The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. W. G. FRALICK, of Flint, is visiting her sister, Mrs. RATTRAY, for a week or so. (3 Jan 1884)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. W. G. FRALICK, of Flint, is visiting her sister, Mrs. RATTRAY, for a week or so. (3 Jan 1884)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
A red ribbon club was organized at school house on Friday evening, and the following officers were elected:
President - Dr. N. H. TRAVER.
Vice President - N. SALLING.
Treasurer - D. A. BUELL.
Financial Sec'y - Wm. A. MASTERS.
Door Keeper - Christ SHEIBE.
The club will meet again on Friday evening of this week, when all are invited to attend. (28 May 1879)-Mr. N. SALLING, who has been the well-liked and accomodating clerk in the store of Salling, Hanson & Co., expects to leave us soon. He goes from here to Manistee. While we regret that he must go, we hope that success may attend his every effort. (23 Jul 1879)
In Grayling, Saturday, Jan. 5th, 1884, Charley NELSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson SALLING, aged five months. (3 Jan 1884)-A very pleasant party or social was held at the residence of Mr. N. P. SALLING, last Friday evening, as a welcome to Mr. Victor SALLING, nephew of E. N. SALLING, who will reside here in the future and enter the employ of the firm. (29 Sep 1887)
-We regret to announce the removal from our village, to day, of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. SALLING, who go to Anderson Ind., where Mr. SALLING will conduct a wholesale and retail lumber yard. They have been here so long, and so prominent in all business and social enterprise, that their going brings a sad feeling to many, and all will wish them unlimited prosperity in their new home. We con congratulate the citizens of Anderson on adding to their list of hustling business men such an one as Mr. SALLING, whom they will find second to none in ability or integrity.
The Grayling Social Club gave their farewell reception at the Club Rooms last evening, to Mr. and Mrs. N. P. SALLING, with cards and music to add to the zest of the occasion. A beautiful present was given them by members of the club as a memento of the pleasant relations of the past. With the almost hilarious pleasure, there was a deep tinge of sadness for the parting. (6 Apr 1899)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In Grayling, Saturday, Jan. 5th, 1884, Charley NELSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson SALLING, aged five months. (3 Jan 1884)-Mrs. H. E. BALCH, of Manistee, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. N. P. SALLING. (25 Aug 1887)
Mrs. Harriet E. BALCH, well and favorably known, in this city, was suddenly stricken with paralysis while visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. B. YOUNG, on Friday night. She lingered in a state of insensibility until midnight of Saturday when she passed to her eternal rest, peacefully and evidently without pain. Dr's. ROBINSON and HINTZ attended her but gave no hope from the beginning. The funeral this afternoon at the Baptist church was attended by a host of sorrowing friends who followed the remains to Oak Grove cemetery. The deceased leaves two daughters, Mrs. Wm. B. YOUNG, of this city and Mrs. Nels SALLING, of Grayling and several grandchildren; also a mother, Mrs. KINNEY aged 81 years whom she has cared for with more than Spartan courage and fidelity. Coming to Manistee about 14 years, since, Mrs. BALCH soon won a warm place in the hearts of all who knew her, by her purity of life, industry and integrity. She was the soul of honor, ever prompt in her business engagement as well as in giving aid to the suffering, wearing out her life in a filial duty, until God in His mercy said "It is enough, come up higher." One of the noblest on earth, she has gone to her reward, leaving an example by which the world may well profit, and of which her bereaved friends may be proud. True friend, faithful mother, filial daughter, fare thee well!-Manistee Democrat. (14 May 1891)-Mrs. N. P. SALLING was called to Wisconsin, last week to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law. (18 Apr 1895)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
