The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McCORY, August 31st., a daughter. They named her Nellie. (17 Sep 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McCORY, August 31st., a daughter. They named her Nellie. (17 Sep 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Dave LOVELY May 24th a daughter. (28 May 1908)-HARDGROVE HAPPENINGS.
Died- At her home in Hardgrove Sept., 14th., Beatrice LOVELY. Aged 2 years, 2 months and 3 days. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David LOVELY, and was buried in the Maple Forest Cemetery. (24 Sep 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Died- At her home in Hardgrove Sept., 14th., Beatrice LOVELY. Aged 2 years, 2 months and 3 days. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David LOVELY, and was buried in the Maple Forest Cemetery. (24 Sep 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-John MANNEY was called to the west side of the state last week by the sudden illness of his grandfather, at Bellaire. Mr. MANNEY had reached the age of 84, and passed into rest, last Friday, peaceful and happy in the presence of his family. (24 Sep 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. and Mrs. J. MANNEY have been enjoying a visit for the past week, from his mother, Mrs. D. D. ALLEN of Bellaire. (10 Dec 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-John MANNEY was called to the west side of the state last week by the sudden illness of his grandfather, at Bellaire. Mr. MANNEY had reached the age of 84, and passed into rest, last Friday, peaceful and happy in the presence of his family. (24 Sep 1908)-Mr. and Mrs. J. MANNEY have been enjoying a visit for the past week, from his mother, Mrs. D. D. ALLEN of Bellaire. (10 Dec 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-John MANNEY was called to the west side of the state last week by the sudden illness of his grandfather, at Bellaire. Mr. MANNEY had reached the age of 84, and passed into rest, last Friday, peaceful and happy in the presence of his family. (24 Sep 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. Louis TOWER, a practical laundryman from Mecosta county, has bought the Grayling steam laundry of A. W. DORLAND, and taken possession. Patrons of this plant can be assured of fine work and our citizens should support the home institution. (4 May 1905)-L. D. TOWER is enjoying a visit by his brother, W. C. TOWER, and his brother-in-law, G. O. GORTHY, both of Evart Mich. (17 Aug 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. L. D. TOWER and son, Edison have returned from their trip to Detroit and Evart and a niece, Mrs. SCHINEMAN accompanied them home and expects to spend the winter with them. (1 Oct 1908)-In an item of our last weeks issue, announcing the return of Mrs. TOWER, it should read that she was accompanied by her niece MISS SHONEMAN in place of Mrs. (8 Oct 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. L. D. TOWER and son, Edison have returned from their trip to Detroit and Evart and a niece, Mrs. SCHINEMAN accompanied them home and expects to spend the winter with them. (1 Oct 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Geo. WHIPPLE of Northvile is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Orson CORWIN in this village for a couple of weeks. (15 Oct 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Geo. WHIPPLE of Northvile is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Orson CORWIN in this village for a couple of weeks. (15 Oct 1908)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Thomas CHITTIGO
b.Jul 1834
occupation - Log Driver
married to Mary M. 25 years
m.b.MIThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-CHITAGO, an Indian veteran soldier has located in Grayling, and will be thankful for any work that may be given him to do. (1 Oct 1894)-David SHOPPENAGON and family and Tom CHITTAGO and family will appear at the social at N. MICHELSONs' to-morrow evening and will give native songs. (25 Oct 1894)
The Indian Social held at the residence of Mr. N. MICHELSON last Friday evening was a pleasant and very unique affair. David SHOPPENAGON Chief of the Chippewas, and family, assisted by Tom CHITTAGO, gave some interesting and novel examples of native songs and war dances.
Mr. MICHELSON had given their spacious residence entirely to the use of the society and the first parlor was a viritable Indian home, containing a wigwam, draperies and portierres of Indian blankets; a bright little squaw selling baskets of their own make; Owls, Ducks, Deer and a large Wildcat in the green boughs added to the reality of the scene. The belles and beau of the town were invited to join in the festivities, and appeared in costumes kindly made and provided by the Indians.
A bountiful supper was served to about 175 persons and about $30.00 was added to the Treasury of the Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church. Mrs. WOODWORTH,
Secretary. (1 Nov 1894)-Comrade CHITAGO has commenced the erection of a residence on the East bank of the river, on land purchased of N. MICHELSON. (21 Mar 1895)
-Geo. MORGAN, of New York and CHITAGO one of Graylings Indian citizens were admitted to membership in Marvin Post. G. A. R. by Transfer Cards, last Saturday evening. (18 Apr 1895)
-Republican Causus - Grayling Tp.
Caucus was called to order by the chairman of the township committee, C. T. JEROME, who stated the business for which the caucus was called.
