The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Miss Amanda ANDERSON and her sister, Mrs. JORGENSON and baby, left Sunday evening for their old home in Sweden, where they will visit for some time. (24 May 1900)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Miss Amanda ANDERSON and her sister, Mrs. JORGENSON and baby, left Sunday evening for their old home in Sweden, where they will visit for some time. (24 May 1900)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Miss Amanda ANDERSON and her sister, Mrs. JORGENSON and baby, left Sunday evening for their old home in Sweden, where they will visit for some time. (24 May 1900)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Miss Amanda ANDERSON and her sister, Mrs. JORGENSON and baby, left Sunday evening for their old home in Sweden, where they will visit for some time. (24 May 1900)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Last Thursday, May 24, the loyal subjects of Queen Victoria were celebrating the 81st anniversary of her birth, and on that day a lesser number, but with hearts as true and loving as of any British subject, met to assist Miss Lou E. WILLIAMS in the glad celebration of the 82d anniversary of the birth of her mother, Mrs. S. G. BROWN, a resident of our town for fourteen years. The afternoon passed all too soon for the happy crowd who seemed to enjoy every minute, and after a sumptuous and dainty banquet, with good wishes for a longer lease of years for one who has so long held the love and esteem of all who knew her, they bade her good night, leaving her an elegant easy chair as a reminder of the pleasant day. (31 May 1900)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Last Thursday, May 24, the loyal subjects of Queen Victoria were celebrating the 81st anniversary of her birth, and on that day a lesser number, but with hearts as true and loving as of any British subject, met to assist Miss Lou E. WILLIAMS in the glad celebration of the 82d anniversary of the birth of her mother, Mrs. S. G. BROWN, a resident of our town for fourteen years. The afternoon passed all too soon for the happy crowd who seemed to enjoy every minute, and after a sumptuous and dainty banquet, with good wishes for a longer lease of years for one who has so long held the love and esteem of all who knew her, they bade her good night, leaving her an elegant easy chair as a reminder of the pleasant day. (31 May 1900)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Last Thursday, May 24, the loyal subjects of Queen Victoria were celebrating the 81st anniversary of her birth, and on that day a lesser number, but with hearts as true and loving as of any British subject, met to assist Miss Lou E. WILLIAMS in the glad celebration of the 82d anniversary of the birth of her mother, Mrs. S. G. BROWN, a resident of our town for fourteen years. The afternoon passed all too soon for the happy crowd who seemed to enjoy every minute, and after a sumptuous and dainty banquet, with good wishes for a longer lease of years for one who has so long held the love and esteem of all who knew her, they bade her good night, leaving her an elegant easy chair as a reminder of the pleasant day. (31 May 1900)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Robert MAXWELL, Esq., of New Orleans, is visiting his brother, A. MAXWELL of this city, and will spend two or three weeks with him here and at Mackinaw. (13 Aug 1885)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-On Saturday evening we enjoyed a pleasant call from Mr. A. MAXWELL, of Detroit, who is about to become a citizen of our city, taking chatge of the R. R. eating house, which will be fully in operation by July 4th. Mr. MAXWELL's hotel experience in Detroit and St. Clair will make him perfectly at home, and the traveling public hail his advent here with pleasure. (29 Jun 1882)-Robert MAXWELL, Esq., of New Orleans, is visiting his brother, A. MAXWELL of this city, and will spend two or three weeks with him here and at Mackinaw. (13 Aug 1885)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Robert MAXWELL, Esq., of New Orleans, is visiting his brother, A. MAXWELL of this city, and will spend two or three weeks with him here and at Mackinaw. (13 Aug 1885)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. J. S. HARDER and family went to Kalkaska county, to the farm of their son-in-law, O. J. SMITH. (6 Jul 1882)-Mrs. J. S. HARDER returned on Monday, from a three weeks visit with her daughter. Mrs. W. H. HANSON, in Beaver Creek township. (29 Apr 1886)
We wish, with our children to convey our thanks through the columns of the AVALANCHE, to our many friends who were so kind through the sickness of our loved one, and who assisted us in burying her; hoping that they may long be spared the like affliction and that all along the journey of .....................on. J. S. HARDER,ELIZEBETH HARDER. (29 Jul 1886)-The infant child, left by Mrs. SMITH, died at the residence of its grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. HARDER on last Tuesday morning. (23 Sep 1886)
-Mr. J. S. HARDER was called to Shiawassee county by the serious illness of his daughter last week. We are pleased to hear that she is improving. (8 Sep 1887)
-The youngest grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. HARDER, died on the 30th inst., at the home of its parents in Shiwassee county. the mother who has been quite sick for some time, is reported to be improving slowly. (6 Oct 1887)
-John S. HARDER moved to his old home in Shiwassee county, last week, after ten years residence here. He was one of the staunch and reliable men of the town, whose word was as good as his bond, and his departure will be regretted by his many friends. the AVALANCHE will follow him to his new home with good wishes. (19 Feb 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. J. S. HARDER and family went to Kalkaska county, to the farm of their son-in-law, O. J. SMITH. (6 Jul 1882)-We learn that the father of Mr. O. J. SMITH died at his son's residence in Kalkaska county last Saturday. (23 Aug 1883)
-BORN-On yesterday morning, to Mr. and Mrs. O. J. SMITH, a daughter. (17 Jun 1886)
-O. J. SMITH and family have moved to Standish, where he has purchased land for a farm. This is the third time he has left Grayling for better fields. When he returns next year, he will come to stay. (21 Nov 1895)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. J. S. HARDER and family went to Kalkaska county, to the farm of their son-in-law, O. J. SMITH. (6 Jul 1882)-Mrs. O. J. SMITH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. HARDER, died on last Saturday, in the 32d year of her age, and was buried on Sunday in the Grayling cemetery. She had been sick for a long time. (29 Jul 1886)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In Kalkaska county, Sunday, Dec. 17, 1882, Alma, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. SMITH, aged six years. The body was brought here for burial, funeral services being held at the residence of J. S. HARDER, grandfather of the deceased, Rev. S. EDGCUMBE officiating. (21 Dec 1882)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-We learn that the father of Mr. O. J. SMITH died at his son's residence in Kalkaska coutny last Saturday. (23 Aug 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
July 4th, 1882, by Rev. J. F. DAVIDSON, Mr. Wm. E. DETWILER, of Chesaning, to Miss Myrtie E. FULLER, of Grayling. - Chesaning Argus. (13 Jul 1882)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
July 4th, 1882, by Rev. J. F. DAVIDSON, Mr. Wm. E. DETWILER, of Chesaning, to Miss Myrtie E. FULLER, of Grayling. - Chesaning Argus. (13 Jul 1882)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Deacon James S. WEBBER, of East Saginaw, died Sunday. He was one of the veterans of the Baptist church in that city, and was father of Wm. L. WEBBER, of the F. & P. M. R. R. (13 Jul 1882)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Deacon James S. WEBBER, of East Saginaw, died Sunday. He was one of the veterans of the Baptist church in that city, and was father of Wm. L. WEBBER, of the F. & P. M. R. R. (13 Jul 1882)
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