The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The death took place last evening of one of the oldest native Bellevillians in the person of Mr. James KEHOE, the sad event taking place at his late residence on Harriet St. after a lengthy illness. the deceased, who was never married, was born in this city seventy years ago and had resided here practically all his life. He was a very estimable gentleman and highly respected. He leaves one brother and one sister, Mr. Amos KEHOE, and Mrs. Richard BURKE, of this city. He was a member of St. Michael's church. - Bellville (Can.) Banner. (1 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The death took place last evening of one of the oldest native Bellevillians in the person of Mr. James KEHOE, the sad event taking place at his late residence on Harriet St. after a lengthy illness. the deceased, who was never married, was born in this city seventy years ago and had resided here practically all his life. He was a very estimable gentleman and highly respected. He leaves one brother and one sister, Mr. Amos KEHOE, and Mrs. Richard BURKE, of this city. He was a member of St. Michael's church. - Bellville (Can.) Banner. (1 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The death took place last evening of one of the oldest native Bellevillians in the person of Mr. James KEHOE, the sad event taking place at his late residence on Harriet St. after a lengthy illness. the deceased, who was never married, was born in this city seventy years ago and had resided here practically all his life. He was a very estimable gentleman and highly respected. He leaves one brother and one sister, Mr. Amos KEHOE, and Mrs. Richard BURKE, of this city. He was a member of St. Michael's church. - Bellville (Can.) Banner. (1 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The death took place last evening of one of the oldest native Bellevillians in the person of Mr. James KEHOE, the sad event taking place at his late residence on Harriet St. after a lengthy illness. the deceased, who was never married, was born in this city seventy years ago and had resided here practically all his life. He was a very estimable gentleman and highly respected. He leaves one brother and one sister, Mr. Amos KEHOE, and Mrs. Richard BURKE, of this city. He was a member of St. Michael's church. - Bellville (Can.) Banner. (1 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The death took place last evening of one of the oldest native Bellevillians in the person of Mr. James KEHOE, the sad event taking place at his late residence on Harriet St. after a lengthy illness. the deceased, who was never married, was born in this city seventy years ago and had resided here practically all his life. He was a very estimable gentleman and highly respected. He leaves one brother and one sister, Mr. Amos KEHOE, and Mrs. Richard BURKE, of this city. He was a member of St. Michael's church. - Bellville (Can.) Banner. (1 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Geo. SOENSON was called to Saginaw Wednesday to take charge of the remains of G. LUNDQUIST who died there. (18 Mar 1909)-As we go to press Wednesday afternoon we learn that G. LUNDQUIST who went to Saginaw a short time ago, for operation for cancer died from the effects of the operation Wednesday morning. Mrs. LUNDQUIST left for Saginaw a few hours before he died. (18 Mar 1909)
-Died-At St. Mary's Hospital, in Saginaw, March, 17th., Gerhad LUNDQUIST, age 35 years. The deceased was born in Denmark coming here two years ago, from Copenhagen, where he resided until death, from Hodgkins disease. He was a member of the Danish Brotherhood, Scandinavian Society and the Danish Young People's Society of this place. The funeral services wre held at the Danish Church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment took place at Elmwood cemetery here. (25 Mar 1909)
Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty to remove from our circle by death our brother Gerhard M. LUNDQUIST, so be it
Resolved, That we extend our sincere sympathy to his wife and children in their bereavment, and be it further
Resolved, That we drape the Charter of our Lodge in mourning for 30 days, and be it further
Resolved, that these resolutions be spread on the records of our Lodge, and a copy be sent to our deceased Brother's wife, also a copy sent to Danish Pioneer, and the GRAYLING AVALANCHE for publication.
Danish Brotherhood Lodge No. 207.
H. PETERSEN, President.
Secretary. (1 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-I wish to express my sincere thanks to all those friends that stood by me during my husbands long illness and death, also to those who carried and followed him to his last restling place, for the pretty flowers and all kindness shown me and my children.
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Died, at his home in Maple Forest, Sunday, March 28th, Frank HARDGROVE, aged 48 years.
Deceased was born in Ohio, December 1st 1860, from where he came with his parents to Chippewa township in Isabella County, Mich., and grew to manhood, receiving a good common school education, and a commercial course at St. Louis. He combined the business of farming and lumbering until ten years ago, when with his partner he brought their mill to Bear Lake, (now Hardgrove) in this county, where they secured a large contract for lumbering for the Ingals Co. The mill burned about five years ago, but was rebuilt, and their timber all cut last year, the firm contemplating removal to a new locality this season.
