The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
On Tuesday, Nov. 13th, 1883, by Justice of the Peace T. E. HASTINGS, Mr. Geo. GWATKINS, of Center Plains, to Miss Esther E. CREGO, of Beaver Creek. (1 Nov 1883)-NEWSY SIFTINGS.
Born, Aug. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. GWATKIN, a son. Weight eleven and one half pounds. (25 Aug 1887)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
On Tuesday, Nov. 13th, 1883, by Justice of the Peace T. E. HASTINGS, Mr. Geo. GWATKINS, of Center Plains, to Miss Esther E. CREGO, of Beaver Creek. (1 Nov 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In Beaver Creek township, on Sunday, Nov. 25, 1883, by Rev. W. H. JAMES, Mr. Henry LAUGHLIN and Miss Oliva HALL. (29 Nov 1883)-MARRIED-On Nov 3d, Mr. Henry LAUGHLIN, of Glade, Kalkaska county, and Miss Oliva Mina BAKER, of Beaver Creek. Rev. W. H. JAMES officiating. (10 Nov 1887)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In Beaver Creek township, on Sunday, Nov. 25, 1883, by Rev. W. H. JAMES, Mr. Henry LAUGHLIN and Miss Oliva HALL. (29 Nov 1883)-DIED-On Monday evening, at 7 o'clock, Mrs. Henry LAUGHLIN, of Glade township, daughter of Cheney W. HALL, formerly of beaver Creek. (17 Feb 1887)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In Beaver Creek township, on Sunday, Nov. 25, 1883, by Rev. W. H. JAMES, Mr. Henry LAUGHLIN and Miss Oliva HALL. (29 Nov 1883)-MARRIED-On Nov 3d, Mr. Henry LAUGHLIN, of Glade, Kalkaska county, and Miss Oliva Mina BAKER, of Beaver Creek. Rev. W. H. JAMES officiating. (10 Nov 1887)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED-On Nov 3d, Mr. Henry LAUGHLIN, of Glade, Kalkaska county, and Miss Oliva Mina BAKER, of Beaver Creek. Rev. W. H. JAMES officiating. (10 Nov 1887)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. W. FOWLER celebrated Thanksgiving by presenting her husband with an 8 1/2 - pound daughter on that morning. Of course the entire family gave thanks and Grandpa WALKER steps off as erect and smiling as can be well imagined. (6 Dec 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. W. FOWLER celebrated Thanksgiving by presenting her husband with an 8 1/2 - pound daughter on that morning. Of course the entire family gave thanks and Grandpa WALKER steps off as erect and smiling as can be well imagined. (6 Dec 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. W. FOWLER celebrated Thanksgiving by presenting her husband with an 8 1/2 - pound daughter on that morning. Of course the entire family gave thanks and Grandpa WALKER steps off as erect and smiling as can be well imagined. (6 Dec 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The nuptials of H. M. LOUD, the well known lumberman, of Oscoda, and Miss Nancy P. MILLER, of Brooklyn, N. Y., were celebrated Thanksgiving day at Beecher's chruch, Brooklyn. (6 Dec 1883)-In the household of H. M. LOUD, the Oscoda lumberman, are his mother, aged 93, his first wife's mother, aged 92, and the mother of his present wife, aged 88. (7 Jan 1892)
(From the Au Sable Press.)
In 1864 Hon. H. M. LOUD came here from Boston and was associated with a company, which built a portable mill about three miles out from town, where was sawed the lumber with which was built a mill on the company's present "big mill" site. - the family moved here in 1867, when George was a boy about 15 years of age. He went to school at Detroit, for a year, and the next year pursued a course of study at Ann Arbor. As a result of his father's belief in the efficiency of experience, the next winter he went to work and the winter following that he "put in" sixty-five miles up the Au Sable river, scaling the company's logs at a camp of which George A. McBEAN was in charge. He succeeded Mr. McBEAN as foreman in the camp, and at nineteen years of age he was given complete charge of the mill, at that time one of the largest, if not the largest in the State of Michigan. At twenty he was employed as foreman of the company's largest camp, having under his charge ninety-seven men, sixteen horse teams and eight ox teams. He was at this time, as always, successful in keeping amicable and friendly relations with the men under him, and, notwithstanding the amount of business with which his mind was burdened he won commendation from the general superintendent for his tact along this line. An instance of his having had trouble with a laboring man employed by him or working under him is wanting, and not alone to the men, did his work always prove satisfactory, but to the company as well.
