Leo PURPLE.Leo married Lizzie PERRY on 1 Jan 1908.
Lizzie PERRY.Lizzie married Leo PURPLE on 1 Jan 1908.
He had the following children:
M i Charles SILSBY.[Notes] M ii SILSBY.
SILSBY [Parents].
He had the following children:
M i Fred SILSBY.[Notes] M ii Hugh SILSBY.[Notes]
POQUETT. married Mrs. POQUETT.
Mrs. POQUETT [Parents].Mrs. married POQUETT.
He had the following children:
F i Mrs. POQUETT. M ii George BELMORE.[Notes]
Alfred BAKER died about Jan 1908. He was buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Grayling, Crawford, MI. He married Mrs. Alfred BAKER.
Mrs. Alfred BAKER.Mrs. married Alfred BAKER.
G. CROTEAU.G. married Mrs. G. CROTEAU.
Mrs. G. CROTEAU [Parents].Mrs. married G. CROTEAU.
He had the following children:
F i Mrs. G. CROTEAU.
Mrs. Iva W. CASE was born about 1832. She died on 6 Jan 1908.
She had the following children:
Anthony R. ENGLER.Anthony married Margreth FISCHER on 11 Jan 1908.
Margreth FISCHER.Margreth married Anthony R. ENGLER on 11 Jan 1908.
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