Earnest RICHARD.Earnest married Anna JENDRON in Apr 1907.
Anna JENDRON.Anna married Earnest RICHARD in Apr 1907.
W. T. LEWIS.W. married Mrs. W. T. LEWIS.
Mrs. W. T. LEWIS.Mrs. married W. T. LEWIS.
They had the following children:
F i Laura L. LEWIS. F ii Rose LEWIS.[Notes] M iii Emmet LEWIS.[Notes]
He had the following children:
M i Dr. C. H. O'NEIL. F ii Kitty O'NEIL.
He had the following children:
F i Maud MARTIN.[Notes]
He had the following children:
M i Wm. RENCH.[Notes] M ii Alec RENCH.[Notes]
Joseph H. COLLIN.Joseph married Arvilla SEYMOOR on 10 Apr 1907 in Grayling, Crawford, MI.
Arvilla SEYMOOR.Arvilla married Joseph H. COLLIN on 10 Apr 1907 in Grayling, Crawford, MI.
J. COGGEN.J. married Mrs. J. COGGEN O'KEIF.
Mrs. J. COGGEN O'KEIF [Parents].Mrs. married J. COGGEN.
He had the following children:
F i Mrs. J. COGGEN O'KEIF. M ii S. O'KEIF.[Notes]
Geo. MILLER.Geo. married Mrs. George MILLER.
Mrs. George MILLER.Mrs. married Geo. MILLER.
L. J. FRENCH.L. married Mrs. L. J. FRENCH.
Mrs. L. J. FRENCH [Parents].Mrs. married L. J. FRENCH.
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