On Motion M. A. BATES was elected chairman, and J. C. HANSON, Secretary.
On motion the chairman appointed three tellers, consisting of J. K. MERZ, A. L. POND and J. J. COLLEN.
O. PALMER, Notary Public, administered the oath of office to the officers of the caucus.
The following persons were then nominated for township officers:
Supervisor - Geo. W. COMER.
Clerk - W. G. MARSH.
Treasurer - John STALEY.
Highway Comm'r - F. R. DECKROW
J. P., full term - R. McELROY.
J. P., to fill vacancy - J. K. BATES.
Member Board of Review - J. K. MERZ.
School Inspector - Wm. WOODFIELD.
School Inspector to fill vacancy - Er BELL.
Constables - Thos. K. CHITAGO, H. POND, Levi CLEMENT, and R. WILCOX.
M. A. BATES, D. McCORMICK and J. J. COLLEN were elected members of the township committee for the ensuing year. (2 Apr 1896)-THE ELECTION.
Monday was a cold disagreeable day, and a light vote was polled throughout the county. We give the result:
For Constables, CHITAGO, POND, CLEMENT and WILCOX rep were elected by pluralities averaging over 60. (9 Apr 1896)-A grandchild of Thomas K. CHITTIGO died last Thursday, after a brief illness. (9 Jul 1896)
-T. K. CHITTIGO was overcome by the heat last Thursday, when he was at work on the R. R. He was a scared indian, and a sick one. (16 Sep 1897)
-Thomas K. CHITAGO, who was overcome with heat while working on the railroad track several weeks ago, went to Pinconning, last week, for Indian treatment, returned Tuesday, in pretty good shape, so he will resume work. (21 Oct 1897)
-Thomas K. CHITTAGO, while top-loading a train of logs, last week, was struck by a swinging log, and knocked from the top of the load, striking on his back across a rail. He was considerably bruised, and badly shaken up. (23 Dec 1897)
-Comrade CHITAGO was able to make us a visit, Monday morning, the first time since his accident. He is improving slowly and is very thankful to the "old vets" who chopped him up a supply of wood, last week. (6 Jan 1898)
-The following is the list of the elected and appointed officers of Marvin Post, G. A. R.: Commander, W. S. CHALKER; Senior Vice Commander, A. H. WISNER; Junior Vice Commander, A. L. POND; Quartermaster, Wm. WOODBURN; Surgeon, O. PALMER; Chaplain, W. MAWHORTER; Officer of the day, J. F. WILCOX; Officer of the Guard, T. K. CHITAGO; Adjutant, J. C. HANSON; Sergeant Major, C. W. WIGHT; Quartermaster Sergeant, R. P. FORBES. (27 Jan 1898)
-Republican Caucus. - At the Republican Caucus, at Town Hall, Saturday evening, T. A. CARNEY was elected chairman, H. A. BAUMAN, secretary, and J. K. BATES and Wm. WOODFIELD, tellers. The following ticket was placed in nomination:
Supervisor - T. A. CARNEY.
Clerk - Wm. G. WOODFIELD.
Treasurer - John K. HANSON.
Highway Com. - J. E. McKNIGHT.
School Inspector - Wm. WOODBURN.
Justice of the Peace (vacancy) - Wm. WOODBURN.
Justice of the Peace (full term - Perry OSTRANDER.
Member of Board of Review - Julius K. MERZ.
Constables - Thos. K. CHITTAGO; P. E. JOHNSON, Phillip J. MOSHIER, and Ben. KRAUS.
The following township committee was elected for the ensuing year: T. A. CARNEY, chairman; Wm. WOODFIELD, sec., and J. K. BATES. (31 Mar 1898)-Among the veterans who attended the reunion at West Branch, last week, we noticed comrades R. P. P. FORBES, A. C. WILCOX; A. H. WISNER; J. F. WILCOX; J. M. FRANCIS; W. S. CHALKER and T. CHITTIGO with their wives, and S. HEMPSTED, D. SMITH, A. L. POND, C. INGERSON, John HANNS, Hubbard HEAD; S. JOHNSON, J. BURTON, James CARR; C. B. JOHNSON; D. S. WALDRON; and W. WOODBURN. There may have been others that we missed in the crowd, but all had an enjoyable time. (21 Sep 1899)
-Thomas KeCHITIGO has moved down to Dr. NILES' farm, in Oscoda county, to take care of stock. (19 Oct 1899)
-Thomas KeCHITTAGO's house near the new bridge is for rent. Enquire at this office. (16 Nov 1899)
-W. B. COVERT brought up the big scow from the ranch Monday, and with CHITTAGO will run down a load of lumber today for the new house and barn. (16 Nov 1899)
-COVERT and CHITTAGO got ship-wrecked on a sand bar this side of WAKELEY's last week, but "Tom" took them in for the night, and they got their barge afloat early in the morning and made quick time to the ranch, as there was plenty of water below. (23 Nov 1899)
-Thomas KeCHITTAGO came up from the farm in Oscoda county Tuesday, feeling good, and was glad to see the boys in town. (11 Jan 1900)
-Thomas KeCHITTAGO has moved back to town. Country air and work did not agree with him. (15 Feb 1900)
-Mr. and Ms. T. K. CHITAGO returned on Tuesday from a two weeks visit with friends at Elk Rapids. (22 Nov 1900)
-At the last regular meeting of Marvin Post, G. A. R. the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Commander - A. H. WISNER.
