The following information extracted from the 1880 Census of Center Plains and Beaver Creek, Crawford, MI:
name - George W. LOVE
occupation - Farmer
married to Mary R. LOVE
m.b.VTThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-G. W. LOVE, supervisor of Center Plains township, received the nomination for Representative in the State Legislature at the democratic convention held in Bay City last week. (2 Nov 1882)-PENSIONERS.
Following is a list of pensioners in Crawford county, for what cause granted, and amount:
Henry ENGISN, rheumatism left hip, $6; Henry DAVENPORT, injury to abdomen, $4; John W. WALLACE, wound right leg, $4; Frederick L. BARKER, wound chest and shoulder, $12.
Elias WYCKOFF, chronic diarrhoea, $6; Geo. W. LOVE, injury to back and spine, $12; Orlando G. ANDREWS, wound right arm, $8; Ira CURRAN, wound left wrist, $12.
Wilson HAYNES, loss of limb, $21; Cheeny W. HALL, chronic diarrhea, $4; Joshua SAFREED, debility, etc., $4.
Edward NICHOLS, wound left leg, $4; Chas. WAGNER, wound of head, $50; J. M. JONES, wound right thigh, $12.75; Lewis E. PARKER, dis. lungs, $8; Emeline J. LEONARD, mother, $8; George FAUBLE, wound left side, $6; Jonathan C. SILSBEE, consumption, $18; Mary STEVENSON, mother, $8; Thos. LOUND, rheumatism, $4; David NICHOLS, injury to abdomen, $4; Asa J. ROSE, injury right knee, $6. 17 (Jan 1884)-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. LOVE, of Center Plains, were in the city Monday, guests of their daughter, Mrs. F. D. ROBINSON. (24 Jan 1884)
-Geo. W. LOVE, of Pere Cheney, Crawford county, Mich., is a farmer and fruit grower, and is one of those genial, white haired old grangers who have done so much credit and honor to the Wolverine state. He is a native of Ohio, and was captain in the Eighth Michigan Infantry during the late unpleasantness. He attended the meeting of the state horticultural society at Lansing, and stayed over to see the semi-centennial celebration at the same place. But here let him tell his own story:
"I had heard a good deal of Colonel ALGER and General ALGER and Gov. ALGER, and what a tiptop man he was, and thinks I, I wonder if that is the little Aleck ALGER that I used to go to school with down in Richland, Ohio. I was big boy then, and Aleck was a quiet little cuss that sat in the corner, and didn't play much, and the other little youngsters used to pester him a good deal. Many a time I cuffed 'em for interfering with Aleck. You see, he was an orphan, and as good a little fellow as ever you saw.
Did you call on him inquired a listener.
God bless your soul, I found him with Gov. BEGOLE at the governor's room, and when I made myself known, if he didn't put his arm round my neck and hug me."-Detroit News. (24 Jun 1886)-Judge of Probate, Geo. W. LOVE, passed the 70th milestone on his journey of life, last Monday. His friends hope he may live to see as many more. (18 Sep 1890)
Death of G. W. LOVE, in his 73d year. (19 Jul 1894)
The following information extracted from the 1880 Census of Center Plains and Beaver Creek, Crawford, MI:
name - Mary R. LOVE
married to George W. LOVE
m.b.NYThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. F. D. ROBINSON celebrated her return to her home in Punta Gorda, Florida, by sending a huge box of oranges to her mother, Mrs. Mary LOVE, and friends here, among whom we are glad to be remembered. The fruit was large and absolutely perfect. (24 Jan 1901)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mr. and Mrs. FUNCH, of Livingston county, are visiting their daughter and sons at Henry HARTMAN's. (2 Nov 1882)-DIED-On Friday, January 22, 1886, at 3 a. m., of scarlet fever, Joseph, son of Henry HARTMAN, of Grove Township, aged 10 years. - Ros. News. (28 Jan 1886)
-BORN-On the 17th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Henry HARTMAN, of Grove township, a daughter. (31 Mar 1887)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED-On Friday, January 22, 1886, at 3 a. m., of scarlet fever, Joseph, son of Henry HARTMAN, of Grove Township, aged 10 years. - Ros. News. (28 Jan 1886)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Whereas my wife, Anna B. FERGUSON, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I do hereby forbid any person harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. GEO. FERGUSON.
