacob STECKERT was approinted temporary chairman.
On motion of Sup. HARTWICK the board proceeded to ballot for permanent chairman, as follows:
Michael HARTWICK 4, Jacob STECKERT 1.
On motion Michael HARTWICK was declared elected permanent chairman.
On motion the bond of the County Clerk and Register of Deeds, was accepted, approved and placed on file.
On moition of Jacob STECKERT the board adjourned until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.
Board called to order by the chairman. Present the entire board. The minutes of the previous day's session were read and approved.
Moved by supervisor DAVIS, that the board adopt the rules laid down in Thibet's Manuel - Carried.
The following standing committees were applinted:
On Apportionment - DAVIS, HUM, SHOOP.
On Equalization - SHOOP, DAVIS, HUM.
On County Building - STECKERT, Jum and SHOOP.
On Roads and Bridges - DAVIS, HUM, SHOOP.
The following resolution was offered by Supervisor STECKERT.
RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors, enter into a contract with the Pioneer Company of Roscommon for the County printing for the term of one year - Carried.
On motion the county printing was referred to the Committee on Printing.
The following resolution was offered by Supervisor STECKERT:
RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of Crawford county act as a committee of the whole in settlement of County business with the Board of Supervisors of Kalkaska County and that the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Crawford county be, and is hereby instructed to notify the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Kalkaska county for the action of the Board of Supervisors of Crawford county and request said clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Kalkaska county to give notice at the earliest convenience of a time when such settlement shall be made. - Carried.
On motion the bonds of Samuel REVEL, M. D. as coroner, were accepted filed.
Supervisor STECKERT offered the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That this board enter into a contract with Richmond & Backus, of Detroit for stationary and necessary book, as per memorandum, and adding such as have been omitted - Carried by a unimous vote.
On motion the above memorandum was referred to the committee on finance.
On motion the bonds of the Sheriff were accepted and placed on file.
Moved by Jacob STECKERT that the bonds of the Treasurer be fixed at $10,000.
Amended by supervisor DAVIS to fix bonds at $15,000. - Amendment carried.
On motion the board adjourned until 1:30 P. M.
Board met pursuant to adjournment at 1:30 P. M. Present a full Board, Board called to order by the chairman.
The committee on printing reported as follows.
To the Hon. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.
Your committee, to whom the county printing was referred would respectfully recommend you to contract with Frank MATHEWS of Roscommon to do the official printing for the county of Crawford, for the term of one year for the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, payable quarterly.
On motion of John F. HUM the report was accepted and adopted.
On motion Prosecuting Attorney was authorized to draw up two contracts with Frank MATHEWS, of Roscommon for the official printing of the county of Crawford, one for the Pioneer Company, and one for the county.
Supervisor DAVIS being called to the chair, supervisor HARTWICK offered the following:
RESOLVED, That the board reconsider the action taken on the Treasurer's conds - Carried.
Supervisor HARTWICK offered the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the County Treasuer's bond be fixed at $10,000 - Carried.
Supervisor STECKERT offered the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That we make it a special order at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon to elect a superintendent of the Poor for the term of three years, a superintendent of the poor for two years, and one for the term of one year, their terms to expire on January 1st of each and every year.
On motion the same was accepted and adopted.
On motion the Prosecuting Attorney was allowed further time to draw up the county printing contracts.
Moved, and supported that the Board adjourn until 8 o'clock to-morros morning. - Carried.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, a full Board.
To the Hon. Chairman, and Board of Supervisors.
Your committee on finance to whom was referred the matter of books and stationery, would respectfully report, and recommend that the chairman of the finance committee be instructed to order the books and stationery as per memorandum of agent.
(Concluded next week.) (14 May 1879)-The citizens of Maple Forest township will undoubtedly regret the loss of their fellow-townsman, Mr. David SHOOP. Mr. SHOOP and family started Tuesday for Bolta(Rolta?), Missouri, where they will hereafter reside. The AVALANCHE wishes them abundant success in their new home, and as in the past will continue to make them regular weekly visits. (18 Oct 1883)
-A private letter from Mr. D. SHOOP to Mr. A. TAYLOR announces the safe arrival of himself and family at Rolla, Mo., and that they are impressed favorably with the country. (1 Nov 1883)
-From a letter received from Mrs. Alice CARRIER, of Shetville, formerly of Maple Forest, and daughter of David SHOUP, we learn that her husband died some time since, but giving no date or particulars. They will be remembered by many of the older residents of the county. (20 Mar 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Tuesday, April 22, 1878.
