The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Cora May MESSLER was eight years of age a week ago last Thursday. The reason we know it it, that some fifteen or twenty of "Toots" friends gave her a surprise party on that day, at the residence of her step-father, Supervisor J. F. HUM. (16 Jun 1881)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Cora May MESSLER was eight years of age a week ago last Thursday. The reason we know it it, that some fifteen or twenty of "Toots" friends gave her a surprise party on that day, at the residence of her step-father, Supervisor J. F. HUM. (16 Jun 1881)-Mrs. OLIVER of Bay City has been visiting her sister Mrs. J. F. HUM, during the past week. (3 Sep 1885)
-BORN-On the 10th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. HUM, a young sheriff. Cigars are in order. (12 Nov 1885)
-Mrs. METZLER, of Dayton, Ohio, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Col. WIGHT, of Fredericville, and Mrs. J. F. HUM, of this city. (12 Nov 1885)
-Mrs. OLIVER and children, of West Bay City, are visiting her sister, Mrs. J. F. HUM, this week. (26 Aug 1886)
-Mr. Geo. METZLER, of Dayton, Ohio, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. J. F. HUM. (12 May 1887)
-The mother of Mrs. C. W. WIGHT and Mrs. J. F. HUM, and sister of Miss Cora WIGHT, of Dayton, Ohio, are making them a visit. (12 Jul 1888)
-The mother of Mrs. C. W. WIGHT and Mrs. HUM, of Grayling, and Mrs. Thomas OLIVER, at East Tawas, died at her home at Dayton, Ohio, on Thursday last, aged 86 years. Those named have gone to attend the funeral. (1 May 1890)
-DIED-August 12th, Mr. George B. METZLER, at his home in Hampton, Va., near Fort Monroe; beloved brother of Mrs. J. F. HUM, Mrs. C. W. WIGHT and Mrs. Thos. OLIVER, of West Bay City. (18 Aug 1892)
-Mr. METZLER, father of Mrs. W. A. WIGHT, Mrs. J. HUM of this place and Mrs. Oliver, of Bay City, is quite sick and not expected to recover. Mrs. OLIVER was sent for, last Saturday. Mr. METZLER is 83 years of age. (15 Dec 1892)
-Mrs. Bessie WETZ of Dayton, Ohio, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. F. HUM. (2 Aug 1906)
-DIED-At the family residence in this village, August 31, Emma S. HUM, aged 53 years. Emma S. METZLER was born in Dayton, Ohio, March 21, 1856, and was married to John F. HUM, Sept. 2, 1881. They resided at Frederic in this county for several years before coming to Grayling, where they have resided since 1885. Though she has been an invalid for many years and a great sufferer, her genial disposition has never changed, and she has ever been noted for her jolly friendliness to all with whom she came in contact, which has made her a host of friends who will mourn with the stricken family, for her going, though all must acknowledge that death to her could but be a surcease from intense suffering. She leaves besides her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Cora M. FAILING of this place and Mrs. Bessie WETZ, of Dayton, Ohio, and two sons, Harry, and Clyde, both of this place, two sisters, Mrs. Thomas OLIVER, of Terre Haute, Ind., and Mrs. C. W. WIGHT, of Grayling, and four grand children. The funeral services were conducted at the residence Thursday, Sept. 2. Rev. J. H. FLEMING officiating and the tired body placed in Elmwood Cemetary. A faithful wife, honored mother, and a woman whose hand was ever at the service of those in need has gone to her reward. (2 Sep 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. Geo. METZLER, of Dayton, Ohio, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. J. F. HUM. (12 May 1887)-Mr. METZLER, father of Mrs. W. A. WIGHT, Mrs. J. HUM of this place and Mrs. Oliver, of Bay City, is quite sick and not expected to recover. Mrs. OLIVER was sent for, las Saturday. Mr. METZLER is 83 years of age. (15 Dec 1892)
-DIED-Dec. 28th 1892., at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. W. WIGHT, of Grayling, George METZLER, of Dayton, Ohio, age 79 years. The deceased leaves three daughters and one sister, of Springfield, Ohio, to mourn his loss. The remains were taken to Dayton, O., for interment in Woodland cemetery. (12 Jan 1893)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. METZLER, of Dayton, Ohio, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Col. WIGHT, of Fredericville, and Mrs. J. F. HUM, of this city. (12 Nov 1885)-Mr. Geo. METZLER, of Dayton, Ohio, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. J. F. HUM. (12 May 1887)
-The mother of Mrs. C. W. WIGHT and Mrs. J. F. HUM, and sister of Miss Cora WIGHT, of Dayton, Ohio, are making them a visit. (12 Jul 1888)
