The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. E. W. VANDYNE had the pleasure of entertaining her brother, from Oakland county, who spent Christmas with her. (1 Jan 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. E. W. VANDYNE had the pleasure of entertaining her brother, from Oakland county, who spent Christmas with her. (1 Jan 1891)-Misses Tillie and Lydia CORK, of Wayne county, are visiting their sister, Mrs. VanDYNE. (16 Jul 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-F. H. OSBORN, of Frederic, was appointed Post Master last Monday, in place of Wm. PUTNAM, who had resigned, preparatory to going west. (1 Jan 1891)-F. H. OSBORNE, postmaster at Frederic, Crawford County, Mich., has resigned and recommended C. F. KELLY for the place. (25 Feb 1892)
Mr. LEE, of Lapeer, is visiting his sister, Mrs. F. H. OSBERNE. (8 Oct 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Mr. LEE, of Lapeer, is visiting his sister, Mrs. F. H. OSBERNE. (8 Oct 1894)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED.-At the residence of S. PETERSON, in this village, Saturday evening, Jan. 10th., Julius RASMUSSON and Mary SIMPSON, Justice WOODBURN officiating. (15 Jan 1891)-BORN.-Monday, August 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Julius RASMUSSON, a daughter. (9 Aug 1894)
-An infant child of Julius RASMUSSON, who is employed at the planing mill, died Monday and was buried on Tuesday. (21 Oct 1897)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-MARRIED.-At the residence of S. PETERSON, in this village, Saturday evening, Jan. 10th., Julius RASMUSSON and Mary SIMPSON, Justice WOODBURN officiating. (15 Jan 1891)-DIED-At her home in this village, February 3d, Mary, wife of Julius RASMUSSON, aged 30 years. Funeral services were held at the Lutheran church, on Sunday afternoon, Rev. BECKER officiating. (10 Feb 1898)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Winnie BUISNETT, of East Jordon, is the guest of her sister, Miss Effie BUISNETT. (29 Jan 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Winnie BUISNETT, of East Jordon, is the guest of her sister, Miss Effie BUISNETT. (29 Jan 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Miss Winnie BUISNETT, of East Jordon, is the guest of her sister, Miss Effie BUISNETT. (29 Jan 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married.-At Roscommon, Jan. 18, by Rev. G. W. STILWELL, Charles C. BLACKMAN, of Grayling, and Miss Edith GIFFORD, of Roscommon. - Otsego County Times. (29 Jan 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Married.-At Roscommon, Jan. 18, by Rev. G. W. STILWELL, Charles C. BLACKMAN, of Grayling, and Miss Edith GIFFORD, of Roscommon. - Otsego County Times. (29 Jan 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. they have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)
The following information extracted from the 1880 Census of Locke, Ingham, MI:
name - Anne SEWELL
married to Joseph SEWELL
m.b.VTThe following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-Mrs. Eliza SEWELL, of Locke township, Ingham county, and the mother of Mrs. J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, is visiting her daughter for a few weeks, and who is looking for her husband to join her soon, and it is said he contemplates making a land purchase in our county ere he returns. (23 Jun 1881)-SOUTH GROVE ITEMS.
A reception was given by Mr. Joseph SEWEL in honor of the return of J. G. SEWELL one of his sons from the West. There were thirty children and grand-children present and 21 were absent. There was but one democrat among them. They all enjoyed themselves in a heartfelt manner and we hope they may all meet again. J. G. says he has seen all of the west that he wants to see and has returned to the land of corn and wine, Michigan. He intends to build on his farm in Kalkaska county. (6 Sep 1888)-GOLDEN WEDDING.
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-DIED.-At her home in Cheney, Feb. 3d 1892, Eliza SEWELL, aged 73 years.
Deceased was the wife of Joseph SEWELL one of the early settlers of this county, who survives her. She was the mother of sixteen children of whom eleven are living.
The funeral was conducted at their residence, by Rev. S. G. TAYLOR of Grayling and Rev. WILLETTS of Cheney, and the body laid to rest in the Center Plains cemetery, on Sunday, last. (11 Feb 1892)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. they have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. they have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. they have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-Mrs. F. PECK, of West Branch, attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. JOHNSON, at Pere Cheney, last week. Mr. PECK was badly crippled in a lumber camp, while skidding timber and was unable to be present. (15 Feb 1894)
-F. O. PECK has been assisting his Brother-in-law, Mr. A. SCRIVER in getting settled and starting his spring work on the farm just purchased in Maple Forest. (30 Apr 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-Mrs. F. PECK, of West Branch, attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. JOHNSON, at Pere Cheney, last week. Mr. PECK was badly crippled in a lumber camp, while skidding timber and was unable to be present. (15 Feb 1894)
-Mrs. A. SCRIVER, a triplet sister of Mrs. F. O. PECK, arrived here from her home in B. C., for a visit with family and friends in this part of the state. She has been in the North West for a number of years, but is glad for even a visit in old Michigan. (23 Jan 1908)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
-F. O. PECK and his daughter, Gladys, have been visiting in Isabella County for the past week. (11 Oct 1906)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. they have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)-Mr. and Mrs. J. K. BATES were called to Tuscola county, last week, by the death of their brother-in-law, J. ANGER, who will be remembered by many of our older citizens. (12 Feb 1891)
The following information extracted from the Grayling, Crawford Co., MI Newspaper Avalanche. NOTE: The date at the end of each extract indicates the date of the publication:
Last Monday, occurred the 50th anniversary of the wedding of Joseph and Eliza SEWELL, of Pere Cheney, and in honor of the event forty seven relatives, nearly all children and grandchildren, were assembled at the home of J. K. BATES Esq., in this villiage, and enjoyed such a reunion as is seldom vouchsafed to families. Three children and fifteen grand-children were not present.
Joseph SEWELL was born in Essex Co., England, in 1816, and is therefore 75 years of age; but is as hearty as many men at 50. He came to this country in 1832, and in 1841 was married to Mrs. Eliza SEELY nee DOUD, in Illinois. Mrs. SEWELL was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1818. They have lived in Michigan, since 1851., and twelve children have been born to them, all but one of whom are now living.
Ira, James, Seymour and Lorenzo, born in '42, '43, '48, and '50, respectively, are all married, and have ten children. Lydia, the eldest daughter was born in 1845, and was married to Mr. LOVE of Ohio. They have one child, Electa, born in 1852, & the wife of Jas, K. BATES, of this village, and the mother of two children. Harriet, wife of George A. MARSH, of South Branch, was born in '58, and is the mother of one child, Emily, wife of J. M. FRANCIS, of Grove, born in '56, has three children, and on the 18th of November, 1860, the record was broken by the birth of Louisa, Sarah and Lida, all of whom are living and married, to Dennis JOHNSON, of South Branch; Francis O. PECK, of West Branch, and J. ANGER, of Sanilac county.
A hardy race of honorable citizens, whose many friends hope they may all survive to celebrate the diamond wedding of these patriarchs. (29 Jan 1891)
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