Pursuant to notice duly given the Board of Supervisors convened at Pere Cheney; on Tuesday, the 22d day of April, 1879, at 2 o'clock, P.M.
The following Supervisors were found present: Jacob STECKERT, Geo. M. F. DAVIS, Michael HARTWICK, John F. HUM and David SHOOP.
On motion Jacob STECKERT was approinted temporary chairman.
On motion of Sup. HARTWICK the board proceeded to ballot for permanent chairman, as follows:
Michael HARTWICK 4, Jacob STECKERT 1.
On motion Michael HARTWICK was declared elected permanent chairman.
On motion the bond of the County Clerk and Register of Deeds, was accepted, approved and placed on file.
On moition of Jacob STECKERT the board adjourned until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.
Board called to order by the chairman. Present the entire board. The minutes of the previous day's session were read and approved.
Moved by supervisor DAVIS, that the board adopt the rules laid down in Thibet's Manuel - Carried.
The following standing committees were applinted:
On Apportionment - DAVIS, HUM, SHOOP.
On Equalization - SHOOP, DAVIS, HUM.
On County Building - STECKERT, Jum and SHOOP.
On Roads and Bridges - DAVIS, HUM, SHOOP.
The following resolution was offered by Supervisor STECKERT.
RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors, enter into a contract with the Pioneer Company of Roscommon for the County printing for the term of one year - Carried.
On motion the county printing was referred to the Committee on Printing.
The following resolution was offered by Supervisor STECKERT:
RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of Crawford county act as a committee of the whole in settlement of County business with the Board of Supervisors of Kalkaska County and that the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Crawford county be, and is hereby instructed to notify the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Kalkaska county for the action of the Board of Supervisors of Crawford county and request said clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Kalkaska county to give notice at the earliest convenience of a time when such settlement shall be made. - Carried.
On motion the bonds of Samuel REVEL, M. D. as coroner, were accepted filed.
Supervisor STECKERT offered the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That this board enter into a contract with Richmond & Backus, of Detroit for stationary and necessary book, as per memorandum, and adding such as have been omitted - Carried by a unimous vote.
On motion the above memorandum was referred to the committee on finance.
On motion the bonds of the Sheriff were accepted and placed on file.
Moved by Jacob STECKERT that the bonds of the Treasurer be fixed at $10,000.
Amended by supervisor DAVIS to fix bonds at $15,000. - Amendment carried.
On motion the board adjourned until 1:30 P. M.
Board met pursuant to adjournment at 1:30 P. M. Present a full Board, Board called to order by the chairman.
The committee on printing reported as follows.
To the Hon. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.
Your committee, to whom the county printing was referred would respectfully recommend you to contract with Frank MATHEWS of Roscommon to do the official printing for the county of Crawford, for the term of one year for the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, payable quarterly.
On motion of John F. HUM the report was accepted and adopted.
On motion Prosecuting Attorney was authorized to draw up two contracts with Frank MATHEWS, of Roscommon for the official printing of the county of Crawford, one for the Pioneer Company, and one for the county.
Supervisor DAVIS being called to the chair, supervisor HARTWICK offered the following:
RESOLVED, That the board reconsider the action taken on the Treasurer's conds - Carried.
Supervisor HARTWICK offered the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the County Treasuer's bond be fixed at $10,000 - Carried.
Supervisor STECKERT offered the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That we make it a special order at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon to elect a superintendent of the Poor for the term of three years, a superintendent of the poor for two years, and one for the term of one year, their terms to expire on January 1st of each and every year.
On motion the same was accepted and adopted.
On motion the Prosecuting Attorney was allowed further time to draw up the county printing contracts.
Moved, and supported that the Board adjourn until 8 o'clock to-morros morning. - Carried.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, a full Board.
To the Hon. Chairman, and Board of Supervisors.
Your committee on finance to whom was referred the matter of books and stationery, would respectfully report, and recommend that the chairman of the finance committee be instructed to order the books and stationery as per memorandum of agent.