-The mother of Mrs. C. W. WIGHT and Mrs. HUM, of Grayling, and Mrs. Thomas OLIVER, at East Tawas, died at her home at Dayton, Ohio, on Thursday last, aged 86 years. Those named have gone to attend the funeral. (1 May 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED-August 12th, Mr. George B. METZLER, at his home in Hampton, Va., near Fort Monroe; beloved brother of Mrs. J. F. HUM, Mrs. C. W. WIGHT and Mrs. Thos. OLIVER, of West Bay City. (18 Aug 1892)-The services at the M. E. church last Sunday evening, were in memory of Major Geo. B. METZLER, a veteran of the late war and brother of Mrs. J. F. HUM and Mrs. C. W. WIGHT. The sermon was delivered by Rev. TAYLOR and was very impressive. (1 Sep 1892)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Diphtheria of a very malignant type is prevailing to an alarming extent in and around Fredericville; another death having occurred there since our last issue, in the family of Adelbert CARRIER. (23 Jun 1881)-FREDERICVILLE, JULY 5, 1881. EDITOR AVALANCHE:- The 4th passed off quietly with us. A few went to Otsego and a few to Grayling, but nearly all of our citizens staid at home and endeavored to keep cool. All unanimously agreed that it was hot, and to day, the 5th, is still hotter. We are in hopes that the diphtheria is at last stayed in this vicinity. there have been five deaths from this dreaded malady. the saddest case being the family of Adelbert A. CARRIER, our township clerk. His wife and two little ones died within one week's time. He has the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community. The other two cases were the little girl of Freeman ENSIGN, and a little boy of ---- SMITH, who lives about two miles east of this village. (7 Jul 1881)
In Maple Forest, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 1883, by Rev. Wm. PUTNAM, Adelbert A. CARRIER and Alice Shoop, both of Maple Forest, Mich. (11 Oct 1883)-From a letter received from Mrs. Alice CARRIER, of Shetville, formerly of Maple Forest, and daughter of David SHOUP, we learn that her husband died some time since, but giving no date or particulars. They will be remembered by many of the older residents of the county. (20 Mar 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In Maple Forest, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 1883, by Rev. Wm. PUTNAM, Adelbert A. CARRIER and Alice Shoop, both of Maple Forest, Mich. (11 Oct 1883)-From a letter received from Mrs. Alice CARRIER, of Shetville, formerly of Maple Forest, and daughter of David SHOUP, we learn that her husband died some time since, but giving no date or particulars. They will be remembered by many of the older residents of the county. (20 Mar 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-That recent arrival in the family of Mr. FRANCIS, of Grove, is becoming acclimated now, and for a nine-pounder, and a boy at that, makes considerable noise, and is to stay at home and celebrate the 4th. (23 Jun 1881)-Mrs. Eliza SEWELL, of Locke township, Ingham county, and the mother of Mrs. J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, is visiting her daughter for a few weeks, and who is looking for her husband to join her soon, and it is said he contemplates making a land purchase in our county ere he returnes. (23 Jun 1881)
In Cheney, Wednesday, Feb. 1, of inflammation of the lungs, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. FRANCIS, aged 7 months and 25 days.
The bereaved parents tender their sincere thanks to the many friends who ministered to them during the deark hours just passed. (9 Feb 1882)-J. M. FRANCIS went to work last Monday morning in the camp of C. A. INGERSON, as blacksmith. (31 Oct 1889)
-If any lumber firm wishes to hire a blacksmith, just drop a line to J. M. FRANCIS, Grayling Mich. (16 Jan 1890)
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. they have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-GROVE ITEMS.
J. M. FRANCIS and wife spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. James REVELL, of Roscommon. They had a Christmas tree, and all received presents. (5 Jan 1893)-J. M. FRANCIS, of this and Roscommon counties, has moved his family to Roscommon. (15 Feb 1894)
-J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove township goes to Atlanta next week, to open up a repair and blacksmith shop in that burg. (18 Feb 1897)
-Warren FRANCIS, of Williamston, arrived in town, last Friday, to make his uncle, J. M. FRANCIS and family, a short visit. He left for his home, Monday. Will accompanied him to Lewiston. - Atlanta Tribune. (30 Dec 1897)
-J. M. FRANCIS will move his family back to his farm, near Grayling, this spring, but will continue to run the shop, until he can dispose of his interests here. - Atlanta Tribune. (17 Feb 1898)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Eliza SEWELL, of Locke township, Ingham county, and the mother of Mrs. J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, is visiting her daughter for a few weeks, and who is looking for her husband to join her soon, and it is said he contemplates making a land purchase in our county ere he returnes. (23 Jun 1881)-GROVE TOWNSHIP ITEMS.
