The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED-On Thursday the 23d inst., by Rev. W. H. JAMES, Mr. H. T. AHRENS, of Mattoon, Illinois, and Miss Rhoda L. JONES, of Grayling. (30 Sep 1886)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED-On Thursday the 23d inst., by Rev. W. H. JAMES, Mr. H. T. AHRENS, of Mattoon, Illinois, and Miss Rhoda L. JONES, of Grayling. (30 Sep 1886)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. and Mrs. F. O. WARNER, of Hamburg, Livingston County, parents of Mrs. Thos. LOUND, who have been making her a visit left for home last Monday. (30 Sep 1886)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Messrs. E. F. RAYMOND, O. RAYMOND, George McCULLOUGH, William FORTIER and SHOPPENAGON, started on a fishing and hunting excursion last Friday morning. The deer and grayling must have suffered. (30 Sep 1886)-Geo. McCULLOUGH, of St. Thomas, formerly of Grayling, and Miss Emma McAFEE, of St. Thomas, were married on the 5th inst. W. McCULLOUGH was one of the guests. He returned home this morning. (13 Aug 1891)
-Geo. McCULLOUGH and bride arrived here last week, for a visit with his family. (8 Oct 1891)
-A new baby at Geo. McCULLOUGHs' makes a happy household. (31 Mar 1892)
-Ella, the daughter of Mrs. Geo. McCULLOUGH, died in Chicago, last Sunday. (31 May 1894)
-George McCULLOUGH has bought the METIVIER barber shop and is ready for tonsorial business. Everybody knows him and that he is an expert with razor or shears, and will keep a place that will be an honor to the village. METIVIER will remain in charge of one of the chairs for the present. (9 Jan 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Geo. McCULLOUGH, of St. Thomas, formerly of Grayling, and Miss Emma McAFEE, of St. Thomas, were married on the 5th inst. W. McCULLOUGH was one of the guests. He returned home this morning. (13 Aug 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Ella, the daughter of Mrs. Geo. McCULLOUGH, died in Chicago, last Sunday. (31 May 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mr. C. M. W. BLAKESLEE, and family, of Dimondale, arrived last week and are occupying the residence lately erected by Mr. J. S. HARDER. We are pleased to welcome them to Grayling and trust they will be followed by other citizens from the same locality, as Crawford County offers many inducements to all to settle among us. (30 Sep 1886)-Chas. BLAKESLEE of Grayling, but formerly an old druggist of this place visited friends here from Friday to Tuesday and everybody seemed to appreciate his visit. We would climb to the top round any day to shake hands with Mr. B. - Dimondale Express. (14 Jul 1887)
-Mrs. RAPER, of Lansing, sister of Mr. C. W. M. BLAKESLEE is making him a visit. (4 Aug 1887)
-Mrs. L. S. ROPER, of Lansing, is the guest of her brother, C. M. W. BLAKESLEE, for the heated term. (28 Jun 1888)
-Mr. BLAKESLEE and Miss Judith left for their new home in East Saginaw, Monday morning, followed by Mrs. BLAKESLEE, yesterday. (15 Aug 1889)
-Postmaster JONES received a dispatch last Monday morning from C. M. W. BLKESLEE, that his daughter, Judith, had dropped dead the day before. Mr. and Mrs. BLAKESLEE have the heartfelt sympathy of this community, in their sad affliction. (22 Dec 1892)
-C. M. W. BLAKESLEE has sold out his drug store in Saginaw and moved to Lansing. (31 May 1894)
-Charles M. BLAKESLY, a former resident here, and merchant, in the store now occupied by H. PETERSON, died at his home in Lansing, of pneumonia, last Saturday. He has been an invalid several years and was obliged to retire from business over a year ago. (25 Jan 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. RAPER, of Lansing, sister of Mr. C. W. M. BLAKESLEE is making him a visit. (4 Aug 1887)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. RAPER, of Lansing, sister of Mr. C. W. M. BLAKESLEE is making him a visit. (4 Aug 1887)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mrs. FORBES, of Denver, Col., and Mrs. HILL, of Leslie Mich, are the guests of their sister, Mrs. S. A. McINTYRE. (7 Oct 1886)-S. A. McINTYRE is enjoying a visit from his brother-in-law and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson FORBES, of Colorado. (13 Nov 1890)
-Hefferson HILL, of Leslie, is here on a visit with his brother-in-law S. McINTYRE. He was a veteran in the late war, and we think belonged to the best regiment in the service, the 2d, U. S. S. S., to which we were attached. He is accompanied by his wife and daughter. ( 31 Dec 1891)
-BORN-Nov. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McINTYRE, a son. (22 Nov 1894)
-S. McINTYRE has enjoyed a week's visit with his sister, Mrs. J. P. McKEY, of Three Rivers. (10 Mar 1898)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mrs. FORBES, of Denver, Col., and Mrs. HILL, of Leslie Mich, are the guests of their sister, Mrs. S. A. McINTYRE. (7 Oct 1886)-NEWSY SIFTINGS.