(Concluded next week.) (14 May 1879)-Mrs. John HUM, of Fredericville, who has been absent visiting friends in Bay City, returned this week. ( 7 Apr 1881)
-FREDERICVILLE.-Supervisor HUM is happy. It's a boy - nearly twelve pounds. (2 Feb 1882)
While Sheriff HUM was conveying Sanford GETTY to the State prison at Jackson a short time ago, Sir Sanford, from past experience conceived it would be vastly fine to be a free man again and buy (?) cattle at the hour of midnight for one-eighth their real value, and so concluded he would make a bold leap for freedom. Accordingly, on arrival of the train at Rives' Junction, Jackson county, Sir Sanford solicited permission to visit the water-closet. the sheriff, being an obliging person, granted his request, but he thought it would be wise to accompany him and did so, thereby probably frustrating Mr. GETTY's plan, and they returned and resumed their seats.
The train started, and Jackson was not far in the distance. Sir Sanford evidently again conceived "nothing ventured, nothing gained," and he accordingly made another request of the sheriff to let him get a drink of water. Permission was granted, and the train being under pretty good headway the sheriff did not follow after, thinking his prisoner would not be so foolish as to run the risk of breaking his neck by leaping from a fast moving rrain. But the sheriff "reckoned without his host." Sir Sanford no more than got to the water-tank when he rushed out the door and made a leap. Sheriff HUM immediately jumped up from his seat and gave the bell-rope several violent pulls, the train in obedience to the signal came to a stop, and the sheriff alighted and proceeded to "follow after" - the excaping convict. As the sheriff alighted Sir Sanford had gained the top of a big hill and was climbing a fence. Mr. HUM pulled his revolver and fired, ostensibly for the purpose of notifying Sir Sanford that he was following after, as the prisoner was too far in advance of the sheriff for a leaden messenger to overtake him. - But, be it known to all ye who are interested, John is a good runner, and more than that, long-winded. After he succeeded in reaching the top of the hill and climbing the fence he rapidly gained on the flying Sir Sanford. In a short time he was within shooting distance, and he sent another ball toward the prisoner, who evidently did hear the "whistle" thereof and concluded he wanted no more quite so near, as he came to a sudden halt and threw up his arms, in token of unconditional surrender. The sheriff cooly proceeded to put a pair of gold (or, rather, "cold") bracelets around his wrists, and then marched him back to the station. The next train took them to their destination without any more "episodes." The sheriff is back looking serene and happy, but whether Sir Sanford is looking the same is more than we know. (31 May 1883)-J. F. HUM, our very popular sheriff, has just returned from Columbiana county, Ohio, where he was called by the death of his father. He reports politics as booming. (2 Oct 1884)
-Last Friday evening over half a hundred friends were gathered at the residence of Sheriff Jno. F. HUM, to assist in celebrating his thirty-fourth birthday. there were many mementoes of friendship presented on the occasion, and all present seemed to be full of enjoyment. (?) A collation was served that would satisfy an epicure, and it was Saturday morning before the guests departed. (7 May 1885)
-BORN-On the 10th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. HUM, a young sheriff. Cigars are in order. (12 Nov 1885)
-DIED-On the 27th inst., Howard, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. HUM, aged 18 months. (28 Jul 1887)
-Last Monday was the 37th anniversary of the birthday of Mr. Jno. F. HUM, and in the evening about forty of his many friends assembled at his residence to honor the occasion. He was presented with a fine rocker in which to recline as his days increase and his cares lessen. After which a bounteous repast, prepared by Mrs. H., was partaken of with a relish that such occasions enhance. After supper, so as to be impartial, another chair, patent rocker, was brought forth and presented the hostess in appreciation of the bouniteous supper provided for the occasion. It was a very pleasant party, thoroughly enjoyed by all, and will be long remembered by those who were present. (3 May 1888)
-BORN-To Mrs. J. F. HUM, Friday March 15, a son. (21 Mar 1889)
-Death has again entered the home of H. JOSEPH, this time taking the wife and mother. Mrs. JOSEPH died early Tuesday morning and was taken to Bay City for burial. The entire community gives full sympathy to the stricken family. (28 Aug 1890)
-J. F. HUM was surprised by a host of friends dropping in to help him celebrate his 40th birthday, last week. (14 May 1891)
-BORN-On Friday morning last, to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. HUM, a son. Weight fourteeen pounds. (12 Jan 1893)
-J. F. HUM, who has been engaged during the winter in putting in a dam on the Manistee, for the Peters' Lumber co., finished it last week. (28 Feb 1895)
A large concourse of the relationship of John F. HUM and Allen B. FAILING was entertained to an elaborate dinner last week Wednesday at the home of the latter, Mr. and Mrs. FAILING having arranged the affair in the nature of a reception to their out of town relatives visiting here, and as a general family reunion.,
the affair was a most delightful one, and the host and hostess were complimented on the successful manner in which the details of the occasion were carried out. Both are exponents of true Grayling hospitality, and truly lined up to their reputation as entertainers. After partaking of an elaborate menu, the family dispersed, some of the men going to Portage lake for a little recreation, the balance spending the day in various social diversions and recounting family reminiseences.
