The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Maude THOMPSON, of Waters, is the guest of her cousin, Miss May WHEELER, this week. (29 Mar 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Henry DeWAELE, wife and child, of Roscommon, were the guests of his parents over Sunday and Monday. (29 Mar 1894)-H. DeWAELE, formerly of Grayling, is going into the saloon business in Roscommon. (7 May 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-David GILDNER, of Montmorency county, who shot a man who was stealing his potatoes a short time ago, has been sent up for ten years. (29 Mar 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-James HYSLOP, who was living alone west of Higgins Lake, was found frozen to death in his home last week. Years ago he was an active landlooker in this section, but finally became so dissipated, that he lost his business. He was about 82 years of age. (19 Mar 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-BORN-On Thursday of last week, to Mr. and Mrs. L. N. CHAMBERLAIN, a daughter. (12 Apr 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Stephan MORAN met with a sad accident last Friday, while engaged in hauling out ties for WARD's road. His team became startled, throwing him against a tree and breaking his leg in two places below the knee, Dr. STONE, of Bay City, was called and he is now getting along nicely. (12 Apr 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
The population still increases. Mrs. LEWIS presented her husband with twins - boy and girl - and Mrs. WEBSTER a girl, last thursday. (12 Apr 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Dr. E. J. BUCK, of Detroit, has located here, and opened an office in Evans' drug store. (19 Apr 1894)-Dr. E. J. BUCK will leave here the first of the week for Detroit, where he has secured a location. He will be succeeded here by Dr. R. J. TEETER, late of Bay City, but formerly of Canada. (20 Sep 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED-At his residence in this village, Saturday, April 14th, Ira E. LORD. the body was taken to Pontiac for burial. (19 Apr 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-D. E. CLARK, of Pere Cheney, has been granted a pension. (19 Apr 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Rev. Wm. MILLAR, of Chesaning, instends moving on a fruit farm near Grand Haven, believing that it will pay better than either printing or preaching. (19 Apr 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Milo A. THOMPSON, of Luzerne, was assaulted by Eli HAGAR, of that place, in a brutal manner, one day last week, Mr. THOMPSON is an old veteran and known by many of our readers. (4 May 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. and Mrs. Eugene HEBERT will again become citizens of Grayling, having rented one of Dr. ROFFEE's buildings, near the school house, formerly occupied by H. BATES. (17 May 1894)-BORN-Wednesday, Aug. 21st. to, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. HEBERT, a son. (22 Aug 1895)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. TROMBLEY, a son. (14 Jun 1894)-BORN-Wednesday, March 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred TREMBLAY, a ten pound boy. (7 Mar 1895)
-DIED-Monday, April 15th., the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred TREMBLY. (18 Apr 1895)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-BORN-A Cheney, June 6th., to Mr. and Mrs. MOON, a son. (14 Jun 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-George MOTT plead guilty to assault and battery on May BROWN, before Justice WOODBURN, on the 7th., who said $10.00 and costs, or 30 days in jail. He boards with Sheriff WAKELY. (14 Jun 1894)-It is reported that George MOTT made a terriffic assault and battery on Adolf AHRBICH with a hammer, at Frederic last week. A warrant is issued for his arrest. (20 Jun 1895)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-George MOTT plead guilty to assault and battery on May BROWN, before Justice WOODBURN, on the 7th., who said $10.00 and costs, or 30 days in jail. He boards with Sheriff WAKELY. (14 Jun 1894)-The alarm of fire called out our citizens yesterday, who found a small barn on the premises of Jacob LIGHTNER in flames. May LIGHTNER, a notorious character, known here for years as May BROWN, was arrested for setting the fire. Her examination is fixed for nine o'clock this morning. (2 Jul 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-In the appointments made by the M. P. Conference at Flint, we notice that Rev. J. J. WILLITTS, of Frederic, is transferred to Hickory Corners and will be succeded at Frederic by Rev. Wm. COOMBS. Mr. WILLITS will be greatly missed in that community. (31 Aug 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-BORN. On last Monday, to Mr. and