In Grayling, Saturday, Jan. 5th, 1884, Charley NELSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson SALLING, aged five months. (3 Jan 1884)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mrs. Harriet E. BALCH, well and favorably known, in this city, was suddenly stricken with paralysis while visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. B. YOUNG, on Friday night. She lingered in a state of insensibility until midnight of Saturday when she passed to her eternal rest, peacefully and evidently without pain. Dr's. ROBINSON and HINTZ attended her but gave no hope from the beginning. The funeral this afternoon at the Baptist church was attended by a host of sorrowing friends who followed the remains to Oak Grove cemetery. The deceased leaves two daughters, Mrs. Wm. B. YOUNG, of this city and Mrs. Nels SALLING, of Grayling and several grandchildren; also a mother, Mrs. KINNEY aged 81 years whom she has cared for with more than Spartan courage and fidelity. Coming to Manistee about 14 years, since, Mrs. BALCH soon won a warm place in the hearts of all who knew her, by her purity of life, industry and integrity. She was the soul of honor, ever prompt in her business engagement as well as in giving aid to the suffering, wearing out her life in a filial duty, until God in His mercy said "It is enough, come up higher." One of the noblest on earth, she has gone to her reward, leaving an example by which the world may well profit, and of which her bereaved friends may be proud. True friend, faithful mother, filial daughter, fare thee well!-Manistee Democrat. (14 May 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mrs. Harriet E. BALCH, well and favorably known, in this city, was suddenly stricken with paralysis while visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. B. YOUNG, on Friday night. She lingered in a state of insensibility until midnight of Saturday when she passed to her eternal rest, peacefully and evidently without pain. Dr's. ROBINSON and HINTZ attended her but gave no hope from the beginning. The funeral this afternoon at the Baptist church was attended by a host of sorrowing friends who followed the remains to Oak Grove cemetery. The deceased leaves two daughters, Mrs. Wm. B. YOUNG, of this city and Mrs. Nels SALLING, of Grayling and several grandchildren; also a mother, Mrs. KINNEY aged 81 years whom she has cared for with more than Spartan courage and fidelity. Coming to Manistee about 14 years, since, Mrs. BALCH soon won a warm place in the hearts of all who knew her, by her purity of life, industry and integrity. She was the soul of honor, ever prompt in her business engagement as well as in giving aid to the suffering, wearing out her life in a filial duty, until God in His mercy said "It is enough, come up higher." One of the noblest on earth, she has gone to her reward, leaving an example by which the world may well profit, and of which her bereaved friends may be proud. True friend, faithful mother, filial daughter, fare thee well!-Manistee Democrat. (14 May 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Following is a list of pensioners in Crawford county, for what cause granted, and amount:
Henry ENGISN, rheumatism left hip, $6; Henry DAVENPORT, injury to abdomen, $4; John W. WALLACE, wound right leg, $4; Frederick L. BARKER, wound chest and shoulder, $12.
Elias WYCKOFF, chronic diarrhoea, $6; Geo. W. LOVE, injury to back and spine, $12; Orlando G. ANDREWS, wound right arm, $8; Ira CURRAN, wound left wrist, $12.
Wilson HAYNES, loss of limb, $21; Cheeny W. HALL, chronic diarrhea, $4; Joshua SAFREED, debility, etc., $4.
Edward NICHOLS, wound left leg, $4; Chas. WAGNER, wound of head, $50; J. M. JONES, wound right thigh, $12.75; Lewis E. PARKER, dis. lungs, $8; Emeline J. LEONARD, mother, $8; George FAUBLE, wound left side, $6; Jonathan C. SILSBEE, consumption, $18; Mary STEVENSON, mother, $8; Thos. LOUND, rheumatism, $4; David NICHOLS, injury to abdomen, $4; Asa J. ROSE, injury right knee, $6. 17 (Jan 1884)-MARVIN POST G. A. R.
As per announcement in the AVALANCHE, the old soldiers of the county met at the court house last Friday for the formation of a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. The name selected, as indicated above, was in honor of the only comrade who had dided in this county, to the knowledge of any who were present, Comrade Harry MARVIN, of Beaver Creek township, who was mustered into the grand army above.
As will be seen by the roster published below, there are over 40 charter members, and if the enthusiasm manifested by those present at the organization continues, the post will flourish. the date of muster is not decided, but will be some time this month, and then the veterans can gather around their camp fire and live over again the life of field, and march, and battle.
The following officers were elected:
Commander - O. J. BELL.
Senior Vice-Commander - O. PALMER.
Jun. Vice Com. - Thos. LOUND.
Quartermaster - J. G. MARSH.
Chaplain - O. G. ANDREWS.
Surgeon - Alex. ODELL.
Officer of the Day - A. E. NEWMAN.
Officer of the Guard - G. BOSOM.
Adjutant - J. J. COVENTRY.
Sergeant - Major - C. W. WIGHT.
Quar. - Sergt. - A. C. WILSON.
