The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Hiram STARKWEATHER, aged 49 years, a soldier of the late war, in the 12th New York Artillery, was buried last Sunday, by Marvin Post, G. A. R., of which he was a member. His death was caused by disease contracted in the service, for which he was drawing a meager pension. (13 Nov 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. STARKWEATHER is reported very sick and destitute. She is being cared for by the W. R. C., and members of the G. A. R. (4 Aug 1892)-DIED.-In this village, Friday, December 9th, Elizabeth STARKWEATHER, widow of Hiram STARKWEATHER, aged 54 years. The deceased has been in indigent circumstances and an invalid for a long time, and for the last year has been cared for almost entirely by the G. A. R. and W. R. C. (15 Dec 1892)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED.-At the residence of the bride's parents, Nov. 15th., Miss Sarah COWELL and Thomas REGAN, Justice WOODBURN officiating. (20 Nov 1890)-BORN-Tuesday, June 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas REAGAN, a son. (25 Jun 1891)
-BORN-To Mr. and Mrs. Thos. REAGAN, on June 7th., a daughter. (14 Jun 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED.-At the residence of the bride's parents, Nov. 15th., Miss Sarah COWELL and Thomas REGAN, Justice WOODBURN officiating. (20 Nov 1890)-Mrs. Sarah REAGAN is here from her home in Grand Marais. She brought the little girl down to visit Grandma TURNER. (12 Oct 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The Roscommon News is owned and controlled by R. W. WARD, his brother, J. R. retiring from the firm. The last number was well printed and presented a nearter appearance than formerly. (21 Jun 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. J. R. WARD, of Roscommon, has been taken to the Asylum at Traverse City, where it is hoped efficient treatment will restore her mental faculties to a healthy condition. (20 Nov 1890)-The Roscommon News is owned and controlled by R. W. WARD, his brother, J. R. retiring from the firm. The last number was well printed and presented a nearter appearance than formerly. (21 Jun 1894)
-J. R. WARD, formerly of the News, of Roscommon, is publishing a paper at Greensburg, Ky. (30 May 1895)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling Township, Crawford, MI:name - Julius NELSON
b.Aug 1863 in Denmark
occupation - Day Laborer at Saw Mill
married to Maria 10 years
m.b.DenmarkThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED-At the residence of Chris HEMINGSEN, Saturday evening, Dec. 13, Julius NELSON and Miss Anna Maria RASMUSSON, Justice WOODBURN officiating. (18 Dec 1890)-Julius NELSON, was arrested last Friday for assault and battery on the person of Wm. COLE, was fined $5.00 by Justice WOODBURN, which he paid. (25 Feb 1892)
-The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Julius NELSON died, yesterday, from Pneumonia. (22 Feb 1894)
-BORN-On the 12th., inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Julius NELSON, a son, weight eleven pounds. (16 Aug 1894)
-BORN-To Mr. and Mrs. Julius NELSON, Tuesday morning, the 4th. a daughter. (6 Nov. 1902)
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Julius NELSON, July 28, a daughter. (2 Aug 1906)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling Township, Crawford, MI:name - Maria NELSON
b.Aug 1844 in Denmark
married to Julius NELSON 10 years
mother of 8 children of which 2 still survived
m.b.DenmarkThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED-At the residence of Chris HEMINGSEN, Saturday evening, Dec. 13, Julius NELSON and Miss Anna Maria RASMUSSON, Justice WOODBURN officiating. (18 Dec 1890)-Last Monday was the 37th anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Juluis NELSON, and the occasion was duly celebrated by her and her many friends, who showered her with congratulations and gifts for two days. (29 Aug 1901)