He was married in 1885 to Miss Nellie STRUBEL, to whom has been born three children, Mrs. Claude KIRKBY, of Hardgrove, Veara, eight years of age, and Baby Roy, four.
Deceased was a man of indomitable energy and will power, and for the last three years, realizing the constant inroad of the fatal disease has faced the death Angel without a tremor, and made a gallant fight for life, for the sake of his loved ones. Last week Tuesday he was stricken with a partial paralysis, and on thursday sank into a deep sleep which continued until Sunday afternoon, when, in the midst of his family and friends, anxiously watching and waiting, he "wakened on the other side."
The body was taken to his old home at Mt. Pleasant for burial, leaving here on the midnight train Monday. He was a member of the Modern Woodman of America, Members of which local Tent met the cortege here. (1 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Died, at his home in Maple Forest, Sunday, March 28th, Frank HARDGROVE, aged 48 years.
Deceased was born in Ohio, December 1st 1860, from where he came with his parents to Chippewa township in Isabella County, Mich., and grew to manhood, receiving a good common school education, and a commercial course at St. Louis. He combined the business of farming and lumbering until ten years ago, when with his partner he brought their mill to Bear Lake, (now Hardgrove) in this county, where they secured a large contract for lumbering for the Ingals Co. The mill burned about five years ago, but was rebuilt, and their timber all cut last year, the firm contemplating removal to a new locality this season.
He was married in 1885 to Miss Nellie STRUBEL, to whom has been born three children, Mrs. Claude KIRKBY, of Hardgrove, Veara, eight years of age, and Baby Roy, four.
Deceased was a man of indomitable energy and will power, and for the last three years, realizing the constant inroad of the fatal disease has faced the death Angel without a tremor, and made a gallant fight for life, for the sake of his loved ones. Last week Tuesday he was stricken with a partial paralysis, and on thursday sank into a deep sleep which continued until Sunday afternoon, when, in the midst of his family and friends, anxiously watching and waiting, he "wakened on the other side."
The body was taken to his old home at Mt. Pleasant for burial, leaving here on the midnight train Monday. He was a member of the Modern Woodman of America, Members of which local Tent met the cortege here. (1 Apr 1909)-PROBATE NOTICE.
At a session of said court, held at the probate office, in the Village of Grayling, in said county, on the first day of July A. D. 1909.
Present: Hon. Wellington BATTERSON, Judge of Probate.
In the matter of the estate of Frank A. HARDGROVE, deceased.
Nellie J. HARDGROVE having filed in said court her petition praying that the administration of said estate be granted to Nellie J. HARDGROVE or some suitable person.
It is ordered that the fourth day of August A. D. 1909, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said probate office, be and is hereby appointed for hearing said petition.
It is further ordered, That public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy of this order, for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing, in the CRAWFORD AVALANCHE a newspaper printed and circulated in said county.
Judge of Probate.
A true copy:
jul1-3w Judge of Probate. (15 Jul 1909)-HARDGROVE HAPPENINGS.
Mrs. Frank HARDGROVE is enjoying a visit from her aunt, Mrs. BUCKLY of Superior. (29 Jul 1909)HARDGROVE HAPPENINGS.
Mrs. S. J. BUCKLEY of West Superior, who has been visiting her niece, Mrs. Frank HARDGROVE has gone to Mt. Pleasant for an extended visit. (5 Aug 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Died, at his home in Maple Forest, Sunday, March 28th, Frank HARDGROVE, aged 48 years.
Deceased was born in Ohio, December 1st 1860, from where he came with his parents to Chippewa township in Isabella County, Mich., and grew to manhood, receiving a good common school education, and a commercial course at St. Louis. He combined the business of farming and lumbering until ten years ago, when with his partner he brought their mill to Bear Lake, (now Hardgrove) in this county, where they secured a large contract for lumbering for the Ingals Co. The mill burned about five years ago, but was rebuilt, and their timber all cut last year, the firm contemplating removal to a new locality this season.
He was married in 1885 to Miss Nellie STRUBEL, to whom has been born three children, Mrs. Claude KIRKBY, of Hardgrove, Veara, eight years of age, and Baby Roy, four.
Deceased was a man of indomitable energy and will power, and for the last three years, realizing the constant inroad of the fatal disease has faced the death Angel without a tremor, and made a gallant fight for life, for the sake of his loved ones. Last week Tuesday he was stricken with a partial paralysis, and on thursday sank into a deep sleep which continued until Sunday afternoon, when, in the midst of his family and friends, anxiously watching and waiting, he "wakened on the other side."
