Earl MARSHALL.Earl married Martha KNIBBS on 16 Jan 1909 in Frederic, Crawford, MI.
Martha KNIBBS [Parents].Martha married Earl MARSHALL on 16 Jan 1909 in Frederic, Crawford, MI.
Martin HENNESY [Parents].
He had the following children:
M i Dell HENNESY was born about 1885. He died on 9 Jan 1909 in Jersey City, NJ. [Notes]
He had the following children:
M i Martin HENNESY. F ii Mrs. J. O. GOUDROW.
He had the following children:
F i Mrs. James H. WINGARD. F ii Mrs. C. HOESLI.
C. HOESLI.C. married Mrs. C. HOESLI.
Mrs. C. HOESLI [Parents].Mrs. married C. HOESLI.
He had the following children:
F i Emma A. MARSH was born on 5 Apr 1846. She died on 27 Jan 1909. F ii Mrs. David MITCHELL MARSH. F iii Mrs. Frank DOWNEY MARSH. F iv Mrs. Hanly AUSTIN MARSH.
David MITCHELL.David married Mrs. David MITCHELL MARSH.
Mrs. David MITCHELL MARSH [Parents].Mrs. married David MITCHELL.
Frank DOWNEY.Frank married Mrs. Frank DOWNEY MARSH.
Mrs. Frank DOWNEY MARSH [Parents].Mrs. married Frank DOWNEY.
Hanly AUSTIN.Hanly married Mrs. Hanly AUSTIN MARSH.
Mrs. Hanly AUSTIN MARSH [Parents].Mrs. married Hanly AUSTIN.
WEBSTER. married Mrs. Pearl WEBSTER.
Mrs. Pearl WEBSTER was born about 1892. She died on 7 Feb 1909 in Grayling, Crawford, MI. She was buried in Glennie, MI. She married WEBSTER.
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