For the next ten years of his life he was employed as foreman of the mill during, the summer, and had charge of the lumber camps during the winter seasons. He then succeeded Joseph DUDGEON as general superintendent for the company - having charge of all lumbering, driving and farming operations, and on the acquirement by the company of the A. S. & N. W. R'y, was made vice-president and general manager of that concern. When the H. M. Loud & Son's Company was organized he was made vice-president and general superintendent, and he is a member and officer of the present corporation - H. M. Loud Sons' Company.
In 1897 Mr. LOUD received his appointment as a colonel on the staff of governor PINGREE. This was in recognition of his services rendered to the Republican party, rather than for any special work he had done for the governor.
In January 1898 he started on a 23,000 mile cruise on the Revenue Cutter, McCullough, during which trip the war with Spain came on, giving him the privilege of participating in one of the most important sea fights and greatest naval victories of all history - the battle of Manilla. On the McCullough, Colonel LOUD held a six month's commission as Paymaster. Before the fleet left China, however, he was given orders to leave, but preferred to remain in the service, and see it out when there was a chance for fighting.
On his return home he was given a very flattering ovation - a large number of citizens of Oscoda and Au Sable going on a special train to Bay City, to meet him and accompany him home, and upon his arrival at this place, the whole town turned out to do him honor. The fact that this ovation was given him by the laboring men is a source of great pride to Colonel LOUD. However, he does not, and never did, pose as a military hero. On the contrary, he takes more pride in his month's service rendered the Michigan boys in the south, his trip with the Michigan hospital train, and his services at Montauk Point. As we said at the time the soldiers were coming home: "No one could have done more or done it better than Colonel LOUD did. He even forgot to sleep while he had the soldiers under his care, and if he got one meal a day on the way north he was in great luck. All of the soldiers tell of the work that Colonel LOUD did."-Hon. Henry M. LOUD, well known for years past by our people as the millionaire lumberman of Au Sable, died at Oak Grove sanitarium at Flint last Saturday, aged 81 years. He retired from active business in 1898, and for two years past has resided at the sanitarium, where every care and comfort possible has been given him. (18 May 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The nuptials of H. M. LOUD, the well known lumberman, of Oscoda, and Miss Nancy P. MILLER, of Brooklyn, N. Y., were celebrated Thanksgiving day at Beecher's chruch, Brooklyn. (6 Dec 1883)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Frederic Township, Crawford, MI:
name - Wellington BATTERSON
b.Dec 1844 in NY
occupation - Farmer
married to Nancy 13 years
m.b.MAThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-As we go to press, Friday, we learn of the death of Mrs. Wellington BATTERSON, this morning, after a protracted illness. The deceased had not been considered beyond hope of recovery until the present week at farthest, and therefore the blow seems more sudden and severe on the bereaved family. (27 Dec 1883)-The infant child of W. BATTERSON, Esq., died Tuesday night. (21 Feb 1884)
As per announcement in the AVALANCHE, the old soldiers of the county met at the court house last Friday for the formation of a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. The name selected, as indicated above, was in honor of the only comrade who had dided in this county, to the knowledge of any who were present, Comrade Harry MARVIN, of Beaver Creek township, who was mustered into the grand army above.
As will be seen by the roster published below, there are over 40 charter members, and if the enthusiasm manifested by those present at the organization continues, the post will flourish. the date of muster is not decided, but will be some time this month, and then the veterans can gather around their camp fire and live over again the life of field, and march, and battle.
The following officers were elected:
Commander - O. J. BELL.
Senior Vice-Commander - O. PALMER.
Jun. Vice Com. - Thos. LOUND.
Quartermaster - J. G. MARSH.
Chaplain - O. G. ANDREWS.
Surgeon - Alex. ODELL.
Officer of the Day - A. E. NEWMAN.
Officer of the Guard - G. BOSOM.
Adjutant - J. J. COVENTRY.
Sergeant - Major - C. W. WIGHT.
Quar. - Sergt. - A. C. WILSON.
Sentry - C. A. INGERSON.
We give the complete roster of charter members, and hope during the season to add the name of every soldier in the county:
O. J. BELL, I, 6th Mich H. A.
Samuel CASSIMER, K, 30th Wis V I.
Oscar PALMER, C, 1st U S S S.
