The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The mother of Mrs. C. W. WIGHT and Mrs. HUM, of Grayling, and Mrs. Thoams OLIVER, at East Tawas, died at her home at Dayton, Ohio, on Thursday last, aged 86 years. Those named have gone to attend the funeral. (1 May 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The mother of Mrs. C. W. WIGHT and Mrs. HUM, of Grayling, and Mrs. Thoams OLIVER, at East Tawas, died at her home at Dayton, Ohio, on Thursday last, aged 86 years. Those named have gone to attend the funeral. (1 May 1890)-DIED-August 12th, Mr. George B. METZLER, at his home in Hampton, Va., near Fort Monroe; beloved brother of Mrs. J. F. HUM, Mrs. C. W. WIGHT and Mrs. Thos. OLIVER, of West Bay City. (18 Aug 1892)
-Mr. METZLER, father of Mrs. W. A. WIGHT, Mrs. J. HUM of this place and Mrs. Oliver, of Bay City, is quite sick and not expected to recover. Mrs. OLIVER was sent for, las Saturday. Mr. METZLER is 83 years of age. (15 Dec 1892)
-Mrs. John HUM is cheered by the presence of her sister, Mrs. Thomas OLIVER of Terrehaute, Ind, who arrived with her son last week. Mrs. OLIVER will be welcomed by many old friends here, besides her relatives. (22 Jul 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married, Tuesday evening April 29 at the parsonage, Miss Pola PRIER, daughter of Joseph PRIER of Klacking, to John D. BURGESS of the firm of Bagley, Wallace Co. The Times extends heartiest congratulations. - Og. Co. Herald. (8 May 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married, Tuesday evening April 29 at the parsonage, Miss Pola PRIER, daughter of Joseph PRIER of Klacking, to John D. BURGESS of the firm of Bagley, Wallace Co. The Times extends heartiest congratulations. - Og. Co. Herald. (8 May 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married, Tuesday evening April 29 at the parsonage, Miss Pola PRIER, daughter of Joseph PRIER of Klacking, to John D. BURGESS of the firm of Bagley, Wallace Co. The Times extends heartiest congratulations. - Og. Co. Herald. (8 May 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. R. C. HOWARD, whose home is in Montana, is a gurest at the home of her son, Burton E. THAYER. - West Branch Herald. (19 Dec 1901)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Mary R. THAYER, of Grayling, was in town the first of the week visiting her son, Burton E. THAYER, compositor in this office. - West Br. Times. (15 May 1890)-Mrs. R. C. HOWARD, whose home is in Montana, is a gurest at the home of her son, Burton E. THAYER. - West Branch Herald. (19 Dec 1901)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Frank BELL, a former Grayling boy, and one of the brightest, was a candidate for Circuit Court Commissioner, in Marquette county. He received the largest plurality (1,083) of any candidate, on the ticket. (24 Nov 1892)-MARRIED.
At the home of the bride's parents in this village, Nora Laverne MASTERS to Frank Allison BELL, of Negaunee, Mich., Rev. A. J. RICHARDS, of Bay City, officiating.
What event in human life is of greater interest than a wedding? Business is suspended to hear the news; youth listens with eager interest and age lights up with youthful smile again.
This wedding was of unusual interest to Grayling it being the approved union of one of the most charming and accomplished young ladies of the village, with a gentleman worthy of her choice, both of whom had grown from childhood to maturity in our midst.
The commodious residence was thronged with happy guests when at 8 o'clock Miss Emma HANSON struck the soft chords of a wedding march and the happy pair, supported by Miss Francis STALEY and Mr. Er. BELL, were conducted beneath the arch in the front parlor, where the impressive ceremony was performed that made them husband and wife. Congratulations and a bounteous banquet filled the time till "noon of night."
The number an delegance of the wedding gifts give proof of high regard. We would be glad to give the list to our readers, but space forbids.