Sentry - C. A. INGERSON.
We give the complete roster of charter members, and hope during the season to add the name of every soldier in the county:
O. J. BELL, I, 6th Mich H. A.
Samuel CASSIMER, K, 30th Wis V I.
Oscar PALMER, C, 1st U S S S.
W. BATTERSON, I, 1st N Y Dragoons.
A. TAYLOR, B, 22d N Y Cav.
S. M. MILES, B. 101st Pa Inf.
A. D. COLESTOCK, E, 7th Mich Cav.
J. J. COVENTRY, K, 11th N. J. Inf.
G. H. THAYER, E, 2d Mich Cav.
Aaron ATEN, A, 21st O V I.
F. M. FORBES, I, 145th P V I.
R. P. FORBES, I, 5th Mich Cav.
S. HEMPSTED, B, 4th Mich Cav.
A. C. WILSON, B, 17th N Y B.
Wm. WOODBURN, D, 5th Mich Cav.
O. G. ANDREWS, E, 8th Mich Inf.
C. A. INGERSON, E, 50th N Y Eng.
C. W. WIGHT, B, 2d N H H A.
J. W. WALLACE, F, 1st Mich Inf.
H. DAVENPORT, D. 105th N Y V I.
D. WILLETT, M, 7th Mich Cav.
W. HAYNES, A, 122d N Y V I.
A. ODELL, K, 8th N Y H A.
A. J. ROSE, F. 126th N Y V I.
J. G. MARSH, E, 9th Mich Cav.
C. E. STRUNK, A, 4th Mich V I.
Thos LOUND, G, 3d Mich Cav.
G. BOSOM, I, 1th Mich Inf.
L. BOSOM, L, 1st Mich Eng.
Geo. FAUBLE, I, 85th? Ill V I.
A. H. ALLEN, D, 151st N Y V I.
M. PACKARD, F, 152d Ind V I.
Wm. H. ROE, F, 16th Mich V I.
A. C. WILCOX, I, 5th Mich V I.
A. MOSHER, K, 3d Mich Cav.
L. StJOHN, I, 12th Mich V I.
Wm WILCOX, H, 2d Mich Cav.
S. H. JOHNSON, E. 1st Mo Eng.
A. E. NEWMAN, F, 15th. (13 Mar 1884)-A welcome caller, last Saturday, was Eugene METCALF, a former Grayling boy, but who now lives with his grandfather, Comrade E. WYCKOFF, in Grand Traverse county. He was on a visit to relatives in this and Roscommon county. (25 May 1899)
-An old comrade, E. WYCKOFF says, in remitting his subscription: "Do not forget to send the AVALANCHE which is a weekly visitor, welcomed in my home at all times. Make the print as plain as possible for my eyes are failing, but I cannot complain, as they have lasted eighty-three years. (11 Apr 1901)
Elias WYCKOFF died at his home in Traverse City, March 19th, 1907, aged 88 years, and was buried, in Elmwood Cemetery, under the auspices of the local post of the G. A. R., of which he was a member, and followed to his grave by his two daughters and nine grand-children who had been with him in his last days.
Mr. WYCKOFF was born at Ulysis, Tompkins Co., N. Y., July 5, 1818. He came to Michigan, locating at Traverse City in 1867, on closing his business in New York, after the close of the rebellion, through which war he served in Co. H., 161, N. Y. Vol's, winning an honorable record.
Since that time, he was a resident of this county, at cheney, for nearly twenty years, until his advanced age precluded active business, when he returned to Traverse City, where his grandson, Eugene MEDCALF lived. He was well known throughout this section and universally respected. His daughter, Mrs. S. C. BRIGGS, of Roscommon, has visited him often during the last years of his life and was with him when the end came. (18 Apr 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED-At her home, at Long Lake Grove, Traverse Co., Mich., Sept. 12, 1895, Mrs. Mary Ann WICKOFF, aged 72 years, 10 months and 13 days, wife of Elias WYCKHOFF. Burial services at the home, by J. HODGENS, of Friends Church, of which she was a member. Interment at Oakwood cemetry, Traverse City. The deceased was well known in Crawford county, having been a resident of Cheney for many years. (26 Sep 1895)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mrs. L. M. CURRAN, mother of Ira CURRAN, is now in her 78th year. she presented her daughter, Mrs. S. P. KING, as a birthday present a bedquilt containing 1440 half squares. Since July '83 she has pieced thirteen quilts, and in the past 15 years she had pieced fifty besides quite a number she has assisted others with, and has helped quilt nearly all of them. She will not take a back seat for any of her girls quilting now. She is trying to fulfill the command "In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand."