-DIED-At his home in this village Sunday, Aug. 10th, Rasmus H. RASMUSSON, aged 44 years. - Deceased was a native of Denmark, and came to this country about 21 years ago, residing in Iowa for one year, and coming from there to this place, where he was married to Miss Hedwig FISHER, who died about 4 years ago. He leaves one daughter and four sons, with his sister, Mrs. Julius NELSON, to mourn his going home. He was an exemplary citizen, and recognized as an honest, upright man, who from frugality and labor had built a comfortable home, and was attaining a competence. His sudden death was a shock to the community, and his bereaved family will receive their full sympathy. He fell from a wagon loaded with lumber, on the 8th inst., striking on the back of his head and shoulders, receiving such injury that he was paralyzed, and though he partially recovered the use of his limbs and all was done for him that science could suggest, the shock could not be overcome. The funeral on Tuesday, conducted by Rev. H. GOLDIE, was largely attended, attesting the respect of our people. (14 Aug 1902)
-Last Tuesday was the 38th birthday of Mrs. Julius NELSON. Many friends, numerous presents, and a splendid luch made the anniversary a most enjoyable one. (28 Aug 1902)
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling Township, Crawford, MI:name - Anna S. NELSON
b.Dec 1890 in MI
The following information extracted from the 1900 Census of Grayling Township, Crawford, MI:name - Anton J. NELSON
b.Aug 1896 in MI
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED-At his home in this village Sunday, Aug. 10th, Rasmus H. RASMUSSON, aged 44 years. - Deceased was a native of Denmark, and came to this country about 21 years ago, residing in Iowa for one year, and coming from there to this place, where he was married to Miss Hedwig FISHER, who died about 4 years ago. He leaves one daughter and four sons, with his sister, Mrs. Julius NELSON, to mourn his going home. He was an exemplary citizen, and recognized as an honest, upright man, who from frugality and labor had built a comfortable home, and was attaining a competence. His sudden death was a shock to the community, and his bereaved family will receive their full sympathy. He fell from a wagon loaded with lumber, on the 8th inst., striking on the back of his head and shoulders, receiving such injury that he was paralyzed, and though he partially recovered the use of his limbs and all was done for him that science could suggest, the shock could not be overcome. The funeral on Tuesday, conducted by Rev. H. GOLDIE, was largely attended, attesting the respect of our people. (14 Aug 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-At a regular encampment of Marvin Post, No. 240, Grand Army of the Republic, held last Saturday evening, the 13th inst., the following officers were elected:
Commander, - W. S. CHALKER
Sen. Vice Com. - A. C. WILCOX
Jun. Vice Com. - R. McELROY
Quartermaster. - E. AUGUR
Chaplain. - W. WOODBURN
Surgeon. - O. PALMER
Officer of the Day. - O. J. BELL
Del. to Dept. Encamp't - L. St. JOHN
Alternate. - D. S. WALDRON (18 Dec 1890)-Mr. W. S. CHALKER has an uncle visiting him, who is quite sick. He is from St. Ignace. (9 Jul 1891)
Eliza, Only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. CHALKER, passed through the "Dark Valley", Tuesday evening. She attended school during the day, and was apparently in her usual bouyant health and spirits when she reached home, where she assisted in getting tea, and took her place with the family at the table, where she was attacked with musculer convulsions. She was placed in bed and medical help summoned, but of no avail. A comatose condition soon intervened from which, about ten o'clock she passed to life eternal.
"Leaves have their time to fall,
And flowers to wither at the North wind's breath,
And stars to set - but all,
Thou hast all season's for thine own, Oh Death.Youth and the opening rose
May look like things too glorious for decay.