Sen. V. C. - Delevan SMITH.
Jun. V. C. - D. WALDRON.
Chaplain - Wm. WOODBURN.
Surgeon - O. PALMER.
Officer of the Day - R. P. FORBES.
O. G. - Thos. KeCHITTIGO.
They will be installed at the first meeting of the new year. (13 Dec 1900)-The following officers were elected last Saturday evening by Marvin Post G. A. R.:
Com. - Delevan SMITH.
Sen. V. C. - D. S. WALDRON.
Jun. V. C. - A. L. POND.
Quarter Master - J. F. WILCOX.
O. D. - R. P. FORBES.
O. G. - Thos. K. CHITTIGO.
Chaplain - Wm. WOODBURN.
Surgeon - O. PALMER.
The applinted officers are not yet named. Installation will be the first meeting in January. D. S. WALDRON was elected delegate to the state encampment, and H. TRUMLEY Alternate. (19 Dec 1901)-Comrades CHALKER, JOHNSON and CHITTIGO, of Maple Forest, were in town last Saturday, and remained to attend the meeting of the Post, driving home in the night. It is a strong evidence of the fraternity among men who have "touched shoulders," when men who are getting advanced in years will take such a ride for an hour's meeting with the "old boys." The feeling should be, if possible, more strongly cemented and all personal differences be deeply buried. (2 Jan 1902)
-At the regular meeting of Marvin Post. No. 240, G. A. R., last Saturday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Commander - Delevan SMITH.
S. V. C. - D. S. WALDRON.
J. V. C. - A. L. POND.
Chaplain - Wm. WOODBURN.
Q. M. - J. F. WILCOX.
Surgeon - O. PALMER.
O. D. - R. P. FORBES.
Delegate to State Encampment - R. P. FORBES.
Alternate - Alonzo SQUIRES. (18 Dec 1902)-The following are the officers elect for the ensuing year for Marvin Post No. 240, G. A. R.:
Com. - Del. SMITH.
S. V. C. Henry TRUMLEY.
J. V. C. - A. C. WILCOX.
Chaplain - C. A. INGERSON.
Surgeon - O. PALMER.
Q. M. - J. F. WILCOX.
O. D. - R. P. FORBES.
O. G. - Thos. KeCHITTIGO.
Adj't. - A. L. POND. (29 Dec 1904)-At the regular meeting of Marvin Post No. 240 G. A. R., last Saturday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Com. - O. PALMER;
Sr. Vice Com. - A. TAYLOR;
Jr. Vice Com. - D. S. WALDRON;
Chaplain - H. TRUMLEY;
O. D. - W. HAVENS;
Q. M. - J. F. WILCOX;
Adjutant - A. L. POND>
D. S. WALDRON was elected as delegate to the State encampment, and W. BATTERSON as alternate. (13 Dec 1906)-Drunken Indians in town show that some one is violating a special statute and there is danger of their wishing they had not if proof is obtained. (14 Feb 1907)
-While running ahead of a steam log loader in Cummer and Diggins lumber camp near Cadillac, Joseph C. THOMAS fell under the wheels and was so badly crushed that he died. THOMAS was an Indian and his home was in Mt. Pleasant. He was a member of Cadillac lodge of Foresters. - This man is known here as a frequent visitor, and was convicted as a drunk a short time ago in Justice court. (2 May 1907)
-At the last meeting of Marvin Post, G. A. R., there was the largest attendance of the year, and as the "boys" grow older.., a stronger exhibition of the feeling of fraternity that exists among them. The following officers were elected for the ensueing year:
Com. - Adelbert TAYLOR.
S. V. C. - Daniel S. WALDRON.
J. V. S. - Robert McELROY.
Q. M. - Delivan SMITH.
Chap. - A. C. WILCOX.
O. D. - R. P. FORBES.
Surg. - O. PALMER.
Delegate to State encampment - Wright HAVENS.
Alternate - R. P. FORBES.