Guests from out of town were Mr. W. H. MYERS, Mr. Frank MYERS and family and Mr. and Mrs. Art. OLIVER of Terre Haute, Ind. and Mr. Albert H. WETZ and family of Dayton, Ohio. The others present were Mr. John F. HUM, Harry HUM and families, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. WIGHT. (20 Aug 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Cora May MESSLER was eight years of age a week ago last Thursday. The reason we know it it, that some fifteen or twenty of "Toots" friends gave her a surprise party on that day, at the residence of her step-father, Supervisor J. F. HUM. (16 Jun 1881)-Mrs. OLIVER of Bay City has been visiting her sister Mrs. J. F. HUM, during the past week. (3 Sep 1885)
-BORN-On the 10th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. HUM, a young sheriff. Cigars are in order. (12 Nov 1885)
-Mrs. METZLER, of Dayton, Ohio, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Col. WIGHT, of Fredericville, and Mrs. J. F. HUM, of this city. (12 Nov 1885)
-Mrs. OLIVER and children, of West Bay City, are visiting her sister, Mrs. J. F. HUM, this week. (26 Aug 1886)
-Mr. Geo. METZLER, of Dayton, Ohio, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. J. F. HUM. (12 May 1887)
-The mother of Mrs. C. W. WIGHT and Mrs. J. F. HUM, and sister of Miss Cora WIGHT, of Dayton, Ohio, are making them a visit. (12 Jul 1888)
-The mother of Mrs. C. W. WIGHT and Mrs. HUM, of Grayling, and Mrs. Thomas OLIVER, at East Tawas, died at her home at Dayton, Ohio, on Thursday last, aged 86 years. Those named have gone to attend the funeral. (1 May 1890)
-DIED-August 12th, Mr. George B. METZLER, at his home in Hampton, Va., near Fort Monroe; beloved brother of Mrs. J. F. HUM, Mrs. C. W. WIGHT and Mrs. Thos. OLIVER, of West Bay City. (18 Aug 1892)
-Mr. METZLER, father of Mrs. W. A. WIGHT, Mrs. J. HUM of this place and Mrs. Oliver, of Bay City, is quite sick and not expected to recover. Mrs. OLIVER was sent for, last Saturday. Mr. METZLER is 83 years of age. (15 Dec 1892)
-Mrs. Bessie WETZ of Dayton, Ohio, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. F. HUM. (2 Aug 1906)
-DIED-At the family residence in this village, August 31, Emma S. HUM, aged 53 years. Emma S. METZLER was born in Dayton, Ohio, March 21, 1856, and was married to John F. HUM, Sept. 2, 1881. They resided at Frederic in this county for several years before coming to Grayling, where they have resided since 1885. Though she has been an invalid for many years and a great sufferer, her genial disposition has never changed, and she has ever been noted for her jolly friendliness to all with whom she came in contact, which has made her a host of friends who will mourn with the stricken family, for her going, though all must acknowledge that death to her could but be a surcease from intense suffering. She leaves besides her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Cora M. FAILING of this place and Mrs. Bessie WETZ, of Dayton, Ohio, and two sons, Harry, and Clyde, both of this place, two sisters, Mrs. Thomas OLIVER, of Terre Haute, Ind., and Mrs. C. W. WIGHT, of Grayling, and four grand children. The funeral services were conducted at the residence Thursday, Sept. 2. Rev. J. H. FLEMING officiating and the tired body placed in Elmwood Cemetary. A faithful wife, honored mother, and a woman whose hand was ever at the service of those in need has gone to her reward. (2 Sep 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-BORN-On the 10th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. HUM, a young sheriff. Cigars are in order. (12 Nov 1885)-DIED-On the 27th inst., Howard, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. HUM, aged 18 months. (28 Jul 1887)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED-Wednesday, Aug. 20, Floyd E., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. HUM. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of our entire community. (21 Aug 1890)-Written in memory of little Floyd HUM, who died Aug. 20, 1890, aged 1 yr. 5 mo. and 5 days.