And smile at thee - but thou-art-not of those
That wait the ripening bloom to seize their prey".Funeral services, to-morrow, at 2 o'clock, at the M. E. church. (5 May 1892)
-Eddie, W. S. CHALKER's youngest son, fainted and fell against a pane of glass last Thursday morning, and cut an artery in the side of his head, which bled profusely. Dr. C. W. SMITH was called in and checked the bleeding. (17 Nov 1892)
-The mother of W. S. CHALKER arrived from the Southern part of the State last week, and will reside with him this winter. She is entirely blind. (24 Nov 1892)
-W. S. CHALKER returned from Lapeer last Saturday morning, where he conveyed the body of E. J. HORTON for interment. (19 Apr 1894)
-Mr. and Mrs. W. S. CHALKER went to Clare, last Monday morning, on account of the serious illness of his mother, who had been stricken with paralysis. (4 May 1894)
-W. S. CHALKER and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McKNIGHT were called to Fife Lake, last Friday on account of the death of Mr. MURPHY, father of Mrs. CHALKER and Mrs. McKNIGHT. (12 Jul 1894)
The present incumbent, William S. CHALKER, was renominated by acclamation, which is of itself sufficient endorsement. He is now closing his first term, and by custom is entitled to a re-election, but aside from that his fidelity to duty has been such as to commend him to our people. The office has never been more economically conducted, nor the Court house and county property in his charge better cared for. He is absolutely fearless in the discharge of his duty toward offenders, and a warrant in his hands is sure to bring the accused before the court. He has been a resident of the county about 14 years, engaged in lumbering, and the regard of the many men who have been in his employ testify more strongly than words that he is a friend of labor, and who is ever found shoulder to shoulder with the laboring man. He served the full three years term of his enlistment in Co. I, 1st U. S. Artillery, joined Marvin Post G. A. R. in 1887, and has three times been elected commander, in which capacity he is now serving. As a soldier, a citizen, and as an officer "he is all right" and should be elected as he was nominated, by an unanimous vote. (15 Oct 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. W. S. CHALKER is enjoying the pleasure of a visit from her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. E. McKNIGHT, of Alpena. (12 Mar 1891)-Mrs. KNIGHT, of Alpena, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. S. CHALKER. ( 3 Dec 1891)
-Mrs. W. S. CHALKER and Mrs. McKNIGHT, with their father and brother, who came from Fife Lake, on Tuesday accompanied the remains of their sister to that place for interment. They left on the early train yesterday morning. (23 Feb 1893)
-DIED.-At the residence of her sister, Mrs. W. S. CHALKER, Sunday, February 19th, Miss Sarah MURPHY, aged 16 yrs.
Our community was shocked on Monday morning to learn of the death of Miss MURPHY. She had appeared in usual health during the day, was taken sick in the evening and in three hours had passed away. A general favorite with her associates, bright and vivacious, a picture of health, so suddenly stricken down gives unusual sorrow to her family and friends who have the sympathy of all. The funeral services at the M. E. church, Tuesday evening, were largely attended, and the body was taken to her former home, at Fife Lake, by the night train. (23 Feb 1893)-ITEMS OF INTEREST
Mrs. W. S. CHALKER receives a visit from her brother, from Kalkaskaska county. (14 Jun 1894)-W. S. CHALKER and family desire to publicly thank their neighbors for their kind attention and help, following the sad accident, resulting in the death of her brother, and especially to John EDMONDS and his hired man, who remained with them during the following night, and rendered every assistance possible. (11 Dec 1902)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Eliza, Only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. CHALKER, passed through the "Dark Valley", Tuesday evening. She attended school during the day, and was apparently in her usual bouyant health and spirits when she reached home, where she assisted in getting tea, and took her place with the family at the table, where she was attacked with musculer convulsions. She was placed in bed and medical help summoned, but of no avail. A comatose condition soon intervened from which, about ten o'clock she passed to life eternal.
"Leaves have their time to fall,
And flowers to wither at the North wind's breath,
And stars to set - but all,
Thou hast all season's for thine own, Oh Death.Youth and the opening rose
May look like things too glorious for decay.
And smile at thee - but thou-art-not of those
That wait the ripening bloom to seize their prey".Funeral services, to-morrow, at 2 o'clock, at the M. E. church. (5 May 1892)
WHO DIED MAY 3D., 1892.
The first one from our class is gone,
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our class
Which EVER can be filled.We loved her, yes, we loved her well
And how we loved her none can tell,
God loved her too and thought it best
To take her home with Him, to rest. (19 May 1892)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Eddie, W. S. CHALKER's youngest son, fainted and fell against a pane of glass last Thursday morning, and cut an artery in the side of his head, which bled profusely. Dr. C. W. SMITH was called in and checked the bleeding. (17 Nov 1892)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED-At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. LOUCH, at Clare, Mich., May 3d, Mrs. Abigail CHALKER, aged 76 years.