Oct. 24th. (30 Oct 1884)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Following is a list of pensioners in Crawford county, for what cause granted, and amount:
Henry ENGISN, rheumatism left hip, $6; Henry DAVENPORT, injury to abdomen, $4; John W. WALLACE, wound right leg, $4; Frederick L. BARKER, wound chest and shoulder, $12.
Elias WYCKOFF, chronic diarrhoea, $6; Geo. W. LOVE, injury to back and spine, $12; Orlando G. ANDREWS, wound right arm, $8; Ira CURRAN, wound left wrist, $12.
Wilson HAYNES, loss of limb, $21; Cheeny W. HALL, chronic diarrhea, $4; Joshua SAFREED, debility, etc., $4.
Edward NICHOLS, wound left leg, $4; Chas. WAGNER, wound of head, $50; J. M. JONES, wound right thigh, $12.75; Lewis E. PARKER, dis. lungs, $8; Emeline J. LEONARD, mother, $8; George FAUBLE, wound left side, $6; Jonathan C. SILSBEE, consumption, $18; Mary STEVENSON, mother, $8; Thos. LOUND, rheumatism, $4; David NICHOLS, injury to abdomen, $4; Asa J. ROSE, injury right knee, $6. 17 (Jan 1884)-MARVIN POST G. A. R.
As per announcement in the AVALANCHE, the old soldiers of the county met at the court house last Friday for the formation of a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. The name selected, as indicated above, was in honor of the only comrade who had dided in this county, to the knowledge of any who were present, Comrade Harry MARVIN, of Beaver Creek township, who was mustered into the grand army above.
As will be seen by the roster published below, there are over 40 charter members, and if the enthusiasm manifested by those present at the organization continues, the post will flourish. the date of muster is not decided, but will be some time this month, and then the veterans can gather around their camp fire and live over again the life of field, and march, and battle.
The following officers were elected:
Commander - O. J. BELL.
Senior Vice-Commander - O. PALMER.
Jun. Vice Com. - Thos. LOUND.
Quartermaster - J. G. MARSH.
Chaplain - O. G. ANDREWS.
Surgeon - Alex. ODELL.
Officer of the Day - A. E. NEWMAN.
Officer of the Guard - G. BOSOM.
Adjutant - J. J. COVENTRY.
Sergeant - Major - C. W. WIGHT.
Quar. - Sergt. - A. C. WILSON.
Sentry - C. A. INGERSON.
We give the complete roster of charter members, and hope during the season to add the name of every soldier in the county:
O. J. BELL, I, 6th Mich H. A.
Samuel CASSIMER, K, 30th Wis V I.
Oscar PALMER, C, 1st U S S S.
W. BATTERSON, I, 1st N Y Dragoons.
A. TAYLOR, B, 22d N Y Cav.
S. M. MILES, B. 101st Pa Inf.
A. D. COLESTOCK, E, 7th Mich Cav.
J. J. COVENTRY, K, 11th N. J. Inf.
G. H. THAYER, E, 2d Mich Cav.
Aaron ATEN, A, 21st O V I.
F. M. FORBES, I, 145th P V I.
R. P. FORBES, I, 5th Mich Cav.
S. HEMPSTED, B, 4th Mich Cav.
A. C. WILSON, B, 17th N Y B.
Wm. WOODBURN, D, 5th Mich Cav.
O. G. ANDREWS, E, 8th Mich Inf.
C. A. INGERSON, E, 50th N Y Eng.
C. W. WIGHT, B, 2d N H H A.
J. W. WALLACE, F, 1st Mich Inf.
H. DAVENPORT, D. 105th N Y V I.
D. WILLETT, M, 7th Mich Cav.
W. HAYNES, A, 122d N Y V I.
A. ODELL, K, 8th N Y H A.
A. J. ROSE, F. 126th N Y V I.
J. G. MARSH, E, 9th Mich Cav.
C. E. STRUNK, A, 4th Mich V I.
Thos LOUND, G, 3d Mich Cav.