OTSEGO LAKE, Nov. 20, 1882. (23 Nov 1882)-George FERGUSON, formerly of Grayling was married July 3, to Miss Bessie SKYLOR of Gaylord. They came down on the evening train of the 13th, visiting with her mother and sister until the 9th, returning again to their home at Gaylord. May joy and success be their's through life, is the wish of Grayling friends. (19 Jul 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Whereas my wife, Anna B. FERGUSON, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I do hereby forbid any person harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. GEO. FERGUSON.
OTSEGO LAKE, Nov. 20, 1882. (23 Nov 1882)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Nov. 22d, 1882.
Farmer Cheney W. HALL has built a new house 16x22. His oldest daughter's birthday occurred Nov. 15th, and according to promise she made a quilting party. After quilting once around the fun commenced; games and plays of all kinds were had until supper time. After supper the young folks (and some of the older ones, too,) tripped the light fantastic toe. There were 34 to supper. the culinary department was presided over by Mrs. S. Martin MILES, assited by Mrs. HALL and Miss Anna QUANCE. May the daughter live to see many more bright, sunshiny and happy birthdays. (30 Nov 1882)-PENSIONERS.
Following is a list of pensioners in Crawford county, for what cause granted, and amount:
Henry ENGISN, rheumatism left hip, $6; Henry DAVENPORT, injury to abdomen, $4; John W. WALLACE, wound right leg, $4; Frederick L. BARKER, wound chest and shoulder, $12.
Elias WYCKOFF, chronic diarrhoea, $6; Geo. W. LOVE, injury to back and spine, $12; Orlando G. ANDREWS, wound right arm, $8; Ira CURRAN, wound left wrist, $12.
Wilson HAYNES, loss of limb, $21; Cheeny W. HALL, chronic diarrhea, $4; Joshua SAFREED, debility, etc., $4.
Edward NICHOLS, wound left leg, $4; Chas. WAGNER, wound of head, $50; J. M. JONES, wound right thigh, $12.75; Lewis E. PARKER, dis. lungs, $8; Emeline J. LEONARD, mother, $8; George FAUBLE, wound left side, $6; Jonathan C. SILSBEE, consumption, $18; Mary STEVENSON, mother, $8; Thos. LOUND, rheumatism, $4; David NICHOLS, injury to abdomen, $4; Asa J. ROSE, injury right knee, $6. 17 (Jan 1884)-Mrs. C. W. HALL, of Beaver Creek Township, left on Monday night for Hillsdale County, where she was called by the sickness of her father. (14 Jan 1886)
-DIED-On Monday evening, at 7 o'clock, Mrs. Henry LAUGHLIN, of Glade township, daughter of Cheney W. HALL, formerly of beaver Creek. (17 Feb 1887)
The following information extracted from the 1880 Census of Maple Forest, Crawford, MI:
name - John J. COVENTRY
occupation - Farmer
married to Adelia
m.b.ScotlandThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Lillie G. COVENTRY, who has been spending a few weeks with her parents in Maple Forest, returned last week to Ortonville, Oakland county, where she is making her home with an uncle, Her father, J. J. COVENTRY, accompanied her. (7 Dec 1882)-MARVIN POST G. A. R.
As per announcement in the AVALANCHE, the old soldiers of the county met at the court house last Friday for the formation of a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. The name selected, as indicated above, was in honor of the only comrade who had dided in this county, to the knowledge of any who were present, Comrade Harry MARVIN, of Beaver Creek township, who was mustered into the grand army above.
As will be seen by the roster published below, there are over 40 charter members, and if the enthusiasm manifested by those present at the organization continues, the post will flourish. the date of muster is not decided, but will be some time this month, and then the veterans can gather around their camp fire and live over again the life of field, and march, and battle.
The following officers were elected:
Commander - O. J. BELL.
Senior Vice-Commander - O. PALMER.
Jun. Vice Com. - Thos. LOUND.
Quartermaster - J. G. MARSH.
Chaplain - O. G. ANDREWS.
Surgeon - Alex. ODELL.