The body was taken to his old home at Mt. Pleasant for burial, leaving here on the midnight train Monday. He was a member of the Modern Woodman of America, Members of which local Tent met the cortege here. (1 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Died, at his home in Maple Forest, Sunday, March 28th, Frank HARDGROVE, aged 48 years.
Deceased was born in Ohio, December 1st 1860, from where he came with his parents to Chippewa township in Isabella County, Mich., and grew to manhood, receiving a good common school education, and a commercial course at St. Louis. He combined the business of farming and lumbering until ten years ago, when with his partner he brought their mill to Bear Lake, (now Hardgrove) in this county, where they secured a large contract for lumbering for the Ingals Co. The mill burned about five years ago, but was rebuilt, and their timber all cut last year, the firm contemplating removal to a new locality this season.
He was married in 1885 to Miss Nellie STRUBEL, to whom has been born three children, Mrs. Claude KIRKBY, of Hardgrove, Veara, eight years of age, and Baby Roy, four.
Deceased was a man of indomitable energy and will power, and for the last three years, realizing the constant inroad of the fatal disease has faced the death Angel without a tremor, and made a gallant fight for life, for the sake of his loved ones. Last week Tuesday he was stricken with a partial paralysis, and on thursday sank into a deep sleep which continued until Sunday afternoon, when, in the midst of his family and friends, anxiously watching and waiting, he "wakened on the other side."
The body was taken to his old home at Mt. Pleasant for burial, leaving here on the midnight train Monday. He was a member of the Modern Woodman of America, Members of which local Tent met the cortege here. (1 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Died, at his home in Maple Forest, Sunday, March 28th, Frank HARDGROVE, aged 48 years.
Deceased was born in Ohio, December 1st 1860, from where he came with his parents to Chippewa township in Isabella County, Mich., and grew to manhood, receiving a good common school education, and a commercial course at St. Louis. He combined the business of farming and lumbering until ten years ago, when with his partner he brought their mill to Bear Lake, (now Hardgrove) in this county, where they secured a large contract for lumbering for the Ingals Co. The mill burned about five years ago, but was rebuilt, and their timber all cut last year, the firm contemplating removal to a new locality this season.
He was married in 1885 to Miss Nellie STRUBEL, to whom has been born three children, Mrs. Claude KIRKBY, of Hardgrove, Veara, eight years of age, and Baby Roy, four.
Deceased was a man of indomitable energy and will power, and for the last three years, realizing the constant inroad of the fatal disease has faced the death Angel without a tremor, and made a gallant fight for life, for the sake of his loved ones. Last week Tuesday he was stricken with a partial paralysis, and on thursday sank into a deep sleep which continued until Sunday afternoon, when, in the midst of his family and friends, anxiously watching and waiting, he "wakened on the other side."
The body was taken to his old home at Mt. Pleasant for burial, leaving here on the midnight train Monday. He was a member of the Modern Woodman of America, Members of which local Tent met the cortege here. (1 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Died, at his home in Maple Forest, Sunday, March 28th, Frank HARDGROVE, aged 48 years.
Deceased was born in Ohio, December 1st 1860, from where he came with his parents to Chippewa township in Isabella County, Mich., and grew to manhood, receiving a good common school education, and a commercial course at St. Louis. He combined the business of farming and lumbering until ten years ago, when with his partner he brought their mill to Bear Lake, (now Hardgrove) in this county, where they secured a large contract for lumbering for the Ingals Co. The mill burned about five years ago, but was rebuilt, and their timber all cut last year, the firm contemplating removal to a new locality this season.
He was married in 1885 to Miss Nellie STRUBEL, to whom has been born three children, Mrs. Claude KIRKBY, of Hardgrove, Veara, eight years of age, and Baby Roy, four.
Deceased was a man of indomitable energy and will power, and for the last three years, realizing the constant inroad of the fatal disease has faced the death Angel without a tremor, and made a gallant fight for life, for the sake of his loved ones. Last week Tuesday he was stricken with a partial paralysis, and on thursday sank into a deep sleep which continued until Sunday afternoon, when, in the midst of his family and friends, anxiously watching and waiting, he "wakened on the other side."
The body was taken to his old home at Mt. Pleasant for burial, leaving here on the midnight train Monday. He was a member of the Modern Woodman of America, Members of which local Tent met the cortege here. (1 Apr 1909)-HARDGROVE HAPPENINGS.