We miss thee from our home Floyd,
We miss thee from thy place;
A shadow oe'r our life is cast.
We miss the sunshine of thy face.
We miss thy kind and willing hand,
Thy fond and earnest care;
Our home is dark without thee Floyd,
We miss thee everywhere.
COM. (28 Aug 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Harry HUM, April 4th, a daughter. (10 May 1906)-DIED-At the family residence in this village, August 31, Emma S. HUM, aged 53 years. Emma S. METZLER was born in Dayton, Ohio, March 21, 1856, and was married to John F. HUM, Sept. 2, 1881. They resided at Frederic in this county for several years before coming to Grayling, where they have resided since 1885. Though she has been an invalid for many years and a great sufferer, her genial disposition has never changed, and she has ever been noted for her jolly friendliness to all with whom she came in contact, which has made her a host of friends who will mourn with the stricken family, for her going, though all must acknowledge that death to her could but be a surcease from intense suffering. She leaves besides her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Cora M. FAILING of this place and Mrs. Bessie WETZ, of Dayton, Ohio, and two sons, Harry, and Clyde, both of this place, two sisters, Mrs. Thomas OLIVER, of Terre Haute, Ind., and Mrs. C. W. WIGHT, of Grayling, and four grand children. The funeral services were conducted at the residence Thursday, Sept. 2. Rev. J. H. FLEMING officiating and the tired body placed in Elmwood Cemetary. A faithful wife, honored mother, and a woman whose hand was ever at the service of those in need has gone to her reward. (2 Sep 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Clyde HUM has gone to Lansing to learn the trade of machinest. He starts in the great Olds Auto Factory which is a practical school and if he is adapted to the work will make an independent man of him. (3 Dec 1908)-DIED-At the family residence in this village, August 31, Emma S. HUM, aged 53 years. Emma S. METZLER was born in Dayton, Ohio, March 21, 1856, and was married to John F. HUM, Sept. 2, 1881. They resided at Frederic in this county for several years before coming to Grayling, where they have resided since 1885. Though she has been an invalid for many years and a great sufferer, her genial disposition has never changed, and she has ever been noted for her jolly friendliness to all with whom she came in contact, which has made her a host of friends who will mourn with the stricken family, for her going, though all must acknowledge that death to her could but be a surcease from intense suffering. She leaves besides her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Cora M. FAILING of this place and Mrs. Bessie WETZ, of Dayton, Ohio, and two sons, Harry, and Clyde, both of this place, two sisters, Mrs. Thomas OLIVER, of Terre Haute, Ind., and Mrs. C. W. WIGHT, of Grayling, and four grand children. The funeral services were conducted at the residence Thursday, Sept. 2. Rev. J. H. FLEMING officiating and the tired body placed in Elmwood Cemetary. A faithful wife, honored mother, and a woman whose hand was ever at the service of those in need has gone to her reward. (2 Sep 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Tuesday, April 22, 1878.
Pursuant to notice duly given the Board of Supervisors convened at Pere Cheney; on Tuesday, the 22d day of April, 1879, at 2 o'clock, P.M.
The following Supervisors were found present: Jacob STECKERT, Geo. M. F. DAVIS, Michael HARTWICK, John F. HUM and David SHOOP.
On motion Jacob STECKERT was approinted temporary chairman.
On motion of Sup. HARTWICK the board proceeded to ballot for permanent chairman, as follows:
Michael HARTWICK 4, Jacob STECKERT 1.