Officer of the Day - A. E. NEWMAN.
Officer of the Guard - G. BOSOM.
Adjutant - J. J. COVENTRY.
Sergeant - Major - C. W. WIGHT.
Quar. - Sergt. - A. C. WILSON.
Sentry - C. A. INGERSON.
We give the complete roster of charter members, and hope during the season to add the name of every soldier in the county:
O. J. BELL, I, 6th Mich H. A.
Samuel CASSIMER, K, 30th Wis V I.
Oscar PALMER, C, 1st U S S S.
W. BATTERSON, I, 1st N Y Dragoons.
A. TAYLOR, B, 22d N Y Cav.
S. M. MILES, B. 101st Pa Inf.
A. D. COLESTOCK, E, 7th Mich Cav.
J. J. COVENTRY, K, 11th N. J. Inf.
G. H. THAYER, E, 2d Mich Cav.
Aaron ATEN, A, 21st O V I.
F. M. FORBES, I, 145th P V I.
R. P. FORBES, I, 5th Mich Cav.
S. HEMPSTED, B, 4th Mich Cav.
A. C. WILSON, B, 17th N Y B.
Wm. WOODBURN, D, 5th Mich Cav.
O. G. ANDREWS, E, 8th Mich Inf.
C. A. INGERSON, E, 50th N Y Eng.
C. W. WIGHT, B, 2d N H H A.
J. W. WALLACE, F, 1st Mich Inf.
H. DAVENPORT, D. 105th N Y V I.
D. WILLETT, M, 7th Mich Cav.
W. HAYNES, A, 122d N Y V I.
A. ODELL, K, 8th N Y H A.
A. J. ROSE, F. 126th N Y V I.
J. G. MARSH, E, 9th Mich Cav.
C. E. STRUNK, A, 4th Mich V I.
Thos LOUND, G, 3d Mich Cav.
G. BOSOM, I, 1th Mich Inf.
L. BOSOM, L, 1st Mich Eng.
Geo. FAUBLE, I, 85th? Ill V I.
A. H. ALLEN, D, 151st N Y V I.
M. PACKARD, F, 152d Ind V I.
Wm. H. ROE, F, 16th Mich V I.
A. C. WILCOX, I, 5th Mich V I.
A. MOSHER, K, 3d Mich Cav.
L. StJOHN, I, 12th Mich V I.
Wm WILCOX, H, 2d Mich Cav.
S. H. JOHNSON, E. 1st Mo Eng.
A. E. NEWMAN, F, 15th. (13 Mar 1884)-Mr. and Mrs. J. COVENTRY of Maple Forest, returned from Holly last Friday, having been called there by the sudden death of a sister, who left here on Tuesday noon in apparent health and died at the breakfast table, Wednesday morning, of appoplexy. (12 Sep 1895)
-J. J. COVENTRY, of Maple Forest, has become a regular "Morgan Killer." or in other words has joined the Masons. (26 Dec 1895)
John J. COVENTRY, of Maple Forest, is so thoroughly known as to need no introduction at our hands. He is a pioneer farmer of this county, one who has made that business a success, as his fine crops, stock and improvements will testify to any one who will call at his home and enjoy the hospitality ever freely given. He enlisted when a mere boy in Co. K, 11th N. J. Inf., and served to the close of the war, bearing a most excellent record. He was a charter member of Marvin Post G. A. R., and is always recognized as a patriotic citizens. A fine scholar, of pleasing address, of unblemished integrity, and regarded most highly where he is most intimately known. He has served his township repeatedly as Clerk and Supervisor, and for years has been one of the County Superintendents for the Poor. His official life has been eminently satisfactory to his constituents, and we are sure that no mistake will be made in electing him to the honorable position for which he has been nominated by the Republican party. (15 Oct 1896)County Treasurer COVENTRY came home Monday, from Detroit, bringing the cheering news of steady improvement of his son Phillip, from the operation for apendicitis. (3 Jul 1902)
The following information extracted from the 1880 Census of Maple Forest, Crawford, MI:
name - Adelia COVENTRY
married to John J. COVENTRY
m.b.NYThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. J. J. COVENTRY, of Maple Forest, is enjoying a visit from her sister and niece, Mrs. PECK and daughter, of Evart. They drove through last week. (20 Apr 1899)-Mrs. J. J. COVENTRY arrived in the village, Saturday, for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. S. PHELPS. (12 Oct 1905)
The following information extracted from the 1880 Census of Maple Forest, Crawford, MI:
name - L. D. COVENTRY
The following information extracted from the 1880 Census of Maple Forest, Crawford, MI:
name - Philip L. COVENTRY
m.b.MIThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