They take the evening train, to day, for their new home, carrying with them the best wishes of friends innumberable. (12 Jan 1893)-BORN-Sunday, Oct. 13th., to Mr. and Mrs. Frank BELL, of Negaunee, a daughter. (17 Oct 1895)
-Frank BELL stopped on his way home from Detroit and Lansing, where he has been in the interest of certain mining legislation, long enough to shake hands with a few of his old friends here. His appearance indicates the prosperity which we are glad is his and that he has reached a high place with the bar of the Upper Penninsula. (21 Mar 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Nora MASTERS reached home last week, from Hillsdale college, in time for the commencement exercises here. She brought with her a number of beautiful pictures, which she has completed the past term. Her artistic ability is evident. (3 Jul 1890)-Mrs. W. A. MASTERS went to hillsdale last Tuesday, where her daughter, Miss Nora, is attending school, and who will accompany her to Ohio on a visit to her parents and other relatives. (4 Jun 1891)
At the home of the bride's parents in this village, Nora Laverne MASTERS to Frank Allison BELL, of Negaunee, Mich., Rev. A. J. RICHARDS, of Bay City, officiating.
What event in human life is of greater interest than a wedding? Business is suspended to hear the news; youth listens with eager interest and age lights up with youthful smile again.
This wedding was of unusual interest to Grayling it being the approved union of one of the most charming and accomplished young ladies of the village, with a gentleman worthy of her choice, both of whom had grown from childhood to maturity in our midst.
The commodious residence was thronged with happy guests when at 8 o'clock Miss Emma HANSON struck the soft chords of a wedding march and the happy pair, supported by Miss Francis STALEY and Mr. Er. BELL, were conducted beneath the arch in the front parlor, where the impressive ceremony was performed that made them husband and wife. Congratulations and a bounteous banquet filled the time till "noon of night."
The number an delegance of the wedding gifts give proof of high regard. We would be glad to give the list to our readers, but space forbids.
They take the evening train, to day, for their new home, carrying with them the best wishes of friends innumberable. (12 Jan 1893)-Mrs. Nora Masters BELL, arrived from her home in Negaunee, Tuesday morning, accompanied by Master Paul. Now the fun begins, between the three grandmothers and the grandfathers, to know who has the greater claim on the "kid". (7 Jun 1894)
-Letters received from Mrs. Nora BELL, NEE MASTERS, from Denver, indicate that she bore the journey with even less fatigue than was expected, and the climate there seemed pleasant to her. Her friends here are only anxious to know that it shall prove a cure. (16 Sep 1897)
-A telegram from Denver, Colorado, yesterday, brought the sad news of the death of Nora BELL, NEE MASTERS. Though feared for some time, and looked for, yet it comes with such suddenness as to send a shock through our entire community, who knew and loved her. The body will probably arrive here to-morrow afternoon. We go to press before arrangements for final obsequies are decided. (23 Dec 1897)
Nora MASTERS-BELL was born Feb. 1st, 1871, at West Unity, Ohio. At the age of 8 years she came to Grayling with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MASTERS, where she grew to womanhood. A delicate child, she was watched over and guarded with the most tender solicitude, and it was hoped that her constitution had so strengthened that she might live a long, happy and useful life.
The prevailing sentiment of her life was the love of the true and beautiful, the latter leading her towards artistic work, which was given much study in connection with her education, and after her graduation here she entered the art department of Hillsdale College, where her love for painting was more fully developed, and the work of her pencil shows the touch of the true artist, whose work is guided by love.
A devoted christian all her life, while in college she became acquainted with the work of the Y. P. S. C. E. and on her return organized the society here which has proved so successful to our society, and whose members, as a token of their loving remembrance placed a beautiful floral emblem on her casket.
January 5th, 1893, she was united in marriage with Frank A. BELL, City Attorney of Negaunee, in which place their happy home has been. Over two years ago a catarrhal trouble developed, followed by Bronchitis and that in turn by ulcerative Phithisis. Despite all that tender love could devise, or all that science could accomplish, with now and then a seeming improvement that gave rise to hopes, only to be broken, she faded steadily away. As a final hope she was taken to Denver, Colorado, last September, where it was thought the air of that altitude might be of benefit, but that hope, like others, was crushed, and on Dec. 22d she passed from death unto life, in that city.
Her body arrived here Christmas morning, and the hundreds of mourners who met the train, were a testimony of the love so freely given her, and so deserved. Agreeable to her wish, the final obsequies were conducted from the home of her childhood, Rev. R. L. COPE officiating, and with a wealth of floral offerings surrounding her, the mortal part of her so universally loved was laid to rest in our cemetery.
She leaves her parents and brother, her husband and her four year old boy to mourn her going, but to rejoice in her memory.
"Not dead but entered into life!