G. BOSOM, I, 1th Mich Inf.
L. BOSOM, L, 1st Mich Eng.
Geo. FAUBLE, I, 85th? Ill V I.
A. H. ALLEN, D, 151st N Y V I.
M. PACKARD, F, 152d Ind V I.
Wm. H. ROE, F, 16th Mich V I.
A. C. WILCOX, I, 5th Mich V I.
A. MOSHER, K, 3d Mich Cav.
L. StJOHN, I, 12th Mich V I.
Wm WILCOX, H, 2d Mich Cav.
S. H. JOHNSON, E. 1st Mo Eng.
A. E. NEWMAN, F, 15th. (13 Mar 1884)-Ira J. CURRAN, formerly of this county, is a married man again. (31 Mar 1892)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mrs. L. M. CURRAN, mother of Ira CURRAN, is now in her 78th year. she presented her daughter, Mrs. S. P. KING, as a birthday present a bedquilt containing 1440 half squares. Since July '83 she has pieced thirteen quilts, and in the past 15 years she had pieced fifty besides quite a number she has assisted others with, and has helped quilt nearly all of them. She will not take a back seat for any of her girls quilting now. She is trying to fulfill the command "In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand."
Oct. 24th. (30 Oct 1884)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Following is a list of pensioners in Crawford county, for what cause granted, and amount:
Henry ENGISN, rheumatism left hip, $6; Henry DAVENPORT, injury to abdomen, $4; John W. WALLACE, wound right leg, $4; Frederick L. BARKER, wound chest and shoulder, $12.
Elias WYCKOFF, chronic diarrhoea, $6; Geo. W. LOVE, injury to back and spine, $12; Orlando G. ANDREWS, wound right arm, $8; Ira CURRAN, wound left wrist, $12.
Wilson HAYNES, loss of limb, $21; Cheeny W. HALL, chronic diarrhea, $4; Joshua SAFREED, debility, etc., $4.
Edward NICHOLS, wound left leg, $4; Chas. WAGNER, wound of head, $50; J. M. JONES, wound right thigh, $12.75; Lewis E. PARKER, dis. lungs, $8; Emeline J. LEONARD, mother, $8; George FAUBLE, wound left side, $6; Jonathan C. SILSBEE, consumption, $18; Mary STEVENSON, mother, $8; Thos. LOUND, rheumatism, $4; David NICHOLS, injury to abdomen, $4; Asa J. ROSE, injury right knee, $6. 17 (Jan 1884)-DIED-At the residence of his parents, in Grayling township, Edward L. PARKER, aged 21 years, 3 months and 14 days.
The deceased was a member of Wagner Camp, Sons of Veterans, of Grayling. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. WILLETT, of Pere Cheney. The sympathy of the whole community is extended to the bereaved family and his loss is shared by all, as was shown by the tearful eyes of sorrowing neighbors and schoolmates as they gathered to pay their last sad respects to one who was a friend and favorite of all.
Owing to the bad condition of the roads and the inclemency of the weather, his remains were interred near the home of his parents and will be removed to Grayling cemetery, in the future. (2 Feb 1893)Mr. and Mrs. L. E. PARKER and family extend their thanks to their many kind friends, who by their assistance and sympathy aided them in their affliction, occasioned by the sickness and death of their beloved son. Also, to the Sons of Veterans, who so kindly assisted at the funeral, and trust that the rewarder of all good will ever be near them. (2 Feb 1893)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED-At the residence of his parents, in Grayling township, Edward L. PARKER, aged 21 years, 3 months and 14 days.
The deceased was a member of Wagner Camp, Sons of Veterans, of Grayling. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. WILLETT, of Pere Cheney. The sympathy of the whole community is extended to the bereaved family and his loss is shared by all, as was shown by the tearful eyes of sorrowing neighbors and schoolmates as they gathered to pay their last sad respects to one who was a friend and favorite of all.
Owing to the bad condition of the roads and the inclemency of the weather, his remains were interred near the home of his parents and will be removed to Grayling cemetery, in the future. (2 Feb 1893)Mr. and Mrs. L. E. PARKER and family extend their thanks to their many kind friends, who by their assistance and sympathy aided them in their affliction, occasioned by the sickness and death of their beloved son. Also, to the Sons of Veterans, who so kindly assisted at the funeral, and trust that the rewarder of all good will ever be near them. (2 Feb 1893)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Following is a list of pensioners in Crawford county, for what cause granted, and amount:
Henry ENGISN, rheumatism left hip, $6; Henry DAVENPORT, injury to abdomen, $4; John W. WALLACE, wound right leg, $4; Frederick L. BARKER, wound chest and shoulder, $12.