County Treasurer COVENTRY came home Monday, from Detroit, bringing the cheering news of steady improvement of his son Phillip, from the operation for apendicitis. (3 Jul 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Lillie PERRY, of Groveland, with her daughter, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. COVENTRY. (5 Sep 1901)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Lillie G. COVENTRY, who has been spending a few weeks with her parents in Maple Forest, returned last week to Ortonville, Oakland county, where she is making her home with an uncle, Her father, J. J. COVENTRY, accompanied her. (7 Dec 1882)-Mrs. John W. PERRY, of Groveland, Mich., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. COVENTRY, of Maple Forest. She was nearly of the mind to return without her visit when she saw the depth of snow here. (10 Feb 1898)
-Mrs. Lillie PERRY, of Groveland, with her daughter, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. COVENTRY. (5 Sep 1901)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In Fredericville, Dec. 21st, 1882, by Rev. Wm. PUTNAM, Thomas H. DILLENBECK, of Fredericville, and Lizzie DUFFY, of Bay City.
Embarking on the matrimonial sea, laden with love and hope and confidence in and for each other, let us hope that their frail bark may never be wrecked on the rocks of discord or in the sea of adversity. Our best wishes attend them and their future which is promising as M. DILLENBECK is young and hale and hearty, and well able to cope with the hardships of life. (28 Dec 1882)-Thomas H. DILLENBECK, of Fredericville, got drunk last week and made things lively for his neighbors. He was arrested and brough to jail, but the complaint was withdrawn before examination. (16 Aug 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In Fredericville, Dec. 21st, 1882, by Rev. Wm. PUTNAM, Thomas H. DILLENBECK, of Fredericville, and Lizzie DUFFY, of Bay City.
Embarking on the matrimonial sea, laden with love and hope and confidence in and for each other, let us hope that their frail bark may never be wrecked on the rocks of discord or in the sea of adversity. Our best wishes attend them and their future which is promising as M. DILLENBECK is young and hale and hearty, and well able to cope with the hardships of life. (28 Dec 1882)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. John N. SHAVER, of Otsego county, was present with his brother during the last days of his life, and with Mrs. Geo. W. SHAVER unites in thanking their friends and neighbors for unremitting kindnesses in the time of their affliction. (4 Jan 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. John N. SHAVER, of Otsego county, was present with his brother during the last days of his life, and with Mrs. Geo. W. SHAVER unites in thanking their friends and neighbors for unremitting kindnesses in the time of their affliction. (4 Jan 1883)-We last week published a brief notice of the accident which befel Geo. W. SHAVER, at Cheboygan, the Saturday previous, by getting his foot caught in a frog while coupling cars. On Wednesday he was reported comfortable and recovering, but before our papers were dry from the press Thursday morning he was taken with a nervous chill, followed by collapse and death before midnight. the body was taken to near Flint for burial. ( 4 Jan 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. John N. SHAVER, of Otsego county, was present with his brother during the last days of his life, and with Mrs. Geo. W. SHAVER unites in thanking their friends and neighbors for unremitting kindnesses in the time of their affliction. (4 Jan 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mr. Joseph McFUNSCH, of this township, and Miss Mattie E. MULLEN, of Lawton, Van Buren county, were united in marriage at Rosscommon on Monday, Jan. 15th. Long life and good health to the happy couple. (25 Jan 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mr. Joseph McFUNSCH, of this township, and Miss Mattie E. MULLEN, of Lawton, Van Buren county, were united in marriage at Rosscommon on Monday, Jan. 15th. Long life and good health to the happy couple. (25 Jan 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Among the arrivals in our city last week were Mrs. Dr. W. H. NILES and daughter, of Eastmanville. The Dr. is developing a farm in Oscoda county and they will take up their residence there in the spring. Mrs. NILES is at present the guest of her sister, Mrs. O. PALMER. ( 22 Feb 1883)-MARVIN POST G. A. R.