W. BATTERSON, I, 1st N Y Dragoons.
A. TAYLOR, B, 22d N Y Cav.
S. M. MILES, B. 101st Pa Inf.
A. D. COLESTOCK, E, 7th Mich Cav.
J. J. COVENTRY, K, 11th N. J. Inf.
G. H. THAYER, E, 2d Mich Cav.
Aaron ATEN, A, 21st O V I.
F. M. FORBES, I, 145th P V I.
R. P. FORBES, I, 5th Mich Cav.
S. HEMPSTED, B, 4th Mich Cav.
A. C. WILSON, B, 17th N Y B.
Wm. WOODBURN, D, 5th Mich Cav.
O. G. ANDREWS, E, 8th Mich Inf.
C. A. INGERSON, E, 50th N Y Eng.
C. W. WIGHT, B, 2d N H H A.
J. W. WALLACE, F, 1st Mich Inf.
H. DAVENPORT, D. 105th N Y V I.
D. WILLETT, M, 7th Mich Cav.
W. HAYNES, A, 122d N Y V I.
A. ODELL, K, 8th N Y H A.
A. J. ROSE, F. 126th N Y V I.
J. G. MARSH, E, 9th Mich Cav.
C. E. STRUNK, A, 4th Mich V I.
Thos LOUND, G, 3d Mich Cav.
G. BOSOM, I, 1th Mich Inf.
L. BOSOM, L, 1st Mich Eng.
Geo. FAUBLE, I, 85th? Ill V I.
A. H. ALLEN, D, 151st N Y V I.
M. PACKARD, F, 152d Ind V I.
Wm. H. ROE, F, 16th Mich V I.
A. C. WILCOX, I, 5th Mich V I.
A. MOSHER, K, 3d Mich Cav.
L. StJOHN, I, 12th Mich V I.
Wm WILCOX, H, 2d Mich Cav.
S. H. JOHNSON, E. 1st Mo Eng.
A. E. NEWMAN, F, 15th. (13 Mar 1884)-MARRIED-On the 14th inst., at the residence of Rev. W. H. JAMES, the officiating clergyman, Wellington BATTERSON, Probate Judge, of Crawford County and Miss Nancy FLAGG, of Grayling. (19 May 1887)
-W. BATTERSON, our Judge of Probate has secured the position of Baggage Master at the Depot. The dude from Bay City, who put on so much style, thought two pair of glasses about the depot, one too many and fled to other parts thoroughly disgusted. (28 Jul 1887)
-BORN-On Monday, Dec. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. WELLINGTON BATTERSON, a daughter. The honors of Judgeship are nothing compared with his new dignity. (20 Dec 1888)
-BORN-On Dec. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BATTERSON, a daughter; weight five pounds. (14 Jan 1897)
-Hon. W. A. REED, a member of the Legislature, from jackson County, and his brother Milton REED, cousins of W. BATTERSON, of Frederic, came up for a little visit, last week, and spent Sunday in our village. (16 May 1901)
-Wellington BATTERSON, of Frederic, was in town Decoration day, and in reply to the usual "how-de do," of his friends, said, "All right for a Grand-Dad." It happened at Elmers,' on the 11th., and is a fine girl. (5 Jun 1902)
-Judge BATTERSON has received a letter from our former townsman, O. J. BELL, now a resident of Seattle, in which he sends kind regards to old friends here, whom he would like to see again. He likes that country and its climate, and enclosed a rosebud to show that flowers were yet in bloom, and the lawns are yet perfect. He often meets our Grayling people who are there and reports them all prosperous. A BRINK has bought a five acre lot near Everett, connected with Seattle by electric cars, and will move there to begin farming in the spring. O. J. and his wife would receive a rousing welcome if they would drop in on us. He does not advise anyone to move there if they have not means enough to last a year or so, until they can get established, and then says they need plenty of sand, and must not long remain a "tenderfoot." (9 Feb 1905)
-Probate Judge BATTERSON of Frederic, and Jas. DUYREE of this village, have been enjoying a visit for the past week from their cousins, Ira WEEKS and Milton REED, with their wives, from jackson county. Both gentlemen are large and practical farmers and were greatly surprised to note the big advancement in the agriculture of this section since they were here five years ago. They have us a pleasant hour in the office and we hope they may call again. (6 Sep 1906)
-Time is passing and so are the first settlers in this county. Talking of the early days with Judge BATTERSON and James DURYEE, who located here in 1878, we could only recall an even dozen who were here at that time and three of these were but kids. there are probably a few more, but not many. (27 Feb 1908)
-W. and M. REED and their wives, of Jackson and Geo. TOWARS and wife, of Dakota, all cousins of Judge BATTERSON and Jas. DUYRER, who have been visiting at their homes and at Elmer BATTERSON's here last week, started for their respective homes Monday. All expressed themselves as delighted, it being the first time the bunch had been together in many years. (10 Sep 1908)
-Probate Judge BATTERSON passed his 64th birthday last Monday, as young as most men at 50. (31 Dec 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-As we go to press, Friday, we learn of the death of Mrs. Wellington BATTERSON, this morning, after a protracted illness. The deceased had not been considered beyond hope of recovery until the present week at farthest, and therefore the blow seems more sudden and severe on the bereaved family. (27 Dec 1883)-The body of Mrs. BATTERSON was taken to her old home in Jackson county for burial. County-clerk Bell accompanied Mr. BATTERSON on the sad journey. (3 Jan 1884)
| SS.
