Henry TRUMLEY was born about 1842. He married Elizabeth.
Elizabeth [Parents] was born about 1846. She married Henry TRUMLEY.
They had the following children:
F i Ella TRUMLEY was born about 1867. M ii Elmer H. TRUMLEY. M iii A. Lee TRUMLEY.
David CAMERON.David married Julia A..
Julia A. died on 2 Jul 1887 in Mentor township, MI. She was buried on 5 Jul 1887. She married David CAMERON.
Charles BEEGLE.Charles married Unknown about Jul 1887.
Unknown.Unknown married Charles BEEGLE about Jul 1887.
John RANDALL.John married Myra WHITE on 6 Jul 1887 in Pine River Township, Gratiot, MI.
Myra WHITE [Parents].Myra married John RANDALL on 6 Jul 1887 in Pine River Township, Gratiot, MI.
He had the following children:
F i Myra WHITE.
He had the following children:
M i Harry SCHLACHT died in 1887. [Notes]
Matthew GWATKIN died in 1895. He married Mrs. Matthew GWATKINS.
Mrs. Matthew GWATKINS was born about 1826. She died in Center Plains, Crawford, MI. She was buried on 2 May 1888 in Cheney, MI. She married Matthew GWATKIN.
They had the following children:
F i GWATKIN. M ii Joseph GWATKIN.[Notes] M iii Benjamin GWATKIN.[Notes]
Fred SHOLTS [Parents] was born on 19 Jun 1853 in Atlantic Ocean. He died on 27 Nov 1909 in Beaver Creek Township, Crawford, MI. He married Belva LOVE about 1876.
Belva LOVE [Parents].Belva married Fred SHOLTS about 1876.
They had the following children:
M i Charles SHOLTS.[Notes] F ii Alice SHOLTZ. F iii Laura SHOLTS. F iv Bessie SHOLTZ.[Notes] F v Dora SHOLTS was born about 1990. She died in Jan 1910 in Center Plains, MI. She was buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Grayling, Crawford, MI. [Notes] F vi Gladys SHOLTZ.[Notes]
B. S. GIFFORD died in Jan 1897 in Detroit, MI. He was buried in Leslie, MI. He married Mrs. B. S. GIFFORD.
Mrs. B. S. GIFFORD.Mrs. married B. S. GIFFORD.
They had the following children:
F i Mrs. M. F. MERRILL GIFFORD died about May 1899. M ii A. H. GIFFORD.[Notes]
Harvey MARSH [Parents].Harvey married Orpha HENRY on 19 Aug 1888.
Orpha HENRY [Parents].Orpha married Harvey MARSH on 19 Aug 1888.
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