As per announcement in the AVALANCHE, the old soldiers of the county met at the court house last Friday for the formation of a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. The name selected, as indicated above, was in honor of the only comrade who had dided in this county, to the knowledge of any who were present, Comrade Harry MARVIN, of Beaver Creek township, who was mustered into the grand army above.
As will be seen by the roster published below, there are over 40 charter members, and if the enthusiasm manifested by those present at the organization continues, the post will flourish. the date of muster is not decided, but will be some time this month, and then the veterans can gather around their camp fire and live over again the life of field, and march, and battle.
The following officers were elected:
Commander - O. J. BELL.
Senior Vice-Commander - O. PALMER.
Jun. Vice Com. - Thos. LOUND.
Quartermaster - J. G. MARSH.
Chaplain - O. G. ANDREWS.
Surgeon - Alex. ODELL.
Officer of the Day - A. E. NEWMAN.
Officer of the Guard - G. BOSOM.
Adjutant - J. J. COVENTRY.
Sergeant - Major - C. W. WIGHT.
Quar. - Sergt. - A. C. WILSON.
Sentry - C. A. INGERSON.
We give the complete roster of charter members, and hope during the season to add the name of every soldier in the county:
O. J. BELL, I, 6th Mich H. A.
Samuel CASSIMER, K, 30th Wis V I.
Oscar PALMER, C, 1st U S S S.
W. BATTERSON, I, 1st N Y Dragoons.
A. TAYLOR, B, 22d N Y Cav.
S. M. MILES, B. 101st Pa Inf.
A. D. COLESTOCK, E, 7th Mich Cav.
J. J. COVENTRY, K, 11th N. J. Inf.
G. H. THAYER, E, 2d Mich Cav.
Aaron ATEN, A, 21st O V I.
F. M. FORBES, I, 145th P V I.
R. P. FORBES, I, 5th Mich Cav.
S. HEMPSTED, B, 4th Mich Cav.
A. C. WILSON, B, 17th N Y B.
Wm. WOODBURN, D, 5th Mich Cav.
O. G. ANDREWS, E, 8th Mich Inf.
C. A. INGERSON, E, 50th N Y Eng.
C. W. WIGHT, B, 2d N H H A.
J. W. WALLACE, F, 1st Mich Inf.
H. DAVENPORT, D. 105th N Y V I.
D. WILLETT< M, 7th Mich Cav.
W. HAYNES, A, 122d N Y V I.
A. ODELL, K, 8th N Y H A.
A. J. ROSE, F. 126th N Y V I.
J. G. MARSH, E, 9th Mich Cav.
C. E. STRUNK, A, 4th Mich V I.
Thos LOUND, G, 3d Mich Cav.
G. BOSOM, I, 1th Mich Inf.
L. BOSOM, L, 1st Mich Eng.
Geo. FAUBLE, I, 85th? Ill V I.
A. H. ALLEN, D, 151st N Y V I.
M. PACKARD, F, 152d Ind V I.
Wm. H. ROE, F, 16th Mich V I.
A. C. WILCOX, I, 5th Mich V I.
A. MOSHER, K, 3d Mich Cav.
L. StJOHN, I, 12th Mich V I.
Wm WILCOX, H, 2d Mich Cav.
