Anthony LARSON was born about 1863. He died in Jan 1901 in Gaylord, MI. He married Fannie WEBB.
Fannie WEBB [Parents].Fannie married Anthony LARSON.
DAVIS. married Mrs. Lou DAVIS.
Mrs. Lou DAVIS [Parents].Mrs. married DAVIS.
He had the following children:
F i Mrs. Lou DAVIS. F ii Mrs. D. V. CLARK.
CLARK. married Mrs. D. V. CLARK.
Mrs. D. V. CLARK [Parents].Mrs. married CLARK.
Chas. MCKAY.Chas. married Lena SEWELL.
Lena SEWELL.Lena married Chas. MCKAY.
GOLD. married Hattie BLANSHAN.
Hattie BLANSHAN [Parents].Hattie married GOLD.
Ed SHERMAN.Ed married Mrs. Ed SHERMAN.
Mrs. Ed SHERMAN.Mrs. married Ed SHERMAN.
He had the following children:
F i Nina SQUIRES.[Notes]
CLIFFORD. married Mrs. Celia R. CLIFFORD.
Mrs. Celia R. CLIFFORD was born about 1821. She died in Jan 1901. She married CLIFFORD.
Daniald MCCOLLUM.Daniald married Ellen J. Hamilton.
Ellen J. Hamilton.Ellen married Daniald MCCOLLUM.
They had the following children:
F i Ellen J. MCCOLLUM.[Notes] U ii Bertie D. MCCOLLUM.[Notes]
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