Henry FUNCK was born on 31 Mar 1835 in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany. He died on 18 Jul 1908. He was buried in South Branch Cemetery, MI. He married Susan or Sarah BORCH in 1865.
Other marriages:, Unknown
Susan or Sarah BORCH [Parents].Susan married Henry FUNCK in 1865.
They had the following children:
F i Mary C. FUNCK. F ii Lillian A. FUNCK. F iii Ivy C. FUNCK. M iv Augustus FUNCK. M v Albert E. FUNCK.[Notes] M vi Frederic B. FUNCK.[Notes]
John A. WARD.John married Maggie MORAN on 25 Dec 1887.
Maggie MORAN [Parents].Maggie married John A. WARD on 25 Dec 1887.
Other marriages:FISHER, Norman
Theodore MOSHIER died on 29 Aug 1888. He married Alta CALKINS.
Alta CALKINS.Alta married Theodore MOSHIER.
Jas. E. MCKNIGHT.Jas. married Mary MURPHY on 17 Oct 1887.
Mary MURPHY [Parents].Mary married Jas. E. MCKNIGHT on 17 Oct 1887.
He had the following children:
F i Mrs. W. S. CHALKER MURPHY. F ii Sarah MURPHY was born about 1877. She died on 19 Feb 1893. She was buried in Fife Lake, MI. [Notes] F iii Mary MURPHY. M iv J. MURPHY.
He had the following children:
F i Ella Jane EDWARDS.
Jacob NEFF.Jacob married Mrs. Jacob NEFF.
Mrs. Jacob NEFF.Mrs. married Jacob NEFF.
A. C. WALLACE.A. married M. HOWELL on 2 Nov 1887 in Quincy, MI.
M. HOWELL.M. married A. C. WALLACE on 2 Nov 1887 in Quincy, MI.
John CAMERON.John married Mrs. John CAMERON.
Mrs. John CAMERON.Mrs. married John CAMERON.
They had the following children:
F i Annie CAMERON. F ii Kate "Kitty" CAMERON. F iii Maggie CAMERON. F iv Bell CAMERON. F v May CAMERON. F vi Jessie CAMERON. M vii Roderic CAMERON.[Notes]
O. DOANE.O. married Mrs. O. DOANE ANNIS.
Mrs. O. DOANE ANNIS [Parents].Mrs. married O. DOANE.
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