S. H. JOHNSON, E. 1st Mo Eng.
A. E. NEWMAN, F, 15th. (13 Mar 1884)-Mrs. H. M. BARLOW, sister of O. PALMER, started for her home in Missouri, last week. She will visit relatives on her way in Southern Michigan, Illinois and Iowa. (30 Oct 1884)
-O. PALMER, left on yesterday, for his old home, Jonesville, Mich., on business. He will also attend the reunion of the Fourth Michigan, at that place, tomorrow. (18 Jun 1885)
-Mr. L. J. WELLS, of Ithica, is visiting our city, the guest of his nephew, O. PALMER. (8 Oct 1885)
-O. PALMER returned from Three Rivers, Mich., yesterday morning, where he was called last week by the illness and death of the wife of his brother, Alonzo PALMER. (31 Dec 1885)
Agricultural implements and wagons are handled by O. PALMER, whose sales for the year will aggregate over $1,500, proving the advance of the agricultural development of the country. (29 Dec 1887)-At a regular encampment of Marvin Post, No. 240, Grand Army of the Republic, held last Saturday evening, the 13th inst., the following officers were elected:
Commander, - W. S. CHALKER
Sen. Vice Com. - A. C. WILCOX
Jun. Vice Com. - R. McELROY
Quartermaster. - E. AUGUR
Chaplain. - W. WOODBURN
Surgeon. - O. PALMER
Officer of the Day. - O. J. BELL
Del. to Dept. Encamp't - L. St. JOHN
Alternate. - D. S. WALDRON (18 Dec 1890)-H. M. BARLOW, of Shelbina, Missouri, brother-in-law of O. PALMER, died last Friday, and the body was brought to Hudson, his old home, for interment. Mr. P. left on the early train Monday, to attend the funeral. (26 Mar 1896)
-Republican Causus - Grayling Tp.
Caucus was called to order by the chairman of the township committee, C. T. JEROME, who stated the business for which the caucus was called.
On Motion M. A. BATES was elected chairman, and J. C. HANSON, Secretary.
On motion the chairman appointed three tellers, consisting of J. K. MERZ, A. L. POND and J. J. COLLEN.
O. PALMER, Notary Public, administered the oath of office to the officers of the caucus.
The following persons were then nominated for township officers:
Supervisor - Geo. W. COMER.
Clerk - W. G. MARSH.
Treasurer - John STALEY.
Highway Comm'r - F. R. DECKROW
J. P., full term - R. McELROY.
J. P., to fill vacancy - J. K. BATES.
Member Board of Review - J. K. MERZ.
School Inspector - Wm. WOODFIELD.
School Inspector to fill vacancy - Er BELL.
Constables - Thos. K. CHITAGO, H. POND, Levi CLEMENT, and R. WILCOX.
M. A. BATES, D. McCORMICK and J. J. COLLEN were elected members of the township committee for the ensuing year. (2 Apr 1896)-DIED-At his home in Centreville, Mich., Saturday, Feb. 6th, Alonzo PALMER, aged 69 years. The deceased was a pioneer of southern Michigan, who has led an active business life, and whose friends are only numbered by counting those who knew hgim. To me he was not only a brother, but like unto a father, counselor and friend. By the example of an absolutely incorruptible life, filled with acts of kindness toward all with whom he came in contact, he had tried to teach me how to live, and as I stood beside him in his last hours he showed me how a man should die. His body rests beside his wife in Maple Grove Cemetery, in Hudson, He leaves three sons, grown to manhood, to emulate his virtues, and to cultivate, as he did, a spirit of large hearted charity and the universal brotherhood of man. O. P. (11 Feb 1897)
-While the papers and people are largely discussing the idea of the establishment of Postal Savings Banks, which subject presents many strange arguments, pro. and con., we are willing to receive a little reflected honor from the friends of the movement. As our nephew, Don Alonzo PALMER, of Duluth, Minn., is one of the strongest advocates of the measure, and has done as much or more in its favor as any one in this country. He sees in it the success and salvation of the laboring class. It is certainly worthy of investigation. (17 Feb 1898)
-O. PALMER was called to Chicago, Friday, on account of the death of his brothers wife. He returned Tuesday. (26 Oct 1899)
-Saturday evening our household was made glad by the unexpected coming of our oldest brother, Albert PALMER, from Marsland, Nebraska, whom we had not seen for nearly twenty years. He has seen three quarters of the century, but his activity makes us think we are but a kid, and we dare not "sass" him more than we did fifty years ago when he was our father pro tem, and made us dance to his music. (4 Jan 1900)