The instalation of officers will be the first meeting in this month and it is hoped every comrade will be present. (2 Jan 1908)-Another Indian in Cheney (Crawford Co.). William M. PENN is visiting his parents J. W. PENN of this place. It has been quite a time since Will spent the holidays with his home folks. Will likes Michigan and thinks it is as good as the prairie or any other country. (24 Dec 1908)
-Pere Cheney News. - The Indians are decreasing in Cheney. (14 Jan 1909)
-Daniel E. SOPER, of Detroit, accompanied by several archaeologists, has been in this section for the past two months exploring for prehistoric specimens on the Au Sable. Ruben L. BABBITT, game warden, and Thomas WAKELEY, ex-sheriff, who met them frequently, assert they unearth some wonderful specimens in stone and copper, bearing hieroglyphics and pictures. Mr. SOPER maintains that these specimens antedate Columbus and the red men and all former tribesmen, notwithstanding those in authority to the contrary. When last seen they had 24 specimens, mostly taken from Crawford county. Mr. SOPER expects to return again this fall or next spring and resume his work in this and adjoining counties. - Bay City Tribune. (9 Sep 1909)
-Thos. Ke CHITTEGO, and wife of Pinconning, Mich., former residents of Grayling, were called here by the serious illness in the home of Chief David SHOPPENNEGON. (31 Aug 1911)
-Thos. KeCHITTAGO and wife, who have been caring for Mrs. David SHOPPENAGONS during her illness, returned to their home in Pinconning yesterday. (12 Oct 1911)
-Thos. KeCHITEGO and wife have purchased a small farm on the south side of the river, and moved their household goods there from Roscommon this week. Glad to have them back to Grayling. (11 Jan 1912)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Mary M. CHITTIGO
b.Jun 1852 in MI
married to Thomas CHITTIGO 25 years
mother of 6 children of which 3 still survived
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
Charles CLARK
b.Jan 1866 in OH
occupation - Carpenter
married to Marillia CLARK 10 years
m.b.GermanyThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. CLARK, died at 4 o'clock this morning, from anemia. She had been very delicate from birth and for two weeks had been steadily sinking into her final sleep. (10 Aug 1899)-BORN-to Mr. and Mrs. Charles CLARK, Friday Sept. 28., a daughter. (4 Oct 1900)
-Died-At his home in this village, Thursday, February 23, Charles CLARK, aged 73 years. Deceased was born in Germany, July 23, 1832, and came to this country about thirty years ago, following his trade as cabinet maker until compelled to desist by age and failing health. he leaves his aged wife and two sons, Charles L. and John, both of this village. The furneral was held from the residence Sunday, February 26. (2 Mar 1905)
-Chas. S. CLARK has closed a land deal in Ky. and expects to make his home there in the near future. (16 Apr 1908)
-FOR SALE-Good house with 10 acres on the south side, and other property at a bargain if sold at once. Apply to CHAS. S. CLARK. (16 Apr 1908)
-Died-At the residence of her son in this village. Friday, Sept. 25th., Margaret CLARK, age 72 years. Mrs. CLARK had been a resident here for 15 years and for several years has been in delicate health, following an attack of typhoid pneumonia, and at times seemed mentally unbalanced, but more especially since the death of her husband. Every possible care has been given her by her sons. Charles S., and John L. CLARK, with constant watchfulness, though no mania was exhibited, but great mental depression, until at last, being left alone for a few moments she ended the struggle by strangulation. her body was laid to rest on Saturday by the side of her husband in Elmwood cemetery. (1 Oct 1908)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Marillia CLARK
b.Apr 1870 in Canada
Immigrated to US in 1890, lived in US 10 years
married to Charles CLARK 10 years
mother of 3 children of which 2 still survived
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Thince? CLARK
b.May 1891 in MI
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling, Crawford, MI:
name - Lillian CLARK
b.Apr 1893 in MI
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Geo. WHIPPLE of Northvile is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Orson CORWIN in this village for a couple of weeks. (15 Oct 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Geo. WHIPPLE of Northvile is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Orson CORWIN in this village for a couple of weeks. (15 Oct 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. C. E. HARTWICK who will be remembered as one of the oldest settlers of Grayling and the mother of L. W. COLTER, came up from her home in Bassnister last Saturday, accompanied by her sister from Erie, Pa., for a few days visit. She was greatly pleased with many changes in our village. (15 Oct 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. C. E. HARTWICK who will be remembered as one of the oldest settlers of Grayling and the mother of L. W. COLTER, came up from her home in Bassnister last Saturday, accompanied by her sister from Erie, Pa., for a few days visit. She was greatly pleased with many changes in our village. (15 Oct 1908)
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