BODY. married Mrs. Elizabeth BODY.
Mrs. Elizabeth BODY was born about 1830. She died on 9 Nov 1895 in Grand Marie, MI. She was buried in East Tawas, MI. She married BODY.
They had the following children:
M i Silas BODY. M ii Albert BODY.
D. A. FORD.D. married Mrs. D. A. FORD.
Mrs. D. A. FORD died in Jan 1888. She married D. A. FORD.
He had the following children:
M i Charles MORRISON was born about 1865. [Notes] M ii Thomas MORRISON.[Notes]
Henry HILL was born about 1856. He died on 20 Aug 1894. He married Mrs. Henry HILL.
Mrs. Henry HILL.Mrs. married Henry HILL.
Robert KILBURN.Robert married Eva CARTER on 23 Feb 1888.
Eva CARTER [Parents].Eva married Robert KILBURN on 23 Feb 1888.
He had the following children:
Louisa STALEY [Parents].Louisa married TRIVELPIECE.
Charles R. ADAMS.Charles married Della RAYMOND on 5 Mar 1888.
Della RAYMOND.Della married Charles R. ADAMS on 5 Mar 1888.
George L. ALEXANDER [Parents].George married Mrs. George L. ALEXANDER CULVER about 1878.
Mrs. George L. ALEXANDER CULVER [Parents].Mrs. married George L. ALEXANDER about 1878.
They had the following children:
M i Fred ALEXANDER.[Notes]
He had the following children:
M i George L. ALEXANDER. F ii M. E. ALEXANDER.[Notes]
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