Mrs. PERSONS, a daughter. (21 Jun 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-D. B. CONNER, of Fife Lake, was in town the beginning of the week. He is preparing to go to Minnesota. (21 Jun 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Harry COOK, who has been somewhat notorious in Grayling, was arrested last week on the charge of robbery, and after an examination before Justice WOODBURN, was consigned to Jail to await trial in the Circuit Court, in default of $500.00 bail. (5 Jul 1894)-Last Friday evening in the absence of the sheriff, and under sheriff, Mrs. WAKELEY carried supper to Harry COOK, awaiting trial for robbery, and two Jews held for examination on the charge of larceny, of a horse and carriage. The food was given them through the bars of the cage which was supposed to be securely locked. Mrs. WAKELEY went into the residence part of the building for some oil, leaving the outer jail door open, when the prisoners slipped the bar of the cage and ran, and have not been captured, except COOK who was found a few miles east of town in the woods, Tuesday. (16 Aug 1894)
-A Jew who had been in jail at Grayling for stealing horses broke out and came up here last week. He remained here a day or two and then went on to Alpena. Martin NELSON went after him Tuesday and returned next day with his prisoner. - Lewiston Journal. (23 Aug 1894)
-Lewis ARTMAN, who escaped from Jail here, was caught at Alpena. His examination was held before Justice WOODBURN, Friday, and he was held for trial, with bail fixed at $200, in default of which he was committed. (23 Aug 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-John RASMUSSON was arrested on the charge of assault and battery on Adolph DELAIRE, last Friday, arraigned before Justice WOODBURN, plead guilty and paid ten dollars and cost. (19 Jul 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
T. E. RILEY married at Bay City. (26 Jul 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Edna WAINRIGHT has the pleasure of entertaining a couple of her cousins, Misses Jussie and Florence DEAN, of Buffalo, N. Y. (26 Jul 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-George NOCKCHICKAMEE, of Frederic township, was in town last Friday and purchased a road cart. (9 Aug 1894)-NOCK-CHIC-A-ME's pony team brought the first load of timothy hady to market last Friday, from Frederic, at $20 per ton. (18 Jul 1895)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-BORN-to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HANNA, of Beaver Creek, August 11th., a son. (16 Aug 1894)-Ralph HANNA is the new postmaster of Wellington. (25 Jun 1896)
-Ralph HANNA has gone to Shiwassee County, leaving his Beaver Creek farm in the hands of W. STEWART, who will succeed him as postmaster at Wellington. We wish Mr. HANNA every success, but fear he is leaving home, and will be glad to get back, as are the majority who leave Crawford County. (18 Mar 1897)
-Dr. INSLEY amputated three fingers for Ralph HANNA's boy of Beaver Creek, Sunday morning. The Kid had tried it in a stalk-cutter but did not make a good job, so they brought him to the village for trimming. (21 Dec 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-BORN-On Saturday, the 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew HORNBECK, a daughter weight 11 1/2 pounds. (16 Aug 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thor. BJORNSON, a son. (16 Aug 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Ezra KING an old resident of Grayling, died at Hodge, in Grand Traverse Co., on the 26th of July, after a short illness. (23 Aug 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Last Friday evening in the absence of the sheriff, and under sheriff, Mrs. WAKELEY carried supper to Harry COOK, awaiting trial for robbery, and two Jews held for examination on the charge of larceny, of a horse and carriage. The food was given them through the bars of the cage which was supposed to be securely locked. Mrs. WAKELEY went into the residence part of the building for some oil, leaving the outer jail door open, when the prisoners slipped the bar of the cage and ran, and have not been captured, except COOK who was found a few miles east of town in the woods, Tuesday. (16 Aug 1894)-A Jew who had been in jail at Grayling for stealing horses broke out and came up here last week. He remained here a day or two and then went on to Alpena. Martin NELSON went after him Tuesday and returned next day with his prisoner. - Lewiston Journal. (23 Aug 1894)
-Lewis ARTMAN, who escaped from Jail here, was caught at Alpena. His examination was held before Justice WOODBURN, Friday, and he was held for trial, with bail fixed at $200, in default of which he was committed. (23 Aug 1894)
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