Mrs. Claude KIRKBY has gone to Madison, Wis., to the sanitarium for treatment. She expects to visit her aunt in Grand Rapids, Wis., before she returns.
Mrs. Frank HARDGROVE was in Grayling one day this week on business. (5 Aug 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Word is received here this (Wednesday) morning of the death of J. S. MEILSTRUP, who was visiting in Alcona county. He had suffered from a paralytic stroke here some weeks ago. No particulars are yet received. (1 Apr 1909)-J. S. MEILSTRUP.
In regard to the death of the late J. S. MEILSTRUP, we clip the following from the Bay City Tribune:
While in the city Tuesday for a brief stop-over en route from Grayling to Mt. Clemens, James S. MEILSTRUP, former resident and alderman of West Bay City, was stricken with paralysis, death resulting in the early evening. Mr. MEILSTRUP arrived in the forenoon for a visit with his daughter, MLillie, and was down town greeting old acquaintances in the early afternoon. About 3 o'clock he walked to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart POWRIE, 402 North Chilson avenue. An hour later, while chatting with members of the POWRIE family, he was overcome by a severe stroke.
About a month ago Mr. MEILSTRUP had suffered a paralytic stroke of a light character, from which he speedily recovered, and for the last week he had been in his usual vigorous health. The second stroke, however, passed away at night.
than Mr. MEILSTRUP the west side has known no more popular and respected citizen. For twenty-five years the west side has been his home, removing to Grayling to join the Salling, Hanson Co., a year ago when he severed his connection with the local Sage interests, which he had managed several years, Mr. MEILSTRAP was one of the best known land-lookers and lumbermen in Northern Michigan and his sudden demise is sincerely regretted by all who were familiar with his noble traits of character and high qualities.
The deceased is survived by a widow and seven children, Mrs. HUGHES, of Detroit; Lillie, of this city, and Anna, Spencer, Ambrose, Cornelia and Carrollton, of Grayling. He was a member of Wenona lodge, No. 296, F. & A. M, and several other fraternal organizations. (8 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In regard to the death of the late J. S. MEILSTRUP, we clip the following from the Bay City Tribune:
While in the city Tuesday for a brief stop-over en route from Grayling to Mt. Clemens, James S. MEILSTRUP, former resident and alderman of West Bay City, was stricken with paralysis, death resulting in the early evening. Mr. MEILSTRUP arrived in the forenoon for a visit with his daughter, MLillie, and was down town greeting old acquaintances in the early afternoon. About 3 o'clock he walked to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart POWRIE, 402 North Chilson avenue. An hour later, while chatting with members of the POWRIE family, he was overcome by a severe stroke.
About a month ago Mr. MEILSTRUP had suffered a paralytic stroke of a light character, from which he speedily recovered, and for the last week he had been in his usual vigorous health. The second stroke, however, passed away at night.
than Mr. MEILSTRUP the west side has known no more popular and respected citizen. For twenty-five years the west side has been his home, removing to Grayling to join the Salling, Hanson Co., a year ago when he severed his connection with the local Sage interests, which he had managed several years, Mr. MEILSTRAP was one of the best known land-lookers and lumbermen in Northern Michigan and his sudden demise is sincerely regretted by all who were familiar with his noble traits of character and high qualities.
The deceased is survived by a widow and seven children, Mrs. HUGHES, of Detroit; Lillie, of this city, and Anna, Spencer, Ambrose, Cornelia and Carrollton, of Grayling. He was a member of Wenona lodge, No. 296, F. & A. M, and several other fraternal organizations. (8 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In regard to the death of the late J. S. MEILSTRUP, we clip the following from the Bay City Tribune:
While in the city Tuesday for a brief stop-over en route from Grayling to Mt. Clemens, James S. MEILSTRUP, former resident and alderman of West Bay City, was stricken with paralysis, death resulting in the early evening. Mr. MEILSTRUP arrived in the forenoon for a visit with his daughter, MLillie, and was down town greeting old acquaintances in the early afternoon. About 3 o'clock he walked to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart POWRIE, 402 North Chilson avenue. An hour later, while chatting with members of the POWRIE family, he was overcome by a severe stroke.
About a month ago Mr. MEILSTRUP had suffered a paralytic stroke of a light character, from which he speedily recovered, and for the last week he had been in his usual vigorous health. The second stroke, however, passed away at night.
than Mr. MEILSTRUP the west side has known no more popular and respected citizen. For twenty-five years the west side has been his home, removing to Grayling to join the Salling, Hanson Co., a year ago when he severed his connection with the local Sage interests, which he had managed several years, Mr. MEILSTRAP was one of the best known land-lookers and lumbermen in Northern Michigan and his sudden demise is sincerely regretted by all who were familiar with his noble traits of character and high qualities.