Mrs. CHALKER was the mother of W. S. CHALKER, of this place, with whom she had formerly lived. The immediate cause of death was paralysis. Mr. CHALKER and wife reached there the previous Sunday, and with three of his sisters were privileged to minister to her needs in the closing hours of her life. (10 May 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-DIED-At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. LOUCH, at Clare, Mich., May 3d, Mrs. Abigail CHALKER, aged 76 years.
Mrs. CHALKER was the mother of W. S. CHALKER, of this place, with whom she had formerly lived. The immediate cause of death was paralysis. Mr. CHALKER and wife reached there the previous Sunday, and with three of his sisters were privileged to minister to her needs in the closing hours of her life. (10 May 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. H. L. TAYLOR of Ann Arbor, arrived Tuesday, for a visit with her brother, R. McELROY. They had not met for ten years, and are correspondingly happy. (12 Oct 1905)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-At a regular encampment of Marvin Post, No. 240, Grand Army of the Republic, held last Saturday evening, the 13th inst., the following officers were elected:
Commander, - W. S. CHALKER
Sen. Vice Com. - A. C. WILCOX
Jun. Vice Com. - R. McELROY
Quartermaster. - E. AUGUR
Chaplain. - W. WOODBURN
Surgeon. - O. PALMER
Officer of the Day. - O. J. BELL
Del. to Dept. Encamp't - L. St. JOHN
Alternate. - D. S. WALDRON (18 Dec 1890)-Republican Causus - Grayling Tp.
Caucus was called to order by the chairman of the township committee, C. T. JEROME, who stated the business for which the caucus was called.
On Motion M. A. BATES was elected chairman, and J. C. HANSON, Secretary.
On motion the chairman appointed three tellers, consisting of J. K. MERZ, A. L. POND and J. J. COLLEN.
O. PALMER, Notary Public, administered the oath of office to the officers of the caucus.
The following persons were then nominated for township officers:
Supervisor - Geo. W. COMER.
Clerk - W. G. MARSH.
Treasurer - John STALEY.
Highway Comm'r - F. R. DECKROW
J. P., full term - R. McELROY.
J. P., to fill vacancy - J. K. BATES.
Member Board of Review - J. K. MERZ.
School Inspector - Wm. WOODFIELD.
School Inspector to fill vacancy - Er BELL.
Constables - Thos. K. CHITAGO, H. POND, Levi CLEMENT, and R. WILCOX.
M. A. BATES, D. McCORMICK and J. J. COLLEN were elected members of the township committee for the ensuing year. (2 Apr 1896)-Mrs. H. L. TAYLOR of Ann Arbor, arrived Tuesday, for a visit with her brother, R. McELROY. They had not met for ten years, and are correspondingly happy. (12 Oct 1905)
-Comrad R. McELROY has a photo of an old comrad who slept under the same blanket with him for a while in the "Hell of Andersonville" in '64. It is the picture of Charles BAKER of the 16th Ill. Cav., now, if living, a resident of California. It shows a living skeleton only, at the time of the exchange. (2 May 1907)
-R. McELROY and wife have been enjoying a few days visit from his nephew, D. TAYLOR of Detroit. (25 Mar 1909)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Fannie LOUND is the guest of her sister, Mrs. MARVIN, and enjoying a visit with old time friends. (25 Dec 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Fannie LOUND is the guest of her sister, Mrs. MARVIN, and enjoying a visit with old time friends. (25 Dec 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Fannie LOUND is the guest of her sister, Mrs. MARVIN, and enjoying a visit with old time friends. (25 Dec 1890)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-The sympathy of the community is given Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CUTLER, on account of the death of their little boy last Saturday, from diptheria. (25 Dec 1890)-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CUTLER removed the body of their little boy, who died last winter, to their old home in Tuscola County, last week. (14 May 1891)
-A six year old son of W. CUTLER, had a close call, Sunday, from a falling tree which smashed the front of the carriage in which he was sitting. (21 May 1896)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-John LONDON came down from S. H. & Co's. camp at Vanderbilt, and spent Sunday visiting with his mother, who is a guest of his sister Mrs. Wm. CUTLER. He reports fine snow there, just enough for pleasant work. (8 Jan 1891)
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