On motion Michael HARTWICK was declared elected permanent chairman.
On motion the bond of the County Clerk and Register of Deeds, was accepted, approved and placed on file.
On moition of Jacob STECKERT the board adjourned until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.
Board called to order by the chairman. Present the entire board. The minutes of the previous day's session were read and approved.
Moved by supervisor DAVIS, that the board adopt the rules laid down in Thibet's Manuel - Carried.
The following standing committees were applinted:
On Apportionment - DAVIS, HUM, SHOOP.
On Equalization - SHOOP, DAVIS, HUM.
On County Building - STECKERT, Jum and SHOOP.
On Roads and Bridges - DAVIS, HUM, SHOOP.
The following resolution was offered by Supervisor STECKERT.
RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors, enter into a contract with the Pioneer Company of Roscommon for the County printing for the term of one year - Carried.
On motion the county printing was referred to the Committee on Printing.
The following resolution was offered by Supervisor STECKERT:
RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of Crawford county act as a committee of the whole in settlement of County business with the Board of Supervisors of Kalkaska County and that the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Crawford county be, and is hereby instructed to notify the clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Kalkaska county for the action of the Board of Supervisors of Crawford county and request said clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Kalkaska county to give notice at the earliest convenience of a time when such settlement shall be made. - Carried.
On motion the bonds of Samuel REVEL, M. D. as coroner, were accepted filed.
Supervisor STECKERT offered the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That this board enter into a contract with Richmond & Backus, of Detroit for stationary and necessary book, as per memorandum, and adding such as have been omitted - Carried by a unimous vote.
On motion the above memorandum was referred to the committee on finance.
On motion the bonds of the Sheriff were accepted and placed on file.
Moved by Jacob STECKERT that the bonds of the Treasurer be fixed at $10,000.
Amended by supervisor DAVIS to fix bonds at $15,000. - Amendment carried.
On motion the board adjourned until 1:30 P. M.
Board met pursuant to adjournment at 1:30 P. M. Present a full Board, Board called to order by the chairman.
The committee on printing reported as follows.
To the Hon. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.
Your committee, to whom the county printing was referred would respectfully recommend you to contract with Frank MATHEWS of Roscommon to do the official printing for the county of Crawford, for the term of one year for the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, payable quarterly.
On motion of John F. HUM the report was accepted and adopted.
On motion Prosecuting Attorney was authorized to draw up two contracts with Frank MATHEWS, of Roscommon for the official printing of the county of Crawford, one for the Pioneer Company, and one for the county.
Supervisor DAVIS being called to the chair, supervisor HARTWICK offered the following:
RESOLVED, That the board reconsider the action taken on the Treasurer's conds - Carried.
Supervisor HARTWICK offered the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That the County Treasuer's bond be fixed at $10,000 - Carried.
Supervisor STECKERT offered the following resolution:
RESOLVED, That we make it a special order at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon to elect a superintendent of the Poor for the term of three years, a superintendent of the poor for two years, and one for the term of one year, their terms to expire on January 1st of each and every year.
On motion the same was accepted and adopted.
On motion the Prosecuting Attorney was allowed further time to draw up the county printing contracts.
Moved, and supported that the Board adjourn until 8 o'clock to-morros morning. - Carried.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, a full Board.
To the Hon. Chairman, and Board of Supervisors.
Your committee on finance to whom was referred the matter of books and stationery, would respectfully report, and recommend that the chairman of the finance committee be instructed to order the books and stationery as per memorandum of agent.