The deceased is survived by a widow and seven children, Mrs. HUGHES, of Detroit; Lillie, of this city, and Anna, Spencer, Ambrose, Cornelia and Carrollton, of Grayling. He was a member of Wenona lodge, No. 296, F. & A. M, and several other fraternal organizations. (8 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In regard to the death of the late J. S. MEILSTRUP, we clip the following from the Bay City Tribune:
While in the city Tuesday for a brief stop-over en route from Grayling to Mt. Clemens, James S. MEILSTRUP, former resident and alderman of West Bay City, was stricken with paralysis, death resulting in the early evening. Mr. MEILSTRUP arrived in the forenoon for a visit with his daughter, MLillie, and was down town greeting old acquaintances in the early afternoon. About 3 o'clock he walked to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart POWRIE, 402 North Chilson avenue. An hour later, while chatting with members of the POWRIE family, he was overcome by a severe stroke.
About a month ago Mr. MEILSTRUP had suffered a paralytic stroke of a light character, from which he speedily recovered, and for the last week he had been in his usual vigorous health. The second stroke, however, passed away at night.
than Mr. MEILSTRUP the west side has known no more popular and respected citizen. For twenty-five years the west side has been his home, removing to Grayling to join the Salling, Hanson Co., a year ago when he severed his connection with the local Sage interests, which he had managed several years, Mr. MEILSTRAP was one of the best known land-lookers and lumbermen in Northern Michigan and his sudden demise is sincerely regretted by all who were familiar with his noble traits of character and high qualities.
The deceased is survived by a widow and seven children, Mrs. HUGHES, of Detroit; Lillie, of this city, and Anna, Spencer, Ambrose, Cornelia and Carrollton, of Grayling. He was a member of Wenona lodge, No. 296, F. & A. M, and several other fraternal organizations. (8 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In regard to the death of the late J. S. MEILSTRUP, we clip the following from the Bay City Tribune:
While in the city Tuesday for a brief stop-over en route from Grayling to Mt. Clemens, James S. MEILSTRUP, former resident and alderman of West Bay City, was stricken with paralysis, death resulting in the early evening. Mr. MEILSTRUP arrived in the forenoon for a visit with his daughter, MLillie, and was down town greeting old acquaintances in the early afternoon. About 3 o'clock he walked to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart POWRIE, 402 North Chilson avenue. An hour later, while chatting with members of the POWRIE family, he was overcome by a severe stroke.
About a month ago Mr. MEILSTRUP had suffered a paralytic stroke of a light character, from which he speedily recovered, and for the last week he had been in his usual vigorous health. The second stroke, however, passed away at night.
than Mr. MEILSTRUP the west side has known no more popular and respected citizen. For twenty-five years the west side has been his home, removing to Grayling to join the Salling, Hanson Co., a year ago when he severed his connection with the local Sage interests, which he had managed several years, Mr. MEILSTRAP was one of the best known land-lookers and lumbermen in Northern Michigan and his sudden demise is sincerely regretted by all who were familiar with his noble traits of character and high qualities.
The deceased is survived by a widow and seven children, Mrs. HUGHES, of Detroit; Lillie, of this city, and Anna, Spencer, Ambrose, Cornelia and Carrollton, of Grayling. He was a member of Wenona lodge, No. 296, F. & A. M, and several other fraternal organizations. (8 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In regard to the death of the late J. S. MEILSTRUP, we clip the following from the Bay City Tribune:
While in the city Tuesday for a brief stop-over en route from Grayling to Mt. Clemens, James S. MEILSTRUP, former resident and alderman of West Bay City, was stricken with paralysis, death resulting in the early evening. Mr. MEILSTRUP arrived in the forenoon for a visit with his daughter, MLillie, and was down town greeting old acquaintances in the early afternoon. About 3 o'clock he walked to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart POWRIE, 402 North Chilson avenue. An hour later, while chatting with members of the POWRIE family, he was overcome by a severe stroke.
About a month ago Mr. MEILSTRUP had suffered a paralytic stroke of a light character, from which he speedily recovered, and for the last week he had been in his usual vigorous health. The second stroke, however, passed away at night.
than Mr. MEILSTRUP the west side has known no more popular and respected citizen. For twenty-five years the west side has been his home, removing to Grayling to join the Salling, Hanson Co., a year ago when he severed his connection with the local Sage interests, which he had managed several years, Mr. MEILSTRAP was one of the best known land-lookers and lumbermen in Northern Michigan and his sudden demise is sincerely regretted by all who were familiar with his noble traits of character and high qualities.