Elias WYCKOFF, chronic diarrhoea, $6; Geo. W. LOVE, injury to back and spine, $12; Orlando G. ANDREWS, wound right arm, $8; Ira CURRAN, wound left wrist, $12.
Wilson HAYNES, loss of limb, $21; Cheeny W. HALL, chronic diarrhea, $4; Joshua SAFREED, debility, etc., $4.
Edward NICHOLS, wound left leg, $4; Chas. WAGNER, wound of head, $50; J. M. JONES, wound right thigh, $12.75; Lewis E. PARKER, dis. lungs, $8; Emeline J. LEONARD, mother, $8; George FAUBLE, wound left side, $6; Jonathan C. SILSBEE, consumption, $18; Mary STEVENSON, mother, $8; Thos. LOUND, rheumatism, $4; David NICHOLS, injury to abdomen, $4; Asa J. ROSE, injury right knee, $6. 17 (Jan 1884)-MARVIN POST G. A. R.
As per announcement in the AVALANCHE, the old soldiers of the county met at the court house last Friday for the formation of a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. The name selected, as indicated above, was in honor of the only comrade who had dided in this county, to the knowledge of any who were present, Comrade Harry MARVIN, of Beaver Creek township, who was mustered into the grand army above.
As will be seen by the roster published below, there are over 40 charter members, and if the enthusiasm manifested by those present at the organization continues, the post will flourish. the date of muster is not decided, but will be some time this month, and then the veterans can gather around their camp fire and live over again the life of field, and march, and battle.
The following officers were elected:
Commander - O. J. BELL.
Senior Vice-Commander - O. PALMER.
Jun. Vice Com. - Thos. LOUND.
Quartermaster - J. G. MARSH.
Chaplain - O. G. ANDREWS.
Surgeon - Alex. ODELL.
Officer of the Day - A. E. NEWMAN.
Officer of the Guard - G. BOSOM.
Adjutant - J. J. COVENTRY.
Sergeant - Major - C. W. WIGHT.
Quar. - Sergt. - A. C. WILSON.
Sentry - C. A. INGERSON.
We give the complete roster of charter members, and hope during the season to add the name of every soldier in the county:
O. J. BELL, I, 6th Mich H. A.
Samuel CASSIMER, K, 30th Wis V I.
Oscar PALMER, C, 1st U S S S.
W. BATTERSON, I, 1st N Y Dragoons.
A. TAYLOR, B, 22d N Y Cav.
S. M. MILES, B. 101st Pa Inf.
A. D. COLESTOCK, E, 7th Mich Cav.
J. J. COVENTRY, K, 11th N. J. Inf.
G. H. THAYER, E, 2d Mich Cav.
Aaron ATEN, A, 21st O V I.
F. M. FORBES, I, 145th P V I.
R. P. FORBES, I, 5th Mich Cav.
S. HEMPSTED, B, 4th Mich Cav.
A. C. WILSON, B, 17th N Y B.
Wm. WOODBURN, D, 5th Mich Cav.
O. G. ANDREWS, E, 8th Mich Inf.
C. A. INGERSON, E, 50th N Y Eng.
C. W. WIGHT, B, 2d N H H A.
J. W. WALLACE, F, 1st Mich Inf.
H. DAVENPORT, D. 105th N Y V I.
D. WILLETT, M, 7th Mich Cav.
W. HAYNES, A, 122d N Y V I.
A. ODELL, K, 8th N Y H A.
A. J. ROSE, F. 126th N Y V I.
J. G. MARSH, E, 9th Mich Cav.
C. E. STRUNK, A, 4th Mich V I.
Thos LOUND, G, 3d Mich Cav.
G. BOSOM, I, 1th Mich Inf.
L. BOSOM, L, 1st Mich Eng.
Geo. FAUBLE, I, 85th? Ill V I.
A. H. ALLEN, D, 151st N Y V I.
M. PACKARD, F, 152d Ind V I.
Wm. H. ROE, F, 16th Mich V I.