AT A SESSION of the Probate Court for said county, held at the Probate Office, in the village of Grayling, on the third day of April, in the year one thousand nine hundred
Judge of Probate.
In the matter of the estate of Marian C. BATTERSON, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition, duly verified of Elmer BATTERSON, a son of said deceased, praying that the administration of the above named estate may be granted to Wellington BATTERSON, or some other suitable person.
Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the 30th day of April next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estate, are qreuired to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden in the Probate office, in the village of Grayling and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that the said petitioner give notice to the heirs at law and all persons interested in said estate, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the 'Crawford Avalanche," a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Frederic Township, Crawford, MI:
name - Wellington BATTERSON
b.Dec 1844 in NY
occupation - Farmer
married to Nancy 13 years
m.b.MAThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-As we go to press, Friday, we learn of the death of Mrs. Wellington BATTERSON, this morning, after a protracted illness. The deceased had not been considered beyond hope of recovery until the present week at farthest, and therefore the blow seems more sudden and severe on the bereaved family. (27 Dec 1883)-The infant child of W. BATTERSON, Esq., died Tuesday night. (21 Feb 1884)
As per announcement in the AVALANCHE, the old soldiers of the county met at the court house last Friday for the formation of a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. The name selected, as indicated above, was in honor of the only comrade who had dided in this county, to the knowledge of any who were present, Comrade Harry MARVIN, of Beaver Creek township, who was mustered into the grand army above.
As will be seen by the roster published below, there are over 40 charter members, and if the enthusiasm manifested by those present at the organization continues, the post will flourish. the date of muster is not decided, but will be some time this month, and then the veterans can gather around their camp fire and live over again the life of field, and march, and battle.
The following officers were elected:
Commander - O. J. BELL.
Senior Vice-Commander - O. PALMER.
Jun. Vice Com. - Thos. LOUND.
Quartermaster - J. G. MARSH.
Chaplain - O. G. ANDREWS.
Surgeon - Alex. ODELL.
Officer of the Day - A. E. NEWMAN.
Officer of the Guard - G. BOSOM.
Adjutant - J. J. COVENTRY.
Sergeant - Major - C. W. WIGHT.
Quar. - Sergt. - A. C. WILSON.
Sentry - C. A. INGERSON.
We give the complete roster of charter members, and hope during the season to add the name of every soldier in the county:
O. J. BELL, I, 6th Mich H. A.
Samuel CASSIMER, K, 30th Wis V I.
Oscar PALMER, C, 1st U S S S.
W. BATTERSON, I, 1st N Y Dragoons.
A. TAYLOR, B, 22d N Y Cav.
S. M. MILES, B. 101st Pa Inf.
A. D. COLESTOCK, E, 7th Mich Cav.
J. J. COVENTRY, K, 11th N. J. Inf.
G. H. THAYER, E, 2d Mich Cav.
Aaron ATEN, A, 21st O V I.
F. M. FORBES, I, 145th P V I.
R. P. FORBES, I, 5th Mich Cav.
S. HEMPSTED, B, 4th Mich Cav.
A. C. WILSON, B, 17th N Y B.
Wm. WOODBURN, D, 5th Mich Cav.