-Our nephew, Don A. PALMER, who went from Duluth, through the Cuban war as 1st Lieutenant in the Electical engineers, has just received an appointment, and started for San Juan, Porto Rico, for the inspection of telephone apparatus in that region. (11 Jan 1900)
-Mrs. H. E. BARLOW, our niece, of Pittsburg, Pa., is a welcome guest at our home, her first visit in the wilds of northern Michigan. (8 Aug 1901)
-We are made glad this week by a visit from our brother, W. W.. PALMER of Chicago, and our niece, Miss Ethelyn DOE, of Elgin, Ill. The presence of the young people helps to keep us young, and the reminicensies with brother takes us back to the days when we were young. (8 Aug 1901)
-Our nephew, H. E. BARLOW, of Pittsburg, Pa., dropped in on us last Friday, to join his wife for the balance of her visit. He was more than welcome. (15 Aug 1901)
-Our niece, Mrs. H. E. BARLOW, of Pittsburg, who has been with us for a few weeks, has returned to her home, and Mr. COVERT has so far recovered from his illness that he has gone back to the ranch, so we are all alone, and it seems lonesome in the house. (26 Sep 1901)
-Miss Josie KENDRICK, of Marsland, Nebraska, is a welcome guest at the home of her uncle, "ye editor." (19 Jun 1902)
-We celebrated our 61st birthday last Saturday, and King Edward his, on Sunday. We have always been one day ahead of the "effete monarch." (13 Nov 1902)
-Our home is made glad by the presence of our niece, Mrs. Dr. GOETZINGER, of Chicago, known in the musical world as "Clara Palmer HYDE." Our pleasure is greatly added to in listening to her violin with which she excells. (10 Aug 1905)
As there is no opposing candidate for the offices of Prosecuting Attorney or Cicuit Court Commissioner it would seem as though we must take what we can get. (25 Oct 1906)-Our niece, Mrs. H. E. BARLOW of Chicago, who has been a welcome guest at the editoral home for the past month, is spending this week at Saginaw with the "Home Comers." That city was the home of her girlhood days. (22 Aug 1907)
-We were glad last Monday to welcome to our home our nephew, Charles O. BARLOW, assistant manager of the Hamilton Republican Club, of Chicago, the largest organization of its kind in the United States, and one carrying an immence weight in shaping public affairs in their city and state, as well as in the nation. (19 Sep 1907)
-The "Old Man" with his brother, W. W. PALMER and his nephew, H. E. BARLOW, both of Chicago, who have been visiting here, are in Hudson this week, for a Home coming celebration. Their lives were all spent in that city upto manhood, and they expect to meet many of their old boy friends and live over again the days of Lang Syne. They are expected back today. (20 Aug 1908)
-The Editorial Home was gladened Monday evening by the arrival of our nephew, W. B. PALMER, of Pittsburg. He is pleasantly surprised by the many improvements in our village since he was here, five years ago. (27 Aug 1908)
-The "Old Man" of the AVALANCHE and his wife, quietly celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary last Sunday. Happy yet. (29 Oct 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Among the arrivals in our city last week were Mrs. Dr. W. H. NILES and daughter, of Eastmanville. The Dr. is developing a farm in Oscoda county and they will take up their residence there in the spring. Mrs. NILES is at present the guest of her sister, Mrs. O. PALMER. ( 22 Feb 1883)-Mrs. O. PALMER was called to Ottawa county yesterday on account of the serious illness of her niece, Miss Minnie NILES, who will be remembered by our young people, as she spent several months here last winter and spring. (27 Sep 1883)
-Mr. and Mrs. O. PALMER, spent the Fourth in Oscoda County, visiting the family of her sister, Mrs. Dr. NILES. (8 Jul 1886)
-Miss Winnie NILES, of Oscoda county, was in Grayling this week, visiting her aunt, Mrs. O. PALMER. (11 Nov 1886)
-Mrs. W. H. NILES, of Oscoda county is visiting her sister, Mrs. O. PALMER. (11 Aug 1887)
-Mrs. O. PALMER had the pleasure of a visit from her sister, Mrs. Dr. NILES, of Oscoda county, the first of the week. (5 Nov 1891)
-Mrs. May B. McKAY, nee PARTRIDGE, is the guest of Mrs. O. PALMER. (4 Aug 1892)
-Mrs. Dr. NILES started this morning, with her sister, Mrs. O. PALMER for her birthplace in the Berkshire Hills, Mass. They will also visit friends in Hartford, Conn., before their return. (7 Jun 1906)
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