A. C. WILCOX, I, 5th Mich V I.
A. MOSHER, K, 3d Mich Cav.
L. StJOHN, I, 12th Mich V I.
Wm WILCOX, H, 2d Mich Cav.
S. H. JOHNSON, E. 1st Mo Eng.
A. E. NEWMAN, F, 15th. (13 Mar 1884)-BORN.-On Sunday, June 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas LOUNDES, of the township of Grove, a daughter. (18 Jun 1885)
-Mr. and Mrs. F. O. WARNER, of Hamburg, Livingston County, parents of Mrs. Thos. LOUND, who have been making her a visit left for home last Monday. (30 Sep 1886)
Mrs. Thomas LOUND is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Arthur MARVIN. (17 May 1888)-Thos. LOUND, of Grove, will move to Fowlerville, Livingston county, next week, in hopes of recruiting his health among old friends and associations. the AVALANCHE will follow him with good wishes and hope for his return. He is a pioneer of this county and has ever held a front place among the active and respected citizens. (29 Nov 1888)
-Thomas LOUND, of Fowlerville, formerly of this county, and an old veteran, died at that place, week before last. (17 Dec 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. and Mrs. F. O. WARNER, of Hamburg, Livingston County, parents of Mrs. Thos. LOUND, who have been making her a visit left for home last Monday. (30 Sep 1886)
The following information extracted from the 1870 Census of Williamston, Ingam, MI:
name - Charles B. FRANCIS
b.MIoccupation - Blacksmith
married to Electa J. FRANCISThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
On Wednesday, Jan. 23, 1884, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Joseph SEWELL of Pere Cheney, by Wm. WOODBURN, J. P., Mr. Jas. K. BATES, of Grayling, and Mrs. Electa J. FRANCIS, of Pere Cheney. (31 Jan 1884)-GOLDEN WEDDING.
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. they have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-Warren FRANCIS, of Williamston, arrived in town, last Friday, to make his uncle, J. M. FRANCIS and family, a short visit. He left for his home, Monday. Will accompanied him to Lewiston. - Atlanta Tribune. (30 Dec 1897)
The following information extracted from the 1870 Census of Williamston, Ingam, MI:
name - Electa J. FRANCIS
married to Charles B. FRANCISThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
On Wednesday, Jan. 23, 1884, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Joseph SEWELL of Pere Cheney, by Wm. WOODBURN, J. P., Mr. Jas. K. BATES, of Grayling, and Mrs. Electa J. FRANCIS, of Pere Cheney. (31 Jan 1884)-Mrs. J. K. BATES was called to Bancroft, Shiawasse county, by a telegram announcing the severe illness of her daughter, but who is now convalescent. (13 Mar 1884)
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-Mr. and Mrs. J. K. BATES were called to Tuscola county, last week, by the death of their brother-in-law, J. ANGER, who will be remembered by many of our older citizens. (12 Feb 1891)
-Mr. and Mrs. J. K. BATES are enjoying the pleasure of a visit from his daughter, Mrs. Will GAFFEY, and husband, of Central Square, N. Y. (24 May 1894)
Mrs. J. K. BATES, accompanied by her daughter Ivy, took in the sights of Gaylord Saturday. (7 Jun 1900)
The following information extracted from the 1880 Census of Locke, Ingham, MI:
name - Warren FRANCIS
NOTE: Enumerated in the household of his grandparents Joseph and Anne SEWELL.The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Warren FRANCIS, of Williamston, arrived in town, last Friday, to make his uncle, J. M. FRANCIS and family, a short visit. He left for his home, Monday. Will accompanied him to Lewiston. - Atlanta Tribune. (30 Dec 1897)-Mr. Warren FRANCES and family of Mason are visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. K. BATES and also his sister Mrs. H. A. POND and other relatives. (24 Aug 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED-At the residence of J. K. BATES, Tuesday, June 11th, Harry A. POND and Rosetta FRANCIS, and at the same time and place, Theodore M. ODELL and Emmie SEWELL. Rev. S. G. TAYLOR officiating.
A goodly number of friends of the contracting parties were present, who wished them good speed. (14 Jun 1894)-BORN-On Tuesday, December 18th 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry POND, a daughter, weight 8 pounds. (20 Dec 1894)
-Republican Causus - Grayling Tp.