O. G. ANDREWS, E, 8th Mich Inf.
C. A. INGERSON, E, 50th N Y Eng.
C. W. WIGHT, B, 2d N H H A.
J. W. WALLACE, F, 1st Mich Inf.
H. DAVENPORT, D. 105th N Y V I.
D. WILLETT, M, 7th Mich Cav.
W. HAYNES, A, 122d N Y V I.
A. ODELL, K, 8th N Y H A.
A. J. ROSE, F. 126th N Y V I.
J. G. MARSH, E, 9th Mich Cav.
C. E. STRUNK, A, 4th Mich V I.
Thos LOUND, G, 3d Mich Cav.
G. BOSOM, I, 1th Mich Inf.
L. BOSOM, L, 1st Mich Eng.
Geo. FAUBLE, I, 85th? Ill V I.
A. H. ALLEN, D, 151st N Y V I.
M. PACKARD, F, 152d Ind V I.
Wm. H. ROE, F, 16th Mich V I.
A. C. WILCOX, I, 5th Mich V I.
A. MOSHER, K, 3d Mich Cav.
L. StJOHN, I, 12th Mich V I.
Wm WILCOX, H, 2d Mich Cav.
S. H. JOHNSON, E. 1st Mo Eng.
A. E. NEWMAN, F, 15th. (13 Mar 1884)-MARRIED-On the 14th inst., at the residence of Rev. W. H. JAMES, the officiating clergyman, Wellington BATTERSON, Probate Judge, of Crawford County and Miss Nancy FLAGG, of Grayling. (19 May 1887)
-W. BATTERSON, our Judge of Probate has secured the position of Baggage Master at the Depot. The dude from Bay City, who put on so much style, thought two pair of glasses about the depot, one too many and fled to other parts thoroughly disgusted. (28 Jul 1887)
-BORN-On Monday, Dec. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. WELLINGTON BATTERSON, a daughter. The honors of Judgeship are nothing compared with his new dignity. (20 Dec 1888)
-BORN-On Dec. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BATTERSON, a daughter; weight five pounds. (14 Jan 1897)
-Hon. W. A. REED, a member of the Legislature, from jackson County, and his brother Milton REED, cousins of W. BATTERSON, of Frederic, came up for a little visit, last week, and spent Sunday in our village. (16 May 1901)
-Wellington BATTERSON, of Frederic, was in town Decoration day, and in reply to the usual "how-de do," of his friends, said, "All right for a Grand-Dad." It happened at Elmers,' on the 11th., and is a fine girl. (5 Jun 1902)
-Judge BATTERSON has received a letter from our former townsman, O. J. BELL, now a resident of Seattle, in which he sends kind regards to old friends here, whom he would like to see again. He likes that country and its climate, and enclosed a rosebud to show that flowers were yet in bloom, and the lawns are yet perfect. He often meets our Grayling people who are there and reports them all prosperous. A BRINK has bought a five acre lot near Everett, connected with Seattle by electric cars, and will move there to begin farming in the spring. O. J. and his wife would receive a rousing welcome if they would drop in on us. He does not advise anyone to move there if they have not means enough to last a year or so, until they can get established, and then says they need plenty of sand, and must not long remain a "tenderfoot." (9 Feb 1905)
-Probate Judge BATTERSON of Frederic, and Jas. DUYREE of this village, have been enjoying a visit for the past week from their cousins, Ira WEEKS and Milton REED, with their wives, from jackson county. Both gentlemen are large and practical farmers and were greatly surprised to note the big advancement in the agriculture of this section since they were here five years ago. They have us a pleasant hour in the office and we hope they may call again. (6 Sep 1906)
-Time is passing and so are the first settlers in this county. Talking of the early days with Judge BATTERSON and James DURYEE, who located here in 1878, we could only recall an even dozen who were here at that time and three of these were but kids. there are probably a few more, but not many. (27 Feb 1908)
-W. and M. REED and their wives, of Jackson and Geo. TOWARS and wife, of Dakota, all cousins of Judge BATTERSON and Jas. DUYRER, who have been visiting at their homes and at Elmer BATTERSON's here last week, started for their respective homes Monday. All expressed themselves as delighted, it being the first time the bunch had been together in many years. (10 Sep 1908)
-Probate Judge BATTERSON passed his 64th birthday last Monday, as young as most men at 50. (31 Dec 1908)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Frederic Township, Crawford, MI:
name - Nancy BATTERSON
b.Nov 1863 in NY
married to Wellington BATTERSON 13 years
mother of 3 children of which 3 still survived
m.b.NYThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED-On the 14th inst., at the residence of Rev. W. H. JAMES, the officiating clergyman, Wellington BATTERSON, Probate Judge, of Crawford County and Miss Nancy FLAGG, of Grayling. (19 May 1887)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Frederic Township, Crawford, MI:
name - W??????? BATTERSON
b.Aug 1892 in MI
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Frederic Township, Crawford, MI:
name - Ruby BATTERSON
b.Dec 1896 in MIThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-BORN-On Dec. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BATTERSON, a daughter; weight five pounds. (14 Jan 1897)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A. H. ALLEN has a nephew visiting him, a Mr. LEPER, of Lenawee county, this State. (27 Dec 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A. H. ALLEN has a nephew visiting him, a Mr. LEPER, of Lenawee county, this State. (27 Dec 1883)-MARVIN POST G. A. R.
