Alexander EMERY.Alexander married Sadie SHAFER on 6 Oct 1891.
Sadie SHAFER [Parents].Sadie married Alexander EMERY on 6 Oct 1891.
He had the following children:
F i Sadie SHAFER. M ii Frank SHAFER.[Notes]
Walter BUCK was born on 27 Apr 1807 in Erie, NY. He died on 11 Feb 1892 in Maple Forest, MI.
He had the following children:
M i Holloway S. BUCK was born about 1839. He died on 15 Aug 1909.
Perry YOUNGS.Perry married Mrs. Perry YOUNGBS.
Mrs. Perry YOUNGBS.Mrs. married Perry YOUNGS.
Harry BRITTON.Harry married Annie AYERST on 17 Oct 1891 in Grayling, Crawford, MI.
Annie AYERST.Annie married Harry BRITTON on 17 Oct 1891 in Grayling, Crawford, MI.
He had the following children:
M i F. W. HARRINGTON.[Notes] M ii J. W. HARRINGTON.[Notes]
Thomas PROUIX.Thomas married Mrs. Thos. PROULX.
Mrs. Thos. PROULX.Mrs. married Thomas PROUIX.
May AMIDON.May married Mary ABERNATHY on 16 Nov 1891 in West Branch, MI.
Mary ABERNATHY.Mary married May AMIDON on 16 Nov 1891 in West Branch, MI.
Frank GATES.Frank married Mrs. Frank GATES.
Mrs. Frank GATES [Parents].Mrs. married Frank GATES.
She had the following children:
F i Mrs. Frank GATES.
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