Miss Ada HILL, niece of Mrs. S. A. McINTYRE, from Leslie, Ingham county, is visiting relatives here. Cheney, Sept. 5. (8 Sep 1887)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-S. McINTYRE has enjoyed a week's visit with his sister, Mrs. J. P. McKEY, of Three Rivers. (10 Mar 1898)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. F. L. HADLEY is entertaining her cousin, Mrs. J. B. SIMMONS, of N. Y., and her brother F. SMITH, of Grand Blanc. (14 Oct 1886)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. F. L. HADLEY is entertaining her cousin, Mrs. J. B. SIMMONS, of N. Y., and her brother F. SMITH, of Grand Blanc. (14 Oct 1886)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. N. MICKLESON and L. JENSON have the pleasure of entertaining their sister, Miss Caroline JENSON, of Chicago, for a brief visit. (21 Oct 1886)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. N. MICKLESON and L. JENSON have the pleasure of entertaining their sister, Miss Caroline JENSON, of Chicago, for a brief visit. (21 Oct 1886)-BUSINESS CHANGE.
A change has occurred in the business of Grayling which will be a surprise to many.
J. Maurice FINN has sold his stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Groceries and Lumbermen's Supplies to L. JENSON and MANTZ Bro's. under the firm name of L. Jenson & Co., with a five years lease of his buildings.
Mr. FINN has been here for over ten years and has built up a large and lucrative trade, making hosts of friends who will regret his retirement especially if as rumor has it, he removes from this place to the Upper Peninsula to care for the interests of the Grayling Gold and Silver Mining Co., which are said to be assuming vast proportions.
His successors are gentlemen who are well known here having been successfully engaged in lumbering for several years, which business they will continue, though we believe Mr. JENSON will have personal charge of the mercantile transactions. If the change was to be made we know of no one whom we would more cordially welcome, and we certainly wish all the parties unlimited success. (22 Mar 1889)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
We clip the following from The Reporter, published at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. The groom referred to is a brother of Mr. JAMES of this place:
Rev. SMITH pronounced the words that united two of our favorite young people, Miss Sadie UPSON and George JAMES.
The marriage was celebrated on Tuesday evening last at 8:30, and occurred at the residence of the bride's parents, Julius UPSON and wife, of Fourth St.
It was intended to have a really private wedding, but relatives from a distance arrived just in time to witness the nuptials.
The young couple are well known in town, Mr. JAMES being a member of the American Machine Co., and his wife, for a long time, organist of the Methodist church. Good wishes for the future will be made on all sides.
For the present, their friends will find Mr. JAMES and wife at the home of the groom's parents. (4 Nov 1886)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
We clip the following from The Reporter, published at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. The groom referred to is a brother of Mr. JAMES of this place:
Rev. SMITH pronounced the words that united two of our favorite young people, Miss Sadie UPSON and George JAMES.
The marriage was celebrated on Tuesday evening last at 8:30, and occurred at the residence of the bride's parents, Julius UPSON and wife, of Fourth St.
It was intended to have a really private wedding, but relatives from a distance arrived just in time to witness the nuptials.
The young couple are well known in town, Mr. JAMES being a member of the American Machine Co., and his wife, for a long time, organist of the Methodist church. Good wishes for the future will be made on all sides.
For the present, their friends will find Mr. JAMES and wife at the home of the groom's parents. (4 Nov 1886)
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