Mrs. D. JOHNSON and children spent last Sunday with sister, Mrs. J. M. FRANCIS. (7 Jun 1888)-GOLDEN WEDDING.
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE.
WHEREAS, It has pleased our Heavenly Father in his divine providence to call from this world of care to that sweet rest beyond, the beloved father of our esteemed sister Emalie FRANCIS, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That we, the members of Marvin Relief Corps, No. 162, extend to our sister our deepest sympathy in her great loss, and be it further
RESOLVED, That it is the earnest prayers of the members that God may grant our sister the grace necessary to bear her cross with resignation to his divine will, and may her burden be lightened by fully trusting in Him, and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of this corps and also given to the local paper for publication.
ALICE M. BENKLEMAN, | (23 Nov 1899)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Warren FRANCIS, of Williamston, arrived in town, last Friday, to make his uncle, J. M. FRANCIS and family, a short visit. He left for his home, Monday. Will accompanied him to Lewiston. - Atlanta Tribune. (30 Dec 1897)
The following information extracted from the 1880 Census of Locke, Ingham, MI:
name - Joseph SEWELL
b.abt 1816 in England
occupation - Farmer
married to Anne
m.b.EnglandThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
On Wednesday, Jan. 23, 1884, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Joseph SEWELL of Pere Cheney, by Wm. WOODBURN, J. P., Mr. Jas. K. BATES, of Grayling, and Mrs. Electa J. FRANCIS, of Pere Cheney. (31 Jan 1884)-SOUTH GROVE ITEMS.
A reception was given by Mr. Joseph SEWEL in honor of the return of J. G. SEWELL one of his sons from the West. There were thirty children and grand-children present and 21 were absent. There was but one democrat among them. They all enjoyed themselves in a heartfelt manner and we hope they may all meet again. J. G. says he has seen all of the west that he wants to see and has returned to the land of corn and wine, Michigan. He intends to build on his farm in Kalkaska county. (6 Sep 1888)-GOLDEN WEDDING.
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-Mr. Joseph SEWELL, of Cheney, returned last week from Grand Traverse county, where he has been on an extended visit. While there he amused himself by husking 200 bushels of corn, which was quite a job for a boy 79 years of age. (9 Feb 1893)
-Mrs. A. SCRIVER and Mrs. Geo. A. MARSH came down from Gaylord, last week, to visit their father, Joseph SEWELL, who is very feeble. He resides with his daughter, Mrs. F. O. PECK. (2 Nov 1899)
-DIED-At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. F. O. PECK, Friday, Nov. 3, Joseph SEWELL, aged 85 years. Mr. SEWELL was one of the pioneers of this county, having resided at Cheney until after the death of his wife, since which time he has vibrated between the homes of the children, ten of whom are living. Though old and quite feeble from a dropsical affection that has troubled him for some time, the end came suddenly and unexpected. He had not been confined to his bed for some time, and ate his supper with the family as usual. About eight o'clock he went out doors alone, but was immediately followed by Mr. PECK, as it was very dark, who found him insensible and immediately summoned help, but he had gone to his long sleep without any suffering. The funeral, at the Presbyterian church was largely attended, and his body laid by the side of his wife in the cemetery at Cheney. "At Rest." (9 Nov 1899)
The undersigned give this expression of their gratitude to the friends and neighbors who so freely gave their sympathy and aid in the hours of our bereavement by the death of our father.
MR. AND MRS. A. SCRIVER. (9 Nov 1899)
The following information extracted from the 1880 Census of Locke, Ingham, MI:
name - Anne SEWELL
married to Joseph SEWELL
m.b.VTThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Eliza SEWELL, of Locke township, Ingham county, and the mother of Mrs. J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, is visiting her daughter for a few weeks, and who is looking for her husband to join her soon, and it is said he contemplates making a land purchase in our county ere he returns. (23 Jun 1881)-SOUTH GROVE ITEMS.