As per announcement in the AVALANCHE, the old soldiers of the county met at the court house last Friday for the formation of a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. The name selected, as indicated above, was in honor of the only comrade who had dided in this county, to the knowledge of any who were present, Comrade Harry MARVIN, of Beaver Creek township, who was mustered into the grand army above.
As will be seen by the roster published below, there are over 40 charter members, and if the enthusiasm manifested by those present at the organization continues, the post will flourish. the date of muster is not decided, but will be some time this month, and then the veterans can gather around their camp fire and live over again the life of field, and march, and battle.
The following officers were elected:
Commander - O. J. BELL.
Senior Vice-Commander - O. PALMER.
Jun. Vice Com. - Thos. LOUND.
Quartermaster - J. G. MARSH.
Chaplain - O. G. ANDREWS.
Surgeon - Alex. ODELL.
Officer of the Day - A. E. NEWMAN.
Officer of the Guard - G. BOSOM.
Adjutant - J. J. COVENTRY.
Sergeant - Major - C. W. WIGHT.
Quar. - Sergt. - A. C. WILSON.
Sentry - C. A. INGERSON.
We give the complete roster of charter members, and hope during the season to add the name of every soldier in the county:
O. J. BELL, I, 6th Mich H. A.
Samuel CASSIMER, K, 30th Wis V I.
Oscar PALMER, C, 1st U S S S.
W. BATTERSON, I, 1st N Y Dragoons.
A. TAYLOR, B, 22d N Y Cav.
S. M. MILES, B. 101st Pa Inf.
A. D. COLESTOCK, E, 7th Mich Cav.
J. J. COVENTRY, K, 11th N. J. Inf.
G. H. THAYER, E, 2d Mich Cav.
Aaron ATEN, A, 21st O V I.
F. M. FORBES, I, 145th P V I.
R. P. FORBES, I, 5th Mich Cav.
S. HEMPSTED, B, 4th Mich Cav.
A. C. WILSON, B, 17th N Y B.
Wm. WOODBURN, D, 5th Mich Cav.
O. G. ANDREWS, E, 8th Mich Inf.
C. A. INGERSON, E, 50th N Y Eng.
C. W. WIGHT, B, 2d N H H A.
J. W. WALLACE, F, 1st Mich Inf.
H. DAVENPORT, D. 105th N Y V I.
D. WILLETT, M, 7th Mich Cav.
W. HAYNES, A, 122d N Y V I.
A. ODELL, K, 8th N Y H A.
A. J. ROSE, F. 126th N Y V I.
J. G. MARSH, E, 9th Mich Cav.
C. E. STRUNK, A, 4th Mich V I.
Thos LOUND, G, 3d Mich Cav.
G. BOSOM, I, 1th Mich Inf.
L. BOSOM, L, 1st Mich Eng.
Geo. FAUBLE, I, 85th? Ill V I.
A. H. ALLEN, D, 151st N Y V I.
M. PACKARD, F, 152d Ind V I.
Wm. H. ROE, F, 16th Mich V I.
A. C. WILCOX, I, 5th Mich V I.
A. MOSHER, K, 3d Mich Cav.
L. StJOHN, I, 12th Mich V I.
Wm WILCOX, H, 2d Mich Cav.
S. H. JOHNSON, E. 1st Mo Eng.
A. E. NEWMAN, F, 15th. (13 Mar 1884)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A. H. ALLEN has a nephew visiting him, a Mr. LEPER, of Lenawee county, this State. (27 Dec 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A. H. ALLEN has a nephew visiting him, a Mr. LEPER, of Lenawee county, this State. (27 Dec 1883)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-A. H. ALLEN has a nephew visiting him, a Mr. LEPER, of Lenawee county, this State. (27 Dec 1883)
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