Caucus was called to order by the chairman of the township committee, C. T. JEROME, who stated the business for which the caucus was called.
On Motion M. A. BATES was elected chairman, and J. C. HANSON, Secretary.
On motion the chairman appointed three tellers, consisting of J. K. MERZ, A. L. POND and J. J. COLLEN.
O. PALMER, Notary Public, administered the oath of office to the officers of the caucus.
The following persons were then nominated for township officers:
Supervisor - Geo. W. COMER.
Clerk - W. G. MARSH.
Treasurer - John STALEY.
Highway Comm'r - F. R. DECKROW
J. P., full term - R. McELROY.
J. P., to fill vacancy - J. K. BATES.
Member Board of Review - J. K. MERZ.
School Inspector - Wm. WOODFIELD.
School Inspector to fill vacancy - Er BELL.
Constables - Thos. K. CHITAGO, H. POND, Levi CLEMENT, and R. WILCOX.
M. A. BATES, D. McCORMICK and J. J. COLLEN were elected members of the township committee for the ensuing year. (2 Apr 1896)-Harry POND went to Detroit, last week, to accept some position on a lake vessel. (23 Apr 1896)
-BORN-On the 3d inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Harry POND, a son. (9 Jul 1896)
-We have to record one of the saddest accidents which ever occured in our village, resulting in the drowning of Charlie, a four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry POND. The little fellow with a number of others wandered down to the river at the lower bridge, and Charlie crawled out on the platform by the side of a boat-house, and in some way lost his balance and went head foremost into the rapid water. The frantic cries of his playmates soon brought help, who followed down the stream and found him in a deep eddy at the mouth of the East Branch. Every effort for resuscitation was put forth with no avail. He had been carried about a mile by the rapid current. The grief of the parents cannot be portrayed. Mr. POND was north with his train, and did not learn of his loss until he reached here in the evening. the deepest sympathy of the entire community is with the stricken family. (27 Sep 1900)
-Mr. and Mrs. Harry POND were called to Bay City, Monday, by the death of his uncle. (10 Jul 1902)
-Harry POND and family have moved to Wolverine, from where he has a R. R. job on the branch. They will be missed by many friends. (2 Jan 1908)
The following information extracted from the 1880 Census of Locke, Ingham, MI:
name - Rosa FRANCIS
NOTE: Enumerated in the household of her grandparents Joseph and Anne SEWELL.The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED-At the residence of J. K. BATES, Tuesday, June 11th, Harry A. POND and Rosetta FRANCIS, and at the same time and place, Theodore M. ODELL and Emmie SEWELL. Rev. S. G. TAYLOR officiating.
A goodly number of friends of the contracting parties were present, who wished them good speed. (14 Jun 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-BORN-On the 3d inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Harry POND, a son. (9 Jul 1896)-We have to record one of the saddest accidents which ever occured in our village, resulting in the drowning of Charlie, a four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry POND. The little fellow with a number of others wandered down to the river at the lower bridge, and Charlie crawled out on the platform by the side of a boat-house, and in some way lost his balance and went head foremost into the rapid water. The frantic cries of his playmates soon brought help, who followed down the stream and found him in a deep eddy at the mouth of the East Branch. Every effort for resuscitation was put forth with no avail. He had been carried about a mile by the rapid current. The grief of the parents cannot be portrayed. Mr. POND was north with his train, and did not learn of his loss until he reached here in the evening. the deepest sympathy of the entire community is with the stricken family. (27 Sep 1900)
-Rev. F. C. WOOD, of Gaylord, was called to preach the funeral services of Charlie POND, at the Presbyterian Church, last week. There was a large attendence, exhibitive of the deep sympathy of the community. (4 Oct 1900)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-"Miss Julia FULLER, of Livingston county, and Stephen EDDIE of Shiawassee, were married by Rev. Chas. BENSON, of Bancroft, on Jan. 29th. - Owosso News.
The bride will be recognize as a former resident of Grayling, where she has many friends who wish her joy. (21 Feb 1884)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-"Miss Julia FULLER, of Livingston county, and Stephen EDDIE of Shiawassee, were married by Rev. Chas. BENSON, of Bancroft, on Jan. 29th. - Owosso News.
The bride will be recognize as a former resident of Grayling, where she has many friends who wish her joy. (21 Feb 1884)
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