A reception was given by Mr. Joseph SEWEL in honor of the return of J. G. SEWELL one of his sons from the West. There were thirty children and grand-children present and 21 were absent. There was but one democrat among them. They all enjoyed themselves in a heartfelt manner and we hope they may all meet again. J. G. says he has seen all of the west that he wants to see and has returned to the land of corn and wine, Michigan. He intends to build on his farm in Kalkaska county. (6 Sep 1888)-GOLDEN WEDDING.
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-DIED.-At her home in Cheney, Feb. 3d 1892, Eliza SEWELL, aged 73 years.
Deceased was the wife of Joseph SEWELL one of the early settlers of this county, who survives her. She was the mother of sixteen children of whom eleven are living.
The funeral was conducted at their residence, by Rev. S. G. TAYLOR of Grayling and Rev. WILLETTS of Cheney, and the body laid to rest in the Center Plains cemetery, on Sunday, last. (11 Feb 1892)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-I. SEWELL, living at Pere Cheney, was given a surprise party the 11th in honor of his 56th birth day. The house was full of friends and relations. Mirth was plenty. Refreshments were served of all the good things of Crawford county. All went home happy, and said they was glad they were there. (13 Jan 1898)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
A reception was given by Mr. Joseph SEWEL in honor of the return of J. G. SEWELL one of his sons from the West. There were thirty children and grand-children present and 21 were absent. There was but one democrat among them. They all enjoyed themselves in a heartfelt manner and we hope they may all meet again. J. G. says he has seen all of the west that he wants to see and has returned to the land of corn and wine, Michigan. He intends to build on his farm in Kalkaska county. (6 Sep 1888)-GOLDEN WEDDING.
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mrs. O. D. CALDWELL and daughter, of Detroit, are visiting her brothers Dennis and W. M. JOHNSON. (25 Jul 1889)-GOLDEN WEDDING.
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. they have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-Mr. and Mrs. D. JOHNSON hereby acknowledge their thanks to the kind neighbors and friends who rendered assistance during the illness, and after the death of their father, Jeremiah JOHNSON, on the 25th of January. Help and sympathy at such a time is appreciated. (9 Feb 1893)
-Chloe, youngest and only child of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis JOHNSON of Pere Cheney, died last Monday afternoon, of Diphtheria. The parents have the sympathy of the entire community in this their second affliction from that dread disease. (30 Mar 1893)
Run down and killed by an early morning train, the body of Amasa JOHNSON, aged 65, a gate tender at the Green avenue crossing, was carried to Crawford avenue, six blocks distant. There were no witnesses to the accident, and it is evident that the train crew did not know that they had struck anyone.
JOHNSON, who lived at 65 White street, was a section hand for many years, and it was only last Wednesday that he was given the position of gate tender. He went to work at 6:30 every morning, and left his home at the usual time today. The body was not discovered until nearly 8 o'clock.
Coroner BENNETT intends to conduct a rigid investigation. He learned that it was engine No. 31, drawing Pere Marquette train No. 12 that killed the man. The train never stopped and the coroner found the locomotive in the union depot with the pilot spattered with blood.
Charles REQUADT was running the engine. He has been summoned to the coroners office. - Detroit News.
The deceased was a brother of Dennis and William JOHNSON of this place and formerly resided here. (27 Jan 1910)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-DIED,
On Wednesday, the 7th inst., at Pere Cheney, Louisa, wife of Dennis JOHNSON, aged 33 years.
She was one of triplets, born to Joseph and Eliza SEWELL in Stockbridge, Mich. She was married in October, 1878 and came to this county twelve years ago, and settled in Pere Cheney. she leaves a bereaved husband, an aged father, and a number of brothers and sisters to mourn her loss. (15 Feb 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED.-Hattie May JOHNSON, aged 11 years, of diphtheria, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis JOHNSON, of Cheney, March 20. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all. (23 Mar 1893)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Chloe, youngest and only child of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis JOHNSON of Pere Cheney, died last Monday afternoon, of Diphtheria. The parents have the sympathy of the entire community in this their second affliction from that dread disease. (30 Mar 1893)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. and Mrs. L. J. TRYON have gone to Midland City to visit their son Claude, who is employed there as station operator. (7 Jul 1881)-Mr. L. J. TRYON and wife having disposed of their village property here, departed last Friday for Midland City, where we learn they have a very pleasant home. They leave many warm friends here who will cherish the memory of the rare Christian graces of Mrs. TRYON, and of her devotion to the cause of Christ. ( 22 Sep 1881)
-Mr. L. J. TRYON, a former resident of Grayling, is the guest of his brother-in-law, J. S. HARRINGTON, Esq. (27 Jan 1887)
-Luke TRYON, a former resident here, who will be well remembered by our older citizens, was burned out of his home in Fenton, at midnight, the 10th inst. Loss $1500. His was the oldest house in Fenton, having been built by George FENTON, in 1834. (16 Feb 1893)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. L. J. TRYON, a former resident of Grayling, is the guest of his brother-in-law, J. S. HARRINGTON, Esq. (27 Jan 1887)-DIED.