(Concluded next week.) (14 May 1879)-COUNTY OFFICIALS
Sheriff - David LONDON
Clerk & Resigter - William R. STECKERT
Treasurer - Rasmus HANSON
Prosecuting Attorney - J. O. HADLEY
Judge of Probate - Dan WALDRON
Circuit Court Com'r - Co. W. WIGHT
Surveyor - Frederick LARKER
Coroners - Samuel REVEL, William H. SHERMAN. (14 May 1879)-Monday afternoon about 4 o'clock the roof of Dr. REVELL's residence in South Branch township caught fire from a spark blown from the chimney. Mrs. REVELL discovered it and being alone at the time went up on the roof to put it out. She barely had time to throw some water on it when the high wind which prevailed at the time caused her to lose her balance and she fell to the ground breaking the upper bone of her left arm near the shoulder severly bruising her body. After her terrible fall the old lady made three trips to the roof with water and succeeded in subduing the flames before men at work on the school house reached the scene. The doctor was notified and at once proceeded to his home where he reduced the fracture and Mrs. REVELL is now doing as well as could be expected. But for her presence of mind, fortitude and perseverance, the house and contents would have been entirely lost. - Roscommon News. (12 May 1887)
-Mrs. Dr. REVELL left Wednesday on a visit to a married daughter in Troy, Oakland county, this state. - Roscommon News. (17 Nov 1887)
-Dr. REVELL, of Roscommon, and a former resident of Crawford county, died at his home last Saturday, and was buried on Monday, by the Odd Fellows, of which order he was a member. Dr. REVELL was well known to most of our citizens, having represented his township as Supervisor and afterwards was County Physician. (15 Sep 1892)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. A. A. GIBBS, of Detroit, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. REVELL, of South Branch, for the past month or two, returned to her home last week. (3 Aug 1882)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Sheriff - David LONDON
Clerk & Resigter - William R. STECKERT
Treasurer - Rasmus HANSON
Prosecuting Attorney - J. O. HADLEY
Judge of Probate - Dan WALDRON
Circuit Court Com'r - Co. W. WIGHT
Surveyor - Frederick LARKER
Coroners - Samuel REVEL, William H. SHERMAN. (14 May 1879)-W. R. STECKERT and Daniel S. WALDRON of Cheney, gave us a business call yesterday. Come again gentlemen. (25 Jun 1879)
At Otsego Lake, on Monday, Oct. 16, 1882, by Rev. Wm. PUTNAM, Mr. Wm. R. STECKERT and Miss Mary HOOKER. (19 Oct 1882)-BORN-On the evening of the 1st inst., to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. STECKERT, of South Branch township, a daughter. (8 Dec 1887)
-Billy STECKERT is the happiest man in South Branch. It's a little girl and she arrived on the 2d inst, we are informed. - Ros. News. (15 Dec 1887)
-W. R. STECKERT returned from Cadillac last Saturday accompanied by his sister, Mrs. W. GERRISH and family. Mrs. GERRISH will visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. STECKERT, of South Branch, for a short time. - Roscommon News. (3 Oct 1889)
-W. R. STECKERT's countenance was illumined with a 17x29 smile Tuesday, over the arrival that morning of a young daughter. Dr. EVES was the attending physician, and reports all well. - Ros. News. (24 Oct 1889)
-W. R. STECKERT and family left Monday for Cadilac, where they will visit a short time before departing for their new home in Florida. - Ros. News. (14 Nov 1889)
-W. R. STECKERT, of Gainesville, Fla., arrived last Monday morning on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. STECKERT of South Branch. Will says they will endeavor to move Mr. STECKERT to Cadillac the first of the week. - Ros. News. (25 Jun 1891)
-W. R. STECKERT, land commissioner of the Cummer Lumber Co. for the past few years, is a happy man and he has a right to be. Mr. STECKERT was summoned a few days ago to Jacksonville, on business. When the business had been attended to and he was in the act of leaving the office, W. W. CUMMER called him, handed him a small piece piece of paper with the remark, that he had been a faithful and efficient representative of the CUMMER interests "everywhere and at all times," and he desired Mr. STECKERT to receive that modest present as a token of their regard for himself and his efforts. Mr. STECKERT is responsible for the statement that he "liked to have dropped dead" when he noticed that the check was for $5,000. He is appreciative, however, and will remember the "small" present which his employer thought enough of him to give with compliments. - Florida Times. (26 Jul 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
At Otsego Lake, on Monday, Oct. 16, 1882, by Rev. Wm. PUTNAM, Mr. Wm. R. STECKERT and Miss Mary HOOKER. (19 Oct 1882)-DIED
At her residence in South Branch, Monday, Feb. 16th, '85, Mary HOOKER, wife of Wm. R. STECKERT.
Mrs. STECKERT will be long remembered by her friends in this vicinity, where previous to her marriage was a general favorite. An accomplished lady and devoted wife has "gone home." The body was taken to Otsego Lake for burial, from her father's hours. (19 Feb 1885)
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