The warfare past, the victory won;
Oh, friends, who loved her, try to say:
'Dear Father may thy will be done',
She lives, she lives for evermore." (30 Dec 1897)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Nora Masters BELL, arrived from her home in Negaunee, Tuesday morning, accompanied by Master Paul. Now the fun begins, between the three grandmothers and the grandfathers, to know who has the greater claim on the "kid". (7 Jun 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Conductor J. H. WILLS, a brother of Conductor Geo. WILLS, of this place, died Tuesday from the effect of injury received at West Branch, Monday. (10 Jul 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Conductor J. H. WILLS, a brother of Conductor Geo. WILLS, of this place, died Tuesday from the effect of injury received at West Branch, Monday. (10 Jul 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Conductor J. H. WILLS, a brother of Conductor Geo. WILLS, of this place, died Tuesday from the effect of injury received at West Branch, Monday. (10 Jul 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. J. BURTON is enjoying a visit from her father, Mr. STRALEY, of Branch County. (29 Aug 1895)-Mrs. J. C. BURTON gave a Pedro party, Tuesday evening, in honor of her brother, Mr. STRAHLEY, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The refreshments were bountiful. (4 Feb 1897)
-Monday was the 39th. anniversary of the birthday of J. C. BURTON, and in the evening about fifty of his friends called to assist him in commemorating the occasion. The evening was pleasantly passed with games and conversation, and was wound up with a lunch that was so appetizing that many of the guests would have been pleased to have kept on commemorating for the balance of the week, and they with the AVALANCHE join in the wish that he may live to enjoy many such happy anniversaries. (17 Mar 1898)
-Geo. ADAMS, of Coldwater, is the guest of his brother-in-law, J. C. BURTON. Look out for fish stories. (8 Aug 1901)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. J. BURTON is enjoying a visit from her father, Mr. STRALEY, of Branch County. (29 Aug 1895)-Mrs. J. C. BURTON gave a Pedro party, Tuesday evening, in honor of her brother, Mr. STRAHLEY, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The refreshments were bountiful. (4 Feb 1897)
-Last Friday was the 39th anniversary of the birth of Mrs. J. C. BURTON, and the members of the W.R.C. called to congratulate her on the occasion, to wish her many happy returns of the same, and to make her a present as a token of their regard, which was done by Mrs. C. W. WIGHT. After which, unexpected as the party was, a fine lunch was prepared, to which all did full justice. - If the guests did not regret that they had not brought an extra appetite with them, they regretted that each of them had but one anniversary of that kind to celebrate each year. (26 Jun 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. J. BURTON is enjoying a visit from her father, Mr. STRALEY, of Branch County. (29 Aug 1895)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
-MARRIED-At the residence of Wm. WOODBURN, Esq., the officiating Justice, Wednesday, July 16, 1890, Virgil C. OLDS, and Eva G. MACK, both of Vanderbilt. (17 Jul 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication.
-MARRIED-At the residence of Wm. WOODBURN, Esq., the officiating Justice, Wednesday, July 16, 1890, Virgil C. OLDS, and Eva G. MACK, both of Vanderbilt. (17 Jul 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-We notice in the Imlay City Optic that a marriage license was issued last week to George EVERTS, of Montmorency, and Mrs. M. J. JERVIS, of Attica. They were married in Lapeer. Mr. EVERTS is one of the leading farmers in the northern part of this county. We extend congratulations to the happy couple, hoping they will enjoy many years of connubial bliss. - Atlanta Tribune. (24 Jul 1890)-MARRIED-EVART-JARVIS. At the residence of G. EVARTS Sr., on Saturday, August 8th, by Rev. R. HOUSTON. George W. EVARTS to Rosa A. JARVIS, both of Montmorency twp. - Atlanta Tribune. (20 Aug 1891)
-Mrs. JARVIS and family, move back to their old home at Linwood, Mich., this week. They will be greatly missed in our community. (6 Jun 1907)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-We notice in the Imlay City Optic that a marriage license was issued last week to George EVERTS, of Montmorency, and Mrs. M. J. JERVIS, of Attica. They were married in Lapeer. Mr. EVERTS is one of the leading farmers in the northern part of this county. We extend congratulations to the happy couple, hoping they will enjoy many years of connubial bliss. - Atlanta Tribune. (24 Jul 1890)-MARRIED-EVART-JARVIS. At the residence of G. EVARTS Sr., on Saturday, August 8th, by Rev. R. HOUSTON. George W. EVARTS to Rosa A. JARVIS, both of Montmorency twp. - Atlanta Tribune. (20 Aug 1891)
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