At Midland, Mich., Jan. 27th, 1894, Henry HARRINGTON, aged 79 years.
Henry HARRINGTON was born in Cumberland Co., Eng., in 1815; came to America in 1831, making his home at Central Square, N. Y., until 1882, when he came to Midland, Mich., where he passed peacefully away, without any previous sickness, on the evening of Jan. 27th, 1894.
He leaves, to mourn his loss, a widow in very poor health; two sons, John S., of this place, and T. W. HARRINGTON, of Colorado; two daughters, Mrs. S. W. MURPHY, of Midland, and Mrs. L. J. TRYON, formerly of Grayling, but now living at Fenton.
Mr. HARRINTON had lived for many years a consistent Christian life, and won hosts of friends wherever he went. His firm trust in the Lord, of which he so often spoke during the past ten weeks, is proving the greatest consolation to the sorrowing family. (8 Feb 1894)-Mrs. Luke TRYON, with her daughter is visiting here for the first time in 21 years, the guest of Mrs. J. S. HARRINGTON. Mrs. TRYON and her husband was the fifteenth family to locate in Grayling, and lived here for several years, building what was then a pretentious home, being the building used by BENSON for some years as a millinery shop and residence, and now a part of the Russel Hotel. She is surprised with the many changes, from a wilderness to the beautiful village now here. (28 Nov 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. and Mrs. L. J. TRYON have gone to Midland City to visit their son Claude, who is employed there as station operator. (7 Jul 1881)-MARRIED.
-At the residence of L. J. TRYON, Midland City, Mich., Dec. 5th, by Rev. C. M. THOMPSON, Mr. Claude B. TRYON, of Midland, and Miss Carrie HIDLEY, of Bridgeport, Mich. Claude has many friends in Grayling who will wish him and his bride a long and happy life. (2 Dec 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-At the residence of L. J. TRYON, Midland City, Mich., Dec. 5th, by Rev. C. M. THOMPSON, Mr. Claude B. TRYON, of Midland, and Miss Carrie HIDLEY, of Bridgeport, Mich. Claude has many friends in Grayling who will wish him and his bride a long and happy life. (2 Dec 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-December and May: One of the seeming absurdities of the season was the solemnization of the marriage of Mr. Edward NICHOLS, of this village, aged 45, or upwards, and Miss Eva NICHOLS, an adopted daughter of the groom's brother George, and aged 13 years, on July 4th. As the juvenile bride was spanked and sent early to bed, the printer is minus his customary piece of cake. (7 Jul 1881)-PENSIONERS.
Following is a list of pensioners in Crawford county, for what cause granted, and amount:
Henry ENGISN, rheumatism left hip, $6; Henry DAVENPORT, injury to abdomen, $4; John W. WALLACE, wound right leg, $4; Frederick L. BARKER, wound chest and shoulder, $12.
Elias WYCKOFF, chronic diarrhoea, $6; Geo. W. LOVE, injury to back and spine, $12; Orlando G. ANDREWS, wound right arm, $8; Ira CURRAN, wound left wrist, $12.
Wilson HAYNES, loss of limb, $21; Cheeny W. HALL, chronic diarrhea, $4; Joshua SAFREED, debility, etc., $4.
Edward NICHOLS, wound left leg, $4; Chas. WAGNER, wound of head, $50; J. M. JONES, wound right thigh, $12.75; Lewis E. PARKER, dis. lungs, $8; Emeline J. LEONARD, mother, $8; George FAUBLE, wound left side, $6; Jonathan C. SILSBEE, consumption, $18; Mary STEVENSON, mother, $8; Thos. LOUND, rheumatism, $4; David NICHOLS, injury to abdomen, $4; Asa J. ROSE, injury right knee, $6. 17 (Jan 1884)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-December and May: One of the seeming absurdities of the season was the solemnization of the marriage of Mr. Edward NICHOLS, of this village, aged 45, or upwards, and Miss Eva NICHOLS, an adopted daughter of the groom's brother George, and aged 13 years, on July 4th. As the juvenile bride was spanked and sent early to bed, the printer is minus his customary piece of cake. (7 Jul 1881)
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