The deceased is survived by a widow and seven children, Mrs. HUGHES, of Detroit; Lillie, of this city, and Anna, Spencer, Ambrose, Cornelia and Carrollton, of Grayling. He was a member of Wenona lodge, No. 296, F. & A. M, and several other fraternal organizations. (8 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In regard to the death of the late J. S. MEILSTRUP, we clip the following from the Bay City Tribune:
While in the city Tuesday for a brief stop-over en route from Grayling to Mt. Clemens, James S. MEILSTRUP, former resident and alderman of West Bay City, was stricken with paralysis, death resulting in the early evening. Mr. MEILSTRUP arrived in the forenoon for a visit with his daughter, MLillie, and was down town greeting old acquaintances in the early afternoon. About 3 o'clock he walked to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart POWRIE, 402 North Chilson avenue. An hour later, while chatting with members of the POWRIE family, he was overcome by a severe stroke.
About a month ago Mr. MEILSTRUP had suffered a paralytic stroke of a light character, from which he speedily recovered, and for the last week he had been in his usual vigorous health. The second stroke, however, passed away at night.
than Mr. MEILSTRUP the west side has known no more popular and respected citizen. For twenty-five years the west side has been his home, removing to Grayling to join the Salling, Hanson Co., a year ago when he severed his connection with the local Sage interests, which he had managed several years, Mr. MEILSTRAP was one of the best known land-lookers and lumbermen in Northern Michigan and his sudden demise is sincerely regretted by all who were familiar with his noble traits of character and high qualities.
The deceased is survived by a widow and seven children, Mrs. HUGHES, of Detroit; Lillie, of this city, and Anna, Spencer, Ambrose, Cornelia and Carrollton, of Grayling. He was a member of Wenona lodge, No. 296, F. & A. M, and several other fraternal organizations. (8 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In regard to the death of the late J. S. MEILSTRUP, we clip the following from the Bay City Tribune:
While in the city Tuesday for a brief stop-over en route from Grayling to Mt. Clemens, James S. MEILSTRUP, former resident and alderman of West Bay City, was stricken with paralysis, death resulting in the early evening. Mr. MEILSTRUP arrived in the forenoon for a visit with his daughter, MLillie, and was down town greeting old acquaintances in the early afternoon. About 3 o'clock he walked to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart POWRIE, 402 North Chilson avenue. An hour later, while chatting with members of the POWRIE family, he was overcome by a severe stroke.
About a month ago Mr. MEILSTRUP had suffered a paralytic stroke of a light character, from which he speedily recovered, and for the last week he had been in his usual vigorous health. The second stroke, however, passed away at night.
than Mr. MEILSTRUP the west side has known no more popular and respected citizen. For twenty-five years the west side has been his home, removing to Grayling to join the Salling, Hanson Co., a year ago when he severed his connection with the local Sage interests, which he had managed several years, Mr. MEILSTRAP was one of the best known land-lookers and lumbermen in Northern Michigan and his sudden demise is sincerely regretted by all who were familiar with his noble traits of character and high qualities.
The deceased is survived by a widow and seven children, Mrs. HUGHES, of Detroit; Lillie, of this city, and Anna, Spencer, Ambrose, Cornelia and Carrollton, of Grayling. He was a member of Wenona lodge, No. 296, F. & A. M, and several other fraternal organizations. (8 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. James FORCE and her son, of Vanderbilt visited her cousin, Mrs. G. W. CRANDALL last week. (8 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. James FORCE and her son, of Vanderbilt visited her cousin, Mrs. G. W. CRANDALL last week. (8 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. James FORCE and her son, of Vanderbilt visited her cousin, Mrs. G. W. CRANDALL last week. (8 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. James FORCE and her son, of Vanderbilt visited her cousin, Mrs. G. W. CRANDALL last week. (8 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married-At the M. E. Parsonage in Frederic, April 12, 1909, Mr. John KOLKA, of Frederic and Miss Sarah TAYLOR, of East Jordon. Rev. G. SANDERSON, officiating. (15 Apr 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married-At the M. E. Parsonage in Frederic, April 12, 1909, Mr. John KOLKA, of Frederic and Miss Sarah TAYLOR, of East Jordon. Rev. G. SANDERSON